
Oct 21, 2024
I have many parts of my life which are unbearable, some I can do some things about, many I can't. I have a recurring illness which is uncurable but comes up rarely and is horrible when it does. I am missing a little part of my vision. I am well below average on some part of my physical average (height) which makes me very self conscious and almost impossible to have a partner. I also have a job that while it pays well is killing me with the level of stress and anxiety it brings me. The situation with my family (who I don't live with) is getting really bad and almost hopeless and I seem to be able to do nothing about it. Biologically I cannot have kids. I have been suffering from recurring crippling anxiety and when I've taken meds for it I cease to feel any emotion or will to enjoy life or even live. I have had to hide lots of secrets in my life which have slowly been eating away at me. And I feel everyday I get closer to ending it. I'm extremely sensitive and find the world to be a horrible place seeing such horrible things that humans do. I am currently at the point with the amount of stress, anxiety, and severe depression - I cannot bring myself to find any more meaning in life. It's all too much. The sad parts is the things that I cannot change in life are very important, and even the things I can "technically" like my job that's killing me psychologically, I can't get out of and I can't afford to stop working.
I have accomplished some amazing things in life that not even 1% of the population have, and I know I'm very intelligent (I have a very high tested IQ). But everything in my life has brought me to this point where every day, more and more of my time is spend on just wanting to end it. When I go to sleep at night, I dread having to think about ever waking up again. I get up in the middle of my sleep at night, knowing I have to face another day, and feel line ending it there and then. But then when during the day I get to spend time with people I like or do little things I enjoy, that cloud lifts temporarily (like this afternoon when we were sitting out in the sun having lunch with people I like). But then I know that's very temporary as the problems in my life don't go away and as soon as I'm back home I'm ready to die. I have a full peaceful pill nitrogen kit set up and ready to go. I have it sitting next to my bed and I regularly almost use it nearly daily. But then I say maybe one more day. But just knowing that I have it brings me huge relieve - at least there is a way out. I have a pretty good salary, so I play the lottery quite often just in case by some rare odd chance I win - as that could let me solve a very large number of problems I currently have. I know it's not rational, but I also know that that sliver of a possibility that I may wake up Wednesday have a big chunk of my problems (fixable with significant amounts of money) go away - it's one of the few things that's preventing me from killing myself today. So in a way, it's a psychological investment in helping me sustain my life (healthy or not). But ultimately I also know we're completely insignificant at the scale of the universe, and nothing matters...and it'll all be over soon anyway. So why prolongue the suffering? Although if somehow things could be solved, I know there are lots of things I love in life when I don't have this stress, anxiety, depression and all these other legitimate factors at the core of it. I love art, singing, socialising, learning everything, travelling, languages, culture...so many things. I can't bring myself to do any of these now as it all seems futile in my current state. I put up a facade of assurance and positivity when I'm at work everyday, knowing that the moment I walk back through my doors, there is my nitrogen kit waiting for me and that I really, really, really just want to use it and get it over with. I have no one I can confide in with this as the few close family members I have are all dealing with severe problems and I really feel ashamed to talk about this to anyone due to how society has been constructed to make us feel about this subject. Maybe this will be the last message I write before I take my life in a few hours. Or maybe I'll live until 120. Everyday that passes, I'm more and more convinced of ending it soon, I spend more and more time during my day thinking about it, and the closer and closer I get to doing it. As I write this I know the tank is a meter away from me and I'm tempted. I'm glad I found this site though - I really don't think how judgemental and filtered the internet has become helps people like me/us in any way by isolating our thoughts within our minds. I'm glad I was able to write this somewhere without feeling judge or silenced.
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  • Aww..
Reactions: Zanmato, NegevChina, anaokino_ and 1 other person


Oct 21, 2024
About to go to bed soon, and feeling that overwhelming desire to just end it again. But what if I win the lottery tomorrow. Let's see what happens tomorrow.


