

Jul 9, 2020
I just concluded a very long-winded "argument" (if you could even call it that) with a very angry person and I want to share it with you all, because I think it's really funny, especially towards the end. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Me- Right. I will say that this is based on a book, and even though most of the series wasn't, books and scripting have some basis in reality. Something I've been dealing with lately is my conflict with what I was raised to think women need from a man. Growing up, I watched a lot of Disney bullshit, but experienced enough failed relationships to know better. As most men do, I tried to be the best man I could be, so I envisioned that being someone who was able to fully satisfy their partner emotionally, sexually, financially, and otherwise. But I've been very observant of trends lately, and I'm seeing that women are becoming incredibly independent to the point where they don't need the emotional, financial, and material supports of men in their lives. It's getting to the point where the only thing a strong, independent woman needs in their life is what most independent men need from women - sex, and I think this is a wonderful thing. Freedom. No longer do people need to feel obligated to honor the age-old institution of marriage (something whose history is really ugly when you read about it's original purpose) or even the confines of a relationship. I think it's great that Wynona and Raylan felt like they can be free sexually. It's just that I'm still dealing with this destruction of the person I had been trying to become for so long, that I wished it wasn't true. I had hoped that even in this fictional universe, the man that every man wishes they could be (Raylan) could have a woman need him so much that she would put aside her independence just to fulfill the Disneyland promise I was made as a kid.

sucking_at_life023(that's literally his username)- Christ. This reads like some redpill copypasta. You know who falls for this shit? Misogynists desperate to rationalize and morons.

Me- Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know celebrating the ever-increasing independence of women in society was a repill copypasta. If it is, it's the first time I'm hearing or reading about it. Maybe you could find it for me?

sucking_at_life023 - So you're a moron then. Is that worse?

Me- Sorry, I'm not connecting the dots. How does what I just said make me a moron, other than the fact that you just want to fight me on everything I say because you're convinced that I'm the bad guy and you're the good guy? You like easy targets apparently. Kind of lazy if you ask me. At least give me something to work with, sucking_at_life023.

sucking_at_life023 -
My man, targets do not get any easier...THAN YOUR MOM ahahahahaha
Seriously tho. If you actually believe that shit you typed you should consider a nice long walk in traffic. Heavy traffic. The world will be better off.
OK? Good talk.

Me - I'm not sure if I should just leave that comment hanging in the wind for everyone to see. I think most people would see someone who totally gave up trying and is flailing around. I think it's also a little unfair that just because you think I view women in a certain way, that I deserve to die in such a horrible manner. Did I hurt you that bad? And this thing about my mother. Are you like 12? Oh brother, you are a real treat. I'm glad you think this concludes our talk, because if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were running. Not surprising given how desperate you were to make me look and feel bad. I think you've sincerely underestimated me. You came here for an easy put down, and I don't blame you. When you "suck at life" as much as you do, you'll do anything for a win. Keep talking, or don't, I don't care. Just know that if you do, it's going to take more chunks out of you than it will me, and that would make you the Masochist.

sucking_at_life023 - "Seriously tho. If you actually believe that shit you typed you should consider a nice long walk in traffic."
That's all you need to know, son. Too stupid to spot obvious bullshit does not mean too stupid to breed. We need to stop that from happening, ok?

So I have a plan for you. Why don't you go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and buttfuck your new redpill buddies to death? Just savage their asses for prolonged periods. Ride 'em hard. And also long. Hard and long. Until they are dead.

Then go for that walk in traffic we talked about. I think this is a good plan.

