

Apr 19, 2022
Oh lord.
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Jun 26, 2020
My take is: so, what. A small definition of SS. In my take on what I read, it is too one sided and written in poor taste. Instead of giving what SS is all about, the verbiage is about pro suicide and that is it. Terrible, as SS is about a lot more than that. I would hazard to guess that a vast majority of what goes on here is support, love and caring.

Like so many things in regard to human nature, it will take time for the public to grasp what this site is truly about.

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Apr 19, 2022
Everyone should report it for misinformation.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
They really had to play up the whole "incel" side piece, didn't they?
In the opening and in the descriptions of the founders, criticism, etc.
That was so manipulative.
People see that word and their simple minds can go no further.
(Even though it's become a meme at this point and is so overused that it has lost not only its original and harmless meaning, but also the secondary infamous association.
It might as well be the new "loser" or something even more all encompassing.)

There might be overlap in discussions regarding the more legitimate issues and social consequences that some complain about both here and on those other sites, but that shouldn't be a problem considering any insinuation or evidence of the more nefarious factions that incite violence against women have been prohibited and ripe for reporting on SaSu, all the way back since when I first joined and the original founders were still the admins.

The community here is its own animal, there should be no "guilt by association" nonsense going on here, especially to the degree that it overshadows what the majority of members are about.

I'm so sick of the "incel" buzzword in general anyway tbh (can you tell?), sucks for all the people who have tangential issues to what's found in those spheres and are instantly dismissed and demonized via slapping them with the ol' "CEL" label.

Issues with your appearance/bullied for your looks? Incel.
Can't seem to have much luck finding a relationship? Incel.
Never had sex? Incel.
Trouble finding work and living with your parents? Incel.
Socially awkward and had a social faux pas? Incel.
Said something someone else didn't like?
Pissed someone off for any and every reason?

..so how many edits to the wiki article have there been so far?
Idk how to ascertain any of that information, and I'm dead tired.
But I find it hard to believe that what I am reading is the first draft.
I would have guessed it'd have been even worse.
Though maybe that's the ploy..
Everyone should report it for misinformation.
Does that get it removed?
That'd probably be the safer option.
Even having a more agreeable description could still draw unwanted attention I suppose.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No way am I clicking on that. Anything that is written by pro lifers is automatically not worth reading. And anyway no matter what people write, it's not going to change the fact that nobody is obligated to continue existing.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Even as a part of the community I don't agree with the obsession critics still have with promoting this website. At least back in my day, one had to go out of one's way to find it. Next, will they fund billboards at Times Square saying "Do not visit www.sanctioned-suicide.net if you experience suicidal ideation".
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Grave with a view...
Jan 22, 2023
Everyone should report it for misinformation.
I can already see the headlines: "Members of pro-death website launch coordinated attack on Wikipedia to take down article." I'm sure that would go down nicely.

My take on this is: ignore it. Same goes for a lot of the crap I've seen linked from Twitter, and people getting into screeching matches with normies about what this forum is or isn't. The more you try to shut down or hide something, the more attention it gets.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
You can't really report Wikipedia pages for inaccuracy…I mean, you can try, but you're encouraged just to fix the problems yourself. Anyone can edit it. That's why they tell schoolkids not to use it as a source.

That page probably violates a collection of Wikipedia's content guidelines, but I just don't have the energy to deal with it today…or any day, really. What you're supposed to do is start a talk page, carefully document the problems, fix them if possible, and then sit around and wait until the other guy puts back everything you just took out, he documents why that stuff should be there, then you bring in other editors, they post to the talk page, they make their edits … it can be a valuable process, but this particular Wikipedia article is really about the NYT's one little prurient outrage-porn piece from one particular day in 2022 or 2023 … whichever the hell it was. And nobody has time for a serious referendum on that shit. That's really the strongest argument that the page shouldn't even exist. I almost never edit Wikipedia though, so I don't have the rep to start a talk page with, "This is stupid. No one cares." I'd have to present a case, and I just can't. Can't even get all my meds in me this morning.

