
May 10, 2020
i have been off this site for a while. i wish i was dead every day and i wish anyone gave a damn about how i feel.

I have been trying to get assisted suicide legalised but i face the constancy of evil throughout my existence and all who don't give a damn about how i feel or how they make me feel.

I am cutting and pasting this from my most recent blog to get these monsters to recognise just how evil they are and their evil defines why they cannot kill me and what they do to me instead of killing me. I am not promoting my blog just a message. If they cared about me they'd have killed me a decade ago.

i saw this posted by the United Nations and it's just so evil and it eats me up their brutality then there's a fucking link on the page "what are human rights"

here's my post. It is long i am afraid. comments welcome. I don't know what to do next to persuade these monsters that they are too evil for me to live. i deserve to die and die a good death

You don't have the competency to protect me and that's why I only have one protection on my side.

I want you to think about the competency to care about me. It doesn't exist.

It is about such basic truths about pain but the monsters who call themselves the human race do not have a heart to recognise these truths and decide accordingly.

Feeling suicidal is the greatest tragedy of the weak and victims – there's no competency to care when the monsters who call themselves the human race don't recognise this truth. It's tragic that this is an antipsychiatry truth. It's a truth about a basis of humanisation versus seeing mental illness and medicalisation. You don't have the competency to care when you see mental illness.

It's no life lived in safety when the competency to care doesn't exist. There's no hope of living in safety when I live amongst the monsters who call themselves the human race have any power over my life is how I feel. So many judge me and make choices about me but without a heart to make them recognise what are wholly unacceptable consequences to me. These judgements and choices have made one thing absolutely clear: I only have one protection on my side and that's dying.

It's hell their willingness to do so much evil to me then they think it's killing me by my consent that's the crime. It speaks much about the truth about human nature that I have to die for the least evil the monsters who call themselves the human race can do to me instead of killing me.

It's a tragic existence when I only have the protection of assisted suicide on my side. But a species of monsters born and bred evil wants to make my life theirs to make even worse than death. There's the problem with human nature and why I have to die for my safety from evil and pure evil. Not only is there no competency to care about me so I only have the protection of assisted suicide on my side. Their will to achieve pure evil is the purpose of denying the protection of assisted suicide.

I am not alone in the tragedies of the weak (and victims) and the greatest tragedy of the weak happily made worse by the evil of a species of monsters born and bred evil and doctors.

The monsters who call themselves the human race are always monstrous to suicidal individuals and that's what the criminalisation of assisted suicide is. It's a monstrosity of the barbaric brutality of savages.

They're used to ignoring the pain of suicidal individuals and the evil done to us – this is evil. So they make the evil unlimited in forcing us to suffer and endure against one's will by denying the protection of assisted suicide – this is pure evil. That you see care in this you demonstrate the problem with human nature so clearly.

In the same sense of evil that is the criminalisation of assisted suicide you do care about the unlimited and unfettered evils and cruelties the monsters who call themselves the human race want to do a suicidal individual. You the monsters who call themselves the human race are so evil you don't even legislate against the act of deliberately and knowingly inflicting more suicidality on a suicidal individual. That's the same sense of evil that defines the criminalisation of assisted suicide. Unlimited evil. You have the cruellest expectations of what you expect suicidal individuals to suffer and endure against one's will beyond becoming suicidal – this is evil. You expect us to surrender to the objective of making suicidality as unlimited as possible – this is pure evil. This is the problem with human nature.

It's not just this suicidal individual who faces the happiness of monsters happy making the greatest tragedy of the weak worse and infinitely worse. I face the mass effect of millennia of heartlessness for suicidal individuals throughout so many generations and seeing mental illness doesn't change a damn thing.

You don't have the competency to feel empathy – seeing mental illness does not give you this competency – and that's why you bear the objective of making pain and evil and suicidality as unlimited as possible. That's the purpose of the criminalisation of assisted suicide.

But the problem with human nature is why assisted suicide is a protection without equal. It's the greatest protection of the weak and victims because it's the only protection always on the side of the weak and victims. Human nature cannot be trusted to be in the side of the weak but the protection of assisted suicide is always on the side of the weak. Obviously not here in this generation of monsters because this is a civilisation of monsters born and bred evil who are blind to the truth about human nature. You have psychiatry instead of a heart. You see mental illness instead of feeling empathy.

