

Dec 17, 2019
I'm in a homeless shelter that costs $600 a month (out of my disability allowance) , my roommate is literally a maniac (here under court order) , and the manager abuses us -- while I have serious GI issues and injuries (accident) . I can barely walk . I did not eat today . Can't get my meds . At this point depression and anxiety (checked) are the least of my problems ... So , fuck life .

The Bad and the Ugly

This flat is a recovery/NGO for homeless . It was always torture , but it now turned really bad with manager becoming abusive , preventing me food and toilet and sleep , while I'm being yelled at and forced to do stuff . When I'm injured . At midnight . Sorry , I deserve better .

Tenants are deranged and I am sharing a room with a maniac . Sorry bipos w/ bpd you're not an easy bunch -- wait for it -- especially when you're NOT taking meds AND sharing a room 24/7 just 3ft from a person :hug: I'm hugging you , but I'm furious about the hurt and pain I suffered , yet I know you suffer enough without me raging about people blindly .

I will be leaving this flat abruptly and without notice , erasing all traces , changing my SIM , looking for another place . I can't share my exact plans of where I'm going and what I'm doing because many here tend to jump and judge , or get all emotional , or get so offended and hurt -- without really reading what I say/write . You are sometimes such a selfish thoughtless bunch ;)

I've checked other NGO/shelters and it's even worse . I asked my SW and got nothing . I tried to go to psychiatric ward but refused -- not psychotic/suicidal enough lol (overcapacity) . I cannot use my homeless/welfare grant , given by government , to lease in the free market . This is a shame because that would have been perfect . This scheme locks people in these 'recovery flats' which provide nothing . I'm starving . What a corrupt abusive enterprise . It's not a free shelter . We actually pay $600 / €550 / £500 per month for this crap and to be abused . I'm doing most of the cleaning . Wait for it . Cleaning after other people's shit -- literally . Yet manager yells at me , especially me , all the time .

When I told him the food he brought one day is spoiled (mold) he called me a whiner . I tried my best to say how thankful I am , and that I'm just trying to help . He would hear non of that . We have a geriatric depressive tenant here , nicknamed Oldie (was my roommate and annoyed me -- but I respect/fond of him etc) . Manager forced him to lift heavy bags till Oldie cried . Speechless . And again , this is the good recovery NGO . This is the best one . I assigned Oldie tasks that were to his abilities like cleaning tables and dust (no heavy lifting) . Manager insisted . Fuck him . Abusive prick .

People in this flat are not functioning and should not be sharing a flat while left to their own device . Or to the yelling of the deranged manager . At least some counseling , some daily schedule , chores , whatever ; some compassion! Many are recidivist felons , violent , drunk , geriatrics , addicts , mentally ill . Many of us are mentally ill , but folks here have no followups , no adjustments , and at times don't take their meds , go to doctor , or even take paracetamol when it hurts . Shame . That's bad when it's a psychotic depressive or a schizo . They get no help (just a bed) . And they pay a fortune for that . They need proper help and supervision . I know people drink and smoke to cope — but when you do that and go mental while living with others in a small place , with zero discipline or consequences , hurting people , that is soooo wrong . Pain brings more pain . They cram us 2 in a small room , with little resources . 7-8 people on 1 poor bathroom . Yesterday I wanted to take a shower -- found a poo in the bathtub . Someone left a poo in the shower .

As you can figure out yourself this "recovery" flat is a recipe for disaster . When manager comes he mostly complains about crazy things like the shape of the table , salmonella in the oven (it dies at 70C you moron) , and basically just rattles and hassles us around . He threw away our chairs while insisting on keeping some old guitars and paintings as decoration . Because it gives this place a "home like feeling" . Recently he picks on me -- and not just here and there but FOR HOURS . Berating me for hours . Our sewage is blocked but he wants paintings on the walls . Deranged . He wants to paint the doors green ... at midnight ... Priorities man !!!
(I don't mind working , it's good for you , but this was a surprise visit at night , when I was totally broken and haven't eaten)

Big Hopes (some Crushes)

I wanted to ctb many times in recent months and great people here convinced me to give things another try . And another . And another . And another . They were right in doing so . You people have pushed me to buy food , seek medical help , and go outside . You gave me strength and believed in me . And it worked . To my surprise I grew and thrived and smiled -- but only when I run away from this hell of a flat. Things have become unbearable . 8 hours a day I'm out of this flat , just looking for a place to be outside , on the streets , in the park , at the beach . I feel good when I do . But it doesn't help me survive this place . It's awful . It's torture . I can't even sleep -- my roommate is in hypomania . He talks on the phone in loudspeaker and at night . He claims he can "read other people's thoughts" . We watch TV and he screams how he would have violent intercourse with a random person on the screen . It's not your normal 'horny guy' -- but vicious and nasty . You get the picture . I feel much safer on the streets . At least people are generally nice , you have your own space , no one is attacking you .

