

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
In the upcoming event and dreadful month dedicated to CTB prevention (September), I made this thread in response and in advance of such events. These so-called awareness events couldn't be more disingenuous as they ironically seek to destigmatize the stigma associated with the act of CTB itself. As long as the pro-lifers and anti-choicers control the narrative, things will more/less continually remain the same. There is no open and good faith dialogue to be had in such events. Additionally, any normalization or tolerance for special cases for CTB is often censored and ignored, or worse yet, twisted in favor of advancing the anti-choice, pro-life, CTB prevention narrative.

This is why people who are going to CTB would often do so in secrecy, without the chance to say their goodbyes and end up going the DIY means, which leads to an array of complicated consequences for the survivors. The irony is that people complain about the aftermath and collateral damage caused by CTB, yet these preventionists are simply scoping out and profiling would be/prospective suicidal people(s). This in turn, just further alienates those who otherwise would have come out and be honest with their intentions to end up having to hide their intentions for the fear of having their exit or their bus pass/ticket taken away. Some have even taken the brutal bus to exit sentience and all of that would not be necessary if these people are able to come forward without risk of intervention against their freedom and civil liberties. So in a sense, these pro-lifers and anti-choicers can complain about the aftermath, but as long as they never acknowledge that the society and the way the system is set up is the cause of this mess (as well as their actions), these awful buses will simply just continue to persist for the very desperate! Also shaming the desperate does little to help the situation because the desperates' actions are due to a rotten society and the way the anti-choicers and pro-lifers treat them.

Additionally, these groups often try to look for signs and use statistics as well as profiling particular groups for risk assessment and by that, it doesn't really highlight the struggles of what people are going through. In fact, by doing such things such as scoping out potentially suicidal people, they are just seeking to preemptively prevent that act (the act of CTB) rather than trying to fix whatever is causing someone or a particular demographic to want to CTB. For example, they would say "percentage [percent] of gender [gender] age group[age range from a-b] is at risk of CTB" and they aren't doing it out of good faith, but it's all an effort to busybody themselves into others' lives and prevent the very act they oppose! These groups do little to nothing to help improve the quality of life or make it where an individual would WANT to enjoy life or at least tolerate life! It's also very invasive and paternalistic, which is of course, no surprise to most of us here. Finally, it's all just grandstanding and empty words, because the moment the one diverges from the narrative or says something that the hive mentality does not agree with, negative consequences come upon said dissident. Thus, these groups aren't looking for an honest, good faith dialogue, they are simply just virtue signaling and finding more ways to impinge on the rights of those who don't enjoy life!

Anyways, I know this isn't new news to most of us on SaSu, but I thought I'd bring this out here to expose the disingenuity of such groups and that their aims isn't to actually destigmatize the act of CTB, despite their euphemistic slogans and wording. Of course, those who are serious about CTB'ing would keep their intentions hidden and groups like these just prove that fact. Though that would not be necessary if such groups would act in good faith, but we know that is not likely to happen anytime soon. In other words, these preventionists want to prevent CTB (that's all they care about!), but fail to acknowledge the real problems of "why" people are wanting to CTB the begin with and also fail to rectify such failings of society.
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Unstable Potato
May 25, 2023
I agree. Pro-lifers just want you to live and do not care about your reasons, try to understand your reasons or even try to make things better. They're just happy when they feel they've talked someone out of it and played the part of the "hero" and then they walk away. They will send you off to a hospital feeling that they did good which does next to nothing for those of us who are chronically suicidal. They want you to live for others and do not care about your circumstances/story.

I wish we lived in a world where people didn't have to CTB in secret if they didn't want to. That others didn't overreact when someone talked about wanting to CTB. Their decision was respected and their reasons were treated as valid. That's not to say the world should do the opposite and be all pro-suicide either. I believe there is a respectable medium (pro-choice) that is very often seen here on SaSu.

Just my opinion though.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is absolutely true, it's all about their (pro-lifers/anti-choicers') ego at the end of the day. I do agree that we still do not (and unlikely to, at least in the foreseeable future) live in a society that respects bodily autonomy when it comes to dying and such. As a pro-choicer, I do believe that the best outcome is some concessions, but of course, from history, we know pro-lifers/anti-choicers just do not want to even have that. They want to have absolute power and dominance over others' rights and to be able to keep them trapped in suffering, out of mind and out of sight. After such realization, I've come to the conclusion, it's just all about them (the pro-lifers and anti-choicers) and their interests, rarely, if ever, about the sufferer, or person wanting to CTB.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Bumping this thread, and also today, September 10th, is one of those CTB prevention days, which of course is celebrated by many normies and anti-choicers (pro-lifers) who just like to virtue signal and do little to nothing to address the root causes of why people want to CTB. Additionally, it's just one of those irritating days where people may just bombard others with pro-life, anti-choice, CTB prevention paraphernalia.
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My Tears Ricochet
Mar 24, 2023
Bumping this thread, and also today, September 10th, is one of those CTB prevention days, which of course is celebrated by many normies and anti-choicers (pro-lifers) who just like to virtue signal and do little to nothing to address the root causes of why people want to CTB. Additionally, it's just one of those irritating days where people may just bombard others with pro-life, anti-choice, CTB prevention paraphernalia.
Makes me very glad I don't have social media and won't have to see those god awful posts about how "you're not alone!" and the other "reach out" bullshit
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Excellent post.

The question they should be asking themselves is- how many people who didn't really want to die have killed themselves because seeking help can have dire consequences?


Aug 25, 2024
They believe life is valuable. Even though they live in a society that does not value it at all.

I would have a suicide causes awareness month in counterpoint. In SCA month, we would talk about how shite our social and economic models are and how that leads to the poverty and destitution that can be a factor in suicide. I'd get the banks to sponsor the event too.
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
Makes me very glad I don't have social media and won't have to see those god awful posts about how "you're not alone!" and the other "reach out" bullshit
coming from the same people who don't respond to or have closed dm's (I assume because I've never actively followed people like that)~ :/ regardless, I see enough of it irl from people who don't treat me particularly well so~ :/
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