For me, I didn't find any success with CBT, which is the form of therapy that most therapists do. My suicidal ideation was put on pause for 2 years through a comprehensive DBT program. DBT feels like it's more geared towards real people with real life and real struggles. CBT blames your broken brain for all your problems. DBT acknowledges that systemic oppression exists and life really can just dump on you sometimes. I think DBT is effective if you can come up with a life worth living goal and you don't consider ice water to be torture. Also it only works at certified DBT places. Every time I've tried DBT with a place that wasn't officially certified, I got retraumatized by bullies who think being a therapist is about abusing power over vulnerable people. DBT from an uncertified place will actively make your life worse.
Medication is probably the main reason I have the energy to be planning out an attempt to CTB. It doesn't make me happy. It numbs me out. But it also gives me the motivation to do things in my life. I can brush my teeth and shower and do chores way more easily now that I'm medicated properly. I'm on mood stabilizers not antidepressants because I have bipolar disorder. Personally if medication could make me happy, I wouldn't be worried about whether it's fake or not. Clothes make me feel warm even though they're artificial covering. I don't think an artificial happiness is any more fake than a natural one.
At least in the US, therapists are legally mandated reporters. If you tell them about harm to child, harm to elders, plans to kill yourself, or plans to harm someone else, they have to contact authorities (either cops or people who work with cops). It's an unfortunate deal with therapy that you just can't tell them about suicide plans. Most normal therapists will not freak out on you if you say you have passive ideation. And you can tell them anything else that isn't in the legally mandated categories. I really like my current therapist and a part of me feels bad that when I CTB she might feel like she wasn't a good enough therapist. I don't think there's anything anyone's best efforts could do to stop me. It's just inevitable.
But yeah, just wanted to share my experience going through therapy and medication. People have a lot of different experiences cus there's lots of different types of therapy, lots of different types of medication, and varying qualities of therapists and doctors