

everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
i cant shake the thought that the rising suicide rate is encouraged in order to weed out those deemed "weak" by corpos, who cannot perform as efficiently enough as the mentally well to produce riches for those uptop the hierarchal pyramid.
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Aug 24, 2024
i cant shake the thought that the rising suicide rate is encouraged in order to weed out those deemed "weak" by corpos, who cannot perform as efficiently enough as the mentally well to produce riches for those uptop the hierarchal
I would tend to agree with you. It will always be "survival of the fittest" no matter how much we have evolved.
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Apr 9, 2024
Maybe for people who want to do it in some capacity, but not for people who have to. There's a difference.


Jun 16, 2024
I wouldn't go that far, but it definitely plays a part in getting rid of people who can't handle the way things are


David Benatar Enjoyer
Apr 25, 2024
It could be viewed by certain people of authority as being natural selection, they'd probably view suicidal people as being a kind of self solving problem in a way. Thought to me that is what's wrong with natural selection, or more specifically those who espouse it, it's used as a justification to ignore, all the many failing of our world, by just chalking it up to "Well They weren't strong enough". I don't think I have ever heard of a Darwinist, who believes this whole heartedly ever be sympathetic of those they view as being below them. Instead it's used as justification for selfishness and ignorance.
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Jul 9, 2024
I am not sure its natural selection because my guess the really organized will always fall first and what remains are the people who can't make up their minds.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Maybe but then, I'm happy to leave this world to the narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths who seem to thrive in it. Sometimes I wonder if that's all that will be left some day. The only ones able to survive in it. I get some weird sense of satisfied revenge imagining the descendents of the people I've run up against in life one day having to battle it out with people just as devious as them. I actually quite like the idea that maybe one day, they'll have no one weaker to pick on or get narcissistic supply from and the only ones left will be even meaner than them. I understand that that makes me quite a sadistic bitch too of course.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
Maybe, but if that were really the case I think they would make it easier to CTB. Its quite hard to do atm..
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Aug 12, 2024
encouraged by who? every SN source is getting banned. it seems pretty discouraging to me
Maybe but then, I'm happy to leave this world to the narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths who seem to thrive in it. Sometimes I wonder if that's all that will be left some day. The only ones able to survive in it. I get some weird sense of satisfied revenge imagining the descendents of the people I've run up against in life one day having to battle it out with people just as devious as them. I actually quite like the idea that maybe one day, they'll have no one weaker to pick on or get narcissistic supply from and the only ones left will be even meaner than them. I understand that that makes me quite a sadistic bitch too of course.
wow. no actually that's a very satisfying thought
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Aug 25, 2024
I can't imagine a world where the sensitive and caring people are all gone. Those who feel.

They regard population control as a problem. Suicide plays a part in the overall picture of growth control in the world population. X amount of surplus population, globally. X amount die by accident, X as a result of murders, X amount are killed during armed state conflict, X amount die from starvation, X amount through drug/alcohol abuse, X through lack of medical care, X through disease, X because of climate breakdown, X through suicide. Not doing anything about these problems, the non-help, slows the population growth.

That's why it takes so long to get the corporations and governments to do anything about health and safety factors in the countries they operate. Take for example; seat belts. The first motor car hit the road in the 1890s. First seat belt: 1958. Ordinary people have to fight to get their concerns heard by those in power.

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry gave their final report today. They said there was incompetence at every level, from the government right on down. They said the cladding company outright lied about the flammability of their product. They said the local authority that owned the building was slow to react. They said the concerns of the residents were ignored.

The rising numbers of suicides are part of an overall picture of population control. Which rises anyway. But it's also a failure of the economic model our entire society is based on. Higher suicide rates also means less money spent on mental health care. That lowers the outgoings from the Treasury. Thus, your local politician can claim there is 'growth' in the economy. Because the economy must grow. At any cost.


Careless Soul « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
In a sort... Uhh, yeah. Suicide is like a product of many things that didn't work out in a life and in a way or another couldn't or didn't get fixed. The ability to overcome obstacles and the difficulty of them changes from person to person, some have it easier and some don't and on top of that everyone has different limits. While it may attest to the limits of mental boundaries it doesn't mean necessarily make people "weak". There's no shame in struggling.
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Jun 2, 2024
i cant shake the thought that the rising suicide rate is encouraged in order to weed out those deemed "weak" by corpos, who cannot perform as efficiently enough as the mentally well to produce riches for those uptop the hierarchal pyramid.
ding ding ding, we have a winner!


Dec 28, 2018
I have to disagree, I think it's the opposite actually. Corpos need people who are miserable enough to do a life long of low paid shit jobs with little negotiation power, but not miserable enough to end their lives.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I heavily disagree with you. I think that the elites and the billionaires actually want people to stay alive for as long as possible. They want to reduce suicides so that they can maximise profit out of people. I know that some suicidal people aren't able to work or don't have a desire to work (the latter being me) but even these people are still beneficial to the elites as they're consumers and are hence still participating in the system.

If it were the case that the elites wanted to weed out suicidal people, they would legalise euthanasia and make it readily available for suicidal people so that more suicidal people kill themselves. However, the elites are actually restricting suicide methods and are making it harder to kill yourself. For example, america is trying to make SN more restricted. It makes no sense to make suicide methods harder to do with the motive of weeding suicidal people out. However, it does make sense to restrict suicide methods with the motive of maximising profit from suicidal people by making them stay as alive for as long as possible.
I have to disagree, I think it's the opposite actually. Corpos need people who are miserable enough to do a life long of low paid shit jobs with little negotiation power, but not miserable enough to end their lives.
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