Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
What is a Supernatural thing that happened to you that can't be explained?

One of my darkest secrets that I never told anybody about: I prayed for weeks for someone healthy and young, who also hurt me to die and they did right away. I regretted it immediately and it will haunt me to the day I die. I wish I could take it back..(It could be a coincidence but the timing of it and all the other factors make it feel that it is not).

Moral of the story: Revenge is a very bad thing. Dont let it consume you. I learned my lesson the hard way

I also have a karma seeming story happened when my bully in highschool who was viciously targeting me physically for my autoimmune skin disease. He got lymphoma but is still alive. Thank god for him not dying or I would feel like shit (i didnt pray for this to happen)
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Sep 10, 2018
Often when I pray/wish that I'd meet someone familiar, I meet someone. Happened just yesterday that I ran into someone I hadn't met for years in the middle of nowhere.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I was playing poker with my family once and my mom got a royal straight flush. It also just so happened to be in clubs, her favorite suit. Explaining it away as random chance is foolish, since it's so extremely unlikely to happen (and we didn't really play that much poker, either). Apparently the odds are one in 650 thousand (2,6 million when accounting for the suit), and we only played maybe ten or twenty times throughout my life (so around 500 hands). Even if we'd double the hand count, that still only leaves us with a probability of 1 in 2,600. The odds of her somehow cheating (using advanced technology and a team and/or alien memory wipes) are negligible.

Since I can't just say that I don't know what happened, or hand-wave it away by saying that unlikely things happen all of the time, I am now sure that my mom has magical powers (and she has been reported to the inquisition).
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I was playing poker with my family once and my mom got a royal straight flush. It also just so happened to be in clubs, her favorite suit. Explaining it away as random chance is foolish, since it's so extremely unlikely to happen (and we didn't really play that much poker, either). Apparently the odds are one in 650 thousand (2,6 million when accounting for the suit), and we only played maybe ten or twenty times throughout my life (so around 500 hands). Even if we'd double the hand count, that still only leaves us with a probability of 1 in 2,600. The odds of her somehow cheating (using advanced technology and a team and/or alien memory wipes) are negligible.

Since I can't just say that I don't know what happened, or hand-wave it away by saying that unlikely things happen all of the time, I am now sure that my mom has magical powers (and she has been reported to the inquisition).
If I were you I would have dragged my mom by the arm (or leg if necessary) right to the store to buy a lottery ticket at that time before whatever luck strike she was having fizzles out
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Dreams. Lately ive had so many dreams that had elements in it which came true the next day. 2 times i did dream about my partner and me breaking up and on the next day it happend.
Some months ago i did dream of 9 tornadoes that came to me, it felt horrible, i was in a house packing some stuffs to move out. After the dream i was faced with some horrific event, and i was packing my stuff (to prepare myself moving out). It might be random coincidence but at this point i can hardly deny that
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Dreams. Lately ive had so many dreams that had elements in it which came true the next day. 2 times i did dream about my partner and me breaking up and on the next day it happend.
Some months ago i did dream of 9 tornadoes that came to me, it felt horrible, i was in a house packing some stuffs to move out. After the dream i was faced with some horrific event, and i was packing my stuff (to prepare myself moving out). It might be random coincidence but at this point i can hardly deny that
It reminds me about reading of about Megan Fox ex-husband saying he had a hunch something is wrong going to happen for his marriage when she was away filming with Machine Gun Kelly where she fell in love with him and soon after returning to her ex husband, she left him right away. 6th sense is very mind boggling
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Jan 12, 2022
I've had a lot of personal experiences. I'm an observer and I guess many would call 'sensitive' . I'm a;so a science geek and a skeptic and I, with a few of my past friends, have sought out places where things are known to happen. We always ruled out physical, mechanical, electrical and psychological factors when trying to judge the validity of such experiences. Here's one of my best experiences.

I was hanging out, after hours, at a friend's shop I had the keys to, with another friend who worked next door. We were just inside the front door, he was in a chair next to the open door facing away. I was sitting on a couch on the other side and could look left immediately outside. I was about 4 feet from the open door. It was fall and there were leaves blanketing the ground outside. Our casual convo was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps crunching those leaves approaching from a distance. He stopped talking and I was looking outside the door hearing the crunch of leaves approaching the front door. Louder and louder, closer and closer the footsteps crunched against the ground. It wouldn't have been weird as people sometimes would come and visit. I said, there's nobody there and he got a really freaked out look. I should have seen someone approach as the footsteps sounded where I could obviously see the area the sounds were coming from. They ended right in front of the open door. We both immediately went outside and looked around, there was nobody within sight. This place had a number of experiences with many different people, but this was the strangest.