I really do wish our "saviors" would quit putting SaSu's name, URL, and now mirror site URLs every freaking place, though. Sometime last year, most of the search engines dropped SaSu from their list of results, even if you searched on the exact site name. Whether you approve of that move or not, it did probably keep the most inexperienced and impulsive people out of here. Which ought to matter if you actually care about such people. Unfortunately, evidence suggests that a lot of our pearl-clutchers do not. It's just exciting internet gossip to them. Maybe they're really leading a wholly-inappropriate demographic here and maybe they're not, but they could at least quit bouncing up and down in "horrified" glee about getting a glimpse of actual people who are ending their lives (generally for tragically understandable reasons) or are seriously considering it. Since they care about us all soooooo much.

(And yes, our "guests" can still see the Off Topic and Recovery forums. Go eat your popcorn somewhere else, watchers.)
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Oct 5, 2020
"A December 2021 New York Times article identified 45 people who died by suicide after spending time on the website."

This argument against the site is so dumb to me because if someone has the materials, even if they weren't on here they would have spent time on some other website and still caught the bus. SS doesn't cause people to commit suicide. Being forced to browse "normal" websites like Twitter or Reddit isn't magically going to save someone who's already suicidal, in fact they might make people more suicidal if they have negative experiences there (I for one have seen more harmful interactions on Twitter than SS). It's obvious pro-lifers just don't want a place where suicidal people can openly talk about wanting to die.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Even as a part of the community I don't agree with the obsession critics still have with promoting this website. At least back in my day, one had to go out of one's way to find it. Next, will they fund billboards at Times Square saying "Do not visit www.sanctioned-suicide.net if you experience suicidal ideation".
That'll be the day.
When I found this place I had to willingly fall down a certain rabbit hole, now it's just being presented on a silver platter.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
now it's just being presented on a silver platter.
It's funny how information about SS/SN/etc. is not only accessible, but publicly broadcast with attention-seeking dramatism by numerous major publications, yet the access to peaceful methods has progressively worsened over time. The whole approach strikes me as, shall we say uncoordinated. Perhaps it's a conspiracy to boost rope sales.

On another note, I really appreciated your previous post. It reminds me of how absurd it is to shame and bully people for being lonely or for struggling socially, as if they aren't already suffering acutely. Then they criminalise the logical thought that could be better to not be here.
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Sep 17, 2020
Textbook streisand effect, lmao.

I remember when I spent days searching until I found this place.
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meow meow meow
Jan 23, 2023
Textbook streisand effect, lmao.
lmao this is exactly what happened with proana too.
everyone starts crying wolf saying "proana websites bad!" the public's perception of it is completely skewed, and forum signups go through the roof.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
lmao this is exactly what happened with proana too.
everyone starts crying wolf saying "proana websites bad!" the public's perception of it is completely skewed, and forum signups go through the roof.
I'm not even sure what the public's perception of those sites is but from what I've seen (personally visiting them), even among the ones somewhat dedicated to recovering (on one's own terms), there is a lot more allowances made for romanticizing/ encouragement via posting a shit ton of pictures and comparing one another's bodies, minutely detailed food intake, etc…subtle (or not so subtle) solicitation for commentary, "body checking" and so on..
And who knows what goes on in the private messages and links to off-site media which many publicly advertise.

I went through disordered eating (I personally don't like to call them "eating disorders" whenever I can help it because I think when they come about independently, it's more a coping mechanism than a true disorder, it's a way of having control over either your body or your general situation when you have no control otherwise) and I was fairly young & desperate, could go weeks at a time with no food until I looked emaciated and would faint often.
But I had zero peer influence, I was completely on my own. Had no idea that what I was doing was some documented "illness".
However, nowadays people have Instagram accounts and online profiles dedicated to their disordered eating, their calorie intake, and a lot of feedback that still amounts to attention..which they continually seek more of.

I mean if people feel compelled to starve themselves or purge, overeat..I've been there and done ALL of that and I am not going to stop or censor them.
I also think that a lot of these treatment facilities and treatment plans are authoritarian…they're not realizing that enforcing so much control over those who likely ended up where they are because of a lack of control to begin with..is not going to end well.
The sufferers need to be informed about the damage they're doing to their bodies and that if the goal is ever to look good or feel comfortable, then they're accomplishing the opposite (this is the logic that worked for me).
They need to be guided more gently imo and separated out as individuals for their care.
..I recall one time, years ago, I was watching some sort of ED documentary and the staff would demand that the patients gained excess weight beyond a healthy goal, or the patients would lose "privileges" and be barred from leaving.
That made me highly uncomfortable.
I don't think food or scale numbers should be forced on people, even if they're going to wind up dead.
The more you push them past their limits, the more they're going to push back ten times harder and go right back to the disordered eating once they get out from under your grasp.
That whole schema of treatment was probably half the reason these pro-ana/pro-mia type websites even cropped up in the first place. Pushback.
(Unfortunately I think it became a lot more than that as the years went by.)

