hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
Bear with me here.

There has been ongoing research in to obe, nde, remote viewing, astral dreaming, Robert Monroe, the Gnostics, and the abduction phenomena.

Many researchers in the past, as well as Gnosticism, believe that higher dimensional beings feed off our negative energy such as anger, hate, violence, jealousy, spite, etc., as a kind of sustenance. Remember, all of your thought, including emotions, are just energy. Robert Monroe, creator of the Monroe Institute, and godfather of out of body experiences (claiming it was no special skill, he could teach anyone to do it), called this negative energy "loosh", and said that higher dimensional beings utilized such, called Archons by the Gnostics.

Putting together thousands of testimonials by people who have experienced near death experiences, out of body experiences, mystical experiences, high dose IV DMT experiences, and abduction experiences, some very real similarities have emerged.

The tunnel of light is a technological trap that erases you of your memory of past lives or even of what we experience between lives (think about it, it makes no sense that we have no idea what our purpose is, why we are here, or what mistakes we might avoid in the past), and whatever is comforting to you (God, Jesus, parents, loved one, etc) will appear because in this level (afterlife) your mind and your thoughts, which are just forms of energy, can be read like an open book. Higher dimensional beings (extraterrestrials?) exploit this by impersonating things that are comforting to you.

Why? Because every soul in the universe has the freedom of their own will, no other being can force you to do something against your will. So once they have erased your memory they persuade you to go back, or be reincarnated, by impersonating loved ones who say things like "you still have x to do" "or others need you there" or "its not your time yet". They allow you to make up your own mind, although you feel pressured, however ultimately you are the one deciding to go back.

And they do it to harness our negative energy, loosh, making earth like a giant farm.

The little bit I wrote doesn't nearly do the subject justice. If you are interested go to the Reddit r/prisonplanet and read the sticky at the top of the page.

Or read the writings of
Robert Monroe
Rudolph Steiner
Carlos Castenada of Don Juan fame and the Native American interpretation of such that every human is born with an enemy or predator in their head (that little voice in your head that bugs the sh*t out of you)
Remote Viewing
The Scole Experiments.

Charles Fort, who collected thousands upon thousands of oddball occurrences that happened in everyday life (the unexplained) and published them in many huge collections, was once asked at the end of his career what he had concluded about all these weird occurrences. His answer was

I believe we are owned by something. We are the property of something.
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I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
thank you, i kinda feel like if there really is anything even remotely spiritual about this life i think the gnostics were close. life is just so full of pointless suffering and so little catharsis.
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Jun 2, 2024
Every person I've ever known or loved never truly cared about me other than my parents and if my parents showed up to get me to go into the light I'd be questioning how they are there as they are still among the living. And if there is some beyond space/time argument I'm just going to immediately assume it's an Anunnaki soul web "trap". If reincarnation is a thing and we have no say in the matter (going into the light or not) that is the most depressing news of all though.

When you think about life as a whole you realize that almost everything is reactionary so it leads me to assume that it's highly likely that if there is an afterlife, reincarnation, or other forced predicament that you can't escape but I am very much hoping that there is nothingness. An eternal life of any sort or reincarnation both sound awful to me.

Life is so busy with so many moving parts and we are being flung this way and that way all the time without even realizing it, I assume heaven and hell would be much the same and even if we had personal agency after a while (be it thousands or trillions of years+) both would be horrific fates. At least with reincarnation you wouldn't likely know anything of prior lives and even if you knew of the last handful you couldn't remember all of them so there would be a cutoff.

The more I think of the possibility of an afterlife existing instead of an endless void the more depressed I get. I find it funny how what most people consider to be paradise would be a jail cell to most of those who can't even cope with a single life and nothingness calls to us above all else.

Perception is interesting to say the least.

Anyways, veering off topic a bit here...

I've read many articles and seen multiple documentaries about the soul trap/web theory where upon CTB your "soul" travels towards a light where it's cleansed and recycled and the excess energy is siphoned for power from fourth-dimensional beings who use it for sustenance before your sent to the next host to repeat the process for eternity.

Pretty depressing stuff but if we are even able to compete in a battle of will against beings above the comprehension of our souls' aptitudes (only relating to terrestrial live, for a single lifespan, on a single planet) I'd honestly be surprised. I'm sure we could attempt to avoid "the light" but if time is a non-factor or existence possibly repeats and there is an endless cycle of life and entropy we could be held captive until we do partake in the game of life again.

There is also the possibility that we are stuck in an endless loop where we live the same life repeating the same accomplishments and mistakes forever, like an album on repeat, or possibly a shuffled mix of such with slight variations.

Nobody truly knows and perhaps that is for the best because if we knew it could shatter our minds.
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Jun 28, 2023
I saw one NDE video in which the woman saw the incredibly bright light that many see, and usually assume is God. She also met her deceased relatives. Being a curious and questioning person, this women asked the relatives if that light was God. She was told "no, the light is not God, the light is the breathing of God, is it God respirating. God breathes in human memories for energy, and breathes out cleansed human souls".

