

cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
I was practicing partial hanging some days ago and I accidently fell unconscious. This has happened either twice or thrice now (I can't recall exactly) but this time was the most intense and the most scary experience yet.

I feel somewhat addicted to the tingly sensations that partial hanging produces; I try driving myself near the edge but I make sure I stop before falling unconscious (SI kicks in and I get extremely nervous). I don't know why I feel that way, it's only recent, this craving sensation, but I'm not liking it. I feel it's out of control, I feel like it's masochistic and I am ashamed of it.

Last time I accidently slipped into unawareness, I scarred my nose and got light red marks on my neck thanks to my padding. I was vulnerable and when my mom confronted me about the scar and how I could've possibly gotten it then I broke down and told her, I begged her not to tell my father and she promised she wouldn't. She made me promise I wouldn't repeat what I did and just like some pathetic child I promised her. That very moment I told mom about "it", I felt like I've lost all my dignity.

But I just couldn't, I wanted to and still want to die.

This time I hit my nose again with the shower faucet and I got pretty bad scars above my eyebrows (they looked exactly as if I had scraped my forehead across the wall to which my showerhead was attached), my neck had very visible red marks, and my padding was just lying on the floor partly drenched in water. This time it was worse, my head hurt severely and I couldn't even stand up straight properly. Some parts of my clothes were soaking wet too while other parts were just dry it gave me an odd sensation. The shower wasn't pouring when I "woke up" so my ties must've opened it and then my nose hit it close, at least what I guess probably happened since I have not the slightest clue how my convulsions looked like. I truly have no idea, I was lights out one moment and the next moment I am hearing very loud indescribable screaming noises while gasping for air trying to loosen the noose. I walked out of my bathroom like a drunkard and changed my clothes to new dry ones. I was feeling extremely demoralized, this time it was the closest I've ever gotten to completing partial but the aftermath was devastating both physically and emotionally. I felt hollow and kept trembling arduously for a long while before my tremors slightly calmed down. From that moment on I just felt like my life was a ticking bomb as if it already wasn't. I was anxious and severely distraught, I don't want my parents to find out. It was nerve-wracking.

Living somewhere in Asia with extremely hyper religious parents makes life 100x more unbearable when your own personal beliefs are so alien and so "deviant" in comparison to those of your care-givers. I knew what awaited me if my father had known about what I have been doing. I would get a severe beating. Mom isn't as abusive, but when she's desperate she would rely on my dad's savagery to "set me straight" be it because I was not praying or just having overslept if she's in a bad mood.

Well, she did eventually find out. I was at the kitchen when she noticed some of the scrapes on my forehead and the marks on my neck. I broke into cold sweat when I saw that worried expression on mom's face. I wanted to walk out of the kitchen asap when she began hurling questions at me. She grabbed me by my wrist really tightly and inspected my forehead and neck. She started asking me, wouldn't let me talk or answer, then seconds later she's on the verge of screaming while still running her mouth nonstop. Once she's in that desperate state, she never calms down. She screamed at me, ran out of the kitchen and told my father. I was so hopeless, I just froze like an animal that was about to get eaten.

My dad just rained down punches on me. He punched my cheeks, he pulled my hair and pushed me against the wall. I just sat down and wrapped my hands around my head. He didn't even stop, even when I basically surrendered (as if I already hadn't), he started kicking me on the sides of my stomach. It hurt, it hurt so much.

I feel so utterly vulnerable and trapped. It's late around 3am and I wrote this because my violent emotions are taking over me. I just have no one to talk to about this. No one to ever share this with. No one to tell about how miserable everything feels. I am ashamed of myself, I loathe myself, my parents are absolutely loosing any respect for me and probably hate me now more than ever. My dad kept telling me how inconsiderate of the consequences I was, how selfish I was for throwing away a life I didn't ask for. I feel incredibly vulnerable, I am not even accepting myself, I feel so fucking invalidated, I don't know how to describe it. I am just dismissive of my own emotions. I have nowhere for my emotions to settle, nothing at all. I am completely invalid, never have I felt so pathetic and so completely out of place. A burdensome, unbelonging outcast. I am so hurt, so incredibly hurt. Why can't I just die. This is so much agony. I've always been abused by father since childhood, but this time it made me feel so weak and vulnerable. I have completely cracked, I just need to die soon I can't take the pain anymore. What does a person like me need life for? What do I need consciousness for? It's of no use, of no value, my existence is inherently negative. Both me and my circumstances keep fucking me up, what the hell did I do to deserve being born? I did nothing, I just want this to stop. I'll just sleep and wish that I die peacefully during my sleep. It won't happen :'( but I need that peace. I need to die. Please just let me die in fucking peace. Now I can't even close my bedroom door or stay in my bathroom for too long. The only time I'm not under that strict shit is dead at night, even now I'm scared. I just want to fucking end it all, I can't even accomplish that much. :'(

Fuck. Writing messy about this shit used to work when I got abused, I'm so fucking numb and done that this doesn't work as it used to anymore. I can't fucking cope anymore, dwelling on the abuse is making me even more angry, more desperate, and more actively suicidal. Fuck everything, I'm off to sleep. Fuck.
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Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
Please be careful with what you're doing. You could cause irreversible brain damage very quickly.
Your parents seem to not know how to properly care for someone with your mindset- like most parents, unfortunately.
I can't offer much advice for what to do about them and I can't recommend continuing to do what you're doing. If you ever want to talk you can come to me to vent though. Just please be careful and try not to get yourself in deeper trouble.
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Mar 22, 2020
I agree with @Rayzieka !
Be careful, my friend. Permanent damage really sucks and I was very close to f*cked up my brain during my last attempt.