Me- Just because you, personally, don't believe the stuff I've talked about doesn't make it not true. You're just one person (a very hurt and bitter one at that), and to be honest, judging from the bias and lack of imagination in your posts, I don't think you're the one to make that judgement. Besides, I think this stopped being about my personal beliefs and more about how butt hurt you are. Why else can you think about nothing other than buttfucking people (lol)? You are so blindly and hatefully flailing around that it's funny. There is literally zero substance to anything you're saying. This isn't "Never Back Down" and you don't have to take it personally when you decide to just walk away. I know it's hard for certain males in this age to graciously accept defeat, but man, you are quite the specimen. I love your "plan", btw. Do you always have such draconian punishments for those who cross you? If you're anything like this in real life, I feel sorry for how jaded you must feel all the time. LOL I'm sorry, you're just too much. I didn't know it was possible to hurt someone this much. You are resorting to such elementary defense tactics that it's almost sad. Go punch something or whatever it is you do to relieve some of this pain you feel inside. I won't discourage you from continuing on, though, because I always enjoy a nice laugh every now and again, and while I don't strive to have fun at other people's expenses, you are literally just throwing yourself at me. I can't help myself.

sucking_at_life023 -
Do you really think anyone is reading that? After all the other shit you've posted upthread? You're dumber than that box of stank ass dildos under your mommy's bed.
Look. I get it. You're recently radicalized and think you're spreading the word. Like your soon-to-be-buttfucked-to-death redpill buddies encouraged you to do. You're in the evangelizing phase. Good for you buddy!
If you are clever (and believe me, you're not), you'll learn a lesson here. Your bullshit is so rank that normal people will reject it off hand (and they judge you for believing it). Not just nutcases like me. Normal folks see through this garbage ideology. Most people who engage you are going to tell you you're wrong and some of us are going to actively mock you. The world is a hostile place for the weak, the uninformed, and the stupid. That's you bud!
You need to stay in your echo chamber to be taken seriously.

Me - Did I say I thought anyone was reading that? I couldn't care less. I wasn't preaching, I was opening up. And thanks for yet another white trash insult. Man, this image I have of you becomes clearer by the post. I think it's funny that you're so convinced that I'm part of some repill conspiracy, when in reality, these thoughts are 100% my own. If you think it's impossible for someone to come up with such thoughts by themselves, you really have some low expectations of what you and your fellow man are capable of. How about this, if you're so fixated on my message and not me personally, why don't you lay down what it is exactly that you have a problem with, word for word, from what I've said, so we can have a civil conversation about this? I would love to talk about it. If not, I can assume a couple of things - one, you're not actually concerned about what I think and more about "sticking it to the lib" as other white trash would put it, or two, you're so invested in this vendetta that you're afraid you might have just been wrong this entire time. As for echo chambers, I can't say I stay in one. I've talked about this kind of stuff in many places and gotten mostly positive responses. That might be hard to believe from what you've experienced here, but we haven't gotten a chance to discuss this in depth now have we? The choice is yours.

Word salad serves only to convince yourself you have something relevant to say. Son, you do not. You established that. This all you, shouting into the void of your own inadequacy.

And you KNOW it. Weak and stupid as you are.

Me - Yea, I'm so sorry I explain myself thoroughly, and use those BIG words like "vendetta". Sorry if it's above your pay grade. Seriously, if what you think I tell you is "word salad", I'm inclined to believe you're just making excuses for YOUR own inadequacies. Is this what you tell everybody who has better points to make than you do? Accuse them of talking too much? Yea, dumbass, that's what happens when people have more to say. I'm loving this, watching you contort yourself and do mental gymnastics to make it seem like you're even remotely in this discussion. When it comes to having absolutely nothing to say, you have mastered it further with this new post of yours. Attack, attack, no substance, just anger. I assume you're not going to take me up on my offer? I guess then I'm free to assume what's really going on in that head of yours. The funniest thing here is that you're trying SO hard to make me feel bad, but you're doing the exact opposite. Do you enjoy wasting your time? Do you honestly think things are going to change here? that you have anything new to offer? I don't think so, but you can always surprise me later.

sucking_at_life023 -
Broseph, I am not engaging with you. What are you even trying to do? I'm here to point and laugh. How hard headed can you be?