I cannot remember the exact words, as it was years ago that I saw this video, but this was the gist. I found that interesting, as most NDE people assume the white light is God; but this woman was told by the relatives that the light is God's respirating process. The idea that God requires an energy source ties in with how God is described as a living being, as humans are. A living being needs an energy source.

Whether you view this cleansing of the soul of memory sinister or invasive, or something beautiful and desirable, depends on perspective.

Memories, values, beliefs and personality traits are what makes the ego. In mindfulness meditation, if you want to attain a higher level of consciousness, you have to let go of the ego. You have to try to prise consciousness away from tending to your thoughts and to other contents of your mind (although in meditation, separating consciousness from your thoughts is easier said than done). If you are successful in pulling consciousness away from your thoughts, can you experience (fleeting moments of) pure consciousness.

In one NDE I was watching, as the person died and his consciousness expanded to encompass the whole of the cosmos, he said he could not believe how his consciousness was previously restricted to just his own self! He now realised that he was in fact the whole of existence! And that was bliss.

For him, the trickery was that he was made to believe he was a particular person, when in fact consciousness it the entire cosmos. He did not want to go back to being the person he was (even though he was a good person), and the restricted consciousness being a person entails.

So if you are happy to let go of the ego, then you can expand to become the entire cosmos, and experience bliss. But if you want to cling on to your ego and your personhood, then maybe the process of cleaning your soul of memory will seem horrible to you, it may seem like an attack on your self.

Maybe this is why selfish people go to hell when they die: the selfish by their nature are egocentric, so might fight against the dissolution of their ego. Whereas in life the unselfish already align to a bigger picture, as they are not so self-focused; so maybe for them it will seem natural to let go of the ego at the time of death, and in doing so, gain the entire cosmos.
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Puella Aeternus
Sep 6, 2024
See, prison planet resonates with me, but I also wonder why it's blowing up as far as more people becoming aware of the theory.

Almost like it resonates with people who are already miserable, depressed, nihilistic, etc.

I came across it a couple of years ago and since I began to believe in it, I haven't been able to make anything work for me as far as using spiritual systems for manifestation.

Sometimes I wonder if Gigi Young's perspective is right and it's just a psyop that disempowers us.

Because no one ever has answer for who created us, who created the entities, what's "out there" outside of this matrix, etc.
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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
thank you, i kinda feel like if there really is anything even remotely spiritual about this life i think the gnostics were close. life is just so full of pointless suffering and so little catharsis.
I like to point to the Sumerians, where many of the stories of The Bible were taken from.

In particular the story of the Garden of Eden (Sumerian E.DIN). ADAMU was the Sumerian name of man, or homo sapiens.

It goes that earth was colonized by two brothers (gods or possibly extraterrestrials) Enki and Enlil. Enlil ruled from the heavens (off planet) while Enki ruled from below (earth). They were looking for gold, which they would grind up in to a fine dust and shoot in to the atmosphere of their own dying planet (Mars?). However the mining of such was labor intensive, so they set about creating a slave race that could do the job for them.

They mixed their own DNA with that of the DNA of the smartest animal they could find on the planet (monkey) and their initial experiments failed (Neanderthal, etc) until they arrived at homo sapiens. Some say this is why gold has been revered across all cultures long before they ever had contact with each other. Possibly why the oldest homo sapien skeletons were found in a gold mine in Africa. The Sumerians also said that aspects of homo sapiens were purposely dumbed down (Possibly why we have so much of our genetic code turned off, or Junk dna).

Anyways Enki, who was amongst humans, felt sorry for mankind, knowing their plight of humans not knowing where they came from or why they were here. Enlil, his older brother, ruled with an iron fist, and went on to become the ruthless authoritarian "god" of the old testament.

Feeling compassion for man, Enki went about telling man of his reason for existence, which was as a slave. This was represented by the Sumerian story of the Garden of E.DIN. The snake in mesopotamian culture represented knowledge. So the story represents humans attempting to acquire a specific piece of knowledge, that God, Enlil, became enraged about when he found out. For that reason he attempted to threaten humans that if they were ever to try to acquire this knowledge again, they would suffer for an eternity in this made up 'hell'.

Later on, when humans were getting too unruly, Enlil planned to start all over again by destroying everything on the planet with a flood. However when Enki got wind of this it infuriated him, because he loved humans (like pets?) and set about saving one human (biblical Noah) and instructing him to build an ark.

Later on the Bible became an amalgamation of these two brothers, which is why the God of the Old Testament can be both brutal and malevolent (dashing baby's heads against the rocks, or killing everything with a flood), while also being loving and compassionate.

Do I believe all that? No.

