@TheGoodGuy I'm sorry to hear about what happened with your thread. It sucks badly enough that Reddit is so strict on what is allowed now and anything that deviates from the original subreddit's culture gets flagged and removed by mods.
@itsamadworld I agree with you. I only peruse it from time to time, to find good quality threads and if I do find something of value, I share it to our community here or discuss about it in more detail.
@faust Indeed. It's almost like the people are rejecting the Enlightenment and it's a weird time in history where religion, morals, values, individualism, culture, and everything is in a state of flux, unable to separate into reasonable entities.
@highlyvolatile Same here, except I lingered a bit on TTG before fully migrating away sometime late 2018. It was just a slow transition, but nevertheless, made it.
@Fragile Agreed. I think that is what happens when a company gets too big and advertisers other stakeholders and investors (most of which are pro-lifers ugh) gets involved. A company that grew too big eventually loses it's original values or changed in such a way that isn't conducive to it's original mission.
@whereispeace Yeah, same here, and the only semi-decent subreddits out there are Unpopularopinion and maybe TTG (before it became quarantined and inactive).