
Young and Suicidal
Jun 15, 2019
It seems that thanks to the internet, people are slowly beginning to collectively see the the corruption of their governments and as well as their own crappy living conditions. Take Hong Kong, Chile, and Iran for example:

I'm sure everyone has heard about the Hong Kong protests at this point. If not, Wikipedia has a rundown of what's occurred so far. The protests have been escalating these past few weeks, with the most notable event being the siege of a Hong Kong university.

The Chilean protests stem around the corruption of the government of Chile and the poor living and working conditions of the people in Chile. There was a massive protest with over 1 million people this October, which ultimately lead to 19 casualties and 1000s of arrests. If you're unfamiliar with it, here's a link.

Iran has shut down it's countries internet for 3 days now. The protests seem to be about corruption, poor economic conditions and rising fuel prices. There are anywhere from 12 to 100 casualties reported, but with the internet being cut off, the numbers may already have increased.

Here's a general article about why these protests are happening worldwide and why.

What's everyone's thoughts on the matter? Do you think the world is finally stepping into the right direction or will these events become one time occurrences and be gradually forgotten?
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
You think the internets a good thing then? I don't. I think the worlds going to shit and that's one of the reasons why
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Civil unrest is definitely nothing new, the only difference now is technology. The internet is usually shut down first because the government is afraid of the internet. It's one of the few platforms they don't have total control over yet. However they're working towards full control of the net in nearly every country as we speak.

Most of these uprisings will likely be quelled with little to zero change. If any changes are made they will be superficial and used to merely placate the masses. The control mechanisms are deeply entrenched in modern society and we've all become reliant or subject to them in one way or another.

To be honest there is little that can be done about it at this point. The world will continue to degenerate until a massive reset takes place. This reset will come either by our own hands, natural disaster, chemical/biological/nuclear, or Biblical (if you believe in that sort of thing).

There's plenty of evidence to prove that we've been through this cycle in the past. Humanity has been reset atleast a hand full of times that we can record. It will happen again it's just a matter of when and how really.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
The same could be said for another aspect. A few years ago in the UK there was a week or so of small disobedience, which in reality was just a big thieving operation. That was organised via social media. A few small businesses were shutdown by it. So not all good.
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May 14, 2018
You think the internets a good thing then? I don't. I think the worlds going to shit and that's one of the reasons why

The internet is good. Social media not so much. At the risk of sounding like a snob, I miss the days when not every idiot could access the net. Corporations and politicians are exploiting the amount of idiots on the net. Personally I fantasize about a global net outage, even for just a few days. Just to bring people back to reality. IG users would be wandering the streets begging people to pay attention to them. Sharents would ignore their babies because there's no one to share pictures of their every mundane move with. Redditors would fall into deep depression without their karma circle jerk. Twitter users would just shout out random bullshit that came to their mind without anyone listening. It would be fucking glorious .
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
The internet is good. Social media not so much. At the risk of sounding like a snob, I miss the days when not every idiot could access the net. Corporations and politicians are exploiting the amount of idiots on the net. Personally I fantasize about a global net outage, even for just a few days. Just to bring people back to reality. IG users would be wandering the streets begging people to pay attention to them. Sharents would ignore their babies because there's no one to share pictures of their every mundane move with. Redditors would fall into deep depression without their karma circle jerk. Twitter users would just shout out random bullshit that came to their mind without anyone listening. It would be fucking glorious .
People would go nuts but after a few days it would calm down and we'd all be better off.
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Sweet emotion

Sweet emotion

Sep 14, 2019
This world has gone to hell. Body parts are in fashion. Everyone is miserable. No one has any passion fruit anything anymore. Everyone is content to just be lazy. Kids are disrespectful because their parents won't give them the kick in the ass they need. My neighborhood has been brought down by people who want to treat it as a ghetto. No one talks face to face anymore. Everyone walks round with their heads down twiddling their thumbs and texting. Idk why people don't call each other anymore. Drugs are running rampant. People who are in brutal pain are being denied them because of the real junkies. And the only music, if you can call it that, that's being played is rap. I could go on forever.
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Heart of Ice