But do I believe there are certain aspects of what they believed that are an attempt to make sense of why we don't remember anything about why we are here, why we have no memory of in between lives or past lives? Yes

We have to remember also that man went from being an animal hunter gatherer for hundreds of thousands of years, to all of a sudden the Sumerian civilization that brought us a system of government, laws, a number system, agriculture, irrigation, education, writing, calendars, timekeeping, astronomy, the wheel, sails on boats, etc etc. Most everything that we take for granted today was given to us by the Sumerians.

There is no gradual progression as evolution dictates. We were animals and then boom the Sumerian civilization appears out of nowhere.
See, prison planet resonates with me, but I also wonder why it's blowing up as far as more people becoming aware of the theory.

Almost like it resonates with people who are already miserable, depressed, nihilistic, etc.

I came across it a couple of years ago and since I began to believe in it, I haven't been able to make anything work for me as far as using spiritual systems for manifestation.

Sometimes I wonder if Gigi Young's perspective is right and it's just a psyop that disempowers us.

Because no one ever has answer for who created us, who created the entities, what's "out there" outside of this matrix, etc.

See, prison planet resonates with me, but I also wonder why it's blowing up as far as more people becoming aware of the theory.

Almost like it resonates with people who are already miserable, depressed, nihilistic, etc.

I came across it a couple of years ago and since I began to believe in it, I haven't been able to make anything work for me as far as using spiritual systems for manifestation.

Sometimes I wonder if Gigi Young's perspective is right and it's just a psyop that disempowers us.

Because no one ever has answer for who created us, who created the entities, what's "out there" outside of this matrix, etc.
I can help you have an obe of you are interested. Try the following breathing exercise.

First you must be in a quiet dark place with absolutely no distractions. I use earplugs because any noise whatsoever will ruin it.

Lay on your back with your arms at your sides.

Begin inhaling through your nose for a count of 5, hold for a count of 2, then exhale to a count of 10. While you are exhaling, imagine your right arm is deflating like a balloon. Imagine sinking in to the bed (or whatever you are laying on). Feel it.

Now do the same thing but with your left arm. Breathe in for a count of 5 (nose), hold for 2, then exhale for 10 imagining on the exhale (out your mouth) that your left arm is deflating like a balloon, sinking lower and lower in to the bed.

Now do the same with your right leg, the left leg, then your chest/upper body, but this one imagine your entire body is deflating like a balloon, and it is sinking below the bed and you are leaving behind, like your soul is lifting out of your body.

When you are done with all that start over with your right arm, but this time breathe in through your nose at count of 6, hold for 2, and exhale for 12.

Continue with this pattern of increasing the counts. If it feels like you are exhaling too much then just stick with whatever count feels comfortable to you, like you may want to stay at inhale 6/exhale 12 count.

Keep doing this until you literally feel like your body is sinking through the floor under you. Have a clear mind, only focusing on what I mentioned above, nothing else.

Eventually you will start to feel a very, very strange feeling. Like your core is vibrating. To me it was scary and made me abort the first few times I tried it. It's like nothing you've ever felt before and is very pronounced, not subtle at all.

If you continue through the vibrations, keep breathing and focus just on your entire body sinking below you, feel how heavy it is, and focus on the real you (soul) lifting out of it and detaching. You will exit and be in an obe state.

If you hit the vibrations, this is what happens right before the obe. It means you are there if you continue.

Now what to do in the obe? An entire book can be written about that! Just know you can't "die" and you can't become detached from what you will see is a silver cord attaching you to your body, no matter what you do. You will probably see your body laying on the bed. Try looking at your hands, they may seem to fade or have s shimmer effect around them. This is because you are seeing a reconstruction of what you think your body looks like. It is simply a re-creation of your mind. You are basically re-creating it based on your memory. Look around at the room you are in. You may notice a door or window where there didn't used to be one. Same thing going on, your mind is creating it as you look at it

If by any means you think it's just a dream, you will know it is not. You will just know. Imagine yourself at your best friends house. Observe what they are doing or eating for dinner. You can verify this later. Heres the weird part. Your friend may even see you and have a conversation with you. Act like you are there as if you are in the flesh and blood. However later on that friend probably will have absolutely no memory of you being there or holding a conversation with them. The reality of you making it that far and being able to do that is difficult. Most likely you will just flounder around in your room as I have done. Movement is difficult, like being underwater but having nothing to push against. You have to use your mind to move and it takes some getting used to.

Read any of Robert Monroe's books for more info and help.
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Jul 30, 2024
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Puella Aeternus
Sep 6, 2024
So Anmarie Uber says in this interview that killing oneself might impede one's ability to escape in the after life because you are dying before your "death doorway" in your life script.