Maybe that's not what you were asking about, but it's the most unexplained event I've ever experienced and I've a few. If I were alone I would have questioned my sanity. I was not under any influence and was cogent and grounded. Even being a critical skeptic based on science and critical thought, there is no logical conclusion, especially considering past history of events at this location which included multiple uncorroborated similar events with various people, some who claimed seeing a weird shadow figure and one, a child, who I saw react to seeing it during an office party at night and being so freaked out she ran outside and hyperventilated and refused to talk about it until after she had calmed down. I, as well as a number of people, had multiple experiences here and it wasn't known until I started asking everyone did I start putting these pieces together. Most people never talked about it because they thought it was all in their heads.
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Nov 4, 2020
Dark energy - it affects everything in existence, makes up the majority of our universe, and yet we can't see, detect, or interact with it.

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Jun 14, 2019
It's a long story.

I had spent 4 years in stark isolation after sustaining a facial deformity. I joined SS and started researching methods seriously. Desperate and suffering badly, I contemplated drowning in a deep river in the middle of the winter. I was having trouble hanging myself. It felt so violent and I couldn't bring myself to be so violent. A simple leap, although the suffering would be immense underwater, drew me in more.

In September 2016 I started to pray deeply. I wasn't looking to be saved because there was no saving me. My problem was physical. I needed strength to die and maybe forgiveness for how things turned out. I heard a voice and it told me it was the Angel Gabriel. It told me not to die, my husband was coming. I thought that was ridiculous. I had barely any human interaction in years, let alone a romantic partner. I was in bad shape, there was no one to take me. I carried on with my plans.

I joined a chatroom posted to SS. I chatted casually with people. We all discussed our plans. Then in February 2017 I got into a car accident. I let the group know. One of the members started to take notice of me after the accident and we spoke more. He told me he was buying a house and he wanted me to come out. I had nothing to lose. I would leave behind no life, I was dead mentally. Even if this guy was dangerous and was going to kill me I was ready to die. He picked me up in August 2017.

We've been married for 2 years now. It wasn't forced. I never thought this was the guy Gabriel meant when he came to pick me up. I thought he would show up and instantly regret his decision when he saw me. We're compatible in every way possible. I still pray and consult with entities on the other side to this day.
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Jan 12, 2022
Dark energy - it affects everything in existence, makes up the majority of our universe, and yet we can't see, detect, or interact with it.
Theorized dark energy and dark matter likely don't exist. They're placeholder concepts to keep from having to admit General Relativity isn't quite right, which they already know is a little broken. There are 2 sides when it comes to theoretical physics... Theory of Gravity = Observation. Dark Matter and Energy modify the observed so it fits with General Relativity. The other alternative is that MOND, Emergent, Unimodular or other gravity theories, which are still very flawed, are needed to explain the observations of astrophysics. Just as how GR doesn't destroy Newtonian Dynamics, it seems there needs to be better understanding of gravity that goes beyond GR and a number of researchers are working various theories to compensate for this.

More and more, we realize that there's far more normal matter in the Universe that wasn't known when the theories of Dark Matter and Dark Energy were established. It still doesn't account for discrepancies of observation, at least not yet. All the dust, all of the plasma, all of the other hidden objects, potentially billions of rogue planets or unobserved red dwarfs, primordial black holes, the amount of plasma, dust and electromagnetic fields interconnecting all of the stars to their planets, their local cluster neighboring stars to the galactic sheet to the galactic clusters orbiting and neighboring galaxies to the universe as a whole. CMB proves that everything is basically interconnected. I've been waiting since it was first announced that James Webb Space Telescope will find so much more that it's really going to be amazing to see.

Dark Matter has had many proposed theoretical particles, none have come up with anything. Axions, machos, nutralinos, gimps, wimps, dark photons, sterile neutrinos, sextaquarks, octocquarks, etc... They're all fairy tale particles, well at least until we can confirm anything. The latest biggest hope was for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, but the Large Underground Xenon detector had over a dozen different experiments turn up nothing, in just one published research paper and all of the other detectors have really come up with nothing as well. They've been actively searching for Dark Matter and Energy at least since the 70's with no luck. They do believe they've encountered a particle made of 4 quarks, but that would still fall under normal matter with the Standard Model, I think.

