

Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
The department of the minor language I'm studying used to be run by a horrible, horrible teacher. She used to scream at students in class, used to insult them, threatened them and overall be plain abusive and harsh with them. Some students ended up in hospital because of her. The stories I heard last year were horribly awful. I don't know, since when higher education ended up a shit experiment to see how much you can fuck up innocent people who just want to learn more and have a chance at getting a job that isn't bullshit? This whole country is a fucking jungle, a boxing ring.

Things were hopeful at first when the university managed to dismiss her and a process between the university and that teacher started. The case also made the news, that's how it was even posssible in the first place to dismiss her, that's how you manage to do something in this country, by trying to get something appear in the news cause otherwise no one gives a fuck and no one would help.

But, all this hope broke down instantly because the teacher... won the process. Yes, someone who plain abused and destroyed others lives won the fucking process. Wouldn't be shocked, or even surprised, actually that's probably how it happened, to hear that she probably bribed the judges. Bribery is the norm here, it's how assholes manage to get ahead and enjoy the good stuff. They get ahead while everyone else is stupidly working hard to survive for another day.

It doesn't even stop here. You know what else happened? She is officially back and will start teaching again next week. I'm speaking seriously. A teacher who abused students and destroyed their lives, a teacher who operates on terror and abuse of power, can now freely teach again. As if nothing happened. As if we didn't do our best to take measures, as if we never managed to make this case appear on the news, as if nothing, nothing ever happened. Worst part is that I'll have classes with her. No, I'm not tolerating any of this. I was already screwed up regarding my minor language, this is only a confirmation. I don't see any other option than giving up. Giving up because of that horrible teacher and because of the stupid drama that spanned for over a year in the department, with teachers being changed like socks and not understanding anything anymore. When I saw that email where she proudly announced she's back I fucking heavily cried. Students are mere tools for bullying and amusement here.

I got even more angry when that shithead of a father I have dismissed this shit and thinks it's all a harmless game. God I fucking hate that....... I'm trying to abstain not say something awful.

And then they wonder '' waaaah waaaah, why are our young people leaving the country waaaaah ''. This is fucking why they're leaving, cause they are never fucking taken seriously, cause their problems don't matter, cause they have to shut up and take it upon their arses cause we young and dumb fam we don't know anything, boomers know it better. We have absolutely no living conditions here, you need lots of money per month to make it, everything is expensive, and you pay half your shitty small salary for rent only. We have the smallest wages in the whole EU. You pay for stuff like warm water and heating but you don't even receive it. The capital, the fucking capital most of the time has no warm water or heating, and yes, that happens even during winter. Why? because of the corrupt mayors that there were who spent the budget for useless bullshit like bicycle tracks or curbs instead of renewing the pipes which haven't been changed since who knows when.

I'm fucking tired of this shitshow country, I have always despised it, but hell, right now? I can't describe. I can't find ONE positive thing about living here. Everything sucks: the air quality, the food, the wages, the corruption, no availability to the easier suicide methods, the church having big influence over everything, churches everywhere you go while there are few hospitals or schools (they built a huge ass fancy church from donations from people LMAO, the worst fucking scam ever. that's absolutely what we need, we are gonna get treated of illness in churches instead of hospitals), the rampant misogyny (women disappear or get raped, tortured and killed but authorities don't give a shit about it, my blood still boils over the Caracal case), the education system which is more like psychological torture system, the society, the people... the fucking people. Mean and ignorant assholes that always have to throw a nasty remark at you.

As I said before, this country is a fucking jungle. You may escape out of it, but everyone gets harmed in some way or another. I'm thinking seriously if I'm insane simply because of the country I was born in and have to put up with.

In conclusion, fuck Romania. Jesus, I'd move absolutely anywhere else in Europe if I had the chance.

I doubt anyone will read this all and probably will get ignored just like with many posts I made, but in any case if you do it, thank you very much for reading so far. I'm so very sorry to make another novel on here or just post my bullshit since I got called out on it, but I really needed to vent.
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Reactions: less than, blueclover_., Rogue Proxy and 8 others


Nov 10, 2021
That story is so tragic and angering. It's crushing to have such scum living freely, undeservedly, while the rest of us suffer. It reminds me of a documentary in nearby Bulgaria where staff were allowed to abuse and starve children in their care, and were just allowed to get away with it despite causing serious injuries and death to many kids they were entrusted to look after. The system is ruined. I hope you find a way out of your situation and to a better environment & the universe leads you there peacefully. You deserve a better quality of life than the suffering you endure. Sending you tranquility
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Reactions: less than, blueclover_., Rational man and 1 other person
Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
I think i mentioned previously, Romania is a puppet state to the European Union, the paymasters of the empire. Bailing out small nations.comes at cost. Some of your country folk have settled here in UK, made a new life. Only you can decide of course but it sounds like the fatherland is not offering their youth a decent deal.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I had no idea about what things are like in Romania, it sounds like a terrible place to live. It is awful how people are forced into this existence and they have to endure a low quality of life. Of course it is very unfair how the teacher got their job back, some people are just so cruel. I'm sorry you have to go through this, I wish you the best.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I live in a shithole and I left it to start a life somewhere else but went back later eventually. Now there is no otherway of leaving shithole than ctb
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Sep 10, 2018

I can't understand how the teacher is allowed to still continue, I just can't understand. Because the briders could just take her money but not allow her to teach, scam her in a way. I guess she must pay them monthly.

This makes me again wish money didn't exist and we could just magically get things. That way there wouldn't be corruption, bridery, poverty.

It's awful that your dad is a bad person. I really wish bad people couldn't be parents.

It's horrible how sexism still exists.

I wish you could move to another country, but sadly it seems there are more bad countries than good countries. Every country has something wrong with it, though it sounds Romania is one of the shittier countries.

I hope you can escape the country one day, one way or other.
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Better Never to Have Been: 2006, David Benatar
Oct 11, 2021
Thanks, i needed my daily dose of hate for the human race today. I hope you can make it out of there, or ctb before things get really bad if that is your choice. I, too, am trapped in a shit country, so i felt this post on a personal level. Best wishes.
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Reactions: Rational man, less than and TheHatedOne

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