(Does pain show up in brain scans? Of course. These are biological differences not biological defects. But not in the minds of monsters is this obvious. Thus pain and weaknesses and fragility and sensitivity is ignored in the name of psychiatric and mental health care and as well by the law makers and the human rights movement and everyone else.)

I believe you have to start from new beginnings based on an antipsychiatry and humanisation foundation to begin to invent care and laws and protections. The availability of the protection of assisted suicide and the right to use one's death is just part of what you do when you have the truth about human nature.

The most important thing are in phrases such as below

  • There's a diversity and a diversity of intensity of physical and mental suffering. Suicidal suffering is worse than all of these forms and intensities of suffering.
  • There's a diversity of terrible quality of life and bad feelings that comes from poor quality of life. Feeling suicidal is worse than all of these.
  • There's a diversity of fear and painful fear of the present and future. Suicidal fear is worse than all of these.
  • There's a diversity of feelings and intensity of feelings when facing evil. Feeling suicidal is worse than all of these
  • There's a diversity of feelings and thoughts associated with not living in safety. Feeling suicidal is the worst form of not living in safety.

(Obviously there's a diversity and intensity of suicidality too but feeling suicidal is…it's the greatest tragedy of the weak and victims.)

There's more phrases such as above that describes the worst state of conscious existence and pain that comes from an antipsychiatry basis. The most important thing about this is it's about recognising pain and weaknesses for what they are and that's where the legitimacy of the decision to die comes from as well as the sense of necessity of the protection of assisted suicide. When you see mental illness you ignore pain and weaknesses. Thus you are happy making the greatest tragedy of the weak worse and infinitely worse. You bear suicidality so easily you bear things getting even worse than becoming suicidal and you want to make it infinitely worse by denying the protection of assisted suicide. That's not care but it's the best the monsters who call themselves the human race have ever achieved as care for suicidal individuals the sense of acceptable consequences of monsters and sadists for suicidal individuals. You don't care about me by denying me my death. Your sense of care is of monsters and sadists. You're happy inflicting more suicidality on a suicidal individual.

When you are blind to the truth about human nature you don't care. When you ignore pain and weaknesses because you see mental illness you only make the protection of assisted suicide even more invaluable. Because it's a protection that's always on the side of the weak and victims. You are not in the side of the weak and victims when you have psychiatry instead of a heart.

You don't recognise the greatest tragedy of the weak for what it is when you see mental illness instead of feeling empathy for suicidal individuals. Thus you don't protect the weak in a humane way because you are happy making things worse for a suicidal individual than becoming suicidal. You don't have a basis for care yet because you don't have the most basic empathy for suicidal individuals or the truth about human nature.

Feeling suicidal is a level of pain and awfulness of being alive too awful to exist. This is the hard truth about what care is about recognising. However I am focusing here on what you do to a suicidal individual in the name of the barbaric brutality of savages.

The line you want drawn is that it never gets worse than becoming suicidal. It never gets anymore worse than death. What this requires is a radically different sense of care from what is the best you the monsters who call themselves the human race can do when you see mental illness and have the medicalisation of suicide.

When you see mental illness you don't have any sense of what are unacceptable consequences to the weak and victims. Instead you ignore free will and consent and what is important to a suicidal individual just like how you the monsters who call themselves the human race constantly ignore the pain and weaknesses and fragility and sensitivity of suicidal individuals throughout history.

Seeing mental illness doesn't change a damn thing. You ignore pain and weaknesses instead of care.

You cannot be on the side of the weak and victims when you see mental illness. You cannot reason why to protect suicidal individuals and that's why you don't have any humane protections for suicidal individuals. The minds of psychiatrists have always left suicidal individuals unprotected from the barbaric brutality of savages because they see mental illness so they ignore pain and weaknesses. But they're the best of you at caring about suicidal individuals…

(You really do have to start from new beginnings to invent real care and protections for suicidal individuals.)

