

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
So this thread is basically a revival of some of the ideas in some of my previous threads here, basically getting a redux and summary of the talking points that I had. In the previous threads that blew up and had many responses, here they are:

Suicide prevention is EVIL. So this thread basically talks about why and how suicide prevention does more harm than good. It also shows the video of someone giving their two cents on why suicide prevention is evil. I mainly made that thread to illustrate the harms of suicide prevention and thought that guy did a great job exposing the intentions behind suicide prevention.

Using pro-lifers' tactics AGAINST them (people who are against suicide, freedom of choice over life and death, suicide preventionists, etc) When I made this thread, it was more of ideas to get back or even the odds against the majority of society, which are anti-suicide, anti freedom choice when it comes to death/suicide, and finding ways to protect oneself from the majority. Keep in mind they have us outnumbered and outresourced.

Suicide prevention is EVERYWHERE! In this context, I'm referring to the fact that just about every place where suicide is mentioned, then all (or almost all/most) responses are of of the anti-suicide, pro-life, anti-choice stance and how suicide is selfish, wrong, irrational, etc. There are very few places (certain philosophical circles and forums) that have an open minded stance on the topic of death and suicide, let alone without a pro-life-esque stance on it or censorship. This place is perhaps the only one with no censorship and an open discussion on the pro-choice stance of suicide (not pro-death or pro-suicide, but pro-choice). Sadly, in an anti-choice, prohibitionist society around the world that we live in, most countries and people often view suicide, death as taboo, bad, stigma, and more, for secular and religious reasons.

The next point that I want to raise is while people claim that if someone was really determined to commit suicide, they would find a way to do so and wouldn't let people know. On the surface level and on paper, yes, they would be correct. However, in reality, things are far more complex than that. First off, the person would have to keep their thoughts and plans as well as their method discreet, secret, going to great lengths to hide it (e.g. hiding a firearm, drugs, rope, w/e materials or means they have to CTB with.), then wait for the right time, and then when the opportunity presents itself (according to plan, especially if they set a date), then finally doing the deed and hoping their preparations are accurate, correct, and of course, overcoming the damned survival instinct. Yet people claim that suicide is a cowardly act. No motherfucker, it takes tremendous planning, intelligence (particularly those who choose elaborate, complex methods) to gather the knowledge, means, and materials for said method, bravery, determination to go through with it. Even then, if/when something goes wrong, they could easily fail and put themselves in a worse situation than before (e.g. being permanently disabled, permanent damage, vegetable, etc.)

The third point I wanted to present is something that one redditor once said in the SS subreddit (before it got taken down) where the reason that some people resort to uglier (sometimes less reliable) methods to CTB is due to the fact that assisted suicide, voluntary euthanasia and the like are ILLEGAL in many parts of the world and even in parts of the world where legal, it is oftenly difficult to access. If people are allowed to die with dignity, on their own terms, then there will be FAR less of these incidents where people use methods that not only harm themselves, but put others' lives at risk, as a result of collateral damage (crashing a vehicle to ongoing traffic, jumping and potentially landing on someone, using lethal gas that could harm others in the vicinity, etc.). This video sums up the idiocy of suicide prevention.

Fourth point I want to get to is that there are people who want to get out of this hellish existence called 'life' and for people who are preventing them, they are likely to hurt others if they are denied that choice. I cannot recall the name of the said redditor, but starts with "E and ends with O" (probably don't even remember how to spell his username). He posted on the now banned subreddit SS, and while he is on the extreme side of pro-choice, pro right to die, I can see where he is coming from. I don't condone violence or any illegal acts, but again I can see his frustrations at the world at large. So what he is essentially saying is that if people cannot respect his decision and choice to die on his own terms, then why should he respects others (majority) of people's choice to live? This is something to ponder about when it comes to rights and choices. Living is not more rational or correct than dying. While dying is tragic, living can be equally tragic through tremendous suffering. After all, only the individual is the ultimate arbiter of his/her fate (barring those who believe in a higher power, religion, but then those people should keep their morals, religion, and values to themselves and not impose them on others, which is another topic altogehter).

