Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I want to put my thoughts down about this. There are two points about how to think on the matter of dying and things are related to it.
There are none-speculative parts and speculative parts.

What is none-speculative:
-Dying is ceasing of vital signs in irreversible manner.
-Near Death Experiences: they are not coming back from death. The body and the brain may go into a very low vital state but not absolute zero. The natural vital state alters between high wave (long) and zero wave (short) and when the high wave gets too low as to be close to zero wave it gives the illusion of a flat line but it is not really a flat line and then high wave comes back and the rythm is restored to normal level which gives the illusion of coming back from the dead.
-Conscience mind of the brain is known. The unconscious mind is unknown for the most part

What is speculative (part of this is my own conjectures and part is my understanding to my religion's beliefs:
1)My conjucture-The unconscious mind is like a super computer Network that is not limited by the brain which is a node that has access to that network through the interfacing with the conscience mind so when someone dies their conscience mind (thoughts, memories, feelings, personality) is not lost forever. It is stored by the unconscious mind by the interfacing.
2) According to my religions literature as to what happens to when someone dies and there are different things that could happen based on how good or bad the person is and it is a spectrum not binary:
A) Person is good: their conscience gets transported to another body in the Interstice World (inbetween The lowly world which is this life and the last world which is the eternal world) which is a dimension that the dead occupy which is similar to our world in that it has physics and biology so people wake up in a body like theirs in the past life and they eat, drink and walk, talk etc. time flow is incredibly slow In this world so 7 mins to them maybe a century has passed in our world. They are waiting to be resurrected with everyone back to this world in judgement day.
B)The wicked ones: also their consciousness gets transported to bodies in the Interstice World but in cages and being reprimanded and kept in bad conditions as they have done so to other people in their past life. Time flows incredibly fast so 7 years passed there will be like 1 minute passed in our world. They are also waiting to be resurrected with everyone for judgement day.
C) Neutral people: neither good nor bad. They remain dead as not being conscience until they are resurrected in judgement day with everyone else
D) Judgment day: every human and animal is resurrected after final extinction happens on earth and every living being dies and some period of no living beings exist anymore maybe for million years. When everyone is alive again on this earth but everything changes and physical and cosmic laws have changed and nothing looks the same anymore. People and animals come back and recieve judgement. Blanace is restored. If someone hurt another they get what has been taken from them back and the perpetrator suffers consequences. If someone did something good for another being they get rewarded. There wicked are punished, the good are rewards, the neutral ones are examined further to show if they are good or bad and then rewarded or punished accordingly. Animals are brought back so if some human wronged them (except slaughtering for food or using them for travel, farming) then the animals see their revenge but all animals perish after they were done with getting their grievances but animals are not judged so they are neither rewarded no punished.

I didnt write all of this for entertainment value but to share my thought as to why people may think death is not the end. When you die you die that is not a speculative issue but I wanted to clarify why people tend to speculate about continuity after death.

There will never be scientific evidence for the afterlife. It is simply impossible.
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Dec 10, 2021
who determines if a person is good, bad or neutral? it's so subjective. i might think someone wronged me or is a bad person but they might have a totally different perspective. i feel like there wouldn't be any truly good people, even if you see it as a spectrum, because everyone has done things they aren't proud of.

it's definitely possible death isn't the end, there's no way we can know until we die. i kind of like the thought of there being something bigger, some deeper meaning, because it makes me think my existence isn't totally useless, that maybe someday the universe will make it up to me. but there's just so many people that have existed and that exist now, i feel like it would be impossible to keep track of all their actions, of all their thoughts. Then again, if there is a higher power or meaning I suppose it would naturally be incomprehensible to our limited human brains.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
who determines if a person is good, bad or neutral? it's so subjective. i might think someone wronged me or is a bad person but they might have a totally different perspective. i feel like there wouldn't be any truly good people, even if you see it as a spectrum, because everyone has done things they aren't proud of.
Our instincts tell us that there must be an objective moral prospective that can evaluate things the way that they are otherwise we wouldnt have evolved to have justice system, laws. We wouldnt have felt good when we heard people done good things to others. Sure every case has nuances to pick to see the motive behind actions and take everything into account as to why someone done something. Good and bad isnt binary nor arbitrary. But the intention of the doer is an important aspect to evaluate if the deed committed is good or bad. An objective all knowing entity like a god who oversee the world but almost never interferes would have enough ability to evaluate who is good or bad. It is not something we can do as humans even for the most heinous of people. So you are right and wrong about it i think
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I am a prisoner locked up behind xanax bars
Dec 16, 2021
Two outcomes are possible:
1. We die and everything is revealed at that time.
2. We die and it's nothingness. Basically lights out, everything stops, and we'll never know the difference.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Two outcomes are possible:
1. We die and everything is revealed at that time.
3. We die and it's nothingness. Basically lights out, everything stops, and we'll never know the difference.
This is problematic. Because once we die we dont have a brain to think with unless somehow our conscience is transferred into another brain in another body that exists in another dimension. But the moment we die before the brain ceases fully as in near death experiences we can get a hint of some supernatural experience that proceeds our actual death. So the point is we can NOT think or feel without a conscious brain


Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
You will get 72 virgin wifes.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
You will get 72 virgin wifes.
If you were lucky ;).

Many people have so much aversion to the story of 72 virgins yet promiscuity, open marriages, cheating, polyamorous, none monogamy is accepted and embraced nowadays. This is the west
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Said it many times before and I'll say it again: I THINK (or rather I hope) that the afterlife works exactly as it does by the end of the show The Good Place. That show's afterlife to me is literally perfect.