They and you can't reason why ordinary harms and evils are worse when done to a suicidal individual because instead of having empathy you see mental illness. The methods of the sense of care of monsters for suicidal individuals it's all focused on depriving us of liberty and using force and imprisoning us and in return doctors care about the freedom to inflict, prolong and worsen suicidality indefinitely. This is not the protection of the weak and victims it is the oppression and subjugation of suicidal individuals while the monsters who call themselves the human race remain free and evil – that's what doctors have succeeded in caring about. You don't have the competency to recognise what is the greatest tragedy of the weak and neither do the best of you at caring about suicidal so you have no competency to care.

You cannot protect the weak and victims when you are blind to such a basic truth about human nature:

"Mental pain can be as bad as physical pain but feeling suicidal is orders of magnitude greater"
You don't have this truth to guide you so you are not on the side of the weak and victims. You have few if any humane protections on the side of the weak who are victims of psychiatry. You don't have the empathy to reason why humane protections are necessary. Not even for suicidal individuals That's the problem with human nature.

It's in your best interests to never become suicidal. In absence of the competency to care about such a basic objective of care you never want it to get any worse than becoming suicidal. In absence of the competency to care about yet another basic objective of care you don't want the monsters who call themselves the human race to be free to make your suicidality as unlimited as only monsters and sadists can bear to achieve. That's the truth about your nature that you have in common with my nature that's the truth about your weaknesses and fragility and sensitivity. No generation of the monsters who call themselves the human race has ever been guided by such a basic truth about the severity of the suffering of suicidal individuals and the awfulness of feeling suicidal because of the problem with human nature and that's that you have absolutely nothing humane that's innate to human nature. This defines the difference each and every one of you make to my existence because you have psychiatry instead of a heart to stop you. You have no sense of when you have done too much harm to me because you don't have any good or anything humane that's innate to human nature and that's the proof of every single suicidal individual. You're as happy as a species of monsters born and bred evil can be when making the greatest tragedy of the weak worse and infinitely worse – that's how you care throughout the centuries the monsters who call themselves the human race have tried to care about suicidal individuals.

(I could have been a happy instead of suicidal but human evil is so great that a species of monsters born and bred evil cannot do the right thing to a suicidal individual. You don't know what care is but you're so good at flawless cruelty and pure evil because you don't have a heart to feel for this suicidal individual or any other. You cannot have any humane feelings for me even when I'm suicidal already – that's the difference the monsters who call themselves the human race make. You are happy worsening and making the greatest tragedy of the weak infinitely worse – that's the truth about human nature. Go look at the truths of the most basic empathy for suicidal individuals near the beginning of this piece and you don't have this to guide you because you are barbaric savages to suicidal individuals always. You don't have the protection of the weak.)

And for the problem with human nature that's why assisted suicide cannot be illegal.

  • It is the only protection always on the side of the weak and victims. It always stands in harms way and it's the power of the individual to draw a line the monsters who call themselves the human race cannot cross.
  • It limits the evil the monsters who call themselves the human race can do to a suicidal individual.
  • It limits the pain and it prevents suicidality.
  • It makes suicidality avoidable and limited.
  • It achieves freedom in death. It protects against tyranny and ownership and oppression and subjugation. When slavery is acceptable it's the only protection against slavery. When psychiatric oppression is acceptable it's the only protection on the side of the weak and victims.
  • It deprives a species of monsters born and bred evil of the freedoms that come so naturally to human nature to protect. When the freedom to make a suicidal individual want to die exists there's only one protection on the side of the weak and victims.
  • It ends unbearable quality of life as well as the conditions and circumstances worse than death.
  • It prevents against the harms and crimes and punishments worse than death that human nature is too evil to recognise are worse than death.
There are a few things so important to suicidal individuals. Assisted suicide it's a humane protection that's on the side of the weak and you have nothing that equals the protection of assisted suicide in this. It's even more invaluable when you are always so heartless to suicidal individuals you have never given a damn about what are unacceptable consequences. It is the only shield always on the side of the weak and victims and you have nothing that equals it.

