

I've gone off the deep end.
Jul 11, 2019
I just got done reading a FB post of all of these phony "Omg, that is terrible" types of people bashing the people on this site. One even had the audacity to call those here, "idiots" .

Kind of ironic...coming from a group of people that fail to think for themselves and make a big deal out of everything...

We were literally put on this Earth with no real factual reasons why..put a few men/women in charge of how laws, money, & etc go...and are expected to be happy.

"Here is a 9-5. Get a job, go on vacation here and there..and retire from work once your body gets too useless for it." --- And we are expected to wash, rinse and repeat without any question or disapproval.

If you show ANY signs of not wanting to live life the way these powerful folks set it up for you to live, you are mentally ill and need to be put on meds.

Hand me a fucking break. People are so fucking stupid and brainwashed. They are also mean to each other and think it's okay to "roast" others because society is a phony/apathetic joke.

People say cliche remarks to feel like good people but if you show restraint towards their so-called good samaritanness, they become impatient. As soon as you know it, you are toxic and left alone.

Nobody wants to be around an outrageous, rebel, seemingly without a cause, who just wants to take the "easy" way out because life is tough. News flash: "Everybody has to deal with hardships in life. The world does not revolve around you."

Yeah well, Mrs. Plain Jane -- Some people spit their cake out if they don't like it. Everyone's tastebuds are different and not everyone will like the same things...and last time I checked, there was nothing "easy" about dying. In fact, it is pretty damn terrifying. You are such a simpleton.

Society is full of simpletons who make a huge deal out of stuff that either life mandates or stuff that makes no sense like celebrities and fame. They worship other humans and pay them tons of money for entertainment but social workers and paramedics are not paid nearly as much...and somehow, people like us on this site are the sick ones who need help?

Perhaps one of us just realized that we all are gonna die, that we have no fucking clue WHY we are the fuck here...and that we are annoyed by life. Imagine if I had the power to send people to psychwards because they did not like Lima beans or did not wanna eat cow brains, each night?

"Cow brains are not the same as suicide" -- Hmm..I suppose not but what is it you're implying? Oh yes! You are implying that suicide is an outrageous thing to do and dying is more of a serious matter. What you fail to realize, is it's just YOUR opinion.

Apparently, life has another. No matter how long you "eat healthy" or "drive safely" -- You are STILL going to end up DEAD from some kind of disease of the organs, a car crash or whatever.

Life and Death are soulmates! The moment you are born, you are dying! That is the catch...and somehow, JoeJanes want us to all be just dandy with being told what to do by a few more JoeJanes that decided they were in charge.

Oh and if you want to leave this Earth by your own merit -- you can. It's just we are gonna call the cops, get you put in a psychward and feed you a bunch of nice words and cliches because we are well programmed bots with a pinch of ego on the inside.

By the way - N is the most peaceful way to go but do not even try it because it is illegal. =)

So, you might as well just suck it up, do your 9-5 and live robotically like EVERYBODY else. We own you, you little weasel maggot. We run this Earth and it will be hard for you to be taken seriously or viewed as a real person. You will always be known as the one who needs help..even though we worship celebrities, make healthcare incredibly expensive and ban the most peaceful way for those who want to go..YOU are the oddball out who needs help.

By the way, how DARE ANY OF YOU wish my suicidal family member safe travels as she attempts suicide? Even though you all accepted her choice because she was gonna do it anyway, it is still you alls fault. You are morons without a soul.

Well, lady...We all are your daughter. That is why she came here. She participated just as much and she did not encourage us to keep our lives, either. We are all one on this forum. One person is just an extension of the other.

So if you blame us for anyone taking their life -- you are blaming that person , too.

I promise. I cannot stomache society. They can't see that THEY are the problem...or at LEAST they fan the flames with all of their superficial, "everything is a big deal, omg that celebrity had her baby " as if she is better than any other mom on the planet..


"Lifegets better...happiness is a choice..Choose happiness! *Post superficial photo on FB/Insta/Twit* Cheese! Our lives are so perfect..yeah.. You create your own reality..blag blah blah.." ..