Every human no matter who they were or what they did, gets to go through a series of tests specifically designed for them by Good and Bad Place architects to help them become better people if they were unable to acquire a million Good points in their real life (which according to the show no human has been capable of doing for over 500 years so don't stress too much about this part).

Each person will have infinite tries to pass the tests. If you fail, your memory does get wiped but you do get told what you did wrong at the end so the idea is even with your memory wiped you will subconsciously retain some knowledge of what to do better next time. These scenarios are free from the constraints of reality so any mental or societal reasons to be bad are gone and it's literally just up to you to be good. The point of these tests is basically to ensure that when the person passes, they will truly have become good people thus they get to go to the Good Place aka heaven.

Now heaven itself works how one might expect where you get everything you want and as much of it as you want. For example you could sit around drinking milkshakes that give you orgasms if you so choose. The problem with this though is that eventually paradise gets boring. Luckily this issue is solved because heaven comes with a door that anyone can walk through whenever they choose. Going through this door basically permanently and peacefully ends your existence once and for all. This means that you can spend as many eternities as you want in heaven and only when you're finally ready and have experienced everything you've ever wanted to experience will you want to go through this door. You don't know what happens after going through the door but it's implied that your essence gets put back into earth and gets to motivate a single good deed to be performed there.

The best part is that every single soul that has ever lived will have this chance offered to them. The real world is hard and this afterlife is basically perfect. In my opinion it doesn't let bad people off easily either since it forces them to have to truly rehabilitate and become better before they can have their reward which they don't even know about so there's very little chance anyone can exploit it. Infinity is a long time but since no human is capable of directly causing another human to eternally suffer, this punishment doesn't fit any human either.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
It will be like The Shack, with Octavia Spencer baking apple pies and shit. In life I have problems digesting apples, but not in death. Those pies will be delicious.
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Jan 24, 2022
As strange as it may seem and how difficult it may seem to accept, I am pretty much entirely convinced that there is just simply nothing after death. Just nothing. Calming and terrifying at the same time.
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Mar 17, 2022
You will get 72 virgin wifes.
UUggghhh! Who would want that? Do they come with an interpreter? I would want to trade those for 2 sex addicted cougars.
As strange as it may seem and how difficult it may seem to accept, I am pretty much entirely convinced that there is just simply nothing after death. Just nothing. Calming and terrifying at the same time.
Not strange at all and my belief as well. You often find people with this belief changing their minds toward the end of their life because they are afraid of that void. Even Nietzsche became optimistic at the end and contradicted his earlier philosophy. Afraid that all their love, all their pain, everything they are was just a dream about being a person. In reality, we are just rotting flesh on disintegrating bones with biochemical and electrical interactions which we interpret as a self. These are the beliefs I cannot share with others outside this group. While there are many who believe this, we cannot voice it in public so we just say were "fine" and move on with the game.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Is death a permaban? Or is it more like a Chinaski ban? These questions keep me up at night, grinding my teeth, gripped by uncertainty and fear.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Is death a permaban? Or is it more like a Chinaski ban? These questions keep me up at night, grinding my teeth, gripped by uncertainty and fear.
This must be the fifth or sixth time you've done this snark shit now and this fixation is not reflecting well on you, not for the first time l suggest you either stop being a sly little weasel and go direct, or simply just don't fucking bother.
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I was once a pretty angel
Mar 4, 2022
Read today on another forum that people who commit suicide wonder this world without the body (as a soul) in the same or worse condition, until the time they were meant to live on this world expires. But who knows. I do believe in karma and sometimes circumstances can overwhelm even good people to commit such an act. Wonder if God has any kind of discrepancies or are all judged the same.
  • Aww..
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Jul 25, 2021
Read today on another forum that people who commit suicide wonder this world without the body (as a soul) in the same or worse condition, until the time they were meant to live on this world expires. But who knows. I do believe in karma and sometimes circumstances can overwhelm even good people to commit such an act. Wonder if God has any kind of discrepancies or are all judged the same.
humans think their life is so special, it's not. once we die that's it, we cease to exist there is no wandering around as a ghost or an afterlife
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I was once a pretty angel
Mar 4, 2022
humans think their life is so special, it's not. once we die that's it, we cease to exist there is no wandering around as a ghost or an afterlife
Are you sure of that 100 percent? I know several people with outer body experiences during meditation and their accounts of things are quite convincing. I am not saying anything with certainty but I wouldn't be sure that we are just plant fertilizer once we're gone.
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
Are you sure of that 100 percent? I know several people with outer body experiences during meditation and their accounts of things are quite convincing. I am not saying anything with certainty but I wouldn't be sure that we are just plant fertilizer once we're gone.

If I may... I read quite a bit about NDEs (near death experiences) when I was thinking a lot about suicide and what comes after. A lot of studies suggest they are merely fabrications of the brain. Some studies suggest that when we die, our brain releases a "hormone" quite similar to DMT, and that is where the NDE comes from.
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Feb 5, 2021
It would be cool if you could transfer the memory of a deceased person to a clone of itself or a totally different newborn
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Jul 25, 2021
You've died and you know this right?
just take a look at what happens when parts of your brain are damaged, people with dementia or alzheimer's forget who their own children are. Which leads me to believe that whatever makes you who you are is all stored physically in the brain and when the brain decays after your death, whatever in your brain made you who are you would be lost, we are physical beings.
99% of all species that have ever lived have gone extinct, the universe has existed for billions of years and humans as a species have only existed for a blink of that time. To think that all this grandeur of the universe and destruction of stars and billions of years of evolution all happened for us special humans to exist and go to heaven is ridiculous and very self centered, we are nothing special, just another species that will eventually go extinct like the other 99% of all species that went extinct already
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