However , I did found some meaning to life . I was lost and now somewhat rekindled with myself , with my life story . I finally grew a backbone -- and a pair . I believe in myself . I got rid of most of my anxiety . I rode the bus with no panic attack! I don't mole or fester , I sink down much less , I move on -- rapidly and vigorously . In recent years I deeply despise people , especially kids , noisy and obtrusive when I need some peace . But recently I kinda enjoy that playfulness . Something had changed in me . For the first time in years I'm really trying to "live life" . Many things are missing but I can feel some joy or confidence . I was extremely anhedonic , super anxious , frail , and feeble . Still am in many ways . I'm not okay . Still actively suicidal . But I started having these feelings ... After 100 sunsets I forced myself to watch ... I took the courage and visited all my old joints , including traumatic places . It was painful and glorious .

Not a Goodbye , Be kind

This is not a goodbye
. But an interim summary and a temporary break . An ongoing update (see 'recap') . Sadly some rumors circulated that I am going to ctb . I am not . I'm suicidal but also full of life . If I will ctb , I will let people here know , in a public thread , in advance , so we can say our goodbyes . Regardless of my choice to be open and expose myself (which is bloody hard!) -- this is still a private matter , and a private choice , and not something that needs encouraging , discouraging , discussed , speculated , judged , criticized , etc .

I'll probably be back in a week or so . But this could be 4 days , or 14 days , anyhow that's the ballpark :hug: Hack , I might even log in on Saturday. I see no reason to mention this hiatus (people take a break) -- but got PMs of people saying their goodbyes to me . I'm setting the record straight . I am in trouble . I almost went to my hidden SN last week -- but I did not . And even then , when I was close , I knew that when push comes to shove I wouldn't drink it . I am not impulsive and never was . I may be in this situation again , wanting to reach my SN . But for the first time in years I intent to live , for now . I am posting this in the suicide section rather than recovery because I'm not going to recover soon , and despite some hope I'm overall not bearing good news -- regarding my basic life conditions , and the near future . Going to be a bumpy ride . ;)

My hiatus is because I cannot be participating while my life is in the highest of its chaos , and while I'm figuring out what to do and where to be . I cannot deal with other people's problems right now . I cannot repeat that shoving SN in the ass is not good , only to be berated on how good it may be , because I haven't tried it (lol) . I cannot share my pain without being judged -- and I can't take that right now . As I expected , personal connections I made with people here did not always last long and well , and this is understandable when everyone are on edge and traumatic . People lash out . That's how we are , it's fine . Being emotionally volatile , I was often blamed for other people's troubles . I'm not pointing fingers . I don't take it personally . Just reminding you : don't take out your problems , your bitterness , your anxiety , your triggers , your aggressiveness , your pain , on others . Stop pressing that "post" button without thinking 10 times . Tale it easy . Be kind . Even when you are in pain ... Be kind -- at least here in this place . At this crucial bus stop . Be compassionate here . Always :heart:

Oops , longer than expected .


Just to recap ...

At first I suspended ctb because I got allowance and medical treatment .


Then spent some time on the streets , then at a penthouse (wtf)


Then I experienced many horrors in this 'recovery' flat :


And then some more , and was again ready to ctb :


A small note on how our psychiatric hospital is like .

My general conditions , summary . Some things are sadly back -- bit of PTSD, lots of insomnia, and terrible fatigue and pain (broken body) .

  1. Physical
    1. Pain, trigeminal nerve
    2. GI, IBS-A w/ polyps
  2. Mental
    1. Depression
    2. Anxiety
    3. PTSD (historic)
    4. Insomnia (historic)
  3. Socioeconomic:
    1. No money to buy food
    2. No home (currently in shelter- awful)
    3. No family/friends
I also despise my country and can't see how I could survive here even if I got better -- people here are real violent hooligans/assholes (much more than the usual 'people are stupid' rant).
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I just wanna go to my husband already.
Jun 5, 2020
Well, i dont know what to say on this, but to wish you well. I hope you get better soon and that everything stops being so chaotic. Atleast a little bit. Good luck and take your time
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Apr 16, 2020
love you mate x
thank you for keeping us in the loop you are mf grand.
sharing supporting loving and keeping it real.
im gonna read the other posts now also.
pls take care of your self i will miss you even if only for a day x
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Dec 17, 2019
* Forgot to mention --
I will be here till Thursday 6pm GMT . I think , lol ...
Hope I can share a sunset pic with all of you (we all need some colourful rays of light!) .
Love and kisses . :kiss:
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Apr 26, 2020
Best, you will be missed
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Sorry Quarky00,

