

Apr 2, 2024
it doesn't have to be the happiest ever. just happy, that's it. just a nice one, a nice memory that you remember and say "ah... that was good you know?"


It was like 10 years ago I guess. I used to go once a week to therapy. it was like 4pm... when the session finished. then I would go walk like 8 blocks I guess... to a Mcdonalds nearby... and I would order vainilla latte or something like that... and 2 croissants. I would sit inside and look at the window... look at people... look at the cashier (sometimes there was a cute girl). Man... I felt SO much better than now. I could drink coffee at the time without side effects. My soul was still there... I was so hopeful.

I miss those things so much... things like that will never happen again.
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searching nothingness
Jun 12, 2024
I remember having around 12 or 13 years old when I used to have breakdowns and panic attacks that leaded me to harming myself in the arm, I specially remember one day when while I was having a math test (one which absolutely destroyed me, if you ask) I would ask the teacher if I could go to the toiler, just to cut myself again because of the stress and other events in my life, to bleed out more than I would expect and being really dangerous (to this day even I don't even remember it being that serious, but my mom told me it was), for the janitor to find me and taking me to the infirmary to later call my mother and have her take me home. None of my classmates were told about it, and I remember that same evening I just turned on my pc and my group of friend texted me in facebook something like "Hey, didn't see you after the test, wanna play some minecraft now" and I remember thinking just "well, at least I have people to play with" and just playing for hours, hours of just pure straight fun that I wouldn't really appreciate until later in my life.
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
I think my happiest memory happened in a dream.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't have a happy memory. I've been happy but I don't have any memories of me being happy. Happiness is fleeting anyway and the only memories I have are those of pain and monotony. I won't ever have a happy memory for as long as I'm forced to participate in society against my will and be somebody who I am not
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Lost Impact
Oct 31, 2023
it's hard to gauge if i was happy in a moment, or if i just find the memory happy because everything else was so shit. probably one of the pep rallies from way back in junior high. i liked those as a kid. my friends back then hated it.
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May 13, 2024
I don't have a happy memory. I've been happy but I don't have any memories of me being happy. Happiness is fleeting anyway and the only memories I have are those of pain and monotony. I won't ever have a happy memory for as long as I'm forced to participate in society against my will and be somebody who I am not
That speaks to me so much my friend. I wish I can be truly free instead of constantly hiding who I am and people hating on one another. Its insanity. Its why I don't have many friends and prefer to stay under the radar. I've learnt that the less people know about me the better.

As for my happy memories, I honestly can't really remember. I think it was that time back in HS, grade 12, it was time for my favorite teacher to hand out class performance grades. Since he won't be seeing us again, he decided to have one-on-one appointment with each of us. Idk what he told my classmates, but he gave me perfect score and said that he sees how much I struggle every day, and that he hopes I find my own sky eventually. I said that I don't deserve it but he insisted that I take the grade. I almost wanted to ugly cry in front of him but I just headed back to class.
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Sep 15, 2023
I had to wake up extremely early for my high school, 4-5 am so I can catch the train. It was dark outside. I would bike to the station listening my music. You could even see the stars. The air smelled fresh. Everything was so quiet, everyone was asleep. There was something about that ambience I loved. It was like the whole world stopped just for me to relax before the day starts. But it felt... lonely. Even the train was empty.

There was just one person from my class who traveled from same direction every morning. She didn't live as far away, just few stations. Trains would stop there more frequently. She didn't have to catch mine. She could've kept sleeping for couple more hours and go by much later one. But on some days, she decided to wake up this early, to join in. Just for me, so we can hang out together on that lonely morning. It always made me happy.
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Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
Funny how I have to actively make a conscious effort to recall good memories while bad and traumatic memories just hit me at random constantly. Never happened to me that while doing dishes I get the good Memory of me going to Disneyland or my Japan trip out of nowhere, it only happens with the bad ones.
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Apr 15, 2024
I can't because thinking about them makes me cry
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Getting a chocolate milkshake in a drive through every Friday in elementary. I was really skinny as a young kid so that was how I got fattened up a bit lol
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Jan 1, 2024
When I was in the womb it was peaceful, dark, and quiet
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hate myself lol
Apr 16, 2024
I remember riding in my uncle's tractor when I was a little kid, it was nice. Once, when I was 14 he let me drive it. My uncle is old now, it's weird to know he might still outlive me.
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May 16, 2024
Used to go to a forest near my home with my dad and sister.Great views and deers running in the background I loved it back then
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
My happy memory : When SN was delivered and I held up in my hands, freedom is within reach.