Also..putting all of these patients in the same wards where they can create cliques and reinforce eachother's behavior is incredibly fucking stupid.
But idk why I'm surprised, all these "professionals" rarely approach these types of things thoughtfully or compassionately.
The only professional who ever got through to me was a nutritionist, someone who was outpatient and didn't have the DSM labels in their normal repertoire.
They used logic and reason..straight up facts, also were not opposed to nuance..they asked me what I was hoping to achieve with my current unhealthy methods and described to me the frightening consequences (without too much fearmongering), but they were not pushy, they put the power in my hands.
My mentality instantly shifted, it still took a long time to completely eliminate my ways, but the good seed was finally planted.
I was being worked with, not against.

Anyway, the "pro-ana(anorexia)" name doesn't do those sites any favors.
Where SaSu tries to present itself as pro-choice, which it is, the term "proana" gives the impression that there is dedication to preserving disordered eating as some sort of lifestyle.
Suicide is a decision widely opted for out of a desire to end suffering, where disordered eating inevitably causes suffering (and often death, all the same).
So from my perspective, it's odd to me how they could be compared (as equals).
In fact, I saw someone on Reddit (in response to the Tantacrul video) making the case for proana websites (in favor of) while adamantly rebuking SaSu, and that really got me peeved.
The mental gymnastics were ridiculous.

You're absolutely right about seconding the "Streisand effect" though, that's the main aspect that is comparable.
I think the first time I even heard of "pro-ana" (long after my own experience) was on tumblr back in the day (I was there briefly for the anime memes lol) where I kid you not- there were entire sagas of these specific people & their EDs, like they were playing characters in their own presented narratives.
It was bizarre.
An audience emboldened them.
Now there's so many in those spheres that you'd be hard-pressed to keep your eye focused on any single one of them alone.
It has definitely extended its reach, I'm sure no doubt thanks to public/parental outrage as well as the general social media machine (which the naysayers also utilize).
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meow meow meow
Jan 23, 2023
In fact, I saw someone on Reddit making the case for proana websites (in favor of) while adamantly rebuking SaSu, and that really got me peeved.
The mental gymnastics were ridiculous.
yeah that's what i'm getting at…the forums are very different from the tumblrs in the fact that they're more similar to ss in a way.

the one i was on was more of a place where people can come to discuss things without a fear of judgement.

"proana" does feel like a misleading name, and you're right it doesn't do any favours. no one was really pro anything on the forums. just a group of people who didn't want to be judged, who might not have been ready to recover.

but of course as it became more mainstream, more people flocked to it and turned it into something it's not…i wasn't even a prolific user on the site i perused, i just appreciated the empathy, as i'm sure we all do here.
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Oct 1, 2020
Nothing strange, I hate these people, the fact that they are constantly watching us makes me angry

SS iceberg next? 🥴
we already have an iceberg
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Aug 28, 2022
guessing im not the only one that looked at the edit history of it but....
would be funny if we trolled the shit out of it. jk.
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i order the same subway every time i go to subway
Mar 22, 2023
They really had to play up the whole "incel" side piece, didn't they?
In the opening and in the descriptions of the founders, criticism, etc.
That was so manipulative.
People see that word and their simple minds can go no further.
(Even though it's become a meme at this point and is so overused that it has lost not only its original and harmless meaning, but also the secondary infamous association.
It might as well be the new "loser" or something even more all encompassing.)

There might be overlap in discussions regarding the more legitimate issues and social consequences that some complain about both here and on those other sites, but that shouldn't be a problem considering any insinuation or evidence of the more nefarious factions that incite violence against women have been prohibited and ripe for reporting on SaSu, all the way back since when I first joined and the original founders were still the admins.

The community here is its own animal, there should be no "guilt by association" nonsense going on here, especially to the degree that it overshadows what the majority of members are about.