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May 22, 2019
Yeah, I've heard about it, Saturn is trying to get you to reincarnate or something
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Do you suppose we were created by these beings or, they happened upon us? If they created us, why bother making us die at all then? Because they enjoy the fear we feel? Then, why not give us even shorter life spans? Why allow us to become so dominant on this planet? Surely, the presence of sabre tooth tigers and T rexes would create a lot more fear around the place? Why allow the development of sedatives and antidepressants?

Maybe it's all true but it's like all theories relating to governing rulers- Gods, aliens, whatever. There seem always to be a bunch of things that make you question- if this is their goal- why is it set up like this? I can only assume that in either case, they either only have limited power, they are just doing a bodge job or, they do have some plan we can't figure out.

Either way though, it is pretty terrifying that we are slaves to some sort of malevolent leader.
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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
Do you suppose we were created by these beings or, they happened upon us? If they created us, why bother making us die at all then? Because they enjoy the fear we feel? Then, why not give us even shorter life spans? Why allow us to become so dominant on this planet? Surely, the presence of sabre tooth tigers and T rexes would create a lot more fear around the place? Why allow the development of sedatives and antidepressants?

Maybe it's all true but it's like all theories relating to governing rulers- Gods, aliens, whatever. There seem always to be a bunch of things that make you question- if this is their goal- why is it set up like this? I can only assume that in either case, they either only have limited power, they are just doing a bodge job or, they do have some plan we can't figure out.

Either way though, it is pretty terrifying that we are slaves to some sort of malevolent leader.
To answer your questions as to why, I think we have to avoid the trap that every reason or question that we can come up with is inherently anthropomorphic.

Meaning maybe we are speaking to the motives of beings that are lightyears ahead of us developmentally, and our brains could never understand why or how they are doing such things.

Think of an ant trying to understand the motives of human beings. It will never happen because developmentally, their brains are infinitely inferior to ours.

For all we know, the difference between an ant and a human is the same as the difference between a human and some of these entities we speak of.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
To answer your questions as to why, I think we have to avoid the trap that every reason or question that we can come up with is inherently anthropomorphic.

Meaning maybe we are speaking to the motives of beings that are lightyears ahead of us developmentally, and our brains could never understand why or how they are doing such things.

Think of an ant trying to understand the motives of human beings. It will never happen because developmentally, their brains are infinitely inferior to ours.

For all we know, the difference between an ant and a human is the same as the difference between a human and some of these entities we speak of.

It's the same defense often used for God and religion- Who are we to question a God? How could we even understand a God? Maybe we'll never even have the capabilities to ascertain whether there even is a God or, anything else in charge. Unless they choose to reveal themselves.

It could of course be true. Definitely- any being who does actually have that much power to change things here must work on a different moral level to most humans. I doubt all that many humans would be ok with the degree of suffering that is intrinsic to life.

Still, it could just be a way for humans who like to believe this stuff to avoid having to prove any of it. It's a simple fix to complex questions to say that there's no point in asking these questions because, we wouldn't understand the answers! That isn't proof that these beings exist.

I'm further curious though but too lazy to do my own research. From what I've read of your post, one argument seems to be that- because multiple accounts of NDE's seem similar- there has to be something to it- is that correct? Do they regard dreams in a similar way? Most people have experienced dreams in which they can fly. Do they have any theories for things like that?
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Jun 29, 2024
Do you suppose we were created by these beings or, they happened upon us? If they created us, why bother making us die at all then? Because they enjoy the fear we feel? Then, why not give us even shorter life spans? Why allow us to become so dominant on this planet? Surely, the presence of sabre tooth tigers and T rexes would create a lot more fear around the place? Why allow the development of sedatives and antidepressants?

Maybe it's all true but it's like all theories relating to governing rulers- Gods, aliens, whatever. There seem always to be a bunch of things that make you question- if this is their goal- why is it set up like this? I can only assume that in either case, they either only have limited power, they are just doing a bodge job or, they do have some plan we can't figure out.

