Marcus Wright

Dec 20, 2021
"Bunch of snowflakes"

"Everything is pc and woke now"

"Kids now have it too easy, back in my days…"

Among these valid criticisms that previous generations had used to bark at the youngsters nowadays, there is also an old saying that has made a deep impression on me:
"Hard times create strong men, (WWII/Baby Boomers)
strong men create good times, (Gen X)
good times create weak men, (Millennials/Gen Z)
and weak men create hard times. (Where we are headed)"

And I…

… fully agree!
Everyone is so sensitive nowadays! So far, they have only been going through:
  • a pandemic,
  • an economic crash,
  • several environmental crises,
  • and many more disasters to come…
And now the darn kids want to kill themselves because of that ?! Back in the day, our parents and grandparents managed to not kill themselves off with all the problems they were facing (like wars, poverty, famine) because they were strong men!

So to fix this:

Let's pray for all the Millennials and Gen Z weaklings to die off quickly (because they are so weak! ) and prevent the future generations becoming weak by raising them in hard times (wars, poverty, famine, pandemics, etc.) to suffer constantly! Through suffering and pain, they will become strong men™️ and create good times™️!

But good times will create weak men (Yuck! Weak men!).

Fuck that, I suggest we regress and force our children and their children to become cave men or barbarians that kill each other, always worrying about basic necessities, die from preventable diseases, and live in perpetual agony ! They will turn into strong men™️ by living like that!

Make sure any progress (agriculture, medicine, electricity, etc.) are forbidden because those improvements will only lead to good times! And good times will inevitably create weak men (Again, yuck! Weak men!)!

I hope that Baby Boomers and older generations (the good generations™️!) will live a couple millennia more (through technology!) so they can fully destroy the planet and regress us all back to the Stone Age, all while torturing Millennials and Gen Z (the bad one!) weaklings! The weaklings will die obviously because they can't handle hardship since they have never face any real adversity ever in their pathetic lives!

After that, they can torment the youngest generation (and the generations after that) to create strong men™️!

No utopia will be achieved! ✊
So no weak men will be created! ✊
Strong men™️ will live in eternal agony! ✊
All hail Baby Boomers and older generations! :love:
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Oct 19, 2021
You're a misogynistic pig for only talking about men!!!
In my opinion calling someone a pig is a compliment- for example, see Esther the Wonder Pig:

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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
All hail Baby Boomers and older generations! :love:

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Jul 22, 2021
Your thesis screws up the timeline and its own premises. Boomers are the ones who lived off the industry and bravery of the Greatest Generation. It's hard to think of a more entitled generation than the Boomer gen. The exploding national debt in the US is almost entirely due to the massive public spending and tax cuts boomers have approved for themselves but refused to pay for. And unlike personal debt, this debt in practical terms is passed down. Kicking the can down the road re pollution and global warming are other examples.

Millenials and Gen Z have been left a shit world that is in many ways deteriorating (though on a global scale, humans are far better off now than 60 years ago. It's just that the crap is far more visible in our information age.).
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Apr 26, 2022
Why don't you kill me
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Oct 29, 2019
Nice bait
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Mar 9, 2022
Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
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Mar 19, 2022
Lmao this post and the first few comments are giving me life right now. Thank you 😂
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May 11, 2022
It seems it was easier to die back in the day if you wanted to. Go into a warzone with little to no training. Easier access to barbiturates, cynanide, guns, etc. They even had capital punishment too.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
So inspiring and true. Some people don't want to trade their comfort for success. They stay in that narrow range of experience, due to the choices they themselves make throughout their own lives (and then blame things like other people, systems, the economy, brain damage, not getting likes on TikTok, etc).

I find this quote truly profound and interesting (I'll see if I can find some way to move the image from another tab and post it on this lovely website, one moment). Hope that works and you can see it, haha. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Hope that might have changed something within you, many here need it (maybe not my place to say, but I can only offer my truth)...

I can sometimes spend hours just pondering why I am the way I am, and why I've managed to get to where I am. It always comes down to the choices I make, and choosing to not be scared of risks or failures. Also, something important is the knowledge I have, due to the choices I've made during my life (always prioritizing education, knowledge, reading all kinds of books my parents had lying around the house, even read the dictionary growing up, my 8th ex gf used to call me "the knowledge-hungry genius"). I wasn't born very privileged at all; but most of my friends, girlfriends, friends with benefits, mentors, teachers, co-workers and associates I had growing up aren't really close to where I am now (not bragging, just trying to put things in simple terms).