One physicist said something I believe "We've been searching for this since the 70's and haven't found anything. It's more likely that a child born today will someday make sense of all this." I don't remember his name, sorry.

I'm not sure how this would apply to Everett and the Many Worlds Interpretation, but it sounds a bit too convenient. I am not a mathematician or physicist, so those complexities are beyond me. I just put together all the information I can absorb for my own thirst of knowledge and comprehension. I do have some beliefs after all the numerous hours reading and listening to lectures. I'm neither deterministic or free will. I lean towards Bohr and Copenhagen. I believe consciousness is quantized and I believe it may be a Fundamental Force.

I don't know, but I've found theoretical physics to be my only endeavor for enlightenment because it's the study of what reality is at it's basic, most fundamental level. Many physicists also believe that consciousness isn't just biological and is quantum in nature and could be a Fundamental Force. The fun part is, nobody really agrees and science and philosophy come full circle to being one. It's the greatest mystery of all.
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Write something, even if it’s just a suicide note.
Dec 3, 2021
Up until three years ago I would easily describe myself as someone who trust science but is open to hear other/alternative views too. Other than an occasional premonition which I thought of as nothing more than natural intuition, I had no other unexplained experiences. I have since learned how terribly wrong I was to pay so little attention to those premonitions. To dismiss one in particular. Together with what I now know were signs. Signs I was blind to. Even though it all happened over three years ago, I still cannot talk about it. All I can say is that the profound change it brought is still going on and I do not know where exactly it is leading me. What I do know is that the explanation doctors and mental health professionals offer - all being the result of trauma, and subsequent depression, does not explain it. Not by a long shot. Because what I experienced happened days before the traumatic event that followed. I have been trying to read/research in hope to understand it, but to little avail. When it all becomes too much, I turn to SS and remember my carefully acquired and stored N.

I am sorry if this is not the kind of response you were looking for OP. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is easy to dismiss occurrences we cannot rationalise, until they happened to us. Sometimes I wish I could talk to someone who is genuinely 'in the know' so to speak ... but I do not know anyone like that and am too scared to start looking.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
It told me not to die, my husband was coming. I thought that was ridiculous. I had barely any human interaction in years, let alone a romantic partner. I was in bad shape, there was no one to take me. I carried on with my plans.

I joined a chatroom posted to SS. I chatted casually with people. We all discussed our plans. Then in February 2017 I got into a car accident. I let the group know. One of the members started to take notice of me after the accident and we spoke more. He told me he was buying a house and he wanted me to come out. I had nothing to lose. I would leave behind no life, I was dead mentally. Even if this guy was dangerous and was going to kill me I was ready to die. He picked me up in August 2017.

We've been married for 2 years now. It wasn't forced. I never thought this was the guy Gabriel meant when he came to pick me up. I thought he would show up and instantly regret his decision when he saw me. We're compatible in every way possible. I still pray and consult with entities on the other side to this day.
This happens all of the time, no? Just from this forum I've heard of this happening several times.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I am going through something like this now.

Last year, I met a woman online and connected powerfully with her right from the word go. Not only was she absolutely gorgeous (as much as I hate myself for being superficial like that) we have exactly the same diet (vegetarian), same spiritual interests (Advaita), the same experience with failing to have kids, similar experiences with narcissistic abuse and broken families. Our conversations were like fireworks.

We'd never talked about music, but one day I had felt so happy to have connected so amazingly with someone and spontaneously got out my old guitar. I was thinking about recording an old Beatles song. Hours later, she randomly contacted me and sent a link to a Beatles cover! I was totally freaked out; I thought she must have had cameras in my bedroom or something.

She is very reserved and my bullish attempts at initiating a relationship saw her break off contact, purportedly to focus more directly on spiritual pursuits. It felt like the last straw in giving up on life because it was like being teased with all the love and intimacy my life might have experienced were it not for all the shit of child abuse, PTSD, financial hardship, etc.

During some CTB planning last year, I was very focused on tying loose ends. For example, I bought a fancy Pusheen necklace for my niece - the only person in the family who genuinely loves me - with the intention of it ending up a memory of me when I'm gone. But then, right during this theme of unresolved issues, my lady friend contacted me again after months of silence and we have been happily chatting now and then ever since.

This week, I had proposed we go for a nice drive to the forest on Monday as it was my day off, but she had said she has a friend over. Then I got a phone call asking me to come into work. I happened to be sent to do a delivery to her very suburb (keep in mind I live in another city, nearly 2 hours away)! I wrote to her about this coincidence and asked her if she had heard of the cafe I had been sent to that morning; she mentioned casually that she not only knew it, but had visited that exact cafe herself on that very day! As usual she avoided showing emotion, but there is something REALLY weird going on. Today, a friend who knows a really good psychic contacted me offering a reading as a gift, and it's probably just what I need.