What you have is the oppression of suicidal individuals and the will to make unlimited the evil in forcing someone to suffer and endure against one's will. The criminalisation of assisted suicide is exactly as evil and sadistic as making unlimited the evil in forcing someone to suffer and endure against one's will. Not only do the monsters who call themselves the human race fail to stand in harms they also do so much control and cruelty.

(Your sense of acceptable consequences to make me feel it's why I'm so much better off having never been born and only safe dead. I face so much evil because of the truth about human nature. You care so much about making my life yours to make even worse than death and that's what defines what a species of monsters born and bred evil does to me instead of protecting me by killing me by my consent. All for the proof of the truth about human nature: only a species of monsters born and bred evil can't do anything else. No one I can trust. Just the evil at your cores.)

The medicalised suicide laws and mental health laws are the very evils of tyranny and oppression and subjugation competent minds recognise are worse than death. It's a tyranny only more evil because it's run by the profession that gets the most automatic trust and respect.

Competent minds see tyranny and ownership and oppression and subjugation as worse than death and that's what drives the battles and wars won for liberty and democracy and the independence of peoples and nations. This is the truth about human nature from history. Competent minds have a sense of what's worse than death.

You live free for such competency of the minds who recognise what's worse than death so you don't face the oppression and subjugation worse than death but you expect suicidal individuals to surrender to the sense of tyranny and ownership that's what the criminalisation of assisted suicide is based upon. You think it's care but you're doing the things that are worse than death to competent minds then from the same sense of cruelty not care you don't reason why to stand in harms way to protect suicidal individuals from the barbaric brutality of savages. You are good at the oppression and subjugation of suicidal individuals not good at caring about what's worse than death. You don't have the competency to reason why suicidal individuals need protections against the barbaric brutality of savages instead you seek oppression and subjugation. Yet the proof of history are that tyranny and ownership and oppression and subjugation are worse than death.

This country went to war against Nazi Germany because it would not surrender to tyranny and ownership for the reasoning of competent minds who recognise what's worse than death. In the history of other nations and peoples there's the same competency of competent minds to recognise what is worse than death and that's how liberty and democracy is won and defended.

War is obviously based on the capacity to sanction mass murder without consent but every generation of the monsters who call themselves the human race you find it so hard to sanction death by consent because you think care is about ignoring consent and pain and weakness. We're victims of force and deprivation of liberty and imprisonment then are forced to live to face the unfettered brutalities that come so naturally to human nature to want to do to a suicidal.

You do have tyranny and ownership for suicidal individuals not care. You make us victims of force and deprivation of liberty and imprisonment and in return protect the barbaric brutality of savages for… for suicidal individuals? No.

(No wonder I need to die for my safety because you are all so evil and that's what defines what you think you do to me in the name of the. All the power you need to make the proof of the truth about human nature obvious – that's why my life is yours to make even worse than becoming suicidal and even worse than death. So much effort by so many monsters for your self interests not mine.)

Do you see the difference between sanctioned mass murder without consent – war – and sanctioned death by consent? The latter is death by consent but you see mental illness. Murder without consent is sanctioned throughout history but when it comes to death by consent why is it so hard for you to accept the existence of the protection of assisted suicide?

You can recognise those who killed and were killed because they recognised that given a choice between surrender to tyranny and ownership or death they know what is worse than death – you class them as heroes and you respect their competency to recognise what is worse than death. But you cannot recognise the suicidal individuals who kill ourselves because we have the same mental competency. Instead you want to do the very act of tyranny that's worse than death which is making the evil in being forced to suffer and endure against one's will as unlimited as possible and you care about making the greatest tragedy of the weak infinitely worse – that's what the criminalisation of assisted suicide is it is not care.

Not only are you devoid of the competency to feel empathy for suicidal individuals. You're devoid of the competency to recognise that competent minds have a sense of what's worse than death and such competency is fundamental to the monsters who call themselves the human race becoming less monstrous. (You live free because of we who feel what liberty and freedom is worth as well as the feeling of facing tyranny and ownership – part of this is feeling what's wrong with being forced to suffer and endure against one's will.) You're also blind to the truth that evil is still evil when it's done out of a sense of care. Thus you have the very tyranny and oppression that's worse than death to competent minds not just for suicidal individuals but for every other victim of psychiatric oppression.