Promulgating toxic bullshit makes you lower than a snake's cunt and as far as I'm concerned, human garbage. The world would be better off without you. Fuck off back to your redpill clubhouse and cry about how unfair it all is.

Maybe you'll grow up and see this for what it is - entitlement, fear, and insecurity. Insecurity especially - that's the vibe you're throwing around. Short dick energy. That's what you want people to think of you? Because they do. Trust me, they do.

Me - Well if you're here to laugh at me, I'm glad we're sharing in a mutual experience. As far as flinging toxic bullshit, I'm pretty sure you've used more personal attacks and foul language than I have, like in the entire thread. And again with the repill clubhouse shit? You really don't believe a word that comes out of my mouth do you? How hard headed can YOU be? Lol. I'm not so sure about the fear and insecurity part. Does anything about these exchanges we've been having scream "I'm scared" to you? I think I've handled myself pretty well, considering you've taken almost every opportunity to throw insults at me while I keep mine to a minimum. I also think it's a little funny that the biggest insult you can throw my way is that I have "short dick energy". Is that what people where you come from worry about the most? Having a small dick? Myself, I worry more about not having a shitty personality and making sure I'm worth the space I take up. You probably haven't read any of my other posts to other people because you're fixated on the size of your dick, but the #1 thing I do online is visit suicide and depression forums to make people feel better about their lives, or at least comfort them if there's no stopping their decision. Check my post history on reddit, you'll see. I actually care about people, while it seems the only thing you care about is feeling like a man. I also think it's funny that you just know and are certain what other people think about me, like you held a congregation and came to a vote. Trust you? No, you're just talking out of your ass again. But by all means, keep laughing. I'm glad when people have a good time.

sucking_at_life023 - I like pointing out to weak pathetic misogynist trash how exactly they're perceived by thoughtful people. Some of them respond like you do because they are instinctively defensive of thinly veiled rationalization. You know your shit is weak. Your insecurity is palpable.

Me - Let me ask you something. Would you be so hostile with me right now if I had just responded with "I'm sorry" when you called me a Misogynist and a moron? Or are you so hurt because I bothered to stand up for myself because I knew that what you were saying was wrong? I defend myself and immediately you start talking about my mother and that I should walk into traffic? No man, you are so fucked up in the head right now because I didn't put up with your bullshit and even started pointing out things that I think are wrong with you. Wasn't expecting that were you? I offer to clear the air by talking about our initial conflict, but you spit in my hand. I admit I may not have come across as the most sensible person in the OP, but I did acknowledge this by saying "OK, I'm done being mad" halfway through and then trying my damnedest to make my positions clearer in the thread. Again, I offered to clear things up, but you are so hard on keeping your monolithic hate for me on ice that anything saying otherwise is just blind to you. I don't know how acquainted you are with rationality and rational arguments, but calling my responses to your incessant attacks "thinly veiled" and the fact that all your posts are offensive, disgusting, desperate, and hateful leaps of faith tells me that you don't know a damn thing about rational behavior. "You know your shit is weak". Really, you're reading my mind now? Another leap of faith. If I told you that I was nowhere close to being what you think I am, would you believe me? I've made more than enough of an effort to prove it, but apparently that isn't good enough for you. Stay in your small little world, it's easier that way.

sucking_at_life023 -

I wondered if you are simply copy and pasting the same thing over and over. All I see in my inbox is big ol' blocks of nonsense.

I have some advice, if you want to be taken seriously.

First off, get an ideology that doesn't make you a shithead.

Second, learn what the fuck a paragraph is you pig ignorant son of a shit smelling whore.