Sep 26, 2019
The world is pretty okay right now. It's shit, but probably still better than the medieval times. I'm pretty apathetic to it all, honestly, or just ignorant.
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To find the outer edge
Oct 31, 2019
I think I have the problems with me and with some people who were in my life, not with world. Totalitarian regimes, poverty and corruption - all of that awful, but windy weather, dirty dishes and tinnitus make me more unhappy.
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Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost
Sep 30, 2019
Then internet itself is not good or bad, how people use it is just a reflection of the people themselves. These protests are a sign that people are not happy. The current state of affairs is not sustainable, something big has to change. I would imagine that the world in 50-100 years time will be very different. Perhaps something big will happen and wipe out large numbers of the population. If we don't end up killing ourselves the planet will kick us off sooner or later, maybe another big flood.
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In my beginning is my end.
Aug 25, 2019
Everybody seems to be all about me now. The internet, media in general, makes kids feel like they're going to be famous posting a YouTube video, and when they fail, as most do, they wind up on this site instead of hitting the big time.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Civil unrest is definitely nothing new, the only difference now is technology. The internet is usually shut down first because the government is afraid of the internet. It's one of the few platforms they don't have total control over yet. However they're working towards full control of the net in nearly every country as we speak.

Most of these uprisings will likely be quelled with little to zero change. If any changes are made they will be superficial and used to merely placate the masses. The control mechanisms are deeply entrenched in modern society and we've all become reliant or subject to them in one way or another.

To be honest there is little that can be done about it at this point. The world will continue to degenerate until a massive reset takes place. This reset will come either by our own hands, natural disaster, chemical/biological/nuclear, or Biblical (if you believe in that sort of thing).

There's plenty of evidence to prove that we've been through this cycle in the past. Humanity has been reset atleast a hand full of times that we can record. It will happen again it's just a matter of when and how really.
We have indeed been through this before. Knowledge has been hard won and easily lost. Some of the ancient societies had an excellent understanding of various sciences. Did you know for example that the ancient Greeks invented a computer? I kid you not...
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In the wrong timeline
Nov 14, 2019
I love the internet but find social media toxic. Of course it wasn't meant to be bad but too many features were added and we got addicted.
Us 00's kids might have been the last generation to have a healthy normal childhood. We had Fb profiles early but at least it wasn't our main source of entertainment and we still played outside etc. I feel sorry for anyone born after 2010.
Now I see kids as young as 5 watching cartoons on tablets instead of playing outside or with dolls or anything else.
Also does anyone else notice how many days nowdays there are when you just don't have energy? Idk how it's said in english but that weather type when the wind blows from the sea so there's a lot of water in the air and you can't concentrate on anything? Nowadays almost every other day is like that. And wtf happened to the sky colour? It used to ba deep blue now it's some ugly ass pale blue.
Not to be a tin-foil-hat-wearer but someone in power of these things f*cked up and they f*cked up badly...
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May 31, 2019
The world is fucked.
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Nov 13, 2019
So long as people treat each other in venomous ways and treat vegetal and animal beings the way they mostly do, all these social changes (if they do happen) are nothing but clouds passing by.
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Dec 17, 2019
Honestly the world is at it greatest for the moment or atleast from a long time. (From my point of view)

We never had more peace than in this era, and war between countries is very unlikely because it just wouldn't worth it (Nulcear weapons/ it would ruin the country's economy). Today war is only at a little scale making us leave in "peace" for the majority.

I also think new technologies are a good thing, being able to communicate, watch videos, having access to informations at a large scale. Our era have a lot to offer, also in life opportunity for some cases thanks to the capitalist system and innovations.
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Sure we are dealing with a lot problems, overpopulation, pollution, probably climate change, etc but when you compare it with the problems we had years before like wars that were more likely to happen, great famines, extreme poverty, natural disasters (that we can now sometimes prevent or reduce the damages of it), sickness, Not even 100 ago we suffered 2 World Wars, horrible and destructive, deadly not only for soldiers but also for civilians, during the medieval age the Black Plague , being so deadly, the disease litteraly "disappeared" because it killed so many people "The likely explanation is just this: the Black Death was simply too deadly to persist. Evolutionary theory tells us that a pathogen that kills all its victims will eventually run out of victims". At the same moment a 116years war was going on between France and England.