You are so good at making the greatest tragedy of the weak worse even in the centuries the monsters who call themselves the human race have tried to care about suicidal individuals.

I do respect that death is bad but you don't recognise that what's worse than death is worse than death. Thus you do not have the competency to care or protect and a symptom of your mental incompetency is something so monstrous and barbaric as the criminalisation of assisted suicide that denies everyone of the protection that's always on the side of the weak and victims. It represents the will to leave suicidal individuals unprotected and undefended – the laws that affect suicidal individuals have nothing in common with the protection of the weak – but that's how you care.

The laws that affect suicidal individuals are oppressive not protective or humane. The laws that affect suicidal individuals don't stand in the way of the barbaric brutality of the monsters who call themselves the human race. You don't have any concept of cruelty and harms too great but suicidal individuals dying and dying a good death because you don't have empathy or the truth about human nature which is

"Mental pain can be as bad as physical pain but feeling suicidal is orders of magnitude greater"
There are countless laws against physical pain without consent and against abuse.

There are health and safety laws that, for example, try to prevent against the risk of a broken hand.

There are protections for prisoners of war against being forced to suffer and endure against one's will and from the barbaric brutality of savages. When war is sanctioned mass murder there's still the will to stand in harms way of the barbaric brutality of savages and limit pain and being forced to suffer and endure against one's will – that's what the protection against torture is.

Previous generations would think such protections are insane and impossible.

But you cannot reason why to protect suicidal individuals. No generation of the monsters who call themselves the human race have ever reasoned why suicidal individuals need protections against the barbaric brutality of savages.

Don't you recognise the problem with human nature? You don't get this truth about pain too great from seeing mental illness.

"Mental pain can be as bad as physical pain but feeling suicidal is orders of magnitude greater"

You've never been guided by such a basic truth. Without this truth you cannot be on the side of the weak and victims. You are no good at protecting the weak when you don't have the truth about human nature and pain.

So you are only good at proving another truth about human nature and that's that you are born and bred evil and you have nothing humane that's innate to human nature. You have the barbaric brutality of savages unfettered and unlimited for the victims of psychiatry. You don't even legislate against the deliberate act of deliberately and knowingly inflicting more suicidality on a suicidal individual.

Whereas you have humane protections that get in the way of the brutality of human nature against physical pain you have little if anything for suicidal individuals. Because you see mental illness so you base things on seeing brain defects and incompetent minds instead of recognising that there's things worse than death.

Thus your sense of care is about the unfettered and unlimited barbaric brutality of savages. What do you get from always being so inhumane to suicidal individuals?

  • The freedom to inflict, prolong and worsen suicidality indefinitely
  • The freedom to make a suicidal individual want to die
  • The freedom to abuse and torment and torture suicidal individuals
  • The freedom to deliberately force someone to live to keep on making them want to die
  • The freedom to make as unlimited as possible the evil in forcing someone to suffer and endure against one's will even more suicidality
  • The freedom to achieve unlimited evil and unlimited pain and unlimited suicidality protected by leaving the victims defenceless by denying the protection of assisted suicide
This is so inhumane what freedoms come so naturally to human nature to want to protect. These exist and the same minds who bear these things to exist cannot bear the protection of assisted suicide to exist. "We should force him to live and be free to keep on making him want to die" – you don't see the evil so I am only safe by dying. It's just one example of how the minds of monsters born and bred evil are the same as this generation of the monsters who call themselves the human race. You actually think the evil and consent should be ignored when it's done out of a sense of care so you are not able to protect me. That's what you get from seeing mental illness and you have never cared about a suicidal individual before because you see mental illness and you're blind to the truth about human nature.

The freedoms mentioned above are the complete opposite of care and the protection of the weak. They're the complete opposite of what living in safety means to anyone who has the capacity to feel. But you are only evil so they're the best the monsters who call themselves the human race can achieve in the centuries you've tried to care about suicidal individuals. You have nothing humane that's innate to human nature so you have no competency to protect the weak when anyone of the above mentioned freedoms exist.

