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Apr 15, 2024
The reason the medical industry restricts access to drugs of abuse is NOT even because they care about "preventing" death. Because why then would they not ban alcohol and cigarettes? Many drugs like simple opioid painkillers or benzos don't even cause as much, or fast, organ damage like cigs and alcohol do. Studies have shown that alcohol is even more damaging to health, self and others than even cocaine. Once again, when using logic and science we can see that the government and society DON'T even care about well-being, relieving suffering nor even preventing premature death.

Society does NOT have our best interests in mind.
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
Take away the alcohol and you will see how quickly riots occur. But even more important, without alcohol people will begin to think more and better, it would cause them to want really beneficial changes, alcohol kills neurons, just like illegal drugs, they want us tame.

I imagine legal drugs are more expensive to make than alcohol.

The key is to keep ourselves stunned so that there are no revolutions.
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Apr 15, 2024
Take away the alcohol and you will see how quickly riots occur. But even more important, without alcohol people will begin to think more and better, it would cause them to want really beneficial changes, alcohol kills neurons, just like illegal drugs, they want us tame.

I imagine legal drugs are more expensive to make than alcohol.

The key is to keep ourselves stunned so that there are no revolutions.
Yeah, but I think it has more to do with money and dominance. The alcohol industry is closely linked with the government. They get a lot of tax revenue from it.

Drugs like opiates are made from opium mainly grown in Afghanistan (a place the global western markets can't control). Cocaine is made mainly by outlaw cartels (again, mainstream governments can't control it or get tax revenue from it without giving up some power and dominance to current drug lords). Some drugs like meth are cooked easily in small labs (but the government and big corporations can't profit from it then). Things like shrooms grow in cow pastures in all temperate climates and they don't even cause ANY organ damage nor chemical dependency like cigarettes or alcohol (but again, they can't profit much from naturally growing plants).

Opioids and cocaine are easily produced (from plants). It was all legal and cheap before.

If it were true that their reason for alcohol being legal is so they can keep us dulled, then they wouldn't be controlling drugs like morphine, heroin and benzos. Ever heard the expression "religion is the opiate of the masses"? It meant religion was like keeping the masses dulled from revolting and making a better world. There is a reason it made sense mentioning opiates 200 years ago (when opiates were not strictly regulated). So if the goal was to keep us dulled then morphine and heroin would be available in stores right next to rum and beer.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Take away the alcohol and you will see how quickly riots occur. But even more important, without alcohol people will begin to think more and better, it would cause them to want really beneficial changes, alcohol kills neurons, just like illegal drugs, they want us tame.

I imagine legal drugs are more expensive to make than alcohol.

The key is to keep ourselves stunned so that there are no revolutions.
From what I know, alcohol doesn't directly kill brain cells, but it can interfere with neurogenesis and cause brain damage when consumed in large amounts.

Which drugs are made illegal and labelled as "dangerous" and which ones aren't doesn't seem to be based on any logic. Psychedelics, for example, don't cause anywhere near the dame amount of damage as drugs like alcohol do and, at least in the case of classical psychedelics, they aren't chemically addictive and rarely psychologically addictive yet they are illegal. It took years for them to legalize weed and I still see people who claim that they wish they would make it illegal again yet these same people would throw a conniption over the mere idea of alcohol being illegal.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Take away the alcohol and you will see how quickly riots occur. But even more important, without alcohol people will begin to think more and better, it would cause them to want really beneficial changes, alcohol kills neurons, just like illegal drugs, they want us tame.

I imagine legal drugs are more expensive to make than alcohol.

The key is to keep ourselves stunned so that there are no revolutions.
But we don't even have to wonder what could have been.

In the 20th century, there was prohibition in the USA for some time.
Today the effect would be even more "spectacular".

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
The sugar industry is also huge. I remember watching a documentary on how they knew the dangers of sugar and obesity early on but they still let food manufacturers sneak it in to just about everything they could.

That's interesting though. As to why they let some harmful substances through and not others. I expect you're right- it's bound to be to do with money.

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