

Oct 29, 2023

People who haven't gone through feel suicidal really can't understand us. They talk down to us like we're too stupid and mentally ill to comprehend things, when in reality, they're just regurgitating whatever they hear because they lack the empathy to understand what we're going through

"Stay alive because happiness is beautiful!!!!" ????

"Work can be fun!!!"

"An opportunity to make the world a better place" I don't care about making the world a better place when I can't even take care of myself properly

"You ARENT lonely, stop lying to yourself" So the 10% of Americans who feel lonely daily are faking it?

"Life is not meant to be painful!!!" It literally is

"You matter your life matters, your story is unique" It's not. I'm just another person who will be forgotten a single generation after I die.

And so much more, there's stuff like sunshine, love, hugs, health listed in there too. Clearly this author has never been suicidal and doesn't understand in anyway shape or form. She really does view us as retarded simply because we believe that suicide is the best option for us
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Petting a cat might change my mind
Oct 27, 2023
Articles like these rlly need to get more creative with these damn reasons because why are they always the same thing but worded a little different
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Jul 29, 2021
Life is suffering from the moment your born to the moment you die

We all end up in the ground eventually and everything you work for, you can't take with you.
Basically, to me it feels like we're passing time until we pass on and then the next generation can do it again. Everything is temporary.

A child never gives its consent to be dragged kicking and screaming into this reality, and forcing it to is unconscionable.
The only certainty in life is death, The most terrifying thing to a human is death. By bringing a child into the world, you force another being into a form of existential bondage where it is perpetually frightened of and certain of its own impending death. It's completely unjustifiable.
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Brain rotted, often missing word
Apr 8, 2024
"If you haven't found anyone who loves you yet, you can still masturbate and feel what an orgasm feels like. It is a good reason to be alive."
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Jul 18, 2024
If life is not meant to be painful, and it is painful, why should I live it? Do I have to watch a movie I'm not enjoying?
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Jul 20, 2024
I agree omg, or when they say « suicide is never the answer", I'm sorry, but sometimes it's the only solution. Tired of people who don't get it who give me mental health advices
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Mar 26, 2024
they are already in a better situation then us and want to stay away from any "negatives" that would somehow make their mindset worse. They just have a better copium is all

and then they say life can be good and work can be fun in a condescending tone like we arent finding it on purpose. For us it isnt good and isnt fun and we keep trying to find it but arent successfull like you.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I also find existing really painful, personally I'd never wish for existence and I suffer so much from the fact I exist, I really wish I had the option of a death like never waking again so I can finally find peace from all the suffering this cruel existence causes.
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Jon Arbuckle

Jon Arbuckle

Aspiring Corpse
Jul 23, 2024
Is there a single suicidal person in the world who has read these types of lists and felt better? This just seems like its meant for other non-suicidal people to be like "yeah, not killing yourself IS cool!" like I don't care about the little things in life like sunsets or whatever, I feel horrible guilt as a person, why the hell would I want to "treat" myself when I don't deserve it.
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May 6, 2024
Another huckster trying to sell you something by regurgitating nonsense.
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Fk the Marine Corps
Jul 14, 2024
Hate is a great reason to live lol


Jul 4, 2024

People who haven't gone through feel suicidal really can't understand us. They talk down to us like we're too stupid and mentally ill to comprehend things, when in reality, they're just regurgitating whatever they hear because they lack the empathy to understand what we're going through

"Stay alive because happiness is beautiful!!!!" ????

"Work can be fun!!!"

"An opportunity to make the world a better place" I don't care about making the world a better place when I can't even take care of myself properly

"You ARENT lonely, stop lying to yourself" So the 10% of Americans who feel lonely daily are faking it?

"Life is not meant to be painful!!!" It literally is

"You matter your life matters, your story is unique" It's not. I'm just another person who will be forgotten a single generation after I die.

And so much more, there's stuff like sunshine, love, hugs, health listed in there too. Clearly this author has never been suicidal and doesn't understand in anyway shape or form. She really does view us as retarded simply because we believe that suicide is the best option for us

People who haven't gone through feel suicidal really can't understand us. They talk down to us like we're too stupid and mentally ill to comprehend things, when in reality, they're just regurgitating whatever they hear because they lack the empathy to understand what we're going through

"Stay alive because happiness is beautiful!!!!" ????

"Work can be fun!!!"

"An opportunity to make the world a better place" I don't care about making the world a better place when I can't even take care of myself properly

"You ARENT lonely, stop lying to yourself" So the 10% of Americans who feel lonely daily are faking it?

"Life is not meant to be painful!!!" It literally is

"You matter your life matters, your story is unique" It's not. I'm just another person who will be forgotten a single generation after I die.

