

I want out!
May 27, 2023
Not all men are coded the same, there are different archetypes that we fall into.

There's the Warrior; brave, powerful, strong, competitive, ready to fight for fame and glory. Hardened and never backs down, but boastful and lacking empathy.

The Provider; slow and sturdy, simple needs, protecting, nurturing, mature, empathetic, will not think twice to sacrifice everything for the ones they love. This type makes great fathers, though tend to be traditionalists and play-it-safes.

The Jester; funny, charismatic, "it" factor, people are naturally drawn towards him, creative, spontaneous, talented, can talk their way out of almost anything. Great entertainers, but wild cards, and a strong tendency to be lazy. Usually carries a ton of damage and pain inside, fueling the fire of their passion.

The Scavenger; sly, clever, quiet, disciplined, knows how to get what they want, loyal, but extremely skeptical. An expert at reading people, they can read a whole book by just looking at the cover, they know who can and can't be trusted, how to avoid danger, they see the danger before everyone else. But they can seem selfish, low social skills, pessimistic, closed off.

I am the Scavenger.

Like the description entails, Scavengers don't seem very honorable. Many of the methods they use for problem solving in life are seen as cowardly, selfish, underhanded, sneaky, etc.

But we're just trying to survive like anyone else. That's how we survive, that's how we make it through life.

We don't take problems head on, we're not big and burly enough for that. We instead find ways around them. We slip by when no one's looking. Sometimes if we're patient, the problem resolves itself, and we can continue, preferably unseen and unheard, and if no one else was even aware of the problem, perfect.

Scavengers are naturally selfish. We know by our lack of natural charisma and charm, no one will feel sorry for us. No one will lend out that helping hand when we're down and out in life, when we're in need. Is it because of looks? Appeal? Monetary and material? Take your pick. We just know how we'll be treated, it's practically in human nature. Our heroic deeds, on the rare occasion we choose to do one, will go unnoticed. Our hard work and effort to provide won't earn us love from 99% of people.

Scavengers don't desire to provide or protect anyone but themselves. Baring exceptions of a close bond (which are rare to come by), when danger comes around, a Scavenger is the first to see it, and the first to run from it. Again, we're seen as cowardly, but it's what we have to do to survive. It's the only tools that we have, and we must work with them.

Like the Jester, the Scavenger also carries a lot of hurt inside. Mostly in the form of scorn, betrayal, broken trust. Unlike Jesters however, Scavengers keep it inside. They know they don't have the "it" factor, they know they can't get the general public to support them, so there's no point letting that pain out through producing entertainment of some sort. That pain will sadly sit and fester, but Scavengers are experts at burring emotions, so it's nothing new or even slightly difficult. It's done effortlessly.

The Scavenger is the least desired archetype. They contribute the least to the world. They don't make good workers, they're to self centered to be fathers, to dark and unappealing to be entertainers, to cold to be nurturing, to closed off to be loved by most.

Men are not born with value, and Scavengers struggle the most to obtain that value.

So most opt to create their own version of value. Scavengers tend to have an unusual set of morals because of this, as well as unusual interests and desires, further making it difficult to for them to find companions.

A Scavenger's ultimate goal is the same as every other man's goal in life. Love and power. We know no man is entitled to these things at birth. We know that unlike other archetypes, we will most likely have to cheat to get these things.

How much we cheat depends, how moral cheating is, that's subjective. We see the Warriors cheat every day, they rarely try to hide it, and are hugely loved and celebrated.

We'll cheat in the same way, only not get the love and celebration for it, but we at least get what we want, and at the end of the day, that's what matters to the Scavenger.

Acquire and sustain.

The Scavenger mite seem scummy and untrustworthy, but they still manage to find companions, in few numbers, but very close and strongly bonded. People deemed trustworthy by the Scavenger will be the only individuals who receive any kindness from them. Loyalty and protection, to provide and nurture, those are things that you will never receive by default from a Scavenger, that must be earned. A Scavenger does not waste the good they have to give on people who do not appreciate it, which they know from life experience, is most. That loyalty from a Scavenger can be lost forever in an instant, if their trust in you is disrespected even once, even over the smallest thing. It's gone, and you'll never get it back. Scavengers do not waste their kindness, their care, their work, effort, time, heart, love, etc.

It can be a struggle, every breed of man has their strengths and weaknesses.

The Scavenger is but one type, but it's the type that knows, or at least understandably feels, the world is against them the most.

Sly and cunning, but fragile and hurt.

Loyal and passionate, but stubborn and apathetic towards most.

An expert at knowing people, but a failure at gaining support from people.

That is the plight of the Scavenger.

We're selfish because we know we have to be. People, the world, has shown us that.

Acquire and sustain, such is the life of the Scavenger.
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