"GOD" - (I will use logic concepts here to facilitate understanding) is a basic collection covering literally everything,
matter, the laws that govern it, but also immaterial things - thought, ideas, etc. Literally everything that we know as
humanity and what we do not know. Few people take into account that as people we are limited by our senses
and the brain. Measuring instruments for examining ourselves and what surrounds us are adapted to our cognitive abilities,
which in a way is in itself an insurmountable barrier, and can even lead us to wrong conclusions.
Unfortunately, but even probably our imagination is limited (example - a journey in time - how was it?
- it's impossible, sooner neurosurgeons will be able to transplant the brain - condition if they do it in 1 minute).
Such a god is the supreme god, and regardless of beliefs, he exists even in unconscious atheists. A multitude of subsets
of various religions and religions (including atheism) in the collection of Religions God does not bother, it may even be
a desirable state. God is like UNIVERSE.
"Religion" - practically all aims at guiding the group, community, society, nation to ensure durability
humanity as a species, from religious practices derive origin social engineering, media influence, cybernetics,
manipulation etc.
"Man" - man as a unit is only a substitutable element, for GOD more important is humanity (a subset of the set of life).
"Human Soul" - what it really is - It's nothing but a psyche shaped from the day of birth and memory (inseparably connected
with time). The memory and personality of the individual disappears after the function of the brain has ceased.
"Good and Evil" - these concepts can not exist alone, that is, one without the other, and both have a relative value in relation to
a subject without which they practically do not exist. An example of a farmer wants to rain and a tourist to sunny weather.
"Suicide" - this is probably the only act of free will available to man, the loss of one element has no major impact on all humanity.
Every life ends in death anyway, regardless of the desire to survive.
"Life after death" - in fact after death you can only exist in the consciousness of living people, so "live" for example: Jesus, Lenin, Einstein, etc.
for his contribution to the intellectual achievements of humanity. The average person exists after his death in the closest consciousness
families and friends, in subsequent generations, knowledge gradually marginalizes.