My girlfriend loves it when I get back from the gym after shaping myself hard. Life is super tough for me, I had to take a year off of college due to stress. During this year I chose to travel, I met new people, saw the world, gained valuable experiences, (wouldn't be who I am now if I hadn't met a certain someone during my short stay in Rome); and most importantly, strengthened my soul/commitment--and to think that many other young people are scared to even get on a plane!!! The WHOLE WORLD is out there, PEOPLE, BUILDINGS, VIBRATIONS, ENERGY... My friends thankfully helped out a lot during that dark year, but nothing could have happened without my willingness to change and to WORK HARD. You make your own reality. Need motivation? Observe the sea, ask your lover if they need something, look within, get a little crazy, buy a new suit, go browse stores with a couple of friends without even buying anything, try out a new genre of music.

I carved out a nice little successful life for myself due to my decisions and how I used my free will, my discipline and growth-seeking--but it wasn't free. FAR from it; as my girlfriend, friends, and employees would say: "He never stops until it's done, and when it's done he just finds something else and totally gets after it." It was a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but it's not over yet. As long as I breathe I will do my best do be as deserving of my success as I am now, long hours, days or even weeks away from my girlfriend, away from my buddies, away from Battlefield 2042 and Animal Crossing (yes, I am a bit of a nerd, hehe). If there's not much to do in the office you can find me sweating in the gym, studying late (always curious, currently studying how quantum physics is related to tarot cards) or just relaxing with my dogs and my amazingly supportive gf (took years to work on our relationship to get to this point, we used to fight all the time, no shortcuts).

Gosh, I remember grinding at a boring job to save up money. My dad had a small business and I earned my place there when I turned 18, was looking to save up for a better car. Didn't know anything at that age, so naïve and impressionable, just all about sports and partying, lol, but those were some of the best years of my life. Standing there, being bored at work, girlfriend out of town, just not much going on, a lot of time to think. Who am I? What do I want? How can I make decisions that are in line with my authentic values while providing a significantly meaningful service to my community, and humanity as a whole? How can I use my talents and ability to fix what I see is wrong? What makes me tick on a deep, meaningful level? Who can I help to better be able to help myself? Many such questions, as a young confused man, haha (kind of embarrassed to write this, but I hope others will get some value out of my crazy hardships and appreciation for the stark beauty that can be found when you truly look for what you need to do to help yourself, no one else is going to do that for you).

My life in a few words: GRATITUDE (despite being dealt a bad hand), ENDURANCE (the kind of person that will do what is necessary, not quitting out of frustration, choosing to stay motivated) and FREE WILL (not letting things like negativity, emotions, or causality take over the wheel, being the captain of my own ship, if you will).
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Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022
That pig clearly looks entitled. Must be a millennial…😁
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Mar 16, 2022
And stupid men create shit posts!

The post WWII years saw America having won a war while taking nearly no infrastructural damage. We profited enormously from rebuilding Europe and parlayed that strength into favorable economic arrangements. Back then, wealth was shared much more equitably between the higher end of society and the lower end. Circumstances are completely different now, and generally worse in terms of social mobility.

If hard times create strong men, then how come Russia lost 27x as many people in WWII than the US did, but fared worse afterwards?
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Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
I think we're always in harsh times if you look close enough.
1900s-10s: WW1 and Spanish Flu
1920s: prohibition and harsh diseases like polio still ravaging
1930s-40s: WW2
1950s-70s: Korean war, Vietnam war, serial killers everywhere
1980s: Crack epidemic which led to the highest crime wave in U.S. history in the 80s, AIDS, Middle East tensions rising
1990s: Gulf War, high suicide rates, school shootings start gaining traction
2000s: 9/11, War on Terrorism, Recession
2010s: mass shootings rampant, Far Right online radicalization, dangerous viral trends, terrorist attacks common (2015 and '16 were bad)
2020s: exponential Fentanyl crisis, high suicide rates again, pandemic, wars, shortages, high crime, riots
Can't wait for 2030s!
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May 27, 2020
I fully agree with the initial post. The current younger generation have turned society into a total mess!

