SSRIs never did anything for me. Bupropion, an SNRI, seemed to be working for a hot minute but then nothing. Unlike the other meds, I had an experience of mild euphoria on it similar to hypomania. Either I took far too much by accident or someone at the pharma factory fucked up because I felt a definite mood shift. Everyone was fucking hot for no reason, I believed that everything in my life was destined to work out, and I could work my ass off like a madwoman without tiring. Lasted for a day and then never happened again even when I upped my dose well past what the psychiatrist prescribed.
The long-term effect it's supposed to have never really materialized. Personally, after looking at the evidence, I view antidepressants as little better than a scam. Most of the effect is placebo and, while I didn't suffer too many side effects, the ones people often do experience don't seem worth the pitiful benefit the data have revealed.
I personally got more from atypical antipsychotics, Seroquel/Quetiapine in particular, but they come with an overflowing basket of side effects. I had to get off the Seroquel, and it too seemed to stop working pretty quickly.
Try them. See if they are for you. Unfortunately, you have a biased crowd here being that this is a suicide forum. There are a ton of threads that equate these drugs to straight-up poison. Be comforted by the fact that the people reporting major side effects are a minority. You are seeing a very strong selection effect.