
Aug 18, 2020
There are currently some heated discussions on this forum. Personally I try to stay out of it. I have the feeling I should choose a side (or at least take part in it in some way) though I don't feel well. I feel pretty fragile. And the last two arguments where I was involved (I basically started them) were very stressful for me. It felt very bad for my mental health. I don't have the resources to cope with the stress currently. And the debates seem to be very heated. I don't want that in this argument people target me.

I have a hypothesis why there is currently this stress. I don't know whether it contains any truth. But you can share your opinion if you want.

I think these new bills against suicide forums make people nervous. I think they are not passed yet but people seem to be worried. So the external pressure on this forum seems to be increasing.

I think there are two possible reactions when a group/community of a people faces such external pressure. (It is just my feeling i don't have empirical evidence).

1. The unity of the people starts to increase. There is a foreign/outer enemy that seems to threaten the group. The people stand together and reassure them their support. I think this happened quite some times when media reports about this website were published. Though in some way these newspaper articles had an effect on the community which was not intended. A thinking scheme in the form of in and out-group was strengthened. Nuanced criticism of this forum is due to this external pressure more difficult. It can be seen as suspicious behavior.

Moreover the articles were in my point of view not nuanced and resembled black-white thinking. Though most people on this website share this opinion. So we just repeated this sentiment a couple of times. People made nuanced and well-thought threads how this forum helps them to cope with their suicidality. And other people rather reacted maybe in some counterproductive forms. For example people threatened to commit suicide because of these articles.

Okay now to the the second way how groups deal with external pressure.

2. People start to mangle/fight each other. I am really surprised how heated some debates are. I have not really seen such heated debates for a long time in this forum.

I don't want to evaluate whether these heated arguments are the right thing to do. I am just in the position of an observer.

Now I feel a little bit guilty because I fully revoke any statement on these arguments. And it is kind of obvious which heated argument I am mostly refering to. Though I have the feeling it is not only one debate in one thread. It is far more widespread in several threads now.

As most people who read my threads know I am rather the guy who emphasizes to be careful with suicide and people should think this decision well-through in my opinion. If I see something which is in my opinion for example too negative I try to be clear in language but I try to avoid personal attacks. I see them from both sides. Though now I distance myself again (kind of sleezy?). Maybe these ad hominem arguments contain truth or are the best way to handle the debate?

Personally I am not sure whether the argument in its heated form will have such a positive impact. I have the feeling the result of this debate could be better if less emotions were involved and we could exchange arguments in a calmer way. In such a less heated debate I would also feel more comfortable to share my opinion on it. But maybe the argument in its current form is the only way to handle it? I am not sure about it.

What do you think?
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I hate arguments. I stay out of them where I can unless someone attacks me personally, then I defend myself briefly and try to end the discussion, it's not worth making myself feel too bad
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Oct 19, 2021
I've had a couple, but not for a while, and I hope to not have any more. I don't like them, but sometimes you feel like you need to stick up for a certain point of view, and for yourself. But I'm too tired as it is and I don't like it at all.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't know really, but I guess that recently there has been more pro life type things on here and in general, people being offended by the fact that others actually want to ctb. Quite a few hostile people as well. The truth is that in many ways this forum is no different to anywhere else in the world, nowhere offers relief from the cruelty of humans.
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Jul 26, 2020
I haven't seen the arguments but I also avoid most posts that have them. I think it's going to be emotional on this site because of what the site is about, probably one of the most emotionally charged kind of site around, topic wise. Couple it with politicians who, regardless of party, are as a group distrusted and rarely seen as helpful. I also think it's part of the internet fight training that everyone gets exposed to and it's addictive and hard to break. Just today I deleted my reddit account because I was getting sucked into keyboard battles that do nothing but aggravate me (I had to go on reddit to find out about an rpg and ended up getting drawn in). My psych recommends avoiding all social media so I have that idea in my head also.


Don't you listen to your heart? (Listen to it...)
Oct 26, 2019
The only damn reason people are arguing is because we can't get ahold of N. If everyone had access to purchase N (nembutal or pentobarbital) all of the fighting would cease IMO...
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Sep 11, 2022
can't we all just get along? we all wanna die anyway. Why fight?
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Apr 19, 2022
Heated arguments and discourse tends to happen when people who are extremely miserable and bitter tend to spend too much time around each other. Someone is bound to step on someone else's toes, or project their anger.
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