It all started with this "equality" nonsense; as soon as we started accepting homosexual behaviour as normal decades ago, is when everything started going downhill. Back in my day we used to give those sexual deviants the dicipline they deserved. We were hard people with hard values! We loved respect more than anything else, and you would get a beating if you showed none. Nowadays you can get arrested for assaulting someone, because apparently it is called "abuse" which just sounds like another term conjured up by the woke crowd... political correctness gone mad!
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Ok boomer
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
This is how I imagined the old folks home would be like.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
2000s: 9/11
In fairness, I wouldn't argue that there is equivalence between in the items listed, even from a US-centric perspective. WWII killed 60 million and reduced much of Europe to rubble... not the same as a few shootings, buildings going down, or offensive posts on Twitter.
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A nobody
Mar 22, 2021
I can't tell if that's satire or not at this point
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Judy Garland

Judy Garland

Mar 23, 2022
Your thesis screws up the timeline and its own premises. Boomers are the ones who lived off the industry and bravery of the Greatest Generation. It's hard to think of a more entitled generation than the Boomer gen. The exploding national debt in the US is almost entirely due to the massive public spending and tax cuts boomers have approved for themselves but refused to pay for. And unlike personal debt, this debt in practical terms is passed down. Kicking the can down the road re pollution and global warming are other examples.

Millenials and Gen Z have been left a shit world that is in many ways deteriorating (though on a global scale, humans are far better off now than 60 years ago. It's just that the crap is far more visible in our information age.).
I'm so glad you said this. There is a MAJOR difference between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers. Thank you.


Oct 19, 2021
I'm so glad you said this. There is a MAJOR difference between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers. Thank you.
These generalizations are just not fair to people who have made a lot of meaningful contributions from every generation. In the era of the greatest generation a lot of people (not all or even close to all) beat their wives and children without consequence, and were openly racist without consequence- there has been much improvement here, but still these situations are bad for many. Each generation has plusses and minuses. The debt is a big problem, and the first explosion of national debt happened under Reagan, when he used deficit spending to bring inflation under control, and the national debt has gotten worse under every president since.


Jan 9, 2021
So inspiring and true. Some people don't want to trade their comfort for success. They stay in that narrow range of experience, due to the choices they themselves make throughout their own lives (and then blame things like other people, systems, the economy, brain damage, not getting likes on TikTok, etc).

I find this quote truly profound and interesting (I'll see if I can find some way to move the image from another tab and post it on this lovely website, one moment). Hope that works and you can see it, haha. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Hope that might have changed something within you, many here need it (maybe not my place to say, but I can only offer my truth)...

I can sometimes spend hours just pondering why I am the way I am, and why I've managed to get to where I am. It always comes down to the choices I make, and choosing to not be scared of risks or failures. Also, something important is the knowledge I have, due to the choices I've made during my life (always prioritizing education, knowledge, reading all kinds of books my parents had lying around the house, even read the dictionary growing up, my 8th ex gf used to call me "the knowledge-hungry genius"). I wasn't born very privileged at all; but most of my friends, girlfriends, friends with benefits, mentors, teachers, co-workers and associates I had growing up aren't really close to where I am now (not bragging, just trying to put things in simple terms).

My girlfriend loves it when I get back from the gym after shaping myself hard. Life is super tough for me, I had to take a year off of college due to stress. During this year I chose to travel, I met new people, saw the world, gained valuable experiences, (wouldn't be who I am now if I hadn't met a certain someone during my short stay in Rome); and most importantly, strengthened my soul/commitment--and to think that many other young people are scared to even get on a plane!!! The WHOLE WORLD is out there, PEOPLE, BUILDINGS, VIBRATIONS, ENERGY... My friends thankfully helped out a lot during that dark year, but nothing could have happened without my willingness to change and to WORK HARD. You make your own reality. Need motivation? Observe the sea, ask your lover if they need something, look within, get a little crazy, buy a new suit, go browse stores with a couple of friends without even buying anything, try out a new genre of music.

I carved out a nice little successful life for myself due to my decisions and how I used my free will, my discipline and growth-seeking--but it wasn't free. FAR from it; as my girlfriend, friends, and employees would say: "He never stops until it's done, and when it's done he just finds something else and totally gets after it." It was a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but it's not over yet. As long as I breathe I will do my best do be as deserving of my success as I am now, long hours, days or even weeks away from my girlfriend, away from my buddies, away from Battlefield 2042 and Animal Crossing (yes, I am a bit of a nerd, hehe). If there's not much to do in the office you can find me sweating in the gym, studying late (always curious, currently studying how quantum physics is related to tarot cards) or just relaxing with my dogs and my amazingly supportive gf (took years to work on our relationship to get to this point, we used to fight all the time, no shortcuts).