My main spiritual teacher spoke of predestination, and that the body has to go through events and therefore we should cooperate and be free of egocentric desires that interfere with the process and cause suffering. I'm trying hard to do that but my mind is definitely blown. It feels like the entire universe is conspiring to connect me with this woman. Needless to say, CTB plans are postponed indefinitely while I figure out what is going on!
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Jun 14, 2019
This happens all of the time, no? Just from this forum I've heard of this happening several times.
Meeting people from ss? I'd assume. There are too many elements that make the final outcome slimmer, which I won't get into.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone with it but it was a compelling experience for me.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
We'd never talked about music, but one day I had felt so happy to have connected so amazingly with someone and spontaneously got out my old guitar. I was thinking about recording an old Beatles song. Hours later, she randomly contacted me and sent a link to a Beatles cover! I was totally freaked out; I thought she must have had cameras in my bedroom or something.
This happened to me with another member from SS when we were chatting and I was telling them about water bottle with plastic hose to use for constipation relief and she was shocked and called me an oracle because the day before she was chatting with another member about water bottle for ear pain which are not directly related but we both showed water bottles pictures of the same thing technically. These synchronicity things are cool and weird at the same time
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Sep 28, 2020
Those perfect round circles in the crops seen worldwide. That the gov hide from us.
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Sep 15, 2019
I often experience things I feel are supernatural and then I spend hours doing mental gymnastics to explain them in a logical way because I feel that the second I admit to myself that I believe supernatural things happen to me, I've lost the right to say that I'm a sane, self aware person despite my psychosis and hallucinations. I often experience delusions that I can hear other peoples thoughts, and while I recognize that's just hallucinations and delusions, when I tell people about what I heard they often confirm it to be true.
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Sep 28, 2020
Another supernatural thing I also experience, sometimes I'm thinking about a friend, we haven't spoken in a while and suddenly I receive a message from her/him, gives me goosebumps.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I often experience things I feel are supernatural and then I spend hours doing mental gymnastics to explain them in a logical way because I feel that the second I admit to myself that I believe supernatural things happen to me, I've lost the right to say that I'm a sane, self aware person despite my psychosis and hallucinations. I often experience delusions that I can hear other peoples thoughts, and while I recognize that's just hallucinations and delusions, when I tell people about what I heard they often confirm it to be true.
I think one bad aspect of modern thinking is the tendency to immediately be gaslit into thinking we are hallucinating or not mentally sound whenever we encounter something that we cant explain with normal reason. It is unfortunate that many people feel like that. It is an extremist and closed minded mentality. On the other hand you have people who tend to rush into explaining everything with superstitions which is Very harmful as well as I believe the default position we should always come from is skepticism. There is definitely a middle ground there to be with more balanced perspective with these types of encounters
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Sep 15, 2019
I think one bad aspect of modern thinking is the tendency to immediately be gaslit into thinking we are hallucinating or not mentally sound whenever we encounter something that we cant explain with normal reason. It is unfortunate that many people feel like that. It is an extremist and closed minded mentality. On the other hand you have people who tend to rush into explaining everything with superstitions which is Very harmful as well as I believe the default position we should always come from is skepticism. There is definitely a middle ground there to be with more balanced perspective with these types of encounters
I definitely agree. I do believe in the supernatural, but I also fear that if I allow myself to drift too far from reality I won't be able to bring myself back. So, I rationalize the whole heairng peoples thoughts thing as my mind just translating their nonverbal cues and body language into the auditory hallucinations I hear when speaking to them.
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Sep 28, 2020
I wish there were UFOs so they could take me with them.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I definitely agree. I do believe in the supernatural, but I also fear that if I allow myself to drift too far from reality I won't be able to bring myself back. So, I rationalize the whole heairng peoples thoughts thing as my mind just translating their nonverbal cues and body language into the auditory hallucinations I hear when speaking to them.
Thats the problem with this matter. I do believe most supernatural phenomena occur by interfacing with the unconscious which can be easily dismissed as a hallucination but there is an issue with totally dismissing subjective experiences and always be on demand for physically derived proofs.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Story time! Let me share a story with you guys, about one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced.

I've had a few amazing 'UFO' sightings, even filmed two of them. I don't care anymore if people believe it or not. But this one was very different.