Oct 21, 2024
High IQ is a curse
It does feel like that from time to time. I do really appreciate understanding really complex concepts such as in astrophysics, quantum mechanics, AI etc. which I find quite interesting. But at times, it feels like a simple life a bit more ignorant of the complexities of reality would be more blissful.
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Oct 21, 2024
God, got so close to it tonight. Things going really badly with my family who live in a different country. And tomorrow is a painfully long day at work. But, maybe I'll power through another day and see how it goes.


Oct 21, 2024
Took a few days off work. Have now deactivated all my social media. And all I can think about now is ending it at some point over the next few days. It's a beautiful day outside, but I'm well aware of reality full of all the bad, painful, stressful things that await me after these next few days. It's like trying to enjoy a 5-star meal on the Titanic knowing it's going to sink. It's like trying to enjoy the scenery from a train knowing it's about to crash.
I remember when I used to make so much effort about my health - eat incredibly well, work out at least 5 times a week, keep my apartment spotlessly clean. How I've been eating crap - from just bars of chocolate to chips - while just sitting around watching random YouTube videos and TikToks, awaiting the moment when I eventually take the leap and turn on the Nitrogen. Fingers crossed that it comes soon, because it feels like I'm in a suspended state of suffering, trying to find little moments of superficial pleasure to alleviate it temporarily - again and again.


Oct 21, 2024
Ok, I'm pretty convinced now I'll do it Monday. But I've had so many ups and downs and so many times I've been ready to do it but then tell myself "I wait a bit more incase". But I'm even closer to being ready this time. In addition to my Nitrogen kit, I've worked out exactly how my money left over will be transferred to my family, did a little handwritten will, have my passport sitting next to the will for easy identification to fluidify the process. Almost there!
I've been also listening to and watching a lot of content about science and history to maintain a perception of how insignificant a single life on Earth is, which also seems to make the idea a lot easier. Hopefully I bring myself to do it this time for real.
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Oct 21, 2024
Cried today for the first time in ages, listening to some old music I liked, realizing this may be the last time I hear it. Remembering the first times I heard - young and full of hope, when everything was possible and no worry was too big. I'm starting to prewrite the messages I need to schedule to send. I've gotten close in the past, but never this close - don't know how to explain it, but I can "feel the end". Hopefully I do really go through with it on Monday. Because I don't think I've ever felt this trapped in my life.
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Oct 21, 2024
I wish I could go now. I'd do it right now if I didn't have to wait for something until Monday night :eh: All of Sunday and Monday daytime are going to be such difficult days to get through...I can feel it already.
And the funny thing is I actually loved life. If I didn't have all these stressors and issues in my life, I could have actually been happy. But I don't see any way out other than ctb. I used to be SO happy - I used to LOOK FORWARD to the day. To working out, to going out, to seeing friends, to planning things. Now with all the stressors in my life, that seems like a faraway dream. I keep thinking, if I woke up tomorrow with a few million in my account, I could easily hit the reset button and find the joy and meaning again in my life. Because I know so well it is something I'm capable of feeling. And I know I've been capable of bringing joy to others when I have joy. Helping others when I'm in a good state. But unfortunately miracles don't exist. Even just all this thinking and ruminating is fatiguing me. I just need it to end.
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Oct 21, 2024
Feeling a strange calm today, like I was at last ready. But I've been going through a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions these past few days. Calm, happiness, stress, sadness, uncertainty, certainty, readiness, questioning, hope (glimpses of), back to reality, demotivation. I can't imagine going back to work in a couple of days, in a flood of stress and pressure, putting a smiley brave face forward, when all I want is to put my exit mask on and turn on the nitrogen.


Oct 21, 2024
The day's almost over, it's almost dinner time, and it's just strange to think tomorrow will likely be the last day. I've never felt like this. It's never felt so close to the finish line. Watching a lot of stuff like Kurzgesag to get my mind off of this existence. Feels almost like a state of suspended reality until then. To think for everyone around me - my neighbors, my colleagues, the person across the street, it's just another Sunday and it's be just another day of a long life ahead for them.


Oct 21, 2024
Just had either my last or second last dinner. A peanut butter sandwich. It'd been forever I'd had a peanut butter sandwich. God, I love peanut butter.