I'm not criticizing the past, and even with the events I stated it didn't stop people from living at the time (well my last exemple Say it otherwise).

Of course I was talking on a general level and not really on a "personal" one, I just think that the era we are living in (for the interest of humanity) is the best we had since the pre-historic era.

And who knows what will happen in the future maybe mankind has achieved his peak and we are now falling as a civilization or we are just growing (as a whole) into something great.
Maybe the future will be a better or a worst place I don't think there is really a way to know, people living in ancient period didn't really think about the future but they focused a lot in the past, looking at their past glories would they have imaginated a future like that ? With helpful technology, a "prosperous" world with large scale peace thanks to the help of mass destructive weapons ?

Maybe the future will be more and more prosperous, with great technological advances, a multi-planetery civilization, and not doing the same mistakes that we made during the past or that we are making now (pollution for ex).
We sometimes view ourselves humans as a dumb species destroying our planet, environment or as a warmonger creature, but maybe we should stop focusing on all the bad things we did and learn on how the right things we have done let us to what we are/have now.
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Or maybe we will just doom because we are destined to.

In a personal plan, my life isn't going great and that's why I'm here, but the problems I have don't come from my country, the world or the era I'm living in, I just think it's me who doesn't fit with the world how it is now. I don't hate it I think I'm just not compatible with it maybe that's why I can't really enjoy it.

Sorry if I went a little to far in my development or off-topic but I really needed to express myself on today's world and I know a lot of you are not going to agree with me on my point of view but I'm still open to your answers.

(PS: I hope what I written is understandable cause English isn't my main language and it's my first post here thx !)
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It seems that thanks to the internet, people are slowly beginning to collectively see the the corruption of their governments and as well as their own crappy living conditions. Take Hong Kong, Chile, and Iran for example:

I'm sure everyone has heard about the Hong Kong protests at this point. If not, Wikipedia has a rundown of what's occurred so far. The protests have been escalating these past few weeks, with the most notable event being the siege of a Hong Kong university.

The Chilean protests stem around the corruption of the government of Chile and the poor living and working conditions of the people in Chile. There was a massive protest with over 1 million people this October, which ultimately lead to 19 casualties and 1000s of arrests. If you're unfamiliar with it, here's a link.

Iran has shut down it's countries internet for 3 days now. The protests seem to be about corruption, poor economic conditions and rising fuel prices. There are anywhere from 12 to 100 casualties reported, but with the internet being cut off, the numbers may already have increased.

Here's a general article about why these protests are happening worldwide and why.

What's everyone's thoughts on the matter? Do you think the world is finally stepping into the right direction or will these events become one time occurrences and be gradually forgotten?
It's going to get much worse. The ruling class insists on world wide totalitarian gov and they won't give up until we have worldwide communism. Unfortunately communism is not a workable system. Everyone ends up impoverished, murdered, starved, tortured especially if u don't or can't comply with what the ruling class wants. The worst part is cops and soldiers are the people who are making the new slavery system possible. Since they have to follow orders given by the ruling class regardless if those orders cause harm to others. Wether or not it's moral or not they still kill people, often innocent pple. That saying, I was just following orders justifies the destruction they carry out of the citizens. Government means mind control of the citizens by ruling class, not societal organization department like I suspect many people assume.
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Nov 4, 2019
It's going to get much worse. The ruling class insists on world wide totalitarian gov and they won't give up until we have worldwide communism. Unfortunately communism is not a workable system. Everyone ends up impoverished, murdered, starved, tortured especially if u don't or can't comply with what the ruling class wants.

What do you base this sentiment on? Never before in modern history has the financial sector been so unregulated and so many societal functions been privatised. This is the age of capitalism, nothing else.
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