One night I was in my backyard with my ex at about 3AM, when a bright light hovered in from the north-east, It was heading in a straight line toward our house, when it suddenly stopped and 'focused on us' with an intense light. I had seen different UFO's before, but they never got extremely close or interacted with me. This one actually 'saw' us, and it stopped still, before lowering and slowly coming closer!

I was smiling and had my hand up like a friendly hello when I first saw it floating towards the house, I knew it was a so-called UFO instantly and cheerful that I was seeing another one of these mysterious things again.... But when it suddenly stopped and approached us, the cheer turned to overwhelming awe.

It stopped almost right above us, and slowly got so close we could hear and feel it! My gf at the time was absolutely frightened out of her mind by it and was panicking badly. I would say if I was standing on my roof, I could have touched it with a broom, that's how close it got. But even up close I still could not make out the actual body of what it was, it was just very strange and intense light, with a sort of hollow or see-through centre. The size of it was hard to determine, at a distance it could be seen as large, but at it's closest it seemed no bigger than a person.

We both agreed that it seemed this thing wanted to land right in our back yard, or make some kind of direct contact with us. It slowly lowered itself and came as close as it could before my ex would have either screamed or fainted, she was gripping my arm so hard that it hurt and her nails were digging in. I strongly felt as if this thing was so intelligent, it knew exactly how close it could get before it 'became too much' - because just as I thought my ex was about to scream, it would stop approaching and slowly back off.

When it started moving away slowly, my ex would let go of my arm and then run over toward it, out onto the grass, but then it would come back and try to get closer again, and she would run back to me, grabbing my arm and going into panic mode. I was acutely aware of her emotions and could almost feel her exact level of fear.

It did this three times, I felt it was getting as close as my ex's fear would let it, and not an inch closer. All I could do was stare at it, my eyes and my mind trying as hard as they could to understand what this was, but to no avail. After the third time, it quickly flew up higher and began moving all around the sky with unbelievable speed while the light coming from it was changing colour and shape.

It would just disappear from visibility by flying behind the trees and neighbors houses, and then come back again to right above us. No earthly thing can move the way this thing did, or as fast, it would suddenly stop in mid air and then take off again, flying from one side of the sky to the other in a flash. I swear it knew exactly how far it could move in each direction before we could no longer see it. Intelligent.

Then the most amazing thing happened- I was going to lose sight of it as started heading behind our house during one of its motions, and I decided to run out onto the lawn in an attempt to keep sight of it, when my right thong/flip-flop broke, and I had to look down to pick it up and fix it (the rubber bit that goes between the toes always comes loose, and it's easy to push back in to the sole). The moment this happened, I yelled out to my ex "keep watching, don't lose sight of it!" I knew it could move so quickly that the 2 seconds it takes to look down and fix my thongs would be enough for it to vanish, so my ex kept an eye on it while I quickly fixed the problem.

When I looked back up into the night sky, it was gone, but there were two very bright stars. I know my stars, and one of them was the Evening Star venus, the brightest in the night sky. Venus always stands out as a single very bright star, with no other star matching it- but here I was looking at two equally bright and identical venuses, right next to each other.

I didn't need to ask. I yelled "which one is it?!" and my ex replied "the one on the right!", pointing at it. The moment she said that I focused on the star on the right, It immediately flashed like a big camera and then flew all the way back down from what looked like the distance of venus in space, seemingly from outer space all the way back to its close position right above us in our back yard, in under 2 seconds! The noise it made when it flew back in was loud. Almost like an 'underwater earthquake' is the only way I can explain the sound it made as it ripped through the atmosphere.

It stopped above our heads once more, and made a 4th and final attempt to slowly come closer. The same thing happened, it came closer and closer until I could feel my ex next to me recoiling in horror and just when I thought she was about to completely lose her shit- it backed off and then flew back up into the sky, this time floating off in a straight line S/E toward the hills and leaving for good.

After the ordeal, I was in shock and awe but my ex was almost having a mental breakdown... That. Just. Happened.

The first thing I felt compelled to do afterwards was build some sort of landing-pad or something, in case it ever comes back, I even said to my ex that I have to make a concrete slab or something for when it comes back. Idk why. I knew deep down that it didnt make contact or 'land' so to speak, either because it was never going to, or because we were mentally and emotionally unprepared- and probably not because it didnt want to burn a hole in our grass or have a suitable landing surface. So I never got around to building it.