Also : When I bought my Shotgun and took it home .

Now i need to use them. I'm afraid if i drink SN my si will tell someone and i'll get sent to the hospital. I've even heard of people doing such garbage while unconscious or semi conscious. It's the hospitals that are my main threat. no hospital and i take SN and no one can bring me back to life

The shotgun should work. but don't know why i'm scared to shoot myself . i guess fear of failure and remaining alive . or someone hearing the shot and calling the police / doctors and bringing me back to life. IT's the hospitals that are my main threat.
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sleep deprived and/or drunk
Jul 23, 2023
Now i need to use them. I'm afraid if i drink SN my si will tell someone and i'll get sent to the hospital. I've even heard of people doing such garbage while unconscious or semi conscious. It's the hospitals that are my main threat. no hospital and i take SN and no one can bring me back to life

The shotgun should work. but don't know why i'm scared to shoot myself . i guess fear of failure and remaining alive . or someone hearing the shot and calling the police / doctors and bringing me back to life. IT's the hospitals that are my main threat.

not to piss you guys off but 1 happy memory was when i was playing catch with my dog. i threw it pretty far yet she caught it like a wide receiver. i mean she was running alongside, jumped and made such a catch. why is that special? she was actually a bit clumsy.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
The day I went to the Sonic Symphony earlier this year was really special. Highly recommend for any Sonic fan who can go to one.
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dreaming on kolob
Feb 8, 2024
i remember this moment in primary school where i was just happy and excited about wearing space themed socks and i showed them off to my school peers.
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Mar 31, 2024
The only time I can remember feeling pure unadultered joy: the time I achived a runner's high - though not acctually while running, but while on a crosstrainer. It felt like an amazing orgasm - but only in my upper body somehow, and I felt the purest joy I have ever experienced. It might have lasted a minute, tops.
Afterwards I felt even worse than I had before that runner's high. But the experience itself was amazing.
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Nov 4, 2023
Mine was bing on vacation, in a cabin right on the beach. It was late afternoon, being physically tired and laying down for a nap with the breeze blowing the curtains and smelling the salt air from the ocean. Pure contentment.
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Passionately misguided
Jun 20, 2024
Near the end of middle school, our school had a field trip to some amusement park. I randomly decided to sit next to one of my friends (and then crush) on a bench. It was only the two of us. Before we knew it, our group had left us behind. We tried to catch up for a while but eventually gave up. We spent the rest of the trip together, until we had to board the buses. Between her kinda strict parents and my bad communication, we never got to meet outside of school and had little time together. Best 3 hours of my life :)
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Jun 8, 2024
I miss the bliss of ignorance & lack of existentialism as a kid. Doing anything; whether be playing, practicing or working, as a kid felt natural, unforced and genuine.

Being on the pc and gaming (and home/school problems) at an early age gave me too much understanding of stuff I had no business learning about as a kid. On top of just not touching grass in general, made me feel disconnected from my peers as a youth.
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Feb 6, 2020
I miss the bliss of ignorance & lack of existentialism as a kid. Doing anything; whether be playing, practicing or working, as a kid felt natural, unforced and genuine.

Being on the pc and gaming (and home/school problems) at an early age gave me too much understanding of stuff I had no business learning about as a kid. On top of just not touching grass in general, made me feel disconnected from my peers as a youth.
Miss that feeling when school is over, get to head home and play some video games. Wish I still feel the same even being a grown up.
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let me spell it out for you: go to hell
Sep 25, 2023
summers as a young kid. being barefoot outside all day everyday, catching bugs, collecting rocks, gardening, chasing fireflies and rabbits, my sister teaching me how to make a daisy crown, watergun fights with my brothers and the other neighborhood kids, long bike rides and rollerblading with my friends... man i wish i knew how awesome being a kid really was at the time
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