And I am pretty sure victims of rape drew rapists to them or kids in poor countries created their own realities of dying of hunger..or that I CHOSE to have Anxiety and BPD. Sure.

Give me a Kitkat.
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Nobody exists on purpose. Come ctb
Apr 19, 2019
Want a drink with your KitKat?

Besides yeah society is fucked up.
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Ambitious but rubbish
Jul 2, 2019
I want to like the original post at least twice (yeah, I know that's a cliche).
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Jun 1, 2019
Well they were right about one thing, I am a idiot and it took a lifetime of practice to be good at it :wink:
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Junior-high bullshit from immature, low-I.Q., bored hausfraus.
They're just happy to have something to be dramatic and gossip about, and you're only validating them by paying attention to it.
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Jul 2, 2019
I've just finished reading, and will reread, "EVERY CRADLE IS A GRAVE: Rethinking the Ethics of Birth and Suicide" by Sarah Perry.

Life is not automatically good, and not for everyone; Perry makes this point again and again, always with success. I'd recommend loaning those loons a copy and see if they can refute any of her points. They can't.

Another good reason I'm not on FB.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Good thing I don't have FB anymore, or I'd have you message me the name of this group. If they want to see an idiot, I'd show them one.
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Jul 14, 2019
Society is a joke, you want to see the state of things like 'love island' we have here in the UK.. programmes like that are everything wrong in today's society and the people in it are treated like royalty. And on the other news people who lay down their lives for us are out cold on the streets with all sorts of problems and ignored.
Society is a joke..
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Reactions: LittleJem, Deleted member 4288, Oblivion Lover and 5 others
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Society is a joke, you want to see the state of things like 'love island' we have here in the UK.. programmes like that are everything wrong in today's society and the people in it are treated like royalty. And on the other news people who lay down their lives for us are out cold on the streets with all sorts of problems and ignored.
Society is a joke..
That's here in the USA. We have military veterans out on the streets homeless and hungry, but the government don't give a shit that they put their lives on the line during a war.
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Jun 8, 2019
I love how hypocritical the fb posts about this place are. Those people claim to be so concerned with stopping suicide yet don't stop to think about how damaging labeling the users as monsters, idiots, disgusting, etc... can be.
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Jul 14, 2019
That's here in the USA. We have military veterans out on the streets homeless and hungry, but the government don't give a shit that they put their lives on the line during a war.
Yeah the government don't care cause they go back to the safety of their warm family homes with their big wages and expenses whilst people are fighting wars thousands of miles away based on the their tosspot decisions then Left out to dry when home..
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Yeah the government don't care cause they go back to the safety of their warm family homes with their big wages and expenses whilst people are fighting wars thousands of miles away based on the their tosspot decisions then Left out to dry when home..
This is exactly one of the reasons I despise the US government.
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Reactions: Ruffian, LittleJem, Final Escape and 2 others


I've gone off the deep end.
Jul 11, 2019
Junior-high bullshit from immature, low-I.Q., bored hausfraus.
They're just happy to have something to be dramatic and gossip about, and you're only validating them by paying attention to it.

You're RIGHT but I'm sorry..I needed to vent this out..or at least felt like it. I have anger issues because of the way society works but I bottle it all up.. I'm not having a very good day.
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Reactions: Ruffian, Maximoo, LittleJem and 10 others
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
You're RIGHT but I'm sorry..I needed to vent this out..or at least felt like it. I have anger issues because of the way society works but I bottle it all up.. I'm not having a very good day.
Go ahead and vent. I'm sure a majority of the user base here have an agenda against the government.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
You're RIGHT but I'm sorry..I needed to vent this out..or at least felt like it. I have anger issues because of the way society works but I bottle it all up.. I'm not having a very good day.
It's ok but why go seek out stuff to make yourself feel shitty? There are entire forums and blogs dedicated to how much people personally hate my fucking guts, and it's all stupid.
Guess what I do about it?
Nothing. I don't read them, because I don't give a fuck what needy morons think.
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Jun 8, 2019
Junior-high bullshit from immature, low-I.Q., bored hausfraus.
They're just happy to have something to be dramatic and gossip about, and you're only validating them by paying attention to it.
Unfortunately, they may be a danger to our constitutional rights, which have never been legally given. If they cared they would wonder why so many more and more people are so disenchanted with life, our current culture. Lest we forgot, those who feel so distant from what is perceived as normal society, that there is no great imperative to conform, except to law and decency.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
We all are your daughter. That is why she came here. She participated just as much and she did not encourage us to keep our lives, either. We are all one on this forum. One person is just an extension of the other.
I honestly just don't understand how they cannot see this. We are all literally the same as her, just on different paths. Guess they just really want someone else to blame other than themselves.
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Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
That's here in the USA. We have military veterans out on the streets homeless and hungry, but the government don't give a shit that they put their lives on the line during a war.

