Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
The world outside of us including our own bodies is in a perfect state of equilibrium. Why cant the world inside of us be the same way despite all our best efforts to make it so. Why???

We know we want that and all our lives revolve around getting there by making the oustside world in the image of our inner world, yet we just can never truly get and stay there and something always feels missing even in the best of scenarios so we keep on the chase. We may get a taste of it every now and then, but it eludes us yet again and we are back to square one and then we just keep on looking & trying until we expire. We take this process for granted as we see it as this is just how we are and we never question its relationship with its symbolic counterpart which is the outside world of the perfect equilibrium. And the greatest irony of all is that we know really well that we can't really get to stay there but we choose to ignore the obvious because our instincts are too strong to let go so we keep on holding onto what seem to be a delusion from the onlooker. Once we give up or accept that we can't get there then we automatically shift to self-destructive mode and would like to die.

I'd like to hear your own thoughts or objections about this predicament

(Sorry I keep reediting this because I am really tired and everything is jumbled in my head atm but i hope my meaning is clear to the reader)
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I will wait for sometime and then post my solution to this predicament


Aug 18, 2020
The world outside of us including our own bodies is in a perfect state of equilibrium. Why cant the world inside of us be the same way despite all our best efforts to make it so. Why???

We know we want that and all our lives revolve around getting there yet we just can never get there because we just keep on pursuing it and all the times we had a taste of it, it eludes us yet again and we are back to square one and then we just keep on looking & trying until we expire. And the greatest irony of all is that we know really well that we can't really get to stay there but we choose to ignore the obvious because our instincts are too strong to let go so we keep on holding onto what seem to be a delusion from the onlooker. Once we give up or accept that we can't get there then we automatically shift to self-destructive mode and would like to die.

I'd like to hear your own thoughts or objections about this predicament
I am not sure whether I agree with your premise. When I look at the world outside of us for example when I watch the news I see a lot of war, starvation, murder and rape. I don't have the feeling there is this state of equilibrium you are talking about. However you might have another metaphysical view on it.

I am not sure but it sounds like this state of equilibrium could be reached with the help of meditation. (I guess that is probably not what you were looking for). To get to a perfectly balanced state might be a goal of meditation. Or another very popular phenomenon is mindfulness. Probably not the answer you were looking for. But I don't have something more sophisticated to offer.
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I am not sure whether I agree with your premise. When I look at the world outside of us for example when I watch the news I see a lot of war, starvation, murder and rape. I don't have the feeling there is this state of equilibrium you are talking about. However you might have another metaphysical view on it.