So what is it that I'm angry about and why am I mad at society? Why do I have the mentality against society as a whole and treat society as an enemy? Basically, in today's modern society, (year 2019) it is still generally anti-choice, prohibitionist when it comes to death and suicide, views suicide as always wrong, always tragic, always irrational, with an absolutist stance. The pro-choice stance is not very absolute nor is closed shut. It is free and open and allows for differing stances and nuances in between. Also, people are rather hypocritical to mention free will and enforce it when it comes to many things, yet when it comes to the one thing, the most fundamental thing to a human being, the right to choose when to die (on his/her own terms), society turns around and outright shuns it. It uses all sorts of fallacious and oftenly poorly constructed reasons to do so, including religion, irrationality, mental illness, whatnot. Basically what society says is "you aren't entitled to anything (including happiness, pleasure, and whatnot)", "pull yourself up by the bootstraps", "accept the injustices as they are", "we are really free and if you don't agree, you're wrong and delusional", "Life isn't fair. Get over it.", and all the above that only benefit the group hive mindset, yet nothing for the individual. But not only that, it also denies one the ultimate expression of freedom, choosing to take one's life.

When the day (which will likely and probably never come) in which one can have a rational suicide, similar to that of Futurama's suicide booth where one is able to go and just peacefully die with dignity, under their own terms. When the day comes in which suicidal people are not threatened with involuntary force, treatment, and/or otherwise locked up against their will, treated without their consent, and (in certain countries) billed for the services they never agreed on (or agreed under duress), and many more other consequences (including but not limited to - loss of job, loss of other life opportunities, certain civil rights, loss of social group, reputation, etc.), but are instead gently reminded to reconsider, but still allowed their agency and freedom to ultimately make the final choice. When the day in which suicidal people are treated better by society and government in general, meaning destigmatized, have open discussions, no one-sided judgment or dialogue, and allowed agency like all other kinds of people, perhaps even normalized. When all the above happens, then we can truly be free.

In conclusion, because the above scenario will not happen (certainly not within my lifetime, if ever), then I've decided to allow myself to say fuck society and do as I please (within the law of course). For example, if I am forced to live a life that I never agreed to and cannot legitimately exit (having to secretly hide my method, wait for the right time, and muster the courage to go through with it), then I am assuming myself some authority to fuck societal norms. One simple example would be me just going up and violating someone's personal space. If that person didn't like it, I tell them to fuck off. Sure I'd probably invite trouble that way and I don't always do that, but I see society as a plague and this is me fighting back against a society that forces my existence. Basically, I'm just doing what I please in society because clearly society doesn't give a fuck about my interests or values, only the fact that I keep my head down, be a good little tax generator for the government, shut up about anything wrong and pretend (delude myself) in thinking that life is great. Their feelings and interests matter, but mine don't. Chances are that I've messed with a pro-lifer out there. Might be a bit immature, but that's just one of my ways of getting back at this collective called society. Obviously I would NEVER admit to or mention that I would want to suicide, but write it off to having a bad day or something. Ok, I'm not advocating for others to do asshole-like things in public or whatever. It's just some example of what I mean by getting back at society. I'm in the US and I could say that I'm discontent with the way things are, not just with healthcare and whatnot, but also the fact that there aren't assisted suicide laws across every state, and the states that do have it, only limit it to terminally ill patients (with less than 6 months to live) particularly cancer and what not. Even then, there is still a lengthy process with a fair chance of being denied.
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Aug 20, 2019
I get frustrated that I can't talk about suicide openly, and if I do then they turn on their detective hat trying to figure out if I have a plan, etc.

I have to be guarded and assure them that I won't.

When I think really I'm crying out to be accepted. I know in my own case that most of my suffering stems from not feeling accepted both internally and externally. I know that really I am desperately crying out to be accepted, even in the deep shame and self loathing I carry inside.
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Jan 28, 2019
In this day and age i guess most people are pro choice when it comes to abortion but completely opposite when it comes to suicide. whys it okay for a woman to kill her fetus but not okay for a person to kill themselves
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Jul 26, 2019
So this thread is basically a revival of some of the ideas in some of my previous threads here, basically getting a redux and summary of the talking points that I had. In the previous threads that blew up and had many responses, here they are:

Suicide prevention is EVIL. So this thread basically talks about why and how suicide prevention does more harm than good. It also shows the video of someone giving their two cents on why suicide prevention is evil. I mainly made that thread to illustrate the harms of suicide prevention and thought that guy did a great job exposing the intentions behind suicide prevention.

Using pro-lifers' tactics AGAINST them (people who are against suicide, freedom of choice over life and death, suicide preventionists, etc) When I made this thread, it was more of ideas to get back or even the odds against the majority of society, which are anti-suicide, anti freedom choice when it comes to death/suicide, and finding ways to protect oneself from the majority. Keep in mind they have us outnumbered and outresourced.