You see the problem with human nature in what you think you do to me because you care about me? My existence is only more tragic and worse than death because I need to die to be safe from the choices of the monsters who call themselves the human race justified in the name of care as well as of evil. I face too much evil because you are happy worsening and making infinitely worse the greatest tragedy of the weak. I could pick from so much evil done to me because you are monsters born and bred evil but how can you be so savage and brutal to suicidal individuals? You judge me and make choices about me based on being devoid of the most basic empathy and understanding for my being. You the monsters who call themselves the human race your competency is in ignoring my pain and weaknesses.

Do you see the competency to care? Do you think the competency to care about me exists?

"You don't know what it's like to feel suicidal and you don't recognise the worst state of conscious existence. Because you have psychiatry and the fallacy of mental illness. You don't know what it feels like to face tyranny and ownership and oppression and subjugation and the worst of how this feels. You don't know what it's like to be forced to suffer and endure against your will even more suicidality or the worst of what it feels like to be forced to suffer and endure against one's will. You don't have the truth about human nature how sadistic and barbaric human nature is."
Without having the truth about pain and cruelty and evil you the monsters who call themselves the human race have made certain I only have one protection on my side and that's my death. I cannot live in safety because you don't have the competency to recognise any of the things worse than death so my being cannot live in safety. What you think is care is the protection of the sadistic and barbaric brutality of savages and nothing to do with the competency to care about suicidal individuals. It's a tragic existence when I only have the protection of assisted suicide on my side but the it's even worse to recognise that they want to achieve pure evil so they deny me my death to stop them. They who want to make the greatest tragedy of the weak worse and infinitely worse – they're who have their freedom and choices protected by the monsters who call themselves the human race. You don't care about suicidal individuals.

The truth in the quotes and italicised above is why the protection of assisted suicide is illegal. You don't know pain or evil or what it feels like to feel suicidal or how truly and beyond evil human nature is. You don't have the competency to care because you don't even have the competency to recognise what living in safety is. Let alone the competency of competent minds to recognise that death is not the worst thing possible – don't you recognise any proof of the truth about human nature by learning about history? No.

How bleak is this? Not as bleak as feeling suicidal every single day or more bleak? What about having to be alone to protect from the freedom to make a suicidal individual want to die – how bleak is this despair? Accepting me to be forced to suffer and endure against my will more suicidality for a decade is pure evil and sadistic cruelty. How bleak is it to expect the monsters who call themselves the human race to protect me or care? "If it makes him want to die so what?" and "it doesn't matter to us what he does and doesn't consent to" – you see care in this.

You know why a species of monsters born and bred evil makes me want to die instead of not. My life should never be so bad but they want to make it even worse than death – they have no humane protections so I am the property of sadists and monsters who want to make the evil they want to do to a suicidal individual as unlimited as possible. Who else can bear to make the greatest tragedy of the weak even worse – but the truth about human nature is most obvious in the criminalisation of assisted suicide. You're happy making the greatest tragedy of the weak infinitely worse. You're happy making unlimited the evil in being forced to suffer and endure against one's will.

Even a decade of protecting their freedom to inflict, prolong and worsen my suicidality by denying me the protection of assisted suicide isn't enough to satiate the evil of a species of monsters born and bred evil. Such extent of forcing someone to suffer and endure against one's will would be a crime anywhere else but in a civilisation of monsters born and bred evil but there's no good or anything humane that's innate to human nature. But you see care in this so I have to die to be safe from the sense of care of monsters and sadists, safe from you who are happy with the greatest tragedy of the weak worsened and made infinitely worse. So happy I'm denied my death to make my life yours to make even worse than death.

I only have the protection of assisted suicide on my side. Look at the freedoms you care about instead of caring about the greatest tragedy of the weak. But I face tyranny and ownership and oppression worse than death but they care so much about the freedom to inflict, prolong and worsen my suicidality. Look at the freedoms that comes so naturally to human nature to want to protect – how do you not recognise there's no competency to care about me or any other suicidal individual because you have psychiatry instead of a heart to feel empathy?

As a species of monsters born and bred evil you don't know what living in safety is about.