I am not sure but it sounds like this state of equilibrium could be reached with the help of meditation. (I guess that is probably not what you were looking for). To get to a perfectly balanced state might be a goal of meditation. Or another very popular phenomenon is mindfulness. Probably not the answer you were looking for. But I don't have something more sophisticated to offer.
I will answer you soon. I am sorry I am in overactive state. It is enjoyable but it is very draining and I must take rest. Try to think what I mean by equilibrium. I am talking about the essence of the deeper physical reality not what is being done by humans and animals. It is deep talk and i will try explain it to my best but as far as physical laws are concerned. The world is a perfect equilibrium state or we wouldnt be able to make sense of it enough to take advantage and create technology. Forget about wars and what people and animals are doing because what you are talking about is a result of an overlap between the outside world and our inner worlds collectively including living being mainly animals. The reason you cant see equiberium in this chaotic state is because mostly of human influence since our inner world collectively is in a state of disequilibrium. Focus on the underlying physical reality and read about it and you will understand that it is perfectly balancing itself. Our bodies are part of physical reality since they are under the same physical laws. Our inner world is not physical but the equilibrium principle applies to it because our instinct tell is to get there and we call it happiness but it is never realizable because the only way we could achieve perfect equilibrium of our inner world is by completely shaping the outer world in a way that perfectly reflects our inner world and this is what most humans have been attempting to do from beginning of our species because it is in our instincts.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
@noname223 i would like to keep this discussion going if you are interested by back and forth as it allows me to materialize and organize my thoughts into intelligible format for everybody to understand. The idea is very simple but it needs some mucking through. Listen I am going to be perfectly honest with you all. I am contacting/ receiving all of those information from the mysterious unconscious realm that is beyond our normal conscience and subconscious. Sometimes I even receive words and idioms in English that I am certain It never came across before in my life because I have aligned myself with a great purpose in the universe. You may be free to label me as crazy but I encourage everyone to prove me wrong as much as they could and debate what I got to say. I may not always be in perfect connection with the other side and also my conscience and subconscious have limits and I may not perfectly put my propositions well in the first instance that i write them but i always go back to hone my arguments. These are not my own ideas. I am receiving them like a creative artist receive an inspiration because they got the talent for it and they aligned themselves through the laws of attraction to be able to channel these mysterious signals from the unconscious. I maybe alienating others by confessing this and digging my myself into a hole but hey what do I have to lose. Nothing
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
The discrepancy between the equilibrium states of The two known worlds is the engine of human co-creation. It is why we live and advance to achieve throughout history with no end goal in sight because it is simply impossible to achieve that goal we strive for so badly in this life but we know instinctively that it is achievable. This perfect paradox is what makes the world go round for us yet it is pointless in the worldly sense of grand scheme of the lifetime of this universe because we know it will end unless. Unless our instincts are right and there is an existence post this one where we are able to get a real chance at reconciling our inner world and the outer world in order to reach to the true equilibrium state of inside us and outside us as new emerging reality could make it possible.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I am sorry if I alienated people in the past for being in heated arguments. My goal is never to own anyone in debates but to help each other organize our thoughts. I am a mere human and I overreact emotionally and I am not a perfect vessel for the truth and I doubt what comes out of my mind more than I like to admit but I am beginning to formulate a better picture of how this works and feel more confident in it as I think about it and write and share my thoughts so I apologize if I alienated anyone in the past due to my human derived insecurities and imperfect responses. Feel free to pick up where we left from if you like to add something to the conversation. I am not trying to win here. I am just trying to understand as much as anyone else what is it all about
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Dec 26, 2021
The universe resists us when we are not in balance with nature. When we find that balance, we experience flow.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
The universe resists us when we are not in balance with nature. When we find that balance, we experience flow.
Thats true. The more we align ourselves with nature the better we feel and more balanced things are. I am speaking however about perfection that we instinctively aspire to achieve throughout our existence from the beginning to the end. What you talked about is a state when we are closer to balance but thats not perfect because life in its best of scenarios is very imperfect. Perfecting the world around us to fit our desires in a away that allows perfect flow like you described is impossible in this life because there is always going to be undesirable nuances that the most privileged of us will have to endure. It is a lost battle to attempt to achieve perfect happiness yet it never deterred most of us to keep pursuing that exemplary perfection of "life" and it is one of the most real things about us this drive on the same level as survival instinct which no one can argue it is as real as it gets. So if our desire for perfection is just as profound and just as real as our perception of the world outside of us then it means that the equiblrium principle that applies perfectly to the underlying workings of physical reality should also apply in our inner world because it is just as real to us as the world we perceive outside of ourselves. Then since we can not achieve perfect equilbrium in this life as it is not possible the only way to solve this problem and make it possible is by adding to this mathemtical equation the variable of a new reality which is post life existence that makes it possible for us to achieve perfect equilibrium within our inner world just like in the outer world and this state I will coin it as "The True Equilibrium Bistate"
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Humans wish for two things only unconsciously: Total domination on outside reality and immortality. This is the only key to bring our inner world into perfect equilibrium through aligning our outside reality (The world around us and our bodies) and those two unconscious desires. Our current existing world is not built to sustain that even though the underlying workings of physical reality is in perfect equilibrium state but this world we know is temporary subjectively for us and objectively it is not perfect because if we zoom out from the perfect underlying working of the universe, it is in constant state of changing which is at odds with making it possible in anyway to be in a perfect state for us to feel permanent in perfect equilibrium state . The only possibility then is for new reality to emerge that allows physical reality to bend to our will and make us achieve True Equilibrium Bistate where we have total domination and immortality then finally we will be as gods in the most possible human sense as it is the most cardinal desire we have is to be like gods.


