

Oct 14, 2018
I don't understand why is suicide stigmatized as cowardly? I abhor the negativity that surrounds the concept of suicide. It is not only the toughest decisions one can make, but also one of the bravest. Common, you need guts to go through with this step.
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Apr 2, 2019
"It's selfish", is something I've heard just about as often as what you've brought up here. I agree with you, but I suppose I have to be honest and say I see both sides.

Being someone that has attempted to/wants to take my own life, I see the view that believes it's terrifying and very tough to desire because of the stigma.

Then there's family. Always someone that loves you and can't stand the idea of Earth without you. "Why would you leave me here like this? Why would you do this to me?" Y'know the deal. Me being.. well not a completely heartless fuck, I have to understand and sympathize with that side as well. I would hate knowing someone I love is in so much pain they can't handle it anymore.. but like I said (ya, I know, sorry. Fickle.) I would understand. I would think they've been so strong for so long. I'd love them and support them, anyways.

If someone has really fought as long and as hard as they can, just to see if they can make it through, and they can't.. I can't tell them no. I can't stop them from the only relief they'll ever feel.
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May 9, 2019
It is definitely not easy to take your own life. It takes guts. I've never known anyone who seriously attempted it or contemplated it to say it is cowardly. It is also pretty selfish of family or friends to expect someone to keep living in agony so they don't feel guilty.
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Too p*ssy to end it, too suicidal to leave
Aug 17, 2018
They call it cowardly as part of their in born reverse psychology bullshit. I think bullshiting is one of the main reason humans developed talking and language. They rationalize the existential horror and the hard truths that lie at the core of their existence.
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Apr 17, 2019
Even setting aside the great difficulty and courage of suicide...It flat-out seems like one of the most basic birth-given rights a human being should have, making it all the stranger to carry such a stigma. Everyone's life is their own, and if someone makes a final decision against that life, no government or law system should be concerned or interfering with that. None of their business.
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Escaper Boy

Escaper Boy

Apr 11, 2019
People said it's "cowardly" because they think ctb is an "easy instantaneous escape button" that we can easily press with our fingertip. Ctb is considered an escape from life's problems.

"Strong" person always faces adversity head on like a warrior. While "weak" person can only ctb because they are nothing but weakling. This is how society perceives us. We are expected to act like super motivated Tony Robbins when shits hit the fan. Depression is just an "excuse" to sit still and do nothing.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
It's the opposite of cowardly because we're choosing to face the biggest fear that humans have, prematurely and by our own doing, which is death. It's just another example of the average person dismissing what they can't understand as something negative and beneath them (being weak or selfish). Meanwhile bringing a life (a person who had no say in the matter) into a world of suffering is seen as selfless.
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Jan 28, 2019
Meanwhile bringing a life (a person who had no say in the matter) into a world of suffering is seen as selfless.
Just saw a documentary about people living in underground sewage tunnels in some south american countries. Life is basically non stop suffering. One of the families living there has a new baby and the guy filming the documentary was like "congratulations!!" As if bringing more suffering to that shit hole of a situation was a good thing. Ill never understand why people think like this
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
Just saw a documentary about people living in underground sewage tunnels in some south american countries. Life is basically non stop suffering. One of the families living there has a new baby and the guy filming the documentary was like "congratulations!!" As if bringing more suffering to that shit hole of a situation was a good thing. Ill never understand why people think like this
I don't think they are aware or understand either. People are so conditioned that they just repeat platitudes they've heard without any thought.
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