Me - I don't know how you view discourse in the form of writing, or how you viewed it growing up, but it's clear that you're not reading what I'm saying because it's too painful to absorb and are conveniently skipping over the parts that will make you feel foolish. I get it. You're not used to taking a figurative beating without the opportunity to physically harm the guy making you feel like shit. Stop lying to yourself. This isn't about my "ideology", and more about how I've made you feel about yourself, else you would've taken me up on my offer to discuss what about my "ideology" offends you, giving you the opportunity to stick it to me that way. It's pretty amusing that you're going to conclude your attack by criticizing me about what a paragraph is, like it's the best thing you can come up with. Don't you see what's happening here? You're trying desperately to make yourself feel better by throwing every possible thing in your arsenal at me, and coming up empty every time. At what point are you going to stop blaming me and start looking at yourself? If you're so convinced that you're the better man, then do what they do - walk away. Ever heard of the term "ad hominem"? It's something called a logical fallacy where people make the mistake of attacking someone, usually by calling them names (like shit smelling whore) to try and make their argument invalid. Every time you call me names in a desperate attempt to make yourself feel better, I am reminded of just how pathetic you are. P.S. Don't criticize me about how to write a paragraph when you yourself hit ENTER after every sentence. Man you are dumb.

sucking_at_life023 -
Look homie, it's not every day I get to remind toxic pieces of shit what toxic pieces of shit they are. Why can't you let just me enjoy that? Why you always gotta be all


Why homie why? Your thin skinned defensiveness couldn't telegraph your insecurity any more clearly. You need to learn to be better prey. All this effort, and all I'm gonna do is take another shit is your mother's cunt. That's why you came out shit stained! Bet mommy didn't tell you that.

Me - "Why can't you let just me enjoy that?" So it's true, you just wanted a win? I'm sorry dude, but I'm not going lie about myself or let you say things about me that aren't true without standing up for myself. That's something you can understand, right? I'm also NEVER going to dumb myself or what I write down just to make you more comfortable. It's pretty clear that you're hurting and that you're begging me to end your suffering, but no, I'd rather let this be a teaching moment. You're not dead. Pull yourself up and LEARN. Do you remember what I said about continuing on and how it's going to take more chunks out of you than it will me? Well, to be honest, I have gone through ZERO suffering or pain during this whole ordeal. I don't hate you. I'm not even mad at you. I know you think you suck at life, that you thought I was an easy target, and that this was your "time to shine", but you were just wrong. "Why homie why?" Because I think you needed it. There's nothing better than to be completely deconstructed to reveal your weaknesses and grow from it. I see this going two ways. One, you can just walk away. It might not be now, or even the next few posts from now, but you might decide to eventually. OR, you can continue to struggle in the quicksand and drive yourself mad, resulting in your own demise, whether it's through an arrest or suicide. It's up to you.

sucking_at_life023 - I'm not sure what you're saying, but you're too dumb to understand how to use a paragraph break. I'm pretty sure I'm not missing out.

Me - Bye =)

sucking_at_life023 -
Finally, a fucking paragraph break. Terrible punctuation though.

You might be misogynist trash, but it seems like you might could learn. I hope you do before you breed.

Me - Dude, just go away. I'm tired of your broken record. Take your terrible life and shove it in someone else's face.

sucking_at_life023 -
How dare you. HOW DARE YOU. You can't just go on the internet and call people "broken records". You fucking ANIMAL.

I take it back. I hope you don't learn.

Oh, and tell your mom that the rates are going up. She wants my filthy shit in her vagina (and you know she does), gonna cost her a clean hundo now. Plus tax and fees. And you tell her why, son. She ain't hearing that from me.

"Broken record". Jesus. You fucking millennials have no shame.

Me - Are you done?

sucking_at_life023 -
Done with reminding you you're a toxic, insecure little pussy?


Looks like we're done with that. Why? I already told you. Because you are an insecure pussy.

Me - Alright man. I think I'm just going to ignore you from now on. I wouldn't want you to burst a blood vessel in your brain. You're already foaming at the mouth.