Dec 26, 2021
Thats true. The more we align ourselves with nature the better we feel and more balanced things are. I am speaking however about perfection that we instinctively aspire to achieve throughout our existence from the beginning to the end. What you talked about is a state when we are closer to balance but thats not perfect because life in its best of scenarios is very imperfect. Perfecting the world around us to fit our desires in a away that allows perfect flow like you described is impossible in this life because there is always going to be undesirable nuances that the most privileged of us will have to endure. It is a lost battle to attempt to achieve perfect happiness yet it never deterred most of us to keep pursuing that exemplary perfection of "life" and it is one of the most real things about us this drive on the same level as survival instinct which no one can argue it is as real as it gets. So if our desire for perfection is just as profound and just as real as our perception of the world outside of us then it means that the equiblrium principle that applies perfectly to the underlying workings of physical reality should also apply in our inner world because it is just as real to us as the world we perceive outside of ourselves. Then since we can not achieve perfect equilbrium in this life as it is not possible the only way to solve this problem and make it possible is by adding to this mathemtical equation the variable of a new reality which is post life existence that makes it possible for us to achieve perfect equilibrium within our inner world just like in the outer world and this state I will coin it as "The True Equilibrium Bistate"
I reject the notion of "perfection". There is no such thing as something being "perfect".

I also ask in what sense are you suggesting that nature is in equilibrium?
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I reject the notion of "perfection". There is no such thing as something being "perfect".
the underlying physical reality of the universe operates in a perfect equilibrium state as nothing physical ever get lost. So I disagree with you in the sense that we can reject the notion of perfection all together because that is not true as the only perfect thing that exist in universe is that it exists and will always exist even if it changes shape or form as nothing can ever be truly lost forever in the physical sense as dictated by laws of physics
I also ask in what sense are you suggesting that nature is in equilibrium?

No. Things may seem to us with the naked eye that it is in equilibrium because of the circle of life but it is not perfect because that we perceive as in equilibrium will end when life totally goes extinct on this planet as it is the fate of the universe to change forms so what we perceive as equilberium because of the circle of life is lost at some point so no.

What I am referring to for being perfect is the underlying physics of reality. we were and still able to make sense of physical reality to study it and learn from it because we are perfectly capable of designing mathematical equations that changes variables and constants depending on the instant we are observing but one thing remains always the same which is the right side of the equation always equals the left side. This is the most fundamental and indisputable assumption about our current reality that always held true and is the true engine of our constant advancing civilization. This a perfect system of equilibrium and no one can dispute that and this is what i mean when i say that the underlying workings of our physical reality which is the only thing that truly of value objectively to the universe is that it is perfect in every sense of the word. The only other reality we know exist with such a a profound state as the outside world is our inner world which is our thoughts, psychology feelings..etc because they are just as real to us as the world the surrounds us (the physical world) thoughts maybe false but they are real to us until they are corrected. Feelings are always real to us and we can influence them by manipulating perceptions to some extent. They make up our inner reality which behaves very similarly to the underlying physical workings in that within its own inner world underlying working, it too never stop seeking a perfect state of equilibrium. Both the underlying workings of the inner and outer realities operate on the same principle of needing perfect equilibrium to function in its most optimal levels. While with the outer reality this is working already as there are no glitches in it, we can not say the same thing about the inner reality because ultimately it is just as real to us and also in order for it to be perfect, we must feel it in that way permanently so the underlying workings of our inner world or reality should reflect the same perfect equilibrium state that we know exist in the underlying workings of the outer physical world/reality
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Dec 26, 2021
the underlying physical reality of the universe operates in a perfect equilibrium state as nothing physical ever get lost. So I disagree with you that we can reject the notion of perfection all together because that is the only perfect thing in the universe that it exists and its physical laws works perfectly in equilberium as not to allow any occurrence of a glitch that will make part of the physical reality get lost forever.
In what sense do you mean equilibrium?

