Emissary of the right to die.
- Aug 30, 2018
- 6,949
As an extension to the old thread I had, linking to a video that exposes what suicide prevention's intention really is, I have a few more additional remarks about what 'suicide prevention' is. Basically suicide prevention mainly serves as an ego-stroke and ego protection for the non-suicidal people. Non-suicidal people want to feel good about themselves while getting praised by the society at large and sticking it to the suicidal people. They know that suicidal people are vulnerable and have fewer than usual resources for recourse and means to fend for themselves so they feel powerful doing so and kicking the vulnerable while they are down. It's so disgusting. Anyhow, back to the whole topic about ego-stroking. It's all about the people's feelings and about how they would be sad if said person died. Naturally, sure any death is sad, but to deny someone their choice of deciding to CTB or continue living and then bully, gaslight, shame, guilt-trip, etc. those people into believing that life is good, is just abhorrent. If anything, it is the majority of people and the non-suicidal who are selfish and refuse to acknowledge, let alone (try to) solve the problems and root causes for those who are wanting to CTB. Apparently, it is easier for those people to virtue signal, attack the symptoms, and then deliberately ignore the truth than owning up to how shitty the society is and make an collective effort to change that.
Oh and this isn't even getting into the debate about that suicidal thoughts are mental illnesses and diseases, which is a claim I wholeheartly, strongly disagree with. Not only is that dismissive of a suicidal person's struggle, it also invalidates (as well as trivializes) the person's struggles.
I find it ironic that people and society at large have no problem with the less fortunate (homeless, destitute, and otherwise people really suffering from life circumstances (most often than not, not their fault, and out of their control) dying, but god forbid if those people (even the homeless and hopeless) decide to take their fate into their own hands, "oh no, we must prevent suicide!" says the majority of people. Talk about hypocrisy here. It's not about helping others or wanting the best for others, it's all about control and how they can extract as much resources or use the vulnerable until they are no good anymore.
There are just so many ways and things that deter suicide so anything that allows freedom of choice should be cherished. Look around just about anywhere in public, there are often lots of prolife rhetoric, life is good, and suicide is bad, death sucks, etc. Basically, I'm saying that there are countless checks and deterrence against suicide, yet hardly anything that even allows a neutral stance (I don't agree with suicide, but it's their body" types of people who will actually respect others' decision to end their life.)
Oh and this isn't even getting into the debate about that suicidal thoughts are mental illnesses and diseases, which is a claim I wholeheartly, strongly disagree with. Not only is that dismissive of a suicidal person's struggle, it also invalidates (as well as trivializes) the person's struggles.
I find it ironic that people and society at large have no problem with the less fortunate (homeless, destitute, and otherwise people really suffering from life circumstances (most often than not, not their fault, and out of their control) dying, but god forbid if those people (even the homeless and hopeless) decide to take their fate into their own hands, "oh no, we must prevent suicide!" says the majority of people. Talk about hypocrisy here. It's not about helping others or wanting the best for others, it's all about control and how they can extract as much resources or use the vulnerable until they are no good anymore.
There are just so many ways and things that deter suicide so anything that allows freedom of choice should be cherished. Look around just about anywhere in public, there are often lots of prolife rhetoric, life is good, and suicide is bad, death sucks, etc. Basically, I'm saying that there are countless checks and deterrence against suicide, yet hardly anything that even allows a neutral stance (I don't agree with suicide, but it's their body" types of people who will actually respect others' decision to end their life.)