I was hoping there would be a silver lining to this whole thing and that, despite hating my guts, he would learn how to properly form an argument, or at least look within himself to maybe become a better person. Maybe. Time will tell.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Reddit is asshole cancer
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Jan 14, 2020
Damn. I'm gonna wait for the Tl;dr to come out on Netflix and get back to you.
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Jul 9, 2020
Damn. I'm gonna wait for the Tl;dr to come out on Netflix and get back to you.
Let me highlight what I think was the funniest line, "Oh, and tell your mom that the rates are going up. She wants my filthy shit in her vagina (and you know she does), gonna cost her a clean hundo now. Plus tax and fees. And you tell her why, son. She ain't hearing that from me. "
Oh god, that was so good the first time I read it.


I'm useless
Aug 5, 2020

Honestly though this dude is just a troll though. He doesn't even believe whatever he called you out for in the beginning. It's funny that he accuses you of being a newly readicalized redpill bro when it seems clearly that you're realm of thinking is going in the opposite direction from those toxic ways of thinking and you are simply attempting to cope with the aftermath of a world you were told about since birth but doesn't actually exist. If he was gonna come up with some bullshit reason to call you out he probably could have at least done it with a bit more tact and perhaps,



Jul 9, 2020

Honestly though this dude is just a troll though. He doesn't even believe whatever he called you out for in the beginning. It's funny that he accuses you of being a newly readicalized redpill bro when it seems clearly that you're realm of thinking is going in the opposite direction from those toxic ways of thinking and you are simply attempting to cope with the aftermath of a world you were told about since birth but doesn't actually exist. If he was gonna come up with some bullshit reason to call you out he probably could have at least done it with a bit more tact and perhaps,

I don't know man. I'm pretty good at reading people and this guy definitely doesn't feel like a troll. The show this subreddit came from is a Walker Texas Ranger-type story based in eastern Kentucky called "Justified" (I highly recommend it). It's no surprise there are methhead, hillbilly types lying around in the bushes. Like I said before, I'm hoping (and was always hoping) he could learn from this experience with me. Even if you're fist fighting with someone, you're still learning. Maybe when he heals and reevaluates, he won't feel like he's sucking at life so much.
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You can feel the punishment but you cant commit ts
Jun 29, 2020
Username checks out!
You're dumber than that box of stank ass dildos under your mommy's bed.
LOL! Damn, he sure does make some turns of phrase.
Profound! When a conversation has devolved to that point ... ??


Alcohol is my medication
Jul 4, 2020
I've been on the internet a long enough time that it used to be callled flame wars, and this is all I have to say
117219825 1519170264911611 3077016813365210757 o
Don't waste your time, nobody but you and the other person gives a shit, and you shouldn't give a shit.
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Feb 14, 2019
Reddit is so toxic. What baffles me is they are perfectly ok with actual porn and some really weird creepy or downright hateful subs being on there yet the original SS sub and any suicide discussion subs were all banned.
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Jul 26, 2020
Literally how every discussion transpires on reddit, lol. Virtually every aspect of it deteriorates further with each year. I stopped taking it seriously a long time ago. You seem to have the patience of a saint, OP.
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
I always find myself in subreddits like r/niceguys, r/trashy, r/iamatotalpieceofshit and go through the posts till I lose even more faith in humanity. Reddit can be a toxic place in terms of the people and there are also toxic subreddits too
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Jul 9, 2020
Literally how every discussion transpires on reddit, lol. Virtually every aspect of it deteriorates further with each year. I stopped taking it seriously a long time ago. You seem to have the patience of a saint, OP.
I don't know if this is arrogant, but I feel like I'm in a position to completely deconstruct certain people, hoping that they see something inside themselves that needs fixing. Like I said during the conversation, I didn't hate or was angry at the guy. I actually felt kind of sorry for him, so I tried to help him in the most efficient way I could think of. I know that sounds absurd, but I don't think I could have hugged the problem away.
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Mar 22, 2019
Reddit is a toxic circle jerk. It's pointless responding to negative comments as you won't get anywhere. That guy was a fool and probably a troll.

