Walking ThePathOfSorrow, destination Denebokshiri
- Oct 12, 2019
- 270
I have been Isolated for a bit over a year now, and it has not really bothered me, until now. After becoming a member of the forum, I have met so many people, and became friends with a few. After friendships were established, I grew fond of these friends, and that's when the Isolation started to feel like torture for me. Apart of me really wants a ctb partner now, and I didnt really care much about that until I became a member. But, there is also apart of me who wants more, still wanting to ctb, not changing my mind, but I want someone more than a partner, to enjoy what little time I have left with, and then we both ctb together, but I know that's probably not going to happen, and is something that I didnt really care about until just recently. I just wish this feeling never showed up and that it goes away. I had planned to ctb alone, and in no way have a romance before my ctb, but now this feeling is running wild at my core, and I hate it. I just want to bash my head into a wall over and over again, until this feeling goes away. The rejection is making it worse. Fucking hell, I just want my SN and meds to arrive soon, so I can get this fucking thing over it.