That's because they don't expect our soldiers to return home. Alive anyways.
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Reactions: Maximoo, LittleJem, Deleted member 4288 and 3 others
Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I honestly just don't understand how they cannot see this. We are all literally the same as her, just on different paths. Guess they just really want someone else to blame other than themselves.
Exactly... Why is it she confided in us more than her own mother? I get the feeling the daughter heard the same bullshit from her mother as she has everyone else...

Society is a joke...
That's because they don't expect our soldiers to return home. Alive anyways.
True, but those that do make it home alive, should be treated with respect by the government of the country they just fought to protect.
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Reactions: Bluedew, foreverbroken28 and Pilum Muralis


Ambitious but rubbish
Jul 2, 2019
Good thing I don't have FB anymore, or I'd have you message me the name of this group. If they want to see an idiot, I'd show them one.

I've all but given up on FB. I'm not interested in wading knee deep through toxic humanity just to get to one of the few islands of joy, especially if I'm being monetised by algorithms in the process.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I've all but given up on FB. I'm not interested in wading knee deep through toxic humanity just to get to one of the few islands of joy, especially if I'm being monetised by algorithms in the process.

I closed my fb account several years ago and never looked back. It was good when it first came out, but it's gone to shit. Some days it's like reading the newspaper, or watching a soap opera.
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Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
True, but those that do make it home alive, should be treated with respect by the government of the country they just fought to protect.

I wholeheartedly agree. It's shameful. Some of this billion of dollars we need for the military spending should have a large chunk going to veterans. Just the sheer number of suicides alone should kind of tip off law makers that shits not right.
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Reactions: Halo13, Bluedew, foreverbroken28 and 1 other person


I've gone off the deep end.
Jul 11, 2019
It's ok but why go seek out stuff to make yourself feel shitty? There are entire forums and blogs dedicated to how much people personally hate my fucking guts, and it's all stupid.
Guess what I do about it?
Nothing. I don't read them, because I don't give a fuck what needy morons think.

Curiosity killed the cat. The story that brought me here lead me to those posts...I didn't read all of the comments...MOST of the time I do avoid things that piss me off...Today was just an off day.

Tmi but it could also be pms...whatever the case...maybe I should take a break...seems ideal..
Last edited:
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Some of this billion of dollars we need for the military spending should have a large chunk going to veterans.

Good gosh.... Don't let the government see this statement. You're wanting them to take money that could go into their pockets and use it to support our veterans?
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Jul 5, 2019
I just got done reading a FB post of all of these phony "Omg, that is terrible" types of people bashing the people on this site. One even had the audacity to call those here, "idiots" .

Kind of ironic...coming from a group of people that fail to think for themselves and make a big deal out of everything...

We were literally put on this Earth with no real factual reasons why..put a few men/women in charge of how laws, money, & etc go...and are expected to be happy.

"Here is a 9-5. Get a job, go on vacation here and there..and retire from work once your body gets too useless for it." --- And we are expected to wash, rinse and repeat without any question or disapproval.

If you show ANY signs of not wanting to live life the way these powerful folks set it up for you to live, you are mentally ill and need to be put on meds.

Hand me a fucking break. People are so fucking stupid and brainwashed. They are also mean to each other and think it's okay to "roast" others because society is a phony/apathetic joke.

People say cliche remarks to feel like good people but if you show restraint towards their so-called good samaritanness, they become impatient. As soon as you know it, you are toxic and left alone.