Thought things had got better but obviously not, I hope you can find somewhere better, that's a bit of a shit rule you can't use your money to rent on the open market at least you could get your own room and some peace. Surely that rule should be changed to get people thinking independently and thinking for themselves.

Anyway hope your not away to long and find peace.


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May 22, 2020
* Forgot to mention --
I will be here till Thursday 6pm GMT . I think , lol ...
Hope I can share a sunset pic with all of you (we all need some colourful rays of light!) .
Love and kisses . :kiss:
Might be a heck of a sunset right now with the Sahara sand. Family in Florida has posted beautiful pics!

You have been through so much and somehow have kept a positive attitude when it comes to your future. It sounds like it's about time the universe sent some great karma your way. Wishing you peace!
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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
I've already spent a few nights on the street... And it's hell. Reading this reminds me of those cold days, when I was lying on the hard ground and hiding from hostile people. Its sucks.

@Quarky00 , I don't know you, but I really wish you safety and comfort and that your days are bearable. :heart:

I hope you like this song.
Sending you a thousand hugs :hug:
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i wanna die somewhere like up there
Mar 15, 2020
I wish you well @Quarky00. I hope you find yourself in a better place, and may it be very soon! You are a great writer, and you seem like a genuinely nice person. Sending peaceful and successful vibes your way...Best wishes to you. :)
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Mar 10, 2020
I don't know you that well, but reading your post just made me hate the world a little more, lol. This is a perfect example of how money can completely literally save a life. You know what, I'll give you something positive to think about, at least you're not physically addicted to a drug like heroin! You have so much more freedom already, just because of that. At least you're not tied down by shackles to something like that. When I was extremely rock bottom over 4 years ago, I also saw the "light" and started feeling positive, I thought to myself - at least I can still walk, and I have my eyesight, I can hear, and I live in a nice home with access to food always (not forever though). It was good for a few years but then the constant incessant abuse from my family members has crushed me. And I have really bad IBS and GI issues too, yet I still eat the wrong foods, oh well.

I can't believe that you have to pay 600$ for a fucking homeless shelter, LOL, what the hell even is that? that's so totally messed up, but I'm glad you got your confidence back. I go out there on the bus in public with no makeup, hair tied in a bun, face full of blemishes and scars, wearing grandma looking clothes, I don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks, as long as I am comfortable that's all that matters. If I were you I'd complain and complain, and complain about your manager and your flat. Good luck and I am glad you shared your story because there's a lot of people on here that could learn a thing or two from you.
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
My Uncle Q, my SS BFF,

It really pains me deeply to hear that u r in such pain..again..If I could round up the "posse" n come down to that shithole in kick some ASS, u know I would..I'm so sorry u have to endure that type of BS there..
Take the time u need (but not too much.lol)..

Plz continue to post those beautiful sunsets n find any bit of peace away from that entire fuckery..

U have been there for me in my deepest, darkest, n most painful moments..I appreciate u so much..

I'm here for u. WE are HERE for u..
I love u and will b around if u ever need me. U know how to reach me..I GOT u..

Stand strong, Beautiful Soldier♡♡♡
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I'm not at all good with sentiment. You're right, this place can be the most caring and the most selfish place at the same time.

You are valuable and smart and don't deserve the shit you're enduring.

SS needs you but you need you too.

wish I could help you, sorry friend.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Hey! Im sorry you're leaving for a while, I do like your posts...hope you will come back :hug:
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I hope so much that things will turn out positively for you. You've done so well to endure so much for so long. You've been like a brother to me when I needed inspiration to start to face my demons and try and pick myself up and I'll never forget that. Whatever differences we have had, I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel alone and I'll be thinking of you.
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Feb 11, 2020
You are so strong to able to endure that madness! I would have already CTB'ed if I were in your position.
How can life be so terrible :ehh:. Am glad you can still feel some happiness.

SS is indeed a good place, but even too much of SS requires a break, some earned time off.

During your time off, there will be a suspicious high rate of people who CTB'ed by having SN up in the butt.

