Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
The prolife propaganda is unfortunately making some people to believe they are the source of their problems. Usually life is glorified in the process and other people are used as an example. Which is completely wrong.

What happens actually is blame shifting and ignoring or glorifying the real problem. Nobody blames the phenomenon of life and specifically the species which are the real cause of the problems. Prolifers actually want this and want to blame anyone who think about ctbing or blame anything thats irrelevant (literally anything or anyone thats not life or humans).

Its the wrong of life. Its the wrong of this species. Don't scapegoat yourself and your suffering for this shit. Life caused you pain and suffering, its wrong to blame the victim while ignoring the countless inherent problems.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Amen. I hate society's stance on suicide. Always have. Having the right to procreate but not to take ones life is sick. Victim blaming is also so sick.
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Oct 20, 2020
When its not health related I only have myself to blame for the majority of my problems.
I observed multiple people claiming to be "worthless", people with social anxiety, people getting emotionally and physically harassed by society, in some cases by their own family members.
Reality is, most victims refuse to resist to such realities, if it is even possible in the first place. Technically most people are to blame for the state they are currently in (Myself included).
Also worth mentioning that no matter how much you blame society, its' negative effects on victims' emotional and physical state will only stay and multiply.
People definately should not blindly blame themselves for their problems and emotional state, but denying that they are at the core of the problem would be nothing but a lie.
Afterall, who if not ourselves is to fix us.

All abovehead is ofcourse, nothing but my personal opinion.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
When its not health related I only have myself to blame for the majority of my problems.
I observed multiple people claiming to be "worthless", people with social anxiety, people getting emotionally and physically harassed by society, in some cases by their own family members.
Reality is, most victims refuse to resist to such realities, if it is even possible in the first place. Technically most people are to blame for the state they are currently in (Myself included).
Also worth mentioning that no matter how much you blame society, its' negative effects on victims' emotional and physical state will only stay and multiply.
People definately should not blindly blame themselves for their problems and emotional state, but denying that they are at the core of the problem would be nothing but a lie.
Afterall, who if not ourselves is to fix us.

All abovehead is ofcourse, nothing but my personal opinion.

The person isn't the core problem at all. Life is filled with inherent problems, one person against arbitrarily large amount of details would almost certainly make errors happen.

There are endless possibilities that has no relation to health and has nothing to do with one person's actions (death of close people, traumas, abuse, poverty, wars, etc).

Even if we consider the problems with the personal involvement and regardless of the problem of free will, the decision making is influenced by uncontrollable external or internal factors (e.g. genetics or environment).

Blaming the true cause is always better and it would not increase negativity. Because if people know the true problem, they'll try to solve it but if they ignore it and scapegoat some people, the problem would stay unsolved and more people would suffer.
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Oct 20, 2020
I see. The word 'core' was inserted by me quite incorrectly.
Indeed, its absurd to blame a person for near infinate possible events as well social environments they grow up and live in, which drastically affect and define the said person. Arbitrarity of the world is to be taken into account.
I am who I am because of a completely random chain of events and factors.
Still, completely crossing out personal involment and "independent" decision making in life is unrealistic and not practical. I am of believe that there is a certain point in life when human becomes aware of his actions and their consequences, tho this moment may never truly come.

Society will not change, certainly not because I post this reply. Once you become awere of your actions, you become in control, therefore creating room for change, no matter how theoretically small. After that its up to you, you can blame society, perhaps expecting change that will never come, or you can blame yourself for not attemting or willing to change the state you are currently in. (Not the case of chronically ill, plenty exclusions in general). If the person is cabable, but not willing to change the state they are currently in, no matter what got them there in the first place, they only have themselves to blame. They are the current core of the problem. Blaming society is more than appropriate, but will generally get you nowhere. Exclusions ofcource exist. People with social anxiety for exaple, blaming them for the difficulties they go through daily is absurd, just like blaming society for its barbarism is ineffective and will lead to nowhere.