And so much more, there's stuff like sunshine, love, hugs, health listed in there too. Clearly this author has never been suicidal and doesn't understand in anyway shape or form. She really does view us as retarded simply because we believe that suicide is the best option for us
Don't listen to otherwise wellmeaning people who don't have your ife experience.
A good counselor or therapist will let a person tell their story without judgement.
Many people who suffer from depression have cognitive distortions. We can't see potential solutions because our depression blinds us to them.

Here are some ideas that may.... help you. 1 If you have a trusted friend, ask them to writed dow ten things that they like about you.
We did this exercise when I was taking a Social Work course., I still have the note, it helped remind me that I actually have value.
2: Ask yourself what you would say to someone such as a friend who told you the same thing. What would you tell him or her?
Sometimes we need to buld on small successes. Two weeks ago, I thouroghly cleaned my bedroom and living room because they had not been cleaned in months.
That small accomplishment made me feel much better about myself and allowed me to have a good day. I know this may sound lame but it might help.
Don't listen to otherwise wellmeaning people who don't have your ife experience.
A good counselor or therapist will let a person tell their story without judgement.
Many people who suffer from depression have cognitive distortions. We can't see potential solutions because our depression blinds us to them.

Here are some ideas that may.... help you. 1 If you have a trusted friend, ask them to writed dow ten things that they like about you.
We did this exercise when I was taking a Social Work course., I still have the note, it helped remind me that I actually have value.
2: Ask yourself what you would say to someone such as a friend who told you the same thing. What would you tell him or her?
Sometimes we need to buld on small successes. Two weeks ago, I thouroghly cleaned my bedroom and living room because they had not been cleaned in months.
That small accomplishment made me feel much better about myself and allowed me to have a good day. I know this may sound lame but it might help.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
all that garbage is meaningless.

Those are bait for the unending extreme constant excruciating unbearable pain . also bait to keep one a prisoner slave in this hell

those brainwashed idiots , no one can tell me that i have to do do anything for any reason including live. nothing matters.

the only thing that matters is avoiding excruciating long lasting constant unbearable pain.

there is no reason why i have to do anything nor why i have to live .

I challenge anyone to tell me right here why i have to live or do anything . or why anything matters?

What will matter in 150 years? nothing. what will matter in 10,000 years ? nothing . what will mater in a trillion years : not a damn thing. go ahead tell me what will matter in a trillion years ?
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Silent Night
Aug 23, 2024
Says a person who's probably never suffered a physical or mental trauma. Bunch of bs. The problem is the average person is so damn selfish they can't empathize with another person's pain.
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Jun 19, 2022
It's the sort of thing for people with mild depression, when you're severely depressed you don't care about sunsets and beaches and have all those hopes and dreams etc. you can't turn your mindset around just by reading an article that tells you life's a gift FFS.
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I’m here but will I still be next year?
Oct 23, 2023
Most people have no idea how strong the urge to CTB is. I recall co-workers talking about a recent jumper and they were saying "why would somebody do that?" "It doesn't make sense" and "I don't get it". I wanted to chime in and day "that's the thing, you don't get it and you don't understand" but kept my mouth shut because I was already in a bad place at that time and didn't want additional attention. Also, they were super religious and didn't want to deal with discussing their "God".
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Mar 4, 2024
"Happiness is beautiful". What!
If I could feel happy, why would I be suicidal?
"An opportunity to make the world a better place". What and how do you even do that.
Normies can never understand.
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Apr 18, 2023

People who haven't gone through feel suicidal really can't understand us. They talk down to us like we're too stupid and mentally ill to comprehend things, when in reality, they're just regurgitating whatever they hear because they lack the empathy to understand what we're going through

"Stay alive because happiness is beautiful!!!!" ????

"Work can be fun!!!"

"An opportunity to make the world a better place" I don't care about making the world a better place when I can't even take care of myself properly

"You ARENT lonely, stop lying to yourself" So the 10% of Americans who feel lonely daily are faking it?

"Life is not meant to be painful!!!" It literally is

"You matter your life matters, your story is unique" It's not. I'm just another person who will be forgotten a single generation after I die.

And so much more, there's stuff like sunshine, love, hugs, health listed in there too. Clearly this author has never been suicidal and doesn't understand in anyway shape or form. She really does view us as retarded simply because we believe that suicide is the best option for us
Even if you do ime people won't give a shit anyways.


Aug 25, 2024
I'd like to add

"You matter"
Thing is, I'm well aware I matter to people. That's why I'm so sad about wanting to ctb. Me being done with my own life has no bearing on if people care for me.

"You are valid"
What does this even mean? That the thoughts I have are genuine thoughts? That they mean something? Well obviously they do. Dumb.

"Things will get better"
No guarantee on that and in my lifetime so far, they've only ever gotten worse. Do I have to wait until I'm in my 60s for things to get better?

"We only get one shot at life and you're willing to waste it"
Yes I am. It's my life after all.