Either way though, it is pretty terrifying that we are slaves to some sort of malevolent leader.
@Forever Sleep don't be terrified of any of it. Not any of it. It's exactly what lower fear based energies want, they want you to be terrified, but there is no need to. There is no malevolent leader with any spiritual power and you are as spiritually powerful as any other being here or on the other side. And all of this is simply presented to us by lower energies to feed off of our collective and personal energy while we are incarnated. They want the narrative and zeitgeist to be that you need to be terrified of being trapped here and all that other bullshit. They hold no spiritual power unless we give it to them, meaning unless we buy into it and consciously allow them to. All these are are projections of our own collective consciousness and unconsciousness, so in a sense yes we created them, they are projections of our own collective mind while we are incarnated, and then individually each one of us can feed into it if we are not conscious of what we are doing. They've been around since humans have been around and now they simply take the form they do because of the age (of media and the internet) we are living in presently. Was there ever anything talked about as a matrix a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago? Hell no, they used other terms for these conundrums of the human ego back then. It's only now that we use these terms because we now live in the digital age of the internet. Easier said then done of course but the less you consciously engage with these topics, also meaning the less watching or reading of this fear based stuff the less it affects you and the better off you are and the less "deprogramming" you'll need to do once you cross over. The more you can stick your hands in the earth and the less screen time you have the better. If you listen to the video above, which is well posted and appreciated by @dune_dweller above regarding this topic, you'll see that the two speakers themselves say that they'd rather not even talk about this crap or do a video, they'd rather put pen to paper and write a book or spend their time doing some other non-digital activity, but that it's all over the place now in the media (because of our stuck obsessive collective consciousness), that they felt compelled to tell people to not give this stuff power. Will it get worse the more prominent everything digital is in our lives? Maybe. And so it requires more conscious action to disengage with it while this stuff is present. Obviously, look at me, I'm here on this site and on the internet spending time on this subject, and well it absolutely is hard for those of us in circumstances (ie. severely physically disabled so that our physical activity can often be limited to activities such as the internet, etc.), but even I'm doing the best I can to get away from this digital crap. That is the real trap, and that is what we are collectively being called to figure out how to do better. How to navigate and create the advancing digital world in healthier ways for the human psyche. (anecdote: I had left the sanctioned suicide site open for the last so many months since I first signed up, and today I think for the first day since then, I closed it, and surprise to myself, I didn't spontaneously combust!). The more we can do that the freer we will be spiritually, mentally, physically, all of it. There is no digital matrix on the other side, and we are all challenged to remember where we come from and who we are amidst all the technological density we progressively create here. Briefly, I started to buy into this bs too because, hell, I'm suffering too and have suffered horribly from my physical circumstances (I found my way to this site like everyone else here!) and I wanted to know who I can spiritually blame for all this and how afraid should I be of them and what the hell can I ever do about it, but I realized it only makes it all worse by ruminating in that fear based narrative. I realized I can consciously leave it behind and grow beyond it and back to who I am spiritually the best I can while I'm still physically suffering. Is it easy. Hell no! It's as hard as anything. But that is life for some of us. (Some of us literally did chose incredibly hard lives.). The only reason it can have any affect is by giving it any conscious power. Irregardless of how much I and we are suffering now, I and we will all be okay. Life is temporary. For everyone. We are not stuck here eternally. We grow with every experience we have, even these lives of ours that right now seem to suck worse than anything imaginable. (and, not to beat a dead horse, I've had too many experiences with those who've crossed over and have had very hard lives and ends of their lives come back and relay to me that all of the stuff that we collectively think is important while we are here, ie. all these fear based narratives, only matter to the extent that we need to expand our spiritual consciousness beyond them.)
Okay, I've definitely beaten this topic to death, but hopefully I've only done it in the service of expanding our consciousness that it can go beyond bothering worrying about this stuff (believe me, I used to wonder and worry and talk about it too but then moved beyond it as I shared above), and hopefully my point is well received.
Take care
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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
It's the same defense often used for God and religion- Who are we to question a God? How could we even understand a God? Maybe we'll never even have the capabilities to ascertain whether there even is a God or, anything else in charge. Unless they choose to reveal themselves.

It could of course be true. Definitely- any being who does actually have that much power to change things here must work on a different moral level to most humans. I doubt all that many humans would be ok with the degree of suffering that is intrinsic to life.

Still, it could just be a way for humans who like to believe this stuff to avoid having to prove any of it. It's a simple fix to complex questions to say that there's no point in asking these questions because, we wouldn't understand the answers! That isn't proof that these beings exist.

I'm further curious though but too lazy to do my own research. From what I've read of your post, one argument seems to be that- because multiple accounts of NDE's seem similar- there has to be something to it- is that correct? Do they regard dreams in a similar way? Most people have experienced dreams in which they can fly. Do they have any theories for things like that?
All your points are valid, certainly can't argue with them.

What I wrote is a highly condensed version of the theory that the tunnel of light is a trap.

If you are interested in this kind of stuff, I would highly encourage you to visit this Reddit and read the sticky at the top. It's not super long, but goes in to a lot more detail than I have.

