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There is no escaping the burden of existence
Jan 8, 2024
Kicking out Funeralcry was unfair. He contributed to this forum (with his pessimism). I don't agree with this choice. But who am I, right? I will not be the one to correct the problems of this hostile world.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
FC is a she.
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Jun 9, 2024
They said the ban was a month minimum iirc


Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
I tried to be kind, but not anymore. FC has repeatedly broken rules, many times, and AFAIK she was warned multiple times as well. Giving immunity is dangerous.

Why do you guys want her back so much? Even I, who really symphatized with her at first, just can't understand. Don't you see the clear harassment towards others? If anything, I wonder how she lasted this much.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
How many threads do we need to discuss this FFS? Anyone would think the site's critics were right and this really is a cult.
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
No, it's much better now.

Daily posts telling us how bad the forum is, how recovery isn't possible and how everyone should be dead were just pure and absolute evil to me.

They made the forum look bad too as action was never taken, we were told off and warned for even challenging the narrative. I hope the ban remains and is expanded to other pro death members in time.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
FCs banning was hardly unfair. You can't bitch about how everyone here is pro-life and isn't serious about suicide dozens of times and expect to be able to stay.

I was sort of ambivalent about her coming back at first, but now I hope she stays banned so this little following she has dies out.
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Jun 9, 2024
No, it's much better now.

Daily posts telling us how bad the forum is, how recovery isn't possible and how everyone should be dead were just pure and absolute evil to me.

They made the forum look bad too as action was never taken, we were told off and warned for even challenging the narrative. I hope the ban remains and is expanded to other pro death members in time.
Pro death people are so tiring. I have no respect for someone who says you should do something but acts themselves as if it were the opposite.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Some of us have been or will be tortured extremely by Life. But it's not ok to vent about that which tortured us. Everywhere IRL , websites , social media, tv , movies etc we have to constantly see life praised, That (life) which tortured us constantly praised everywhere.

This is one of the few places u can say life is bad.

A lot of people had similar thoughts as @FuneralCry did. However we never hear others say it because those thoughts are censored everywhere. So her posts validated what we were thinking . Put in words what we were thinking . So many people didn't feel alone, isolated or crazy for having these thoughts. She got at least 93,000 almost 100k likes: so all these people agreed with her. Many of us don't have the energy or time to post our thoughts.

Everywhere IRL , social media, media, movie , TV , etc it's ok to praise life the biggest torturer of humans. But if anyone says life is bad then that's censored.They want to keep the illusion that life is good going to keep the slaves in the prison . The biggest lie is that life is good

It's not pro Death to state the truth. The pain and horrible things that can happen to any human far outweigh any "enjoyable" crap. There is nothing worth Getting 95% of ur skin burned off in a fire but remaining alive. That's objectively bad what's subjective is the supposedly enjoyable garbage

I worked in a nursing home. People there were suffering beyond anything that can be imagined. Most humans are going to get very old . Imo most have no idea what is coming for them in old age

Most people think they are immune to all these horrible things that happened to others and can happen to anyone

One is not part of a death cult to state the truth that life is bad

They can keep praising life irl , social media , movies , etc. I see through the lies and will never believe that life is good. I will always believe life is the worst function in the universe

It's ridiculous . If what someone is posting bothers u just put them on ignore don't follow them to all the threads campaigning for their removal just because u disagree with what they say.
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Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
But it's not ok to vent about that which tortured us.
She isn't banned for venting. She. Is. For. Harassing. Others.

Why is so hard to understand you can vent and not hate people for not being "suicidal enough"? You know you can vent and not insult, at the same time...
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
She isn't banned for venting. She. Is. For. Harassing. Others.

Why is so hard to understand you can vent and not hate people for not being "suicidal enough"? You know you can vent and not insult, at the same time...
I'm sitting on a brick wall if you want to borrow it for some head banging. Even got some appropriate music if you want to make a party of it as we may be here some time. No booze in the house but I panicked in the shop the other day and accidentally bulk bought tea bags so I can offer some liquid refreshments... 🤦
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Apr 15, 2022
I truly don't understand some of you people. Sure, FC had extreme nihilistic views, but so what? Those are her opinions and she's entitled to them, just as you are entitled to yours. No one forced anyone to engage with her in the threads she made. If you didn't like her views, just simply ignore them, or make your own thread expressing your own views. She NEVER, not even once, referenced any specific member when writing her views critical of the site and the "bend" she perceived the site had taken towards a pro-life stance. It was only when people attacked her viewpoint that she was forced, on a few occasions, to defend her beliefs, her VALID beliefs, valid because they are hers, as valid as yours are to you. I disagreed with 99% of her views, and I let her know it on many occasions. I didn't attack her, I challenged her views. That's how it should be done. It's called "debate" and it's the way civilized people work out issues. This world already has too much nastiness in it. I see no point in adding more to it. Like so many others, FC just utilized this medium as a distraction to get through her days, to vent, to try and forget about her woes and ailments, if only briefly, and she did that by expressing her opinions. And she was more than any other member villainized for it. I don't blame her for defending herself and counter-attacking those who attacked her. It's just human nature.
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Feb 29, 2024
TBH while the objective of the (temp)ban wasn't to stop the venting from what I can tell, I enjoy it for that reason. I have no issues with someone venting but if you look at her post history, some of the posts were word for word, topic for topic...again, no issue with someone venting, but when you post the EXACT SAME thing 50 times in a row, you start to cross the line from venting to wallowing in your own misery for shits and giggles. There's only so many times you can post "This world is so cruel and vile...how much must we suffer in our lives? Why does society do this to us?" before the efficacy of that venting starts to wear off and it just makes it seem like you're posting just for attention.