Enjoy your time off :smiling:
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Mar 21, 2019
That is so unfair that you can't use it in the free market. Would you be able to leave that place and find someone who would accept it as cash or something?
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
A family member once suggested that I let myself become homeless because the authorities would have to help me.

I was astounded by their... audacity? Ignorance? Complete lack of care about my safety and wellbeing?

Hugs to you. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this.
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Dec 17, 2019

Left flat . Put my stuff at old building's basement (evicted 6 months ago but have key to basement) . I'm so happy . So so so happy . Prepaid works . Everything worked . "Flawless, absolutely flawless" (annoying song).

I'm soooo happy I left that flat . Zero anxiety . Zero effort . You wouldn't believe it . I just wanted to take the trash out , and saw a taxi .. told him "wait" . Wham bam thank you mam !!!

My maniac roommate was totally shocked .

Had so many fears about finding a taxi , getting all my stuff/bags , driver moaning about luggage and waiting , flatmates or manager stopping me , old neighbour stopping me at basement. Nothing!

I'm at one of the busiest place in the city rn , proper urban metropolitan centre (this is where I lived 20 years) , buses , hectic , people on me.. HAPPY . Fucking city rat;) . Joking with shopowners , security guards , strangers , etc . I will be heading to the beach soon , it's lovely and there are showers . I can totally sleep outside if I want to . NEVER FELT SAFER .



Manager came late last night and again berated me . 3 times . He previously took our toaster oven because "salmonella" (lol) so I was using the oven . I really need to make toasts (chronic GI issues). I was yelled at again , to use a pan rather than aluminium foil , because of "white discharge" . Was he referring to chlorine on kettles? Lol . What the fuck .

Never mind . When he visited he also said that today another handyman is coming , to fix stuff in my room . Need to move our beds and bags. I kindly asked when , roughly .

"Exactly when you fall asleep! I will look in the CCTV cameras when you go to sleep , and then I'll tell the handyman to come! All against you!" .

He was joking . And you know what, I'm fine with that and actually laughed (because it was funny). But seriously , dude , when should I be ready? No answer. For fuck sake , I will do whatever you want , just say when . Youre the boss I'll adapt -- but why come with no notification when I'm asleep or need to eat . You have my phone , call me... "No" ..

So again this happened yesterday . It was suppose to happen again today . This was destroying me and it never ends . Again I don't mind hard work but I'm disabled so please let me get ready? That's soooo cruel . Playing with your little "toys".

If I had any doubts , they're gone ;)
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm very happy for you Quarky. I know you've been going through hell at that place for some time now. I seriously hope you're able to find a good place and settle things down a bit.

Here's to wishing you all the best! Please keep us updated!
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
We know where you live Quarky00, lol, I hope you have stopped rental payments, as that will really piss him off. There must be an an authoritative body who you can lodge a complaint with but if that means your money being cut or reduced, best to leave it.

Good luck, can't wait for the bbq invite.

Beverly Hills Mansion

Quarkys Beverly Hills Mansion


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Dec 17, 2019
We know where you live Quarky00, lol, I hope you have stopped rental payments, as that will really piss him off. There must be an an authoritative body who you can lodge a complaint with but if that means your money being cut or reduced, best to leave it.

Good luck, can't wait for the bbq invite.

Beverly Hills Mansion

View attachment 38073


Always makes me laugh!

I'm having an amazing day , my genuine joy and vibes bring me freebies and smiles and chats from people . So cool . Huge contrast to flat .

Yeah I do feel like the richest person in the world :heart:

Can't lodge a complaint, nobody cares . I'm saying that because I have filed several before , including recordings and witnesses , detailed letters . They close ranks , the fuckers . Shitty country .
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Dec 17, 2019
Sorry folks , I have some bad news .

Big problem in the beach today , sunset was bland , so bland . I'm sending yesterday's sunset instead , it was breathtaking . Free SSRI .

Sending a ray of light and hope (and my toe) to all of you :heart:

20200625 195916
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Glad your enjoying yourself and free of all that negative crap, :heart: that's ridiculous paying all that money to share a room.

Hope you can find somewhere peaceful to live.


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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@Quarky00! Don't tear up the peapatch too much. I wish you all kinds of great outcomes. Stay safe & send a postcard xox
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Oct 28, 2019
Hope you are not doing too badly @Quarky00
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Been over 1 month now @Quarky00 has been missing I hope he's OK.


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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
My thought is he's thriving
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Feb 11, 2020
How strong of @Quarky00 not to log in for over a month!

I think he is still out there :)
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