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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
@Forever Sleep don't be terrified of any of it. Not any of it. It's exactly what lower fear based energies want, they want you to be terrified, but there is no need to. There is no malevolent leader with any spiritual power and you are as spiritually powerful as any other being here or on the other side. And all of this is simply presented to us by lower energies to feed off of our collective and personal energy while we are incarnated. They want the narrative and zeitgeist to be that you need to be terrified of being trapped here and all that other bullshit. They hold no spiritual power unless we give it to them, meaning unless we buy into it and consciously allow them to. All these are are projections of our own collective consciousness and unconsciousness, so in a sense yes we created them, they are projections of our own collective mind while we are incarnated, and then individually each one of us can feed into it if we are not conscious of what we are doing. They've been around since humans have been around and now they simply take the form they do because of the age (of media and the internet) we are living in presently. Was there ever anything talked about as a matrix a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago? Hell no, they used other terms for these conundrums of the human ego back then. It's only now that we use these terms because we now live in the digital age of the internet. Easier said then done of course but the less you consciously engage with these topics, also meaning the less watching or reading of this fear based stuff the less it affects you and the better off you are and the less "deprogramming" you'll need to do once you cross over. The more you can stick your hands in the earth and the less screen time you have the better. If you listen to the video above, which is well posted and appreciated by @dune_dweller above regarding this topic, you'll see that the two speakers themselves say that they'd rather not even talk about this crap or do a video, they'd rather put pen to paper and write a book or spend their time doing some other non-digital activity, but that it's all over the place now in the media (because of our stuck obsessive collective consciousness), that they felt compelled to tell people to not give this stuff power. Will it get worse the more prominent everything digital is in our lives? Maybe. And so it requires more conscious action to disengage with it while this stuff is present. Obviously, look at me, I'm here on this site and on the internet spending time on this subject, and well it absolutely is hard for those of us in circumstances (ie. severely physically disabled so that our physical activity can often be limited to activities such as the internet, etc.), but even I'm doing the best I can to get away from this digital crap. That is the real trap, and that is what we are collectively being called to figure out how to do better. How to navigate and create the advancing digital world in healthier ways for the human psyche. (anecdote: I had left the sanctioned suicide site open for the last so many months since I first signed up, and today I think for the first day since then, I closed it, and surprise to myself, I didn't spontaneously combust!). The more we can do that the freer we will be spiritually, mentally, physically, all of it. There is no digital matrix on the other side, and we are all challenged to remember where we come from and who we are amidst all the technological density we progressively create here. Briefly, I started to buy into this bs too because, hell, I'm suffering too and have suffered horribly from my physical circumstances (I found my way to this site like everyone else here!) and I wanted to know who I can spiritually blame for all this and how afraid should I be of them and what the hell can I ever do about it, but I realized it only makes it all worse by ruminating in that fear based narrative. I realized I can consciously leave it behind and grow beyond it and back to who I am spiritually the best I can while I'm still physically suffering. Is it easy. Hell no! It's as hard as anything. But that is life for some of us. (Some of us literally did chose incredibly hard lives.). The only reason it can have any affect is by giving it any conscious power. Irregardless of how much I and we are suffering now, I and we will all be okay. Life is temporary. For everyone. We are not stuck here eternally. We grow with every experience we have, even these lives of ours that right now seem to suck worse than anything imaginable. (and, not to beat a dead horse, I've had too many experiences with those who've crossed over and have had very hard lives and ends of their lives come back and relay to me that all of the stuff that we collectively think is important while we are here, ie. all these fear based narratives, only matter to the extent that we need to expand our spiritual consciousness beyond them.)
Okay, I've definitely beaten this topic to death, but hopefully I've only done it in the service of expanding our consciousness that it can go beyond bothering worrying about this stuff (believe me, I used to wonder and worry and talk about it too but then moved beyond it as I shared above), and hopefully my point is well received.
Take care

Sorry I missed this post. I really appreciate your thoughts here, as it is certainly aligned with how I feel about a lot of things, including being physically handicapped so that I don't really have much else to do given I can't walk, and will never be able to. Great post. Hope you are doing ok.

hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
Every person I've ever known or loved never truly cared about me other than my parents and if my parents showed up to get me to go into the light I'd be questioning how they are there as they are still among the living. And if there is some beyond space/time argument I'm just going to immediately assume it's an Anunnaki soul web "trap". If reincarnation is a thing and we have no say in the matter (going into the light or not) that is the most depressing news of all though.

When you think about life as a whole you realize that almost everything is reactionary so it leads me to assume that it's highly likely that if there is an afterlife, reincarnation, or other forced predicament that you can't escape but I am very much hoping that there is nothingness. An eternal life of any sort or reincarnation both sound awful to me.

Life is so busy with so many moving parts and we are being flung this way and that way all the time without even realizing it, I assume heaven and hell would be much the same and even if we had personal agency after a while (be it thousands or trillions of years+) both would be horrific fates. At least with reincarnation you wouldn't likely know anything of prior lives and even if you knew of the last handful you couldn't remember all of them so there would be a cutoff.

The more I think of the possibility of an afterlife existing instead of an endless void the more depressed I get. I find it funny how what most people consider to be paradise would be a jail cell to most of those who can't even cope with a single life and nothingness calls to us above all else.

Perception is interesting to say the least.

Anyways, veering off topic a bit here...

I've read many articles and seen multiple documentaries about the soul trap/web theory where upon CTB your "soul" travels towards a light where it's cleansed and recycled and the excess energy is siphoned for power from fourth-dimensional beings who use it for sustenance before your sent to the next host to repeat the process for eternity.

