
Jul 1, 2020
Some of you may know my earlier thread about how I'm under investigation for "narcotics." I wanted to take mushrooms because of the reported efficacy in treating depression. They're the closest thing to a cure and I wanted to try everything to finally be a good contributing member of society. I had a plan to start my own business and really turn my life around. I really wanted to close the chapter of being dragged down by my mental illness and move forward. I'm somebody who's quite empathetic and caring, so my long term goal in life was to serve those need help because I realize there is no other point in living life other than to ease the suffering in this terrible world. I wanted to help myself and others...

But life is fucked up, and these brain-dead government goons are seeking to punish me for that very reason. I may be looking at more time than rapists and murderers.

I decided that if they decide to indict me, I will promptly kill myself. I will not let them try me like a criminal. I won't put myself through the stress of going through the joke of a justice system. I won't let them use me to support their narrative that these things are harmful, when they are actively causing more harm to a human life than I ever would. I won't beg and plead with them to give me a lighter sentence, and live the rest of my life under their thumb. "Prison isn't the end of your life" some may say, but in essence it is. Even after the lightest possible sentence, I will be in my late 30s when I get out, and that's assuming I get a light sentence. I will have no tangible skills, a criminal record, and no money. My aging parents can't support me, so I won't be able to support myself and gain employable skills. Due to my record, I won't be employable here, and I won't be able to get a work visa abroad. I will be stuck with minimum wage jobs, but because of the culture in my country, nobody will employ a man in his late 30s or older for menial labor. All because of some fucking mushrooms.

It's a sick joke that our society proclaims itself to be "free" and "democratic" when there is essentially no freedom of speech. How can a society be free when individuals can't even exercise control over their own bodies (and minds)? The investigation was a farce. They didn't even know what these compounds were and equated it to using meth. When I told them about the studies on depression, they thought I was bullshitting them. Imagine a rape investigation conducted by detectives who don't even know how sex works, much less rape.

It's more egregious when you take into account how rampant depression and suicide is, and how this society actively encourages the use of alcohol, a far more dangerous and addictive toxin. Drunkards drive and risk lives, women pass out and get raped, drunk people start fights and vandalize property. That's all okay because alcohol keeps the populace numb, docile and unquestioning. But take mushrooms to treat your depression and explore your own consciousness? You are a dangerous criminal.

Here's the revelation I had thanks to this: Depression is not a mental illness. The real sickness is the world we live in. Depression is a natural reaction of the body and mind to the inflammatory disease of human society. If you aren't depressed by the state of the world, you're the one who's sick. It means something isn't quite functioning right with you.
"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those appear to be most normal. They are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted."
-Aldous Huxley

Some may argue that the depressed and suicidal are the minority among other wise "healthy" people who have adjusted to this world. I would say that depression and suicide are only one of the many ways this illness manifests. There's a plethora of unhealthy and sick behavior in society, and most people get by numbing themselves. Why do you think capitalism and consumerism took off? It's all a drug to get away from reality. To face reality means you have to go against your biological wiring of self-preservation, and most people are not willing to see. Cattle imprisoned in feed lots don't commit suicide, but you'd have to be brain-dead to think that's a life worth living. We are the cattle. We are spiritually butchered to feed the rich and powerful.

My death is my protest. This is my middle finger to society. I never asked to be born in this shite. They made me sick, and now they seek to punish me for attempting to cure myself.

Now if my lawyer pulls through and they don't ahead with the indictment, I will probably continue to live. But they have already killed my dignity and left me in fear of government coercion. I will have no choice but to work my ass off to move to a freer society and do my best to ease the symptoms of evil in this world.
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sugar, spice…
Aug 31, 2019
theyll see it less as "wow they killed themselves :(" and more of "fucker got away/another one bites the dust i guess"

i dont want to yap but the situation youre in sounds horrible. id choose the easy way out if i was in your shoes.

sorry you were born here.
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
Some of you may know my earlier thread about how I'm under investigation for "narcotics." I wanted to take mushrooms because of the reported efficacy in treating depression. They're the closest thing to a cure and I wanted to try everything to finally be a good contributing member of society. I had a plan to start my own business and really turn my life around. I really wanted to close the chapter of being dragged down by my mental illness and move forward. I'm somebody who's quite empathetic and caring, so my long term goal in life was to serve those need help because I realize there is no other point in living life other than to ease the suffering in this terrible world. I wanted to help myself and others...

