

Jun 10, 2019
Hello everyone. First post so forgive any errors in tone or style.

A few years ago Thailand was one of the easiest places to buy Nembutal - to the point that vets had signs outside welcoming Australian pensioners looking to CTB.
Now all that is over and according to a Thai friend of mine whose friend is a vet, vets don't even use it any more for euthanasia.
I've been living in Thailand for 6 months and am frustrated at the seeming impossibility of getting N (I even have a bottle in my fridge in the UK but I'm not suicidal enough to try and get THAT through Thai Customs....)

Anyway, the point of this ramble is to ask if there are any other members living in Thailand or anyone who knows where or how to get hold of either N or fentanyl or some other send you to sleep agent - or even getting hold of a revolver (black market I guess as I'm a farang). I can't face hanging and I'm too scared to drown or jump.

I really don't want to have to travel back to the UK for my N as it's the breakdown of my life there that led to this in the first place (plus I only have one bottle and I'm not sure it will be enough as even at 51 I'm a pretty strong chap (i can do 440lb pull downs) and weigh almost 16 stone.)

So... If you got to the end of this, thank you for bearing with me. If you can offer any useful suggestions or info thanks even more!
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Apr 17, 2019
n can still be gotten from phillipine vets ..short hop from u


Mar 16, 2019
Everything required for the amitriptyline cocktail method #2 can be obtained from pharmacies in Thailand except a second benzo, but you may need to find the right ones for some items.

Here's a list of items with local brand names and whether they are OTC or UTC (over/under the counter):
  • Amitriptyline - Tryptil, 10mg and 25mg only, probably UTC
  • Cimetidine - Siamidine, 400mg, OTC
  • Diazepam - generic, bags of 10 × 10mg tablets, UTC
For anti-emetics, I'm not sure about the availability of metoclopramide, but domperidone (Motilium-M) is OTC, and ondansetron (Onsia) is either OTC or UTC (I think the former). Pepto-Bismol equivalent is called Gastro-bismol (not necessary).

Drugs are cheaper on the mainland, but it may be harder to find the right pharmacist for the UTC items. The islands are more lax, but considerably more expensive.
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Aug 25, 2018
I think it's easier to do Carbon monoxide in Thailand. You can rent the whole house or an apartment because they don't install smoke alarm.


Jun 10, 2019
n can still be gotten from phillipine vets ..short hop from u
That sounds a really good solution - can you be more specific (either here or in PM) please?
I looked at the latest version of the Peaceful Pill and they only mention Mexico and Peru as places you can buy N.


Apr 17, 2019
message me as i see no message option on your profile


Jun 10, 2019
Hi Tootired,

I just read the FAQs (yes I realise I should have read them earlier ) and unfortunately I can't send or receive PMs until I've posted 5 times.
I think it's easier to do Carbon monoxide in Thailand. You can rent the whole house or an apartment because they don't install smoke alarm.
Thank you for this tip - though I stay in hotels or Airbnb with other people so sadly this isn't suitable for me.
I think it's easier to do Carbon monoxide in Thailand. You can rent the whole house or an apartment because they don't install smoke alarm.
Thank you for this tip - though I stay in hotels or Airbnb with other people so sadly this isn't suitable for me.
Everything required for the amitriptyline cocktail method #2 can be obtained from pharmacies in Thailand except a second benzo, but you may need to find the right ones for some items.

Here's a list of items with local brand names and whether they are OTC or UTC (over/under the counter):
  • Amitriptyline - Tryptil, 10mg and 25mg only, probably UTC
  • Cimetidine - Siamidine, 400mg, OTC
  • Diazepam - generic, bags of 10 × 10mg tablets, UTC
For anti-emetics, I'm not sure about the availability of metoclopramide, but domperidone (Motilium-M) is OTC, and ondansetron (Onsia) is either OTC or UTC (I think the former). Pepto-Bismol equivalent is called Gastro-bismol (not necessary).

Drugs are cheaper on the mainland, but it may be harder to find the right pharmacist for the UTC items. The islands are more lax, but considerably more expensive.
Thank you for this extensive help. I don't know much about this method as I always thought it'd be N for me.
I just realised that if I'd replied to everyone separately I would have enough posts to get PM privileges
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Feb 18, 2019
I think it's easier to do Carbon monoxide in Thailand. You can rent the whole house or an apartment because they don't install smoke alarm.
Doesn't this mean you'd also injure whoever finds you?


