It didn't just happen to me years ago at school, it happens to me everywhere, including when I was talking to the psychologist a year ago, I would get lost in the middle of the conversation. Also when I read books or when I watch series or movies.. I get upset.
I don't know if it's ADHD, I think so. I have never been able to do anything to solve it beyond not leaving things pending so as not to turn it around, but as the years go by it gets worse, it takes a lot of effort for me to pay attention to the things (including playing video games, they really drain me mentally).
A mi no només em passaba fa anys a l'escola, em passa a tot arreu, inclòs quan conversava amb el psicòleg fa un any, em perdía a mitja conversa. També quan llegía llibres o quan veig séries o películes.. em despisto.
No se si és TDAH, crec que si. Mai hi he pogut fer-hi res per sol·lucionar-ho més enllà de no deixar coses pendents per no donar-li voltes, pero segons van passant els anys va a pitjor, em costa molt d'esforç posar-hi atenció a les coses (inclòs jugar a videojocs, m'esgoten molt mentalment).