But life is fucked up, and these brain-dead government goons are seeking to punish me for that very reason. I may be looking at more time than rapists and murderers.

I decided that if they decide to indict me, I will promptly kill myself. I will not let them try me like a criminal. I won't put myself through the stress of going through the joke of a justice system. I won't let them use me to support their narrative that these things are harmful, when they are actively causing more harm to a human life than I ever would. I won't beg and plead with them to give me a lighter sentence, and live the rest of my life under their thumb. "Prison isn't the end of your life" some may say, but in essence it is. Even after the lightest possible sentence, I will be in my late 30s when I get out, and that's assuming I get a light sentence. I will have no tangible skills, a criminal record, and no money. My aging parents can't support me, so I won't be able to support myself and gain employable skills. Due to my record, I won't be employable here, and I won't be able to get a work visa abroad. I will be stuck with minimum wage jobs, but because of the culture in my country, nobody will employ a man in his late 30s or older for menial labor. All because of some fucking mushrooms.

It's a sick joke that our society proclaims itself to be "free" and "democratic" when there is essentially no freedom of speech. How can a society be free when individuals can't even exercise control over their own bodies (and minds)? The investigation was a farce. They didn't even know what these compounds were and equated it to using meth. When I told them about the studies on depression, they thought I was bullshitting them. Imagine a rape investigation conducted by detectives who don't even know how sex works, much less rape.

It's more egregious when you take into account how rampant depression and suicide is, and how this society actively encourages the use of alcohol, a far more dangerous and addictive toxin. Drunkards drive and risk lives, women pass out and get raped, drunk people start fights and vandalize property. That's all okay because alcohol keeps the populace numb, docile and unquestioning. But take mushrooms to treat your depression and explore your own consciousness? You are a dangerous criminal.

Here's the revelation I had thanks to this: Depression is not a mental illness. The real sickness is the world we live in. Depression is a natural reaction of the body and mind to the inflammatory disease of human society. If you aren't depressed by the state of the world, you're the one who's sick. It means something isn't quite functioning right with you.

Some may argue that the depressed and suicidal are the minority among other wise "healthy" people who have adjusted to this world. I would say that depression and suicide are only one of the many ways this illness manifests. There's a plethora of unhealthy and sick behavior in society, and most people get by numbing themselves. Why do you think capitalism and consumerism took off? It's all a drug to get away from reality. To face reality means you have to go against your biological wiring of self-preservation, and most people are not willing to see. Cattle imprisoned in feed lots don't commit suicide, but you'd have to be brain-dead to think that's a life worth living. We are the cattle. We are spiritually butchered to feed the rich and powerful.

My death is my protest. This is my to society. I never asked to be born in this shite. They made me sick, and now they seek to punish me for attempting to cure myself.

Now if my lawyer pulls through and they don't ahead with the indictment, I will probably continue to live. But they have already killed my dignity and left me in fear of government coercion. I will have no choice but to work my ass off to move to a freer society and do my best to ease the symptoms of evil in this world.
Hi, that sucks. I have had similar problems with ketamine and mushrooms/lsd. Have you been formally charged with a lawyer present etc? I mean like have you gone to court and been convicted? I think sentencing comes after right, I'm not sure what country your in. Can you wait for the sentencing and still be 'free' to do as you wish until you go in?

So in short, you were in possession of mushrooms (I think a schedule 1 substance in america - same as meth like uou said), got caught and were taken to the station, questioned and there was an investigation that they will now take to court with their evidence. They probably threatened you with the most amount of time that crime can get. Am I getting this right?

