I don't think you are wrong. I would also rather we all not exist.
But the news is mostly bad because that is what is more interesting.
There are plenty of great things that are happening all the time, but they just seem so
mundane in comparison, that they don't get amplified.
I don't remember exactly who was talking about this (Steven Pinker perhaps?) that
actually, in a lot of objective parameters (poverty, infant mortality) the situation now is
the best humanity has ever known and continues to improve.
Why isn't that on the news channels all the time? Perhaps it's just boring.
I try to reduce the amount of time I consume to regular news.
It is not like me listening to regular news helps the planet in any way. At least I can
try to make myself happier by avoiding the negative bias that is baked into news.
Instead I try to consume positive news and podcasts. Tech news is usually optimistic.
There is always new discoveries in science or Astronomy. It makes me happier,
and I feel that I at least learn something occasionally.
It helps passing the time while we wait for that teraton asteroid to hit.