For the rest of the night, I had colorful lights burned into my vision like when you close your eyes after looking at the sun- except there was strange and beautiful patterns forming and moving in the vision, unlike the plain multicoloured spots one gets by looking at the sun or a flashlight. This after effect combined with the overwhelming excitement of the event made sleep nearly impossible that night.

Also this is purely speculation, but while the so-called 'UFO' seemed to possess some sort of advanced capabilites such as space travel and gravity-defying movement, there was something about it that to me seemed very 'ancient'. Like whatever this was has been around for a very long time, possibly since the beginning. Since this experience I view ancient accounts of the supernatural, stories of the saints, angels, the occult, and many other phenomena very differently.

It was hard to tell at the time because of all the excitement, it felt like all this was going on for ages, but the whole interaction went for no longer than 10 minutes.

This happened over two years ago and I have not seen any sort of UFO or similar since. The sightings have completely stopped. I feel sad sometimes, thinking that I 'missed my chance' with this encounter and I may never have another one like it. I sometimes think to myself, maybe if I was with someone who was more calm and centered, or if I was by myself, something truly amazing might have happened. Who knows.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I mentioned before that the events that ruined my life and caused me to willingly choose being evil were so coincidental and improbably crafted that there is almost no way they could have happened without the direct influence of someone who planned them to happen. The issue is that who would even care enough to do this to me AND have the necessary knowledge to execute these plans? I initially thought it must be the government or some Illuminati type conspiracy but I soon realized that such operations are way too much effort for someone of a significance as low as mine. Whoever did this to me had a deeply personal hatred of me but nobody I know who hates me has the intimate personal knowledge required to fuck me over this much.

To me the next most logical solution was time travel. I used to think it must have been myself time traveling to sabotage my own life but I'm too stupid and lazy for this. The only thing that makes sense to me is that a future child or children of mine are the ones who orchestrated the time travel. It makes sense because the direct consequences of these events made it nearly impossible for me to enter a romantic relationship. I think whoever did this stuff to me didn't want me to meet their mother or if I did meet her, I wouldn't be able to get together with her for long.

Assuming it's true, I don't know the method of time travel but whatever the case, I'm proud of my future unborn offspring. I'm sorry I was such a horrible parent to you in your timeline, so horrible that you had to resort to crazy sci-fi bullshit just to end your own suffering. I truly apologize and I intend to make it right by killing myself thus ending both yours and my own suffering. I can only hope that this doesn't open a tear in the fabric of spacetime but even if it did, that could have been part of your plan too so…worth it? 😅

I don't have a real explanation, this is all just my personal hypothesis. For all I know, I could be way off the mark and I've actually been fucked with by ghosts or demons all along or some crap like that.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I don't have a real explanation, this is all just my personal hypothesis. For all I know, I could be way off the mark and I've actually been fucked with by ghosts or demons all along or some crap like that.
The outside universe works in mysterious ways and our inner universe is not so different
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Sep 16, 2020
Bizarre things happen so much they cease to be bizarre. Like I discussed in the last thread it would tend to happen mostly when I didn't want it too so "I hope I don't bump into that person"
Then the next thing they are crossing the same damn farmers field you've never even been on before.

I try not to think about it because it seems either like its a game I didn't opt to play or there's just absolutely no laws to it and its just all a gamble. And perhaps hopes and wishes that pay off, may be associating with demons or God and signing up to longer existence.
Great thread though.
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Apr 5, 2020
Why is there something rather than nothing?
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Apr 5, 2020
More explanation please?
That's probably the closest thing to supernatural that I can imagine. If you take nature to mean 'everything that is', then I don't think anything can truly be supernatural, although there are ways of defining your terms such that it can be valid, of course. It's not a specific scenario I experienced in life, but it's a question I and many others return to: Why should any of exist in the first place? "Why does the universe go to the trouble of existing at all?". It seems like the answer is going to be a crazy one, if there even could be an answer.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
That's probably the closest thing to supernatural that I can imagine. If you take nature to mean 'everything that is', then I don't think anything can truly be supernatural, although there are ways of defining your terms such that it can be valid, of course. It's not a specific scenario I experienced in life, but it's a question I and many others return to: Why should any of exist in the first place? "Why does the universe go to the trouble of existing at all?". It seems like the answer is going to be a crazy one, if there even could be an answer.
I see what you mean. Definitely something that is too overlooked and taken for granted more than it should be. I guess as we are so overwhelmed with nuances we cant just help but to be too occupied with them. Flaw of human capacity to prioritize whats really important
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