I've also seen a few posts on (albeit dreadful) sites like KWFarms mention her and there was quite a lot of theorising that she was pro-suicide and actually encouraging users to CTB when they otherwise wouldn't through her dramatic writing. One other person theorised she wasn't actually suicidal at all and was just a troll posting to make the tone of the forum more miserable so that people would CTB more often, which is truly monstrous. Again, this is just theorising though, I don't necessarily agree with this, but there be rumours and shit.

When she does get unbanned though, I would like to introduce the FC Drinking Game: Take a shot everytime you read one of her posts and see the word "cruel" or "suffering" in it. Most, if not all of us, would be dead by the fourth post probably.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
FC stans are more annoying than swifties at this point.
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I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
Apr 22, 2024
They absolutely don't.
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I've made a rudimentary FC post generator for all of you who miss her. Simply select one when you feel nihilistic and empty inside:

a) To not exist is ideal to me.
b) Death is the only peace from this cruel existence.
c) Existence was a mistake.
d) Those who no longer exist are the fortunate ones.
e) Only eternal nothingness is ideal.
f) Ceasing to exist is all that's beautiful to me.
g) I find it disgusting how pro lifers act like people are "ill" for wanting death.
h) In my case I wish to permanently cease existing.
  • Yay!
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You are more than that. You have always been more.
Apr 9, 2024
Need some context, I only login when I'm depressed af
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let me spell it out for you: go to hell
Sep 25, 2023
I've made a rudimentary FC post generator for all of you who miss her. Simply select one when you feel nihilistic and empty inside:

a) To not exist is ideal to me.
b) Death is the only peace from this cruel existence.
c) Existence was a mistake.
d) Those who no longer exist are the fortunate ones.
e) Only eternal nothingness is ideal.
f) Ceasing to exist is all that's beautiful to me.
g) I find it disgusting how pro lifers act like people are "ill" for wanting death.
h) In my case I wish to permanently cease existing.

its like a fucking merry-go-round of repetitive nihilism aimed at others

she often turned already dreadful threads into full on self harm fests
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I truly don't understand some of you people. Sure, FC had extreme nihilistic views, but so what? Those are her opinions and she's entitled to them, just as you are entitled to yours. No one forced anyone to engage with her in the threads she made. If you didn't like her views, just simply ignore them, or make your own thread expressing your own views. She NEVER, not even once, referenced any specific member when writing her views critical of the site and the "bend" she perceived the site had taken towards a pro-life stance. It was only when people attacked her viewpoint that she was forced, on a few occasions, to defend her beliefs, her VALID beliefs, valid because they are hers, as valid as yours are to you. I disagreed with 99% of her views, and I let her know it on many occasions. I didn't attack her, I challenged her views. That's how it should be done. It's called "debate" and it's the way civilized people work out issues. This world already has too much nastiness in it. I see no point in adding more to it. Like so many others, FC just utilized this medium as a distraction to get through her days, to vent, to try and forget about her woes and ailments, if only briefly, and she did that by expressing her opinions. And she was more than any other member villainized for it. I don't blame her for defending herself and counter-attacking those who attacked her. It's just human nature.
She has come after others indirectly on multiple occasions, particularly directing hatred towards those who are on here for recovery purposes, new members, and those who self-harm. She also made the same threads over and over again on a regular basis despite the mods telling her not to and to just use the threads she has already made to vent instead and a large portion of threads end up turning into complete shitfests. The mods have already stated on another thread that they have warned her over and over again and she never changed her behaviour. She is banned because she because of her actions.

P.s. People usually don't work out issues through debate. Debate really just comes down to pageantry (as demonstrated by the "debate me bro! Facts don't care about your feelings" era of YouTube) and is commonly both unproductive and can lead to situations escalating and getting out of hand.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
When she does get unbanned though, I would like to introduce the FC Drinking Game: Take a shot everytime you read one of her posts and see the word "cruel" or "suffering" in it. Most, if not all of us, would be dead by the fourth post probably.
Throw in "hellish" and "delusional" and l got me a bona fide new method
  • Yay!
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Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
I've made a rudimentary FC post generator for all of you who miss her. Simply select one when you feel nihilistic and empty inside:

a) To not exist is ideal to me.
b) Death is the only peace from this cruel existence.
c) Existence was a mistake.
d) Those who no longer exist are the fortunate ones.
e) Only eternal nothingness is ideal.
f) Ceasing to exist is all that's beautiful to me.
g) I find it disgusting how pro lifers act like people are "ill" for wanting death.
h) In my case I wish to permanently cease existing.
Thanks. I needed it since this site became so mainstream and pro-life.

