Or I'd take the 10 million, split it between the people in my life I have hurt, or will hurt when I ctb, and at least give them something to make their lives a little easier which will make me smile as I pass, then ctb with N.
Weeping Garbage Can, HappilySoaring, meowcat and 5 others
While having money, especially $10M would be a massive life changer, no amount of money would ever solve all my problems, especially with philosophy and free will. It would just give me access to better ways to die and maybe cherish the vices of the cruel world a bit more. Therefore, my choice would be to never have been born to begin with. No life brought into this world means no (potential) suffering.
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Weeping Garbage Can, Jaded, Deafsn0w and 2 others
Never being born would be nice, but I'd take the 10 mill see how far it gets me and at the end of the day I can always CTB maybe by the time I'm broke and in despair the people I hurt will already have passed away.
stellabelle, UnknownOutlaw, Deafsn0w and 1 other person
slowly dying in my crushes arms in like 5 minutes. warm tears falling on our faces coming together pooling in my blood<3 <3 i get told i was loved by her al along and if only i had told them erliar. i tell them how depreesed iv been and i explain how much it hurts they understand and fake a smile i make sure that they wont join me and that they will live thier lives and get married nd whatever then i make a joke about stalking them as a ghost and die caughing my last breath. this has the advantage of diying while being lovedd minus having the caspicty to fade or get disapointed
Deafsn0w, Weeping Garbage Can and meowcat
Amen! Vanity and greed are supreme rulers in this world...I want no parts. Money only solves temporary issues because it is a temporary substance, as with most things in life. Stay woke!
I would definitely take the ten million dollars, and then I would go out in style. I'd buy a fully restored Volkswagen van, have it professionally painted all psychedelic, and I would drive all over the country just living life. And then I'd ctb.
worldexploder, Miss clefable, Deafsn0w and 1 other person
Pretty sure $10m can get u a decent painless ctb.. just gonna give them to a few family & friends then rest to donations (to those who tight for living)... Remain enough to get some n, a hote room, shroom, Molly, $100 worth of snacks and drinks, 48hours and my spirial would rest in peace...
But here I am so, between an instant and painless death and $10M dollars right now I would choose the money.
I could still CTB if things go wrong but hey, you can can definitely have some fun before leaving this world with 10M...
Maybe I could actually "fix" things in my life, or at least I could do a shitload of drugs and feeling good 'till my time comes.
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