Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
The worst part about CTB not being legal for everyone is that it keeps you from saying goodbye to the people you love. I have a feeling and a sense of guilt as if this was betraying them. If I could talk about this with them, they would understand that it was a rational decision. Maybe they wouldn't want to accept it, they would try to prevent it, but they would have to accept my determination. CTB is taboo. All other people with a positive motivation for living tabooed CTB to avoid the sadness they would feel over someone's suicide. That's why you can't even talk about it with the people you love. Thus suicide becomes a great pain that they have to face suddenly and unpreparedly. However, it could be talked about. It could have been less painful. They wouldn't blame themselves. People wouldn't have to kill themselves alone and with brutal methods.

I have no problems with CTB. The problem is the pain that those I love will have to face. Maybe they will be very angry with me. I will not be able to say goodbye to them, I will feel like a thief who stole something from their lives. Damn the conservative minds that made me feel all this. They offer a crappy world no one wants to live in, and they want to take away your right to refuse it. In fact, it is all your loved ones that they punish, not the one who committed suicide. I hate this world created by greedy clowns who think they are gods.
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RRREEEEEEE (she/her)
Nov 4, 2021
Yeah, it's super annoying (to say the least) that suicide is so stigmatized. I think if it weren't it wouldn't be so traumatizing for those left behind, and those who choose to ctb wouldn't have to carry so much guilt over it. There are many many things I do not like about society and that is one of them. I really wish things were different.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I feel the same way. Suicide preventionists are blind to reality because they refuse to acknowledge suicide as a rational option and that it is impossible to prevent all suicides.

They force people to keep things a secret, dying alone and most likely in pain, to the shock of any people who cared about them who experienced a sudden loss. A loss can be traumatic no matter what, but when you are not prepared at all things will be even worse. They create this traumatic situation that could easily be prevented, and they are really the ones who are to blame. I think we could have a world where people who have chosen to end their lives are able to be surrounded by their loves ones in their last moments as they are sent off in a peaceful manner, but we don't, and that is something that saddens me a lot in regards to me own CTB as well.

If more people could talk about these things honestly, and be taken seriously, without the threat of forced psychiatric imprisonment or negative social repercussions, that would even be enough to postpone or even prevent suicides far more effectively than the sorry state of affairs we have now.

"Saving" a life isn't worth shit if you leave them to rot afterward. They force people to live in a state of pain with no outlet and then act surprised when someone is pushed to the edge. This is the result of only placing value on the fact that someone is alive and not whether their life is worth living.
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Dec 28, 2021
Part of the reason I've been delaying ctb is because I don't want to shock my loved ones. It won't work for long and I feel really bad about it. If I could tell them without it affecting my plan, I would.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Suicide should not be so stigmatised. We all have the right to exit at a time of our own choosing, it is our life and our decision. Many people do not seem to respect the right to die. We all deserve the option of a peaceful exit, nobody should have to resort to traumatic methods that could fail. We will all die eventually after all and I believe there is nothing wrong with someone choosing to leave this world on their own terms. To me this is much more preferable than dying slowly from an illness. Wanting suicide can be perfectly rational in a world as horrible as this and I think many people are in denial about this, they see suicide as always being irrational.
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Of The Universe

Of The Universe

Dec 31, 2021
I first thought the title was "Tattooing CTB..". šŸ˜®
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Dec 1, 2019
What really drives me insane about this is when people say that those who CTB are selfish, but they don't realize the hypocrisy in selfishly forcing someone to live.
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Sep 29, 2021
I don't know how I feel about this. Non-suicidal loved ones won't understand the decision to ctb.
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Sep 16, 2020
They d it on purpose to create more pain
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ęƒ³ę­»äøčƒ½ - ęƒ³ę“»äøčƒ½
Nov 23, 2020
Especially for those who are facing a downwards spiral of illness, a prognosis that inspires no hope, there is no logic in foolishly forcing them to suffer until the bitter end just so that one's death can be labeled as "natural." When someone's suffering hits a fever pitch, isn't it better to grant them the dignity and peace they deserve, with their last moments being spent surrounded by love and happiness rather than delerium, pain, and hospital sterility?

Have you ever watched Adam Mair Clayton's youtube channel? He was a right to die activist whose parents fully supported his decision to take his own life, and campaigned alongside him for more robust MAID laws in Canada.

Nearly every time a reporter or journalist interviewed him, they would cling to the far fetched impossibility of optimistic miracle cures, trying to dissuade him so that he could live long enough to find a panacea for his incurable neuropathic pain- which had been "diagnosed" as a mental illness due to doctors being unable to find a clear cut somatic pathology, thus making him ineligible for euthanasia.

Acknowledging that hopeless situations do exist is a very hard pill to swallow. By validating a loved one's decision to die, a person has to come to terms with the fact that they are mortal and that one's time on this earth is limited. Being in denial is easier for the psyche. It's very hard to let go of the people we cherish, even moreso when media messaging constantly pushes the point that every single suicide is preventable and unnecessary loss of what would be a fulfilled life if the individual had been "helped and set on the right path."

For people who know with full certainty that their situations don't even have an iota of a chance for improvement, it is downright cruel to constantly be lectured and scolded as if you don't have a clue as to what your fate has in store. Adam Mair Clayton was forced to die in secrecy in a roadside motel, because the law forbid him from having his parents by his side at the end. How forlorn are we, as a collective, when this is what we allow to happen?

There was another case where a mother almost got prosecuted for the highest charge of assisted suicide/manslaughter, because she helped her bedridden daughter overdose on morphine. The young woman had been confined to her bed with severe CFS/ME for years and years, with no hope of improvement, and every day her family had to watch the spirit and will to go on drain from her tired eyes. For years, she begged for them to let her go, and it took a toll on her family to hear those pleas.

Anyone who believes there is justice in forcing one to suffer in conditions like that is so far removed from the concept of liberty that they wouldn't understand the gravity of the situation even if it smacked them right in the face. There's nothing dignified about treating ailing people like criminals, forced to spend their final days like convicts planning a heist.
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