That is disgusting, but you might have a chance, do you have a previous criminal record, who does the conviction a jury? Does your lawyer (if you have one) believe you?

Sorry for all the questions I just wanna know if I'm getting the right picture. I completely get any decision you choose to make, that really sounds horrible and has me anxious just reading it!
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Apr 23, 2020
It's interesting that you (the OP) started this thread. I, too, wanted to CTB as a form of protest. The reason for me CTB'ing was my state's Corona lockdowns, bans on meeting with other people, and legally enforced social distancing. That's what inspired my name. What I wanted to do is mail a letter to the governor, the two senators, and my local representative; they're all Democrats, and Democrats are the ones who support these laws.

I was going to mail a letter by post office, not e-mail, so I'm safely on the bus before they read it, and they can't "save" me. I'm sure they'll just snicker at "some dumb loser who took their own life", but my action is meant to be ironic. Why? The mantra for enforced social distancing is "stay home, save lives". Well, staying home to avoid Corona didn't (or wouldn't) save my life.
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Jul 1, 2020
theyll see it less as "wow they killed themselves :(" and more of "fucker got away/another one bites the dust i guess"

i dont want to yap but the situation youre in sounds horrible. id choose the easy way out if i was in your shoes.

sorry you were born here.
Yeah I know I'll just be another suicide statistic but at least I won't be a crime statistic because what I did should not be a crime.

Hi, that sucks. I have had similar problems with ketamine and mushrooms/lsd. Have you been formally charged with a lawyer present etc? I mean like have you gone to court and been convicted? I think sentencing comes after right, I'm not sure what country your in. Can you wait for the sentencing and still be 'free' to do as you wish until you go in?

So in short, you were in possession of mushrooms (I think a schedule 1 substance in america - same as meth like uou said), got caught and were taken to the station, questioned and there was an investigation that they will now take to court with their evidence. They probably threatened you with the most amount of time that crime can get. Am I getting this right?

That is disgusting, but you might have a chance, do you have a previous criminal record, who does the conviction a jury? Does your lawyer (if you have one) believe you?

Sorry for all the questions I just wanna know if I'm getting the right picture. I completely get any decision you choose to make, that really sounds horrible and has me anxious just reading it!
It wasn't even in possession; they caught it at customs. The maximum time I can get for drug charges is fucking life. I doubt I would be sentenced to life, but crazier things have happened. My lawyer hopes to get the case dropped but so there is a chance that may happen. Even if it does, it does not leave me with ease. My government actually punishes its citizens for doing innocuous things such as smoking weed abroad. They kept asking me if I smoked abroad even if it was more than a decade ago. I have to be a lot more careful about even joking about drugs, effectively suppressing my freedom of speech, which is guaranteed in the constitution (but of course not in practice).

It's interesting that you (the OP) started this thread. I, too, wanted to CTB as a form of protest. The reason for me CTB'ing was my state's Corona lockdowns, bans on meeting with other people, and legally enforced social distancing. That's what inspired my name. What I wanted to do is mail a letter to the governor, the two senators, and my local representative; they're all Democrats, and Democrats are the ones who support these laws.

I was going to mail a letter by post office, not e-mail, so I'm safely on the bus before they read it, and they can't "save" me. I'm sure they'll just snicker at "some dumb loser who took their own life", but my action is meant to be ironic. Why? The mantra for enforced social distancing is "stay home, save lives". Well, staying home to avoid Corona didn't (or wouldn't) save my life.
I know quite a few people ctbed due to the lockdown in various countries. "Save lives" except for those who kill themselves. I'm willing to bet in many countries, the suicide numbers far exceed the covid deaths. In my country it's certainly the case.

This isn't the first time I thought about killing myself in protest. I thought about it when I was forced to enter the military (once again, not a free country). Sometimes I regret that I survived and ended up selling my dignity out.
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