Here's the problem with human nature restated

"You don't know what it's like to feel suicidal and you don't recognise the worst state of conscious existence. Because you have psychiatry and the fallacy of mental illness. You don't know what it feels like to face tyranny and ownership and oppression and subjugation and the worst of how this feels. You don't know what it's like to be forced to suffer and endure against your will even more suicidality or the worst of what it feels like to be forced to suffer and endure against one's will. You don't have the truth about human nature how sadistic and barbaric human nature is."
You the monsters who call themselves the human race really don't know what living in safety means to me but you don't know what living in safety means to anyone who has the capacity to feel when you think suicidality is an acceptable consequence and you have the freedoms mentioned above.

You don't have the competency to care about me and protect me – it's more than a decade of this tragic existence that the monsters who call themselves the human race have succeeded in doing what's important to them to make me feel suicidal and keep me feeling suicidal. That's why my existence is so tragic that I need the protection of assisted suicide but the monsters who call themselves the human race want to achieve pure evil. Too much of my lifetime is about evil justified as care – too much for me to have any hope of living in safety.

Imagine lucky it is to win the lottery jackpot three times in a row. Now imagine the opposite of this and that's how cursed I am to be born. I cannot survive the barbaric brutality of savages. Even prisoners of war get protection from the barbaric brutality of savages – the protection against torture – but we do not. If torture is not the deliberate and knowing acts of forcing someone to live to keep on making them want to die then there's something worse than torture.

You don't care about what's important to suicidal individuals. You care about what's important to sadists and monsters to be free to do to a suicidal individual. You only have empathy for physical pain. You have nothing for suicidal individuals based on how much the pain and awfulness of feeling suicidal is unacceptable or any competency to recognise why you can't bear the greatest tragedy of the weak to get any worse than becoming suicidal. Instead you have the very oppression and subjugation of suicidal individuals and other victims of psychiatry that's the very same things that the heroes of democracy and liberty and the independence of peoples and nations recognise is worse than death do kill and get killed – but all we want is our deaths by our consent based on what makes our lives ours not yours to make even worse than death. And every other humane protections that beat the value of the protection of assisted suicide.

Why do I choose my death for more reasons than one? You the monsters who call themselves the human race don't have a heart to feel empathy so you failed at the first hurdle: I cannot bear you to feel suicidal ever because I cannot bear me to feel suicidal ever. Then you fail at: I cannot bear it to get worse than becoming suicidal for the same reason I cannot bear to become suicidal. That's your competency: to make my life yours to make even worse than death.

(I trust my pain to guide me to know what living in safety means. Whereas the monsters who call themselves the human race are so good at ignoring my pain and weaknesses. You don't have the competency to recognise that feeling suicidal is the greatest tragedy of the weak. Why? You see mental illness. Look at the freedoms cared about by the same minds who cannot bear the protection of assisted suicide to exist – who who has the capacity to feel can live in safety? When you see mental illness you don't recognise the truth "mental pain can be as bad as physical pain but feeling suicidal is orders of magnitude greater" so the competency to care and protect doesn't exist. You have never developed the competency to understand pain and weaknesses or such a basic truth about human nature as is stated in the quotes – so obviously you're happy with the monsters who call themselves the human race destroying any and every hope I have of living in safety. That's your competency: to make the greatest tragedy of the weak worse and infinitely worse.)

Support the legalisation of assisted suicide because they might do whatever monsters want to do to me instead of killing me by my consent to someone you care about. It's death but there's so much worse than death you never want to face or face the will to make as unlimited as possible. The greatest tragedy of the weak is not to be made unlimited.

(I am happy to accept that pain can (but not always) show up as brain differences. I am against these differences being misrepresented as brain defects. That's what the fallacy of mental illness and the institution of psychiatry is based upon: misrepresenting brain differences as defects. It's the same with physical pain it can show up as a difference between those in pain and not in pain in brain scans. I trust my pain to guide me of the truth about human nature. In no way is to make the protection of assisted suicide exist the hardest thing. It's to make barbaric savages care about what living in safety means to anyone who has the capacity to feel. This generation of monsters you have to start from new beginnings to save and protect from the greatest tragedy of the weak. You begin with the definition of unacceptable consequences to anyone who has the capacity to feel with a heart to guide you instead of psychiatry and seeing mental illness. Death is not the worst thing.)