Oct 21, 2024
Time to go to sleep for one last time soon I guess, before experiencing my last ever morning tomorrow. If all goes to plan.
I've been feeling almost a suspended calm all day today (as if all my worries had already gone away), but also from time to time sharp little moments of worry and sadness. Like seeing or hearing things that reminded me how different I felt not very long ago. I largely feel like this is the time to put an end to it all, but there's a tiny tiny little bit of me saying every now and then "what if...".
I'm really hoping I feel as clear minded and committed tomorrow as I feel today. Because otherwise just the thought of going back to my "normal" life the day after feels like an unbearable thought.
I hope I don't chicken out, but that I feel the same calm tomorrow as I feel now.
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Oct 21, 2024
Came across some emails with my dad some 13 years ago. A period when things got really bad. It was probably the first time I'd seriously contemplated ctb. And then not again for a long time. Reminded me of how complicated this journey has been. There has been periods where things have been much better than others. Just shocking how often it's been money related, some of the biggest problems. But there was so much hope back then still. So many opportunities. But how, all that seems to be nearly gone. He's going senile and practically at his death bed after this nearly decade and a half. Even for my family, there was hope again and again that things would get better, but nothing ever did. And now it's in absolute shambles. I remembered every seemingly insurmountable mountains I had to climb to get to where I am today. But after every mountain, there has been another. I can't climb anymore. 13 years ago there was hope for my little sister, but even that seems further and further away. I can barely recognize my father. My mother is going down that same path likely. There has been so much pain and suffering, with no respite. So much hope with no results. I'm tire of a life of obstacles and struggles. With tears in my eyes. I'm deeply saddened that I didn't get to spend the last few years of the lives of my parents with them. That I never got to see my little sister truly happy. That it had come to this.


Oct 21, 2024
Is this it? Is it today? Feeling a strange chest ache (nothing too painful). This feels surreal. I don't know how I feel but I've also never felt like this, ever. I'm generally an extremely clean person, but my apartment is an absolute mess and I couldn't be bothered less. I haven't left the house in 4 days. I just have to guy buy some things (some backup things for my exist bag). Then wait until tonight. I think I'll play a chunk in the lottery for tonight's draw juuuust in case...what's there to lose right. And then I'll leave everything else I have left to my little sister overseas.
Is this it? Is it today? Feeling a strange chest ache (nothing too painful). This feels surreal. I don't know how I feel but I've also never felt like this, ever. I'm generally an extremely clean person, but my apartment is an absolute mess and I couldn't be bothered less. I haven't left the house in 4 days. I just have to guy buy some things (some backup things for my exist bag). Then wait until tonight. I think I'll play a chunk in the lottery for tonight's draw juuuust in case...what's there to lose right. And then I'll leave everything else I have left to my little sister overseas.
Actually feeling a strange type of stress across my body, rather than the calm I was feeling yesterday. The same type of stress I've felt time and time again in really stressful situations of my life. I hope this will go away and not interfere with my plans for today. Just had a bit of rice pudding to eat. Don't really feel like going out. Just want to sit here and finish watching every Kurzgesagt video there is. But I'll brush my teeth (perhaps one last time) and head out to buy what I need to buy. Otherwise I might regret it later tonight. Meanwhile hesitating taking a Valium now, but I might leave it until tonight - need to stay clear minded to make sure I do everything right until the end.
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Oct 21, 2024
Surreal, surreal, surreal. Everything about today feels surreal. Walking, buying food, interacting with the person at the counter, looking at people on the streets going about with their lives, listening to music, sending messages to my sister, seeing notifications coming through for random things, seeing the Amazon packages I'm meant to return this week, sitting back down on that same couch now where this need became more and more real, as things go worse and worse. And here we are today. This is it. Today's the day, hopefully. I feel like I'm on suspended animation. Numb yet stressed, unable to feel yet with urges to cry. Nothing feels real, yet I know all the stress, anxiety, pain, suffering, worries, sadness that awaits me if I live to see tomorrow will be very real.
...I just don't want to feel anymore now.
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