It would be bluntly inapropriate to even try to call myself right in this discussion,to me it seems to be more about prespective on life and actions you take in it, rather than calculatable statistic or cold reality. "True cause" is the thing that stops you from changing (Which may be you), the thing that brought you there is perhaps a cause secondary,
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Aug 19, 2019
It is people whose only problem is their fee fees and who never had any real shit to deal with.
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Oct 20, 2020
Yes society is disgusting.
But who would you blame? A drowning man who can swim but preferes to be saved by someone than himself, or everybody around the drowning man, who choose to ignore his cries for help and let him drown.
I blame both sides equally.
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Aug 19, 2019
Yes society is disgusting.
But who would you blame? A drowning man who can swim but preferes to be saved by someone than himself, or everybody around the drowning man, who choose to ignore his cries for help and let him drown.
I blame both sides equally.

That literally happened once. I went swimming alone, because my sexual market value did not afford anybody to holiday with. So I swam out thinking I can come back, but found I was out of form and could not. Had been too poor to holiday in years and was not as good a swimmer as I thought. I started screaming for help. One guy with asthma saved me at risk to himself. When I got on the shore, I saw two guys chilling out. I asked if they heard me scream. They laughed and aaid they assumed it was a joke.

So if not for that guy, those two would have watched me drown laughing. Literally.
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Oct 25, 2020
The prolife propaganda is unfortunately making some people to believe they are the source of their problems. Usually life is glorified in the process and other people are used as an example. Which is completely wrong.

What happens actually is blame shifting and ignoring or glorifying the real problem. Nobody blames the phenomenon of life and specifically the species which are the real cause of the problems. Prolifers actually want this and want to blame anyone who think about ctbing or blame anything thats irrelevant (literally anything or anyone thats not life or humans).

Its the wrong of life. Its the wrong of this species. Don't scapegoat yourself and your suffering for this shit. Life caused you pain and suffering, its wrong to blame the victim while ignoring the countless inherent problems.

So true! Too many people live inside their heads thinking that we've got the ultimate power to "create" our life, which couldn't be more wrong, in my opinion. Things happen, even if we don't want them to happen, and we'd have to be either robots or fake (ultra positive, Spongebob style) to not let them affect us. Honestly, I'm tired of motivational speeches, that only spread toxic positivity and don't offer any real solutions. There's no "one size fits all", and they don't get it. They're too busy trying to be holy and save the world. :notsure::meh:
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Oct 15, 2020
I think that the lions share of issues for suicidal folks are external in nature (for me it was an abusive household, abusive friends and extensive bullying -- just a shit life, basically). Would I go as far to say that there's prolife propaganda? Maybe, if you go looking for it. I think that if you're going to catch the bus, you're going to do that regardless of what the world is saying though.

I don't think that people should feel guilty about any choice they make in life. I do however think that it's entirely possible for someone to lift themselves from their depression and suicidal thoughts. I don't think that that's a bad thing and I don't think anyone should feel bad about choosing to fight on.

I think that if there is any guilt being placed here, it would be in this thread on people that are having second thoughts. Your thread isn't necessary. Let people make their own decisions. That's what being pro-choice is all about. It certainly isn't about romancing your misery like so many people seem to do here.


L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
Society did not cause my problems. I don't hate life. I got sick, my mind broke, and I made very bad decisions. I also refuse to come to terms with any of it. I think it's safe to blame myself.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
The person isn't the core problem at all. Life is filled with inherent problems, one person against arbitrarily large amount of details would almost certainly make errors happen.

There are endless possibilities that has no relation to health and has nothing to do with one person's actions (death of close people, traumas, abuse, poverty, wars, etc).

Even if we consider the problems with the personal involvement and regardless of the problem of free will, the decision making is influenced by uncontrollable external or internal factors (e.g. genetics or environment).

Blaming the true cause is always better and it would not increase negativity. Because if people know the true problem, they'll try to solve it but if they ignore it and scapegoat some people, the problem would stay unsolved and more people would suffer.

People who want to blame the individual for having problems are half of what's wrong with the world. Nobody has true "free" will. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Everything that you do was already limited by factors outside of your control from before you were born.

I don't believe there's anyone on this earth who only has "themselves" to blame. Somewhere along the lines, they've been failed by something.
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