Send you lots of hugs and love,

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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This life can be very cruel to us and people can cause us a lot of pain. Nobody deserves to suffer like how you have. Our thoughts can torture us too which can be exhausting. I wish you well.
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Jun 5, 2020
Man i really felt bad for you idk how parents can be this cruel to their own children. The part i do not get is why the fuck would you beat someone who wants to kill himself what will you accomplish by doing that
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Aug 23, 2020
I am heartbroken that you have to endure this pain that your extraordinary writing describes so well. Please know you are not alone; the humiliation from being abused by those who should be loving and caring is pure torture that no one should have to endure.
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Staring at the edge
Apr 28, 2021
Holy fuck, I'm sorry your parents are such horrendous pieces of shit. Beatings in and of themselves are despicable and make my blood boil, but the reason for the abuse in this instance is a special kind of retarded. Oh look she is so desperate she wants to kill herself, screaming at her and beating her will surely make her appreciate life more! It's bad enough that breeders go on to spawn offspring without any regard for the potential suffering they are imposing. But then some even go on to abuse that child who didn't even consent to be brought into this shitty existence in the first place. There is no justice in this world. They see their children as property, to be used for their own benefit. Those subhuman pieces of scum. God I get so angry when I hear of shit like this.

I realize that my tirade is probably not helpful, I never know how to console someone. I hope you find a way out of that terrible situation. No one deserves that. No one signed up of this shit.
I feel incredibly vulnerable, I am not even accepting myself, I feel so fucking invalidated, I don't know how to describe it. I am just dismissive of my own emotions.
Most people would feel like that after their feelings are being spit on by family members, people who are supposed to be supportive and caring. Maybe you are internalizing the disrespect and invalidation projected by your parents? They are obviously clueless and ignorant, I wouldn't put so much importance on what they think. But I know that this is easier said than done, the opinion of others affects our own self-image whether we like it or not. Just know that you are not the one in this situation who is at fault. Your views and feelings are valid regardless of what some abusive dipshits think.

(btw I assumed your gender on basis of your pfp, sorry if my guess is inaccurate)
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Mar 12, 2021
Just read your horrifying story, this is unbelievable, unacceptable.
Isn't it possible for you to run away?
Maybe things would start to look differently when you're away from your parents?
My idea is that you need some quiet time away from home, that will give you the opportunity to get yourself together and think more clearly.
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cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
Man i really felt bad for you idk how parents can be this cruel to their own children. The part i do not get is why the fuck would you beat someone who wants to kill himself what will you accomplish by doing that
Exactly this. I have been feeling an absurd amount of pain just mulling over it. Why would anyone abuse a suicidal person? How brainwashed and selfish could such a person be?
I am heartbroken that you have to endure this pain that your extraordinary writing describes so well. Please know you are not alone; the humiliation from being abused by those who should be loving and caring is pure torture that no one should have to endure.
I try to write to get it out of me. I try to write as if I'm writing a story or writing a journal on purpose, it's supposed to calm you down like meditation does. But it will never ease the pain enough to make me reconsider ctb. Thank for the kind words though.
Beatings in and of themselves are despicable and make my blood boil, but the reason for the abuse in this instance is a special kind of retarded.
This is exactly what is making me feel intense pain, I don't understand why they would act like this even though I'm suffering, it's absurd. It's humiliating and I feel even worse because I convince myself that I deserved it.

But thanks for the kind words and for the antinatalist sentiments, I really appreciate that.
This life can be very cruel to us and people can cause us a lot of pain. Nobody deserves to suffer like how you have. Our thoughts can torture us too which can be exhausting. I wish you well.
We're all suffering in various ways, I hope we all find the peace we need.
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Jun 28, 2020
I feel horrible that your parents are so heartless, especially your abusive father. I am sorry to say this but he is not civilized. Why would he assault you when you are so vulnerable and depressed? Perhaps it is a cultural or religious reaction; I am unsure.

Personally, the embarrassment and abuse are pushing you further along to CBT. Please be mindful of that.

Like what other forum members said, partials are not something you trial. It can be fatal even when not intended.

Kindest regards, G
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Jun 26, 2020
I 100% agree with @Rayzieka as far as brain damage. Now with that said, I cried for you, 100% for real, as my "dad" hated me, and until I had a growth spurt, he would beat the living daylights out of me. Till I was around 12 years old, I was a very short, chubby kid and my "dad" adored my older brother and my "mom" adored my younger sister, so when ever my "dad" would get stressed out, or just bitchy, he would seek me out and, same as your experience, rain down blows on me and one time he picked me up and threw me through the air and I landed and almost broke my back. Then when I got, there in again, around 12, I had a huge growth spurt and shot up to over 6 foot tall and he made the mistake a starting to rain blows down on me, I turned around and flattened him and he never touched me again ever. I wish I was there to help you as NOBODY ever deserves to be hit, much less by a parent. Please feel free to pm me whenever you want to. Like I said, reading your post took me back to the 1960's, yep I am old! I do send you every hug and smile that I have in me and all my love and support, You do NOT EVER deserve to be hit, much less by a "loved" one. This post and your situation really makes me upset, as I have been through it and darn it, ctb aside, this life is way too short for that crap. I know it is hard to do, but please try and stay strong. Beautiful bright blue sunny skies, a warm breeze flowing over you and the knowledge that YOU are LOVED and CARED about here . Walter
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