Gosh, I remember grinding at a boring job to save up money. My dad had a small business and I earned my place there when I turned 18, was looking to save up for a better car. Didn't know anything at that age, so naïve and impressionable, just all about sports and partying, lol, but those were some of the best years of my life. Standing there, being bored at work, girlfriend out of town, just not much going on, a lot of time to think. Who am I? What do I want? How can I make decisions that are in line with my authentic values while providing a significantly meaningful service to my community, and humanity as a whole? How can I use my talents and ability to fix what I see is wrong? What makes me tick on a deep, meaningful level? Who can I help to better be able to help myself? Many such questions, as a young confused man, haha (kind of embarrassed to write this, but I hope others will get some value out of my crazy hardships and appreciation for the stark beauty that can be found when you truly look for what you need to do to help yourself, no one else is going to do that for you).

My life in a few words: GRATITUDE (despite being dealt a bad hand), ENDURANCE (the kind of person that will do what is necessary, not quitting out of frustration, choosing to stay motivated) and FREE WILL (not letting things like negativity, emotions, or causality take over the wheel, being the captain of my own ship, if you will).
Then why the fuck are you on this sub. Go out and make something of your life if its within your reach.
Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
In fairness, I wouldn't argue that there is equivalence between in the items listed, even from a US-centric perspective. WWII killed 60 million and reduced much of Europe to rubble... not the same as a few shootings, buildings going down, or offensive posts on Twitter.
I guess you're right. We ARE the cowardly generation. 💪😔🤙
Edit: I don't know though, 70 million people die each year now which is more than WW2 annually.
Edit again: I'm an emotional trainwreck. Disregard this shit.
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Jul 31, 2020
I was thinking of creating a similar thread a few months ago here, this generation is so fucked up and it makes me even sadder to think that I have to share the world with tiktok users, I was born after the 2000s but I'm grateful I'm not like these stupid npcs we are heading towards the abyss
So inspiring and true. Some people don't want to trade their comfort for success. They stay in that narrow range of experience, due to the choices they themselves make throughout their own lives (and then blame things like other people, systems, the economy, brain damage
You're doing the right thing man, we gotta do our best while we're in this shit world, I still regret that I stopped training that was the only thing that made me feel better
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Dec 9, 2021
Who was in charge of the world during the collapse of democracy, the explosion of economic inequality and the crossing the climate change event horizon

Oh right, boomers and gen xers.

Get fucked you cunt. The sooner the old folks die the better.
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They killed me at seven, I just didn't know it- Me
Dec 15, 2021
These generalizations are just not fair to people who have made a lot of meaningful contributions from every generation. In the era of the greatest generation a lot of people (not all or even close to all) beat their wives and children without consequence, and were openly racist without consequence- there has been much improvement here, but still these situations are bad for many. Each generation has plusses and minuses. The debt is a big problem, and the first explosion of national debt happened under Reagan, when he used deficit spending to bring inflation under control, and the national debt has gotten worse under every president since.
Please do your homework, Bill Clinton balanced the budget and actually eliminated the national deficit during his term.
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Oct 19, 2021

Please do your homework, Bill Clinton balanced the budget and actually eliminated the national deficit during his term.
That depends on who you ask about the numbers. According to a websi9te called self.inc the national debt at the start of the Clinton years was 4.4 trillion and it was 5.8 trillion at the end of his time in office- I did see these numbers on a couple of other websites, and this is a 32% increase in the national debt during his time in office.
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Al Cappella

Al Cappella

Are we there yet?
Feb 2, 2022

Please do your homework, Bill Clinton balanced the budget and actually eliminated the national deficit during his term.
That depends on who you ask about the numbers. According to a websi9te called self.inc the national debt at the start of the Clinton years was 4.4 trillion and it was 5.8 trillion at the end of his time in office- I did see these numbers on a couple of other websites, and this is a 32% increase in the national debt during his time in office.
Those are both reasonable arguments, to a point. The health of a society overall has to also look at growth in gdp/gnp/gni, infrastructure spending, health markers, dollars in terms of innovation, bla bla bla not to mention fiscal reserves and international goodwill.

Too often balanced budgets are misleading—you can so easily balance things by cutting services and infrastructure spending—don't mean your healthy as a country…
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Mar 15, 2022
I do think we are pussies and have no argument against that. My dad dealt w way harder life than i did yet i still made it here.

Technology made us weak as fuck
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