Aug 25, 2018
Doesn't this mean you'd also injure whoever finds you?
No report about that yet. I see some people who choose this method put a warning sign before whoever get in the room and a few more options to protect others. Using portable barbecue will not produce that much smoke to kill the whole apartment. It was not like the gas from stove that keep coming and coming.
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Jun 10, 2019
I will be writing to A today to ask if he ships to Thailand or if he considers it too much of a risk.
Obviously I'll report back on this thread with any answer I receive as that might prove useful to anyone else here in the same situation.


Oct 5, 2018
I will be writing to A today to ask if he ships to Thailand or if he considers it too much of a risk.
Obviously I'll report back on this thread with any answer I receive as that might prove useful to anyone else here in the same situation.
I wouldn't mate.. But up to you of course. You don't want to be busted by thais, they may not see n as bad as other narcotics, but I wouldn't risk it.
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Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
I wouldn't mate.. But up to you of course. You don't want to be busted by thais, they may not see n as bad as other narcotics, but I wouldn't risk it.
Well, I just erased my whole first response, as I had forgotten most of your original post. I forgot all the info about how freely available N used to be there. That sucks it isn't any more. What I was trying to say was, I don't know how lax the government and the law is about importing it, since barbiturates aren't named specifically in their drug scheduling. As in, how could they arrest and prosecute you? But then I remembered seeing a taping of some talk one of our supporters of drug reform from the US gave to the Thai government about decriminalizing certain drugs, and the talk ended with him saying that based on their questions they weren't ready for the talk. I'm sure A will have more specific info, but Thailand does seem like a very risky place to import a drug they banned. And I'm sure even if there isn't a law for it specifically on the books, they would find a way to incarcerate you. I only know about how strict they are because of kratom. I hope you work out something and I'll be interested to see what A says.


Jun 10, 2019
Well, I just erased my whole first response, as I had forgotten most of your original post. I forgot all the info about how freely available N used to be there. That sucks it isn't any more. What I was trying to say was, I don't know how lax the government and the law is about importing it, since barbiturates aren't named specifically in their drug scheduling. As in, how could they arrest and prosecute you? But then I remembered seeing a taping of some talk one of our supporters of drug reform from the US gave to the Thai government about decriminalizing certain drugs, and the talk ended with him saying that based on their questions they weren't ready for the talk. I'm sure A will have more specific info, but Thailand does seem like a very risky place to import a drug they banned. And I'm sure even if there isn't a law for it specifically on the books, they would find a way to incarcerate you. I only know about how strict they are because of kratom. I hope you work out something and I'll be interested to see what A says.
Yes I'm not expecting a positive response tbh as Thai laws are both notoriously harsh and notoriously random and inconsistent - and ending up in a Thai jail is about one of the worst things I can think of. Nevertheless, there's no point in NOT asking A what his view is - at least there'll be definitive info for this community.
I wouldn't mate.. But up to you of course. You don't want to be busted by thais, they may not see n as bad as other narcotics, but I wouldn't risk it.
I hear you mate and believe me I don't want to take any chances with the Thai 'justice' system.


Jun 10, 2019
For anyone else in Thailand who may be following this thread, I've heard back from A and he says this:
"I've sent to Thailand and is risky, despite the majority of packages arrived, I believed is better to send to the UK if you have the means or access to do that."

I wrote back to clarify whether 'risky' meant the packages are merely stopped at customs - or that the buyers are punished by the authorities.

The reply I got was that:
"Each country has different legislations, but what I mean is that the package is seized by customs and the worst case scenario is that you receive a letter from them warning you not to do it again, but that changes from country to country."

Personally, despite his superior knowledge of the subject, that the authorities would merely send a warning letter is a risk I'm not willing to take at this time. The authorities here do not fuck around and if you get unlucky you get REALLY unlucky.

Again though - this is just my personal view and if anyone is braver than me and gets a good result please post it here. In the meantime I thought hearing that relaying what A had said would be useful info and hope it helps anyone here who's been wondering what A's policy/advice is.

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