I'm so sick of the "incel" buzzword in general anyway tbh (can you tell?), sucks for all the people who have tangential issues to what's found in those spheres and are instantly dismissed and demonized via slapping them with the ol' "CEL" label.

Issues with your appearance/bullied for your looks? Incel.
Can't seem to have much luck finding a relationship? Incel.
Never had sex? Incel.
Trouble finding work and living with your parents? Incel.
Socially awkward and had a social faux pas? Incel.
Said something someone else didn't like?
Pissed someone off for any and every reason?

..so how many edits to the wiki article have there been so far?
Idk how to ascertain any of that information, and I'm dead tired.
But I find it hard to believe that what I am reading is the first draft.
I would have guessed it'd have been even worse.
Though maybe that's the ploy..

Does that get it removed?
That'd probably be the safer option.
Even having a more agreeable description could still draw unwanted attention I suppose.
i am constantly called a incel because i listen to the smiths :aw:


May 14, 2020
Of course different countries are trying to block the site. Frustrating that society is constantly working to imprison us here instead of just letting us leave.
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Jun 12, 2018
Hey just to clarify, this wont have an impact on this website right? As much as I hate to admit, I'm largely dependent on this website for finding a bit of solace everyday.

No. We're fine.
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Not your friend
Mar 25, 2023
i am constantly called a incel because i listen to the smiths :aw:
I really hope the people saying that are just joking, don't take it too personally. I will often call myself a weeaboo as a joke for listening to sewerslvt


i order the same subway every time i go to subway
Mar 22, 2023
I really hope the people saying that are just joking, don't take it too personally. I will often call myself a weeaboo as a joke for listening to sewerslvt
yeh its a joke (i hope)


Jul 30, 2020
You can't really report Wikipedia pages for inaccuracy…I mean, you can try, but you're encouraged just to fix the problems yourself. Anyone can edit it. That's why they tell schoolkids not to use it as a source.

That page probably violates a collection of Wikipedia's content guidelines, but I just don't have the energy to deal with it today…or any day, really. What you're supposed to do is start a talk page, carefully document the problems, fix them if possible, and then sit around and wait until the other guy puts back everything you just took out, he documents why that stuff should be there, then you bring in other editors, they post to the talk page, they make their edits … it can be a valuable process, but this particular Wikipedia article is really about the NYT's one little prurient outrage-porn piece from one particular day in 2022 or 2023 … whichever the hell it was. And nobody has time for a serious referendum on that shit. That's really the strongest argument that the page shouldn't even exist. I almost never edit Wikipedia though, so I don't have the rep to start a talk page with, "This is stupid. No one cares." I'd have to present a case, and I just can't. Can't even get all my meds in me this morning.

I really do wish our "saviors" would quit putting SaSu's name, URL, and now mirror site URLs every freaking place, though. Sometime last year, most of the search engines dropped SaSu from their list of results, even if you searched on the exact site name. Whether you approve of that move or not, it did probably keep the most inexperienced and impulsive people out of here. Which ought to matter if you actually care about such people. Unfortunately, evidence suggests that a lot of our pearl-clutchers do not. It's just exciting internet gossip to them. Maybe they're really leading a wholly-inappropriate demographic here and maybe they're not, but they could at least quit bouncing up and down in "horrified" glee about getting a glimpse of actual people who are ending their lives (generally for tragically understandable reasons) or are seriously considering it. Since they care about us all soooooo much.

(And yes, our "guests" can still see the Off Topic and Recovery forums. Go eat your popcorn somewhere else, watchers.)
" ...you're encouraged just to fix the problems yourself. Anyone can edit it." You can't edit the wikipedia page at present. It's locked. If SaSu was a large corporation, there would now be a lawsuit in progress against wikipedia for defamation, and wikipedia would finish up having to pay substantial damages.
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Jun 26, 2020
" ...you're encouraged just to fix the problems yourself. Anyone can edit it." You can't edit the wikipedia page at present. It's locked. If SaSu was a large corporation, there would now be a lawsuit in progress against wikipedia for defamation, and wikipedia would finish up having to pay substantial damages.
1005 agree with you, a very good point indeed.

You are a very intelligent and good-hearted spirit, thank you for being a great friend.

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Oct 10, 2023
Interesting! That's how I first came across this website last year, only a mere month after that page was created.

You'd think that for a site like this, its Wiki page would've been around for much longer...
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