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Jan 14, 2019
The most dangerous substance I have at my disposal is Ambien, which is hardly dangerous at all. I only have one full bottle of 5mg pills, not sure how many exactly are in there but I know it won't kill me. Now, let's say I take that whole bottle with alcohol, living on my own in a single apartment; where nobody would find me until my rent is due; I wake up, call 911, tell them I overdosed however many hours ago, get sent to a medical hospital, then a psychiatric ward, etc... you know the deal. Then, once I get out, I request my medical documents and use them to help my disability case. Does this sound like a feasible idea? I'm obviously not sane but I really need disability, there is no way I can suffer in this life working a job while disabled.
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
The most dangerous substance I have at my disposal is Ambien, which is hardly dangerous at all. I only have one full bottle of 5mg pills, not sure how many exactly are in there but I know it won't kill me. Now, let's say I take that whole bottle with alcohol, living on my own in a single apartment; where nobody would find me until my rent is due; I wake up, call 911, tell them I overdosed however many hours ago, get sent to a medical hospital, then a psychiatric ward, etc... you know the deal. Then, once I get out, I request my medical documents and use them to help my disability case. Does this sound like a feasible idea? I'm obviously not sane but I really need disability, there is no way I can suffer in this life working a job while disabled.
Are you in the states?
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
The system is kinda fucked. You basically have to apply 2x, get denied both times, come back the 3rd for a trial with a lawyer (free, but s/he will take a % of your back pay) & then you win. I went through this the psych route a few times in two different states. A hospitalization would help your file, but you'll also need a paper trail of therapist visits, psychiatrist visits, and then how their psychiatrist diagnoses you will be a factor as well.
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Nov 6, 2018
i hope this thread gets moved or closed. This forum is about suicide, not scamming your employer for disability benefits
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Jan 14, 2019
The system is kinda fucked. You basically have to apply 2x, get denied both times, come back the 3rd for a trial with a lawyer (free, but s/he will take a % of your back pay) & then you win. I went through this the psych route a few times in two different states. A hospitalization would help your file, but you'll also need a paper trail of therapist visits, psychiatrist visits, and then how their psychiatrist diagnoses you will be a factor as well.
I've already applied 3 times, all were denied, I do have a "paper trail" per se but it's not extensive, it goes back about 12 years and is missing a lot of information. Some of those medical records are lost to the various psychiatrist's offices I've been to throughout the years, I will reach out to them and try and get ahold of them. Thanks for your response.

i hope this thread gets moved or closed. This forum is about suicide, not scamming your employer for disability benefits
I'm sorry my thread bothers you. Yes, this forum is about suicide, but doesn't it also cover the general topic of mental health? I am not mentally fit to work, I don't see how I'm "scamming" anybody, I've tried many times to no avail. I'm just looking to make my life (and eventual death) smoother.

Now that I think about it though, maybe I did post this in the wrong section. If so, I'm really sorry, I kinda made this thread in a hurry.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
i hope this thread gets moved or closed. This forum is about suicide, not scamming your employer for disability benefits

Yet everyone is subjected to their employer scamming them via wage relation. Yikes! Sometimes because the healthcare system is so disastrously broken it is going to take a gesture, of some type, beyond what's being suggested. That doesn't necessarily mean almost killing yourself. No regrets.
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Jan 23, 2019
Yet everyone is subjected to their employer scamming them via wage relation. Yikes! Sometimes because the healthcare system is so disastrously broken it is going to take a gesture, of some type, beyond what's being suggested. That doesn't necessarily mean almost killing yourself. No regrets.


Wage theft is theft ~
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Jan 1, 2019
I hate the way mental health is so crippling, yet invisible and you have to jump through ridiculous hoops to try and "prove" you are not well. The stress of that alone is enough to make a healthy person sick, let alone someone with complex mental health issues. I'm so sorry to the OP and for you @TheCrow you have to be 'analysed' like this by a system for such a lengthy time. I don't know what the solutions are but I don't feel it's right to treat sick people differently. Love to you both x
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
@14s5dex 8B31303D 57C9 415F A400 6E982E2B829C A760A18D 0FB2 41B9 A9DE C0EB80A31BC6
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Invisible Spirit
Sep 26, 2018
@14s5dex You probably need a lawyer. They are typically free with these types of cases, they just take a percentage of your back pay.

@JustAboutDone Your comments are always like hugs. ❤️
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Jan 7, 2019
Suicide atttemps/gestures by themselves do not guarantee getting disability at all. I have had my psychiatrist explain to me that it's all very case-by-case basis, and he said that some people get disability because of simple depression, while some have complex trauma/PTSD, history of multiple suicide attempts and don't get approved for it.

It's a complicated system and extensive treatment record is needed to verify eligibility. In this case I'd recommend against the suicidal gesture to the OP and would recommend calling a national suicide hotline number and asking them for local referrals for therapists, finding out referral services for SSDI attorneys and calling the local county for mental health services (therapists and psychiatrsts).

The thing is that Social Security Adminstration is very skeptical and gneral public is very skeptical. It's usually when someone dies by suicide that people say "Oh, how come this person didn't get any help, etc. etc.". Nobody seems to care until a person is dead, and even then, many don't.
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Jan 23, 2019
Suicide atttemps/gestures by themselves do not guarantee getting disability at all. I have had my psychiatrist explain to me that it's all very case-by-case basis, and he said that some people get disability because of simple depression, while some have complex trauma/PTSD, history of multiple suicide attempts and don't get approved for it.

It's a complicated system and extensive treatment record is needed to verify eligibility. In this case I'd recommend against the suicidal gesture to the OP and would recommend calling a national suicide hotline number and asking them for local referrals for therapists, finding out referral services for SSDI attorneys and calling the local county for mental health services (therapists and psychiatrsts).

The thing is that Social Security Adminstration is very skeptical and gneral public is very skeptical. It's usually when someone dies by suicide that people say "Oh, how come this person didn't get any help, etc. etc.". Nobody seems to care until a person is dead, and even then, many don't.

Lmao yes, and then even if you do go for help you'll just get fed lukewarm platitudes and when you don't eat them up people ask if you're even trying
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Dec 14, 2018
I was denied benefits after an attempt and multiple places submitting records. I didn't appeal and figured I would reapply if I survived another attempt. It's really stupid. They admit that I'm 'disabled' but not enough for benefits. Screw the system.
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Jan 1, 2019
I was denied benefits after an attempt and multiple places submitting records. I didn't appeal and figured I would reapply if I survived another attempt. It's really stupid. They admit that I'm 'disabled' but not enough for benefits. Screw the system.

You have no idea how much this makes me want to nail my head to a wall :-(

What is wrong with the world that even after people ATTEMPT TO KILL THEMSELVES they are denied disability??? I cannot understand it :-( :-(

When will things change, please, someone tell me. When will the discrimination end.

Edited to add: it apparently 'costs' the U.K. government £900,000 for every suicide in inquest costs investigation etc. So if they have the funds for that why do they not have the funds for disability payments/ mental health care instead of driving people to suicide in the first place.
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Jan 23, 2019
I hate the way mental health is so crippling, yet invisible and you have to jump through ridiculous hoops to try and "prove" you are not well. The stress of that alone is enough to make a healthy person sick, let alone someone with complex mental health issues. I'm so sorry to the OP and for you @TheCrow you have to be 'analysed' like this by a system for such a lengthy time. I don't know what the solutions are but I don't feel it's right to treat sick people differently. Love to you both x
Mental health issues and psychiatry are such a scam. Pill pushers. I have been damaged iatrogenically. Part of the reason I am in my position. Psychotropic s. Not fun
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