Pretty depressing stuff but if we are even able to compete in a battle of will against beings above the comprehension of our souls' aptitudes (only relating to terrestrial live, for a single lifespan, on a single planet) I'd honestly be surprised. I'm sure we could attempt to avoid "the light" but if time is a non-factor or existence possibly repeats and there is an endless cycle of life and entropy we could be held captive until we do partake in the game of life again.

There is also the possibility that we are stuck in an endless loop where we live the same life repeating the same accomplishments and mistakes forever, like an album on repeat, or possibly a shuffled mix of such with slight variations.

Nobody truly knows and perhaps that is for the best because if we knew it could shatter our minds.
Excellent post.

I think, as you alluded to towards the end, and what I mentioned to another member, we have to be careful of forgetting that most all of our reasonings are inherently anthropomorphic.

That the difference between an ant and a human very well could be the same difference between a human and these beings we are talking about.

Personally, relying on experiences of astral dreamers, remote viewers, Robert Monroe's experiences, Nde's, etc of people who did not enter the light, all of their descriptions are of peace and bliss.

If you've never read 'Seth Speaks' by Jane Roberts, I highly encourage you to do so. For me, almost every paragraph he 'writes' is a revelation. He describes much of these other realms and what they are like. He also describes how reality and consciousness work. Usually when I've read books by any other author, no matter how tight they are i always end up with questions. With Seth, I put down the book feeling like all my questions have been answered.
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In Echoes Forever
Aug 26, 2019
Yeah this stuff goes pretty deep. There was another thread on this awhile back, but I'm glad to see this information is here just as a fair warning for anyone who may be considering CTB.
So Anmarie Uber says in this interview that killing oneself might impede one's ability to escape in the after life because you are dying before your "death doorway" in your life script.

This is one thing I don't necessarily agree with. If we're to believe that this trap is as effective as it seems to be, I'm not sure why a "death doorway" in a life-script would be a loop hole to getting out. After all, these life-scripts and the various things we miss in our life-scripts are also often used against us as a means to come back. I'll have to re-watch that segment of the interview because I remember hearing it and wanting to go back and re-listen but haven't gotten around to it yet. I also don't think she'd ever openly say "yeah, go ahead and kill yourself and try to get out." Suicide seems to be the one thing that's universally agreed upon as a "no no", even in the Spiritual community where sovereignty is often preached, and it just makes you wonder why exactly that is.
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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
Yeah this stuff goes pretty deep. There was another thread on this awhile back, but I'm glad to see this information is here just as a fair warning for anyone who may be considering CTB.

This is one thing I don't necessarily agree with. If we're to believe that this trap is as effective as it seems to be, I'm not sure why a "death doorway" in a life-script would be a loop hole to getting out. After all, these life-scripts and the various things we miss in our life-scripts are also often used against us as a means to come back. I'll have to re-watch that segment of the interview because I remember hearing it and wanting to go back and re-listen but haven't gotten around to it yet. I also don't think she'd ever openly say "yeah, go ahead and kill yourself and try to get out." Suicide seems to be the one thing that's universally agreed upon as a "no no", even in the Spiritual community where sovereignty is often preached, and it just makes you wonder why exactly that is.
I only think suicide is a "no-no" due to human inventions. After all, by committing the ultimate act of denying human-ship, you are kind of spitting in the eye of all humans saying I don't want to be one of you anymore.

Look at gangs. In a microcosm, they represent the tribalistic side of humans that we all innately possess, but suppress due to artificial restraints imposed by societal pressures. And in gangs, leaving the gang is the ultimate betrayal, sometimes punishable by death.

Suicide is the ultimate betrayal to most humans' innate tribalistic nature. That, and we live amongst humans who gravitate towards organized religions that believe "God" was the creator of humans and therefore claimed ownership of human beings and only "He" could extinguish a life if He saw fit.

And think about it. If humans are incarnated to generate sustenance for higher dimensional beings who utilize our negative energies when we experience negative emotions, would it not make sense that the controllers of this "farm" would instill the idea that if we try to get out or escape this "farm", like a cow getting through a fence and running off in to the forest, that the idea that if we try to escape via Suicide, it is the ultimate no-no, that we will suffer horribly if we are to do so?

What I've been able to put together is that when you encounter any being in this afterlife, that you hold it firmly in your mind for them to reveal their true nature, then your own innate power as a soul or consciousness no longer is fooled by this fake costume of one of your loved ones or a religious figure if you are religious, and you are able to see just who they really are.

Also, if you really look in to NDEs you will notice that a common underlying thread to almost all of their experiences is that once the individual ceases to be incarnated our existence becomes almost comically trivial. No matter what trauma the person was experiencing at the time of death, or whatever life altering problems they were going through, in almost all instances the person feels like they are finally "home" (being out of body, ie dead) and that everything associated with living was so unimportant, like they were putting down the controller of a video game and couldn't believe how immersed they were in this virtual reality, that it was borderline ridiculous that they thought any of that has any material effect in their real life.