All of this seems circular, and more poetic than scientific.
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
In what sense do you mean equilibrium?
Nothing in the physical reality is ever lost. It just keeps changing forms (wave, particle). Nothing becomes essentially none-existenet in the universe. It always will be. It doesnt vanish into void. The only thing that vanishes into void is our consciousness when we die which is not physical.

Perfect Equilibrium of the physical reality is observed in the underlying physical reality through study of physics

Perfect Equilibrium of the inner reality is our ever elusive state that we endlessly seek after but can never achieve permanently in this life but it is as real to us as the physical reality so our inner reality underlying workings should attain the same status of perfect equilberium just as in the outside under working of physical reality and the only way we know it has been achieved is that we experience it, we feel it and it stays that way permanently
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Dec 26, 2021
Nothing in the physical reality is ever lost. It just keeps changing forms (wave, particle). Nothing becomes essentially none-existenet in the universe. It always will be. It doesnt vanish into void. The only thing that vanishes into void is our consciousness when we die which is not physical.

Perfect Equilibrium of the physical reality is observed in the underlying physical reality through study of physics

Perfect Equilibrium of the inner reality is our ever elusive state that we endlessly seek after but can never achieve permanently in this life but it is as real to us as the physical reality so our inner reality underlying workings should attain the same status of perfect equilberium just as in the outside under working of physical reality and the only way we know it has been achieved is that we experience it, we feel it and it stays that way permanently
I do not feel that I am able to engage with this any longer as this is more poetry than it is science.
Have a wonderful day 🙂
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
The only two things standing in the way for us to achieve that perfect equilberium state in our inner world just the same way as it is already occurring in the outside world, is death and the ever changing nature of the current universe in a manner that would not make it possible to use our limited abilities and impermanent life span to achieve the True Equilibrium Bistate where the outside reality that is fundemntally perfect and the inside reality which is never perfrct, both of which exist within our conscience mind and should follow the same principle of equilibrium and be consistent together. The only way To solve this discrepancy mathimatically in order to make it viable as it should is to add the variable of an afterlife return to an existence similar to this reality but with new upgrades that enables the inner reality to finally achieve equilibrium by making outside reality bend to our inner reality individually and to keep it permanent. Thus we have achieved total domination on reality and immortality that we are all want but most of us are unaware of. Our subjective reality is just as real as The perceived objective reality to us as they both occur in the brain. They both need perfect equilibrium states to optimally function but the outside reality has that perfect state fundamentally but our inner reality doesnt which makes this unsound mathematically
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I do not feel that I am able to engage with this any longer as this is more poetry than it is science.
Have a wonderful day 🙂
It can not get more scientific than this but it has a subjective twist to it which science cant measure understandably because people forgot to appreciate their own experiencing of life and opted to submit their brains to the experts to tell them how to think and feel about things. I thank you for engaging with me and allowing me to put my thoughts down for someone who have enough depth to think for themselves so they can appreciate them. Have a wonderful day too


Aug 18, 2020
I am sorry if I alienated people in the past for being in heated arguments. My goal is never to own anyone in debates but to help each other organize our thoughts. I am a mere human and I overreact emotionally and I am not a perfect vessel for the truth and I doubt what comes out of my mind more than I like to admit but I am beginning to formulate a better picture of how this works and feel more confident in it as I think about it and write and share my thoughts so I apologize if I alienated anyone in the past due to my human derived insecurities and imperfect responses. Feel free to pick up where we left from if you like to add something to the conversation. I am not trying to win here. I am just trying to understand as much as anyone else what is it all about
I have read it now: I went to bed yesterday.
Where have you read that all? Or are these all your own thoughts?
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I have read it now: I went to bed yesterday.
Where have you read that all? Or are these all your own thoughts?
They were revealed to me by my unconscious
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