Nobody wants to be around an outrageous, rebel, seemingly without a cause, who just wants to take the "easy" way out because life is tough. News flash: "Everybody has to deal with hardships in life. The world does not revolve around you."

Yeah well, Mrs. Plain Jane -- Some people spit their cake out if they don't like it. Everyone's tastebuds are different and not everyone will like the same things...and last time I checked, there was nothing "easy" about dying. In fact, it is pretty damn terrifying. You are such a simpleton.

Society is full of simpletons who make a huge deal out of stuff that either life mandates or stuff that makes no sense like celebrities and fame. They worship other humans and pay them tons of money for entertainment but social workers and paramedics are not paid nearly as much...and somehow, people like us on this site are the sick ones who need help?

Perhaps one of us just realized that we all are gonna die, that we have no fucking clue WHY we are the fuck here...and that we are annoyed by life. Imagine if I had the power to send people to psychwards because they did not like Lima beans or did not wanna eat cow brains, each night?

"Cow brains are not the same as suicide" -- Hmm..I suppose not but what is it you're implying? Oh yes! You are implying that suicide is an outrageous thing to do and dying is more of a serious matter. What you fail to realize, is it's just YOUR opinion.

Apparently, life has another. No matter how long you "eat healthy" or "drive safely" -- You are STILL going to end up DEAD from some kind of disease of the organs, a car crash or whatever.

Life and Death are soulmates! The moment you are born, you are dying! That is the catch...and somehow, JoeJanes want us to all be just dandy with being told what to do by a few more JoeJanes that decided they were in charge.

Oh and if you want to leave this Earth by your own merit -- you can. It's just we are gonna call the cops, get you put in a psychward and feed you a bunch of nice words and cliches because we are well programmed bots with a pinch of ego on the inside.

By the way - N is the most peaceful way to go but do not even try it because it is illegal. =)

So, you might as well just suck it up, do your 9-5 and live robotically like EVERYBODY else. We own you, you little weasel maggot. We run this Earth and it will be hard for you to be taken seriously or viewed as a real person. You will always be known as the one who needs help..even though we worship celebrities, make healthcare incredibly expensive and ban the most peaceful way for those who want to go..YOU are the oddball out who needs help.

By the way, how DARE ANY OF YOU wish my suicidal family member safe travels as she attempts suicide? Even though you all accepted her choice because she was gonna do it anyway, it is still you alls fault. You are morons without a soul.

Well, lady...We all are your daughter. That is why she came here. She participated just as much and she did not encourage us to keep our lives, either. We are all one on this forum. One person is just an extension of the other.

So if you blame us for anyone taking their life -- you are blaming that person , too.

I promise. I cannot stomache society. They can't see that THEY are the problem...or at LEAST they fan the flames with all of their superficial, "everything is a big deal, omg that celebrity had her baby " as if she is better than any other mom on the planet..


"Lifegets better...happiness is a choice..Choose happiness! *Post superficial photo on FB/Insta/Twit* Cheese! Our lives are so perfect..yeah.. You create your own reality..blag blah blah.." ..

And I am pretty sure victims of rape drew rapists to them or kids in poor countries created their own realities of dying of hunger..or that I CHOSE to have Anxiety and BPD. Sure.

Give me a Kitkat.
B621453F DFCF 483C 9A30 D88436734684 here, here this is for those kind of fuckwits.
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Jun 18, 2019
Facebook is a brainwashed hivemind where they can't think for themselves. Seriously, the very instant I left that website, I just noticed a significant reduction of idiocy being around Discord and Reddit. It's like I can interact with people capable of thinking for themselves now. Just pay no mind to any opinion on facebook. It's likely not even their own opinion in the first place.
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May 9, 2019
That's here in the USA. We have military veterans out on the streets homeless and hungry, but the government don't give a shit that they put their lives on the line during a war.
You're damn right. Had to reply because a like isn't enough.
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Apr 9, 2019
facebook moms arent known for their astonishing level of intellect
tip, dont waste your time reading that
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Reactions: Halo13, Empty Smile, irrelevant_string and 2 others

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