

Jul 15, 2022
Pertobanbital, also known as
It is a famous barbiturate as it is used to put animals to sleep in vets. This powerful chemical causes total numbness followed by cardiac arrest that the person or animal will not feel.
Not long ago, foreigners traveled to Mexico to buy Pentobarbital to make CTB as the regulations for buying this drug are incredibly basic. However, you need a prescription for the pharmacy to give it to you. The bottle is not expensive.
Of course you can buy it illegally but it does not assure you that the chemical is in good condition or if it is really Pentobarbital.
This is the only thing I know to be legally obtained. I'm not from Mexico, but maybe a Mexican can add more information about this.


Time to do more enjoyable things _____Goodbye_____
Mar 22, 2022
No doctor will give you a prescription for Nembutal / Pentobarbital.


Aug 16, 2022
I'd jokingly say copious amounts of Mezcal. That shit blew my head off 🤪😄

On a serious note, I'm no use here. Apologies 🙏🏻


Jul 15, 2022
No doctor will give you a prescription for Nembutal / Pentobarbital.
The drug is used to treat seizures and used in strict amounts to anesthetize. It is also given to some patients to control anxiety. I guess you can buy it with quite a bit of paperwork. Don't know. It is information that I wanted to mention here.
When it exceeds 5 mg, it is deadly.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Not so sure it is that easy to get hold of. Plus, unless you ctb there in Mexico (then I guess your next of kin has the job of getting your body back to your country of origin) you need to risk trying to carry it home or post it home I guess. It's an illegal substance (unless you are a vet) in my country (UK) and I imagine quite a few other countries too. Not to say it's impossible but I doubt it's that easy and it's certainly risky.


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I wouldn't recommend wandering around Mexico looking for suicide drugs. You will end up dead that way, but probably not in the manner you had in mind.
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Jul 13, 2022
The drug is used to treat seizures and used in strict amounts to anesthetize. It is also given to some patients to control anxiety.
Barbiturates are not used in most of the world to treat anxiety. They are explicitly banned in the US and Canada for psychiatric intervention. Their uses are pretty much limited to the below specialty cases.

Barbiturates haven't been a first line anesthesizing agent in over 20 years. Most hospital SOGs only permit their use for patients known to have had a reaction to non-barbituate sedatives such as propofol.

Barbiturates are only used to control seizures under one particular circumstance, and that is when a patient is declared to be status epilepticus, and won't come out of a seizure with primary or secondary drugs. The AMA only endorces the use of barbiturates in this circumstance because the risk of death is greater than 50% when status epilepticus fails to respond to first and second line benzodiazepines.

If the U.S. and State governments are not able to get their hands on them to carryout capital punishment, I unfortunately dont expect them to be easy for us to get either.
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Lily (Osako)

Lily (Osako)

Everything all at once
Jul 30, 2022
It used to be fairly easy-ish to get there, but not any more.
It's been attempted many times and no one, no veterinarians, no drs, no one will write a prescription for it nor sell it, at least not to foreigners.
I'm beginning to think several of us are about 3-6 months too late to get N. :(
Keeping my fingers crossed for the future. But as for right now, odds are slim to none getting any.
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