David Grusch, the UFO insider who recently testified to Congress about the existence of government funded ufo crash retrieval teams, was once asked if he had any knowledge about the overall ufo agenda. He answered that he did, but he could not say anything because the truth about what was really going on was so horrifying, and so unbelievable, that the general public could never, ever know what was really going on.

Makes me wonder what he is talking about.
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hell toupee

Sep 9, 2024
Yeah this stuff goes pretty deep. There was another thread on this awhile back, but I'm glad to see this information is here just as a fair warning for anyone who may be considering CTB.

This is one thing I don't necessarily agree with. If we're to believe that this trap is as effective as it seems to be, I'm not sure why a "death doorway" in a life-script would be a loop hole to getting out. After all, these life-scripts and the various things we miss in our life-scripts are also often used against us as a means to come back. I'll have to re-watch that segment of the interview because I remember hearing it and wanting to go back and re-listen but haven't gotten around to it yet. I also don't think she'd ever openly say "yeah, go ahead and kill yourself and try to get out." Suicide seems to be the one thing that's universally agreed upon as a "no no", even in the Spiritual community where sovereignty is often preached, and it just makes you wonder why exactly that is.
I don't think it has anything to do with loopholes.

When you die, you possess just as much power, or, the ability to have self autonomy, as any other 'being', or form of self autonomic energy that there is. The only reason that you might have limited capabilities is if you willingly give it up.

Think about when people have NDEs, literally thousands upon thousands of experiential data collected that the majority of the time people come back in to incarnation is that they were told, while talking to a loved one, or a religious figure, that they "still have some unfinished task" or that "it's not their time yet", or that "so and so needs them there". So the idea is you are not 'forced' to go back, you are coaxed in to making the decision yourself, by someone you trusted and respected, which is really not what you think it is. You are freely giving up your own power, and falling in to a loop as you put it.

All you have to do is recognize that you have full and complete control of everything you want to do and nothing can actually force you to do anything.

And don't let the curveball that organized religions are convince you of the opposite, that God is your creator and your owner and solely in charge of your destiny. Which is literally the 100% exact opposite of the word autonomic.
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Sep 7, 2024
Bear with me here.

There has been ongoing research in to obe, nde, remote viewing, astral dreaming, Robert Monroe, the Gnostics, and the abduction phenomena.

Many researchers in the past, as well as Gnosticism, believe that higher dimensional beings feed off our negative energy such as anger, hate, violence, jealousy, spite, etc., as a kind of sustenance. Remember, all of your thought, including emotions, are just energy. Robert Monroe, creator of the Monroe Institute, and godfather of out of body experiences (claiming it was no special skill, he could teach anyone to do it), called this negative energy "loosh", and said that higher dimensional beings utilized such, called Archons by the Gnostics.

Putting together thousands of testimonials by people who have experienced near death experiences, out of body experiences, mystical experiences, high dose IV DMT experiences, and abduction experiences, some very real similarities have emerged.

The tunnel of light is a technological trap that erases you of your memory of past lives or even of what we experience between lives (think about it, it makes no sense that we have no idea what our purpose is, why we are here, or what mistakes we might avoid in the past), and whatever is comforting to you (God, Jesus, parents, loved one, etc) will appear because in this level (afterlife) your mind and your thoughts, which are just forms of energy, can be read like an open book. Higher dimensional beings (extraterrestrials?) exploit this by impersonating things that are comforting to you.

Why? Because every soul in the universe has the freedom of their own will, no other being can force you to do something against your will. So once they have erased your memory they persuade you to go back, or be reincarnated, by impersonating loved ones who say things like "you still have x to do" "or others need you there" or "its not your time yet". They allow you to make up your own mind, although you feel pressured, however ultimately you are the one deciding to go back.

And they do it to harness our negative energy, loosh, making earth like a giant farm.

The little bit I wrote doesn't nearly do the subject justice. If you are interested go to the Reddit r/prisonplanet and read the sticky at the top of the page.

Or read the writings of
Robert Monroe
Rudolph Steiner
Carlos Castenada of Don Juan fame and the Native American interpretation of such that every human is born with an enemy or predator in their head (that little voice in your head that bugs the sh*t out of you)
Remote Viewing
The Scole Experiments.

Charles Fort, who collected thousands upon thousands of oddball occurrences that happened in everyday life (the unexplained) and published them in many huge collections, was once asked at the end of his career what he had concluded about all these weird occurrences. His answer was

I believe we are owned by something. We are the property of something.
Most of us are slaves even in life.There are really poor people who can barely afford to eat,even one square meal a day.Those that are forced into human trafficking.Those who cannot hear or see,and suffer from disabilities.

When will this slavery even end?

I don't think many want to be reincarnated or want an afterlife either.Just permanent rest and sleep.

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