(I asked if this jokes were appropiate, and no one said no. If it isn't, just warn please, I don't want to break rules.)
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
They said the ban was a month minimum iirc
I wish it was but sadly it isn't the case where she will be confirmed to get unbanned after a month. The whole month thing came from the fact that FC appealed her ban and, to ensure that the SS team look at her ban appeal as objectively as possible, they will look at her ban appeal in after a month's time. Whether she will be unbanned or not depends on the mods and their decision
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Personally, I have nothing against FC and I agree with other members, that if someone in particular triggers you, it's easy enough to put them on 'ignore'.

I suspect she wasn't banned for venting about life but more so for venting about how the forum ought to be. I'd say there could be just cause there...

Put it this way- when other members are afraid of coming off as too pro-life- it's likely because they don't feel free to express how they really feel.

Of course- this is a pro-choice website. So- anything excessively authoritarian and pro-life won't be welcomed. Still- suggesting therapy or alternative life solutions to a person who is clearly unsure about what they want to do surely isn't unreasonable (unless the OP makes it clear it's not what they want to hear.) Pro-choice ought to be just that- encouraging people to choose for themselves. That can include presenting them with options to recover and live. This isn't supposed to be a pro-suicide site.

But for that person to then read a post on how a long established member hates all this toxic positivity. How the forum has changed so much. How these disgusting pro-lifers are infiltrating everywhere. That's going to make that person feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. Ok, FC wouldn't call out people specifically but I suspect most people here are smart enough to read between the lines. They may even modify their language in future to better fit in with the sombre tone. Yes- it may be one member saying this but it's a very prolific poster here.

And yes, she's entitled to her opinion and to express it but- pushing for a public, pro-choice forum to effectively become promortalist is going to receive kickback at some point.

So, I imagine that is the larger reason for the ban. This isn't a promortalist or pro-suicide site. Personally, I prefer it that way. I think choice is so important. So- someone that continually bashes anything remotely positive, anything to do with recovery is basically attacking what this forum is because they want it to be more promortalist pressumably.

Also, from what our mods have said, FC received multiple warnings before the ban. If you're warned for doing something that is against the rules and you continue to do it, I'm not sure what else you expect really.

That all said, I do actually hope she is doing ok. I imagine this would have been a terrific blow to her. Like so many of us, she clearly really values this place even though she may have said she didn't. I do feel terrible for her situation and how she feels but- rules are rules at the end of the day.

For a forum as controversial as this, they are probably the only thing keeping it going! Imagine if there were no rules! Open access to minors, free sharing of sources, no recovery section, a total ban on anything positive- we can now only agree with a person's wish to die. How long do you think the forum would last?!! We kind of need some balance so as not to be a death cult I would argue. Plus, some people genuinly aren't ready to CTB yet. They may well be torn between trying to recover or suicide. They need a space to be able to talk about how they feel too.

Just as those who find FC's views too extreme probably should just put her on 'ignore', she probably ought to have ignored the people she found too 'toxically' positive rather than going after them- all be it in an indirect way.
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
Some of us have been or will be tortured extremely by Life. But it's not ok to vent about that which tortured us. Everywhere IRL , websites , social media, tv , movies etc we have to constantly see life praised, That (life) which tortured us constantly praised everywhere.

This is one of the few places u can say life is bad.

A lot of people had similar thoughts as @FuneralCry did. However we never hear others say it because those thoughts are censored everywhere. So her posts validated what we were thinking . Put in words what we were thinking . So many people didn't feel alone, isolated or crazy for having these thoughts. She got at least 93,000 almost 100k likes: so all these people agreed with her. Many of us don't have the energy or time to post our thoughts.

Everywhere IRL , social media, media, movie , TV , etc it's ok to praise life the biggest torturer of humans. But if anyone says life is bad then that's censored.They want to keep the illusion that life is good going to keep the slaves in the prison . The biggest lie is that life is good

It's not pro Death to state the truth. The pain and horrible things that can happen to any human far outweigh any "enjoyable" crap. There is nothing worth Getting 95% of ur skin burned off in a fire but remaining alive. That's objectively bad what's subjective is the supposedly enjoyable garbage

I worked in a nursing home. People there were suffering beyond anything that can be imagined. Most humans are going to get very old . Imo most have no idea what is coming for them in old age

Most people think they are immune to all these horrible things that happened to others and can happen to anyone

One is not part of a death cult to state the truth that life is bad

They can keep praising life irl , social media , movies , etc. I see through the lies and will never believe that life is good. I will always believe life is the worst function in the universe

It's ridiculous . If what someone is posting bothers u just put them on ignore don't follow them to all the threads campaigning for their removal just because u disagree with what they say.

what is this forum's modus operandi when it comes to telling people to respect and act on their philosophies? a shortform, as it were, an abbreviation that says so much in very few words. kind of like PYS or SYS or K--
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