People who associate the red pill with misogyny do not know what the red pill is. If they ever do take the red pill they will get the biggest wake up call in their life.
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
Reddit is a toxic circle jerk. It's pointless responding to negative comments as you won't get anywhere. That guy was a fool and probably a troll.

People who associate the red pill with misogyny do not know what the red pill is. If they ever do take the red pill they will get the biggest wake up call in their life.
How did the red pill become a symbol for anti-feminism on reddit anyway?


Jul 9, 2020
How did the red pill become a symbol for anti-feminism on reddit anyway?
I think the whole anti-repill sentiment comes from the backlash of things like Qanon. There are some REALLY strong feelings on that side, which later received an equally powerful backlash. Now people see it as a meme of sorts and will summon the phrase whenever there's something deep and thought provoking they disagree with.


Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
Reddit is shit, I've had bad experiences there too
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Mar 15, 2020
I'm confused as to why you bothered to continue arguing, when the other
user is personally insulting you.

Reddit can be a cesspool like any other social media. Perhaps, change the groups you're in to those that don't bother themselves with that red pill, blue pill bullshit.

Block users that are upsetting like this one has been. No one needs such senseless misery brought into already tough lives.
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Jul 9, 2020
I'm confused as to why you bothered to continue arguing, when the other
user is personally insulting you.

Reddit can be a cesspool like any other social media. Perhaps, change the groups you're in to those that don't bother themselves with that red pill, blue pill bullshit.

Block users that are upsetting like this one has been. No one needs such senseless misery brought into already tough lives.
I enjoy helping people in my own "sick and twisted" way. I thought that if I showed this guy how a proper argument is formed, and if I could expose some problems I thought he had, it would help him in the long run. Time will tell. I have faith that at the very least, this guy was moved in some way. I don't fight people nowadays because I enjoy making people hurt or because I'm insecure. I've had to have the painful experience of deconstructing myself to become a better person, I just hope I can help others do the same.


Jan 14, 2020
I always find myself in subreddits like r/niceguys, r/trashy, r/iamatotalpieceofshit and go through the posts till I lose even more faith in humanity. Reddit can be a toxic place in terms of the people and there are also toxic subreddits too
You should check out Youtuber 'Vincey' he reads all the funny r/niceguys r/nicegirls subreddits. Hilarious!
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
You should check out Youtuber 'Vincey' he reads all the funny r/niceguys r/nicegirls subreddits. Hilarious!
Thanks I'll check him out
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Feb 27, 2020
Your patience is unparalleled!

Glad to see so many others hating reddit! I agree with the others here, so much toxicity. It's like a forum built for histrionics and narcissists. Without the intimacy of a small community, people feel more comfortable lashing out.

Reddit is kind of like the NYC of the internet. Huge, popular, everyone knows about it, and lots of really cool stuff to love. But it's gross, dirty, and has some nasty places you must avoid.
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Jul 9, 2020
Your patience is unparalleled!

Glad to see so many others hating reddit! I agree with the others here, so much toxicity. It's like a forum built for histrionics and narcissists. Without the intimacy of a small community, people feel more comfortable lashing out.

Reddit is kind of like the NYC of the internet. Huge, popular, everyone knows about it, and lots of really cool stuff to love. But it's gross, dirty, and has some nasty places you must avoid.
I just wish everyone on r/depression and r/suicidewatch knew about this place. I browse those and recommend this site when I think it's needed, but I'm only one man and reddit fucking banned the r/sanctionedsuicide subreddit, so yea.
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
Reddit is a liberal cesspool. What do you expect? Most of the user-base are white, young, middle class people with limited life experience.
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Nothing lasts
Oct 31, 2020
Reddit is a circlejerk full of porn addicts and some very questionable and hateful subs, i wouldn't bother with it unless you're looking for answers/help with something specific that relates to day to day life (e.g. I used it today to see if getting a forklift license would be worth it)
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