From research almost all puffer and blowfish contain lethal amounts of ttx.
They are very common. Would catching and eating say two of these for good measure be a viable option? (Ttx levels variery from species and season)
Specifically the common blowfish concentrates the ttx in the skin and liver.
Not the tasty bits but if two livers will do the job...
Where do you live that these are common? From my understanding the toxins in these animals cause paralysis of both voluntary and involuntary muscles. This means you'll suffocate when your diaphragm is paralyzed but you'll be awake when that happens. It looks like eating the toxin requires the highest dose to be lethal, and you must eat the liver AND entrails of the fish to get it. It looks like they successfully isolated the toxin and you can purchase it maybe? Someone else will have to look into that. Injection of the toxin is more fatal because it requires fewer units per kg of the toxin to kill.
Caution: eating this toxin causes severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. On the fast and fatal end it takes 17 minutes to start working and you to notice parts of your body being numb and paralyzed. For many it takes around 4 hours to get really sick, and that's a long time to change your mind... If you vomit the fish you couldn't be sure if you have enough of a dose to be lethal. You will be awake as you are suffering unless you somehow have a seizure. Death is from the diaphragm becoming paralyzed and you being unable to take a breath. It's agonizing and terrifying. They also note the toxin causes unbelievable abdominal pain.
Good news is there is no antidote. But, If you are taken to the hospital they help you survive by intubating you to support breathing and they give drugs and fluids for low blood pressure. They may pump your stomach or force you to drink activated charcoal (aweful stuff).
This method would only work for a very determined person with an iron will. It's slow and painful compared to other more proven methods. Deaths do happen from this but they are accidental when a restaurant doesn't remove all the innards carefully from the fish before serving it. To purposely do this to yourself is to believe you deserve to suffer.