(Isn't it obvious why I cannot surrender to the monsters who call themselves the human race having any power over my life or how I feel? It's worse than death for more reasons than one. From the same minds of sadists and monsters who criminalise assisted suicide comes a life better off having never been born – only a species of monsters born and bred evil can't do anything else to this thing I am to you. You do have the competency to ignore my pain and weaknesses even when I'm suicidal already. I cannot live in safety because I have the capacity to feel and the competency to recognise death is not the worst thing. You have the happiness of making the greatest tragedy of the weak worse and infinitely worse. Because you have psychiatry instead of a heart to stop you, to give you the empathy to recognise what are wholly unacceptable consequences to make me feel.)

(My life is yours to make even worse than death – no competent minds surrender to this. If you can't recognise this truth then thank the gods I die to live in safety from sadists and monsters like you.)

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The protection of assisted suicide is without equal. "stop or I'll use my right to use my death to stop you" - it is a protection without equal and even more invaluable when you see mental illness. The entirety of your sense of care is to make the lives of suicidal individuals yours to make even worse than death.The entirety of your sense of care is to make the lives of suicidal individuals yours to make even worse than death.3rd May 2021In "Uncategorized"
-- No competency to feel empathy for mental pain and suicidality. No competency to have underst
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Sep 16, 2020
Everyone who promotes life is either a perpetrator or victim to the brainwashing, they will oppose people like me in hopes they are further accepted by the evil then near best case scenario they end up robbed of life savings, crippled, having worked every day of their life worried to be stuck in a nursing home likely being bullied by a couple of wicked carers poking, squeezing, punching, emotionally terrorising them.
Its a sick rigged hellhole designed for anyone with rational thought to still be divided and tear each other apart over petty trivialities.
What's left to say, I feel you see the big picture, so to say, but I can no longer even think of any conversation to like minded this evil always wins we are crushed to be trapped and alone.

People say they don't have faith, but everyone does you have to believe in what you see or realistically you can't prove anything your mother could be a hologram or reptilian or imposter to your true mother infinite possibilities all equally as meaningless unless you have faith.

Thank you I have just become enlightened and now see the beauty of it all the suffering and pain are so worth it
99.9% suffering is worth that 1% of happiness and joy and love and ecstasy. Wooo hook love it. So grateful
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May 10, 2020
Everyone who promotes life is either a perpetrator or victim to the brainwashing, they will oppose people like me in hopes they are further accepted by the evil then near best case scenario they end up robbed of life savings, crippled, having worked every day of their life worried to be stuck in a nursing home likely being bullied by a couple of wicked carers poking, squeezing, punching, emotionally terrorising them.
Its a sick rigged hellhole designed for anyone with rational thought to still be divided and tear each other apart over petty trivialities.
What's left to say, I feel you see the big picture, so to say, but I can no longer even think of any conversation to like minded this evil always wins we are crushed to be trapped and alone.

People say they don't have faith, but everyone does you have to believe in what you see or realistically you can't prove anything your mother could be a hologram or reptilian or imposter to your true mother infinite possibilities all equally as meaningless unless you have faith.

Thank you I have just become enlightened and now see the beauty of it all the suffering and pain are so worth it
99.9% suffering is worth that 1% of happiness and joy and love and ecstasy. Wooo hook love it. So grateful
life is worthless full of too much pain and evil that others don't see as too great and too evil. They think this civilisation is so great that there's something wrong with suicidal individuals. We feel suicidal because there's something wrong with us and our brains? No but that's what they think when they see mental illness. They blame us for feeling suicidal and don't see the evil and brutality of human nature. All the time they're ignoring my pain they're ignoring how they make me feel so what worth is living? I just live for their brutality to never stop inflicting and prolonging and worsening my suicidality so these monsters get their self interests. They don't care about my self interests because i could never stay suicidal for too long but their self interests are sadistic so what is a life worth living. i look forward to death not life for obvious reasons.