Suicide prevention is EVERYWHERE! In this context, I'm referring to the fact that just about every place where suicide is mentioned, then all (or almost all/most) responses are of of the anti-suicide, pro-life, anti-choice stance and how suicide is selfish, wrong, irrational, etc. There are very few places (certain philosophical circles and forums) that have an open minded stance on the topic of death and suicide, let alone without a pro-life-esque stance on it or censorship. This place is perhaps the only one with no censorship and an open discussion on the pro-choice stance of suicide (not pro-death or pro-suicide, but pro-choice). Sadly, in an anti-choice, prohibitionist society around the world that we live in, most countries and people often view suicide, death as taboo, bad, stigma, and more, for secular and religious reasons.

The next point that I want to raise is while people claim that if someone was really determined to commit suicide, they would find a way to do so and wouldn't let people know. On the surface level and on paper, yes, they would be correct. However, in reality, things are far more complex than that. First off, the person would have to keep their thoughts and plans as well as their method discreet, secret, going to great lengths to hide it (e.g. hiding a firearm, drugs, rope, w/e materials or means they have to CTB with.), then wait for the right time, and then when the opportunity presents itself (according to plan, especially if they set a date), then finally doing the deed and hoping their preparations are accurate, correct, and of course, overcoming the damned survival instinct. Yet people claim that suicide is a cowardly act. No motherfucker, it takes tremendous planning, intelligence (particularly those who choose elaborate, complex methods) to gather the knowledge, means, and materials for said method, bravery, determination to go through with it. Even then, if/when something goes wrong, they could easily fail and put themselves in a worse situation than before (e.g. being permanently disabled, permanent damage, vegetable, etc.)

The third point I wanted to present is something that one redditor once said in the SS subreddit (before it got taken down) where the reason that some people resort to uglier (sometimes less reliable) methods to CTB is due to the fact that assisted suicide, voluntary euthanasia and the like are ILLEGAL in many parts of the world and even in parts of the world where legal, it is oftenly difficult to access. If people are allowed to die with dignity, on their own terms, then there will be FAR less of these incidents where people use methods that not only harm themselves, but put others' lives at risk, as a result of collateral damage (crashing a vehicle to ongoing traffic, jumping and potentially landing on someone, using lethal gas that could harm others in the vicinity, etc.). This video sums up the idiocy of suicide prevention.

Fourth point I want to get to is that there are people who want to get out of this hellish existence called 'life' and for people who are preventing them, they are likely to hurt others if they are denied that choice. I cannot recall the name of the said redditor, but starts with "E and ends with O" (probably don't even remember how to spell his username). He posted on the now banned subreddit SS, and while he is on the extreme side of pro-choice, pro right to die, I can see where he is coming from. I don't condone violence or any illegal acts, but again I can see his frustrations at the world at large. So what he is essentially saying is that if people cannot respect his decision and choice to die on his own terms, then why should he respects others (majority) of people's choice to live? This is something to ponder about when it comes to rights and choices. Living is not more rational or correct than dying. While dying is tragic, living can be equally tragic through tremendous suffering. After all, only the individual is the ultimate arbiter of his/her fate (barring those who believe in a higher power, religion, but then those people should keep their morals, religion, and values to themselves and not impose them on others, which is another topic altogehter).

So what is it that I'm angry about and why am I mad at society? Why do I have the mentality against society as a whole and treat society as an enemy? Basically, in today's modern society, (year 2019) it is still generally anti-choice, prohibitionist when it comes to death and suicide, views suicide as always wrong, always tragic, always irrational, with an absolutist stance. The pro-choice stance is not very absolute nor is closed shut. It is free and open and allows for differing stances and nuances in between. Also, people are rather hypocritical to mention free will and enforce it when it comes to many things, yet when it comes to the one thing, the most fundamental thing to a human being, the right to choose when to die (on his/her own terms), society turns around and outright shuns it. It uses all sorts of fallacious and oftenly poorly constructed reasons to do so, including religion, irrationality, mental illness, whatnot. Basically what society says is "you aren't entitled to anything (including happiness, pleasure, and whatnot)", "pull yourself up by the bootstraps", "accept the injustices as they are", "we are really free and if you don't agree, you're wrong and delusional", "Life isn't fair. Get over it.", and all the above that only benefit the group hive mindset, yet nothing for the individual. But not only that, it also denies one the ultimate expression of freedom, choosing to take one's life.

When the day (which will likely and probably never come) in which one can have a rational suicide, similar to that of Futurama's suicide booth where one is able to go and just peacefully die with dignity, under their own terms. When the day comes in which suicidal people are not threatened with involuntary force, treatment, and/or otherwise locked up against their will, treated without their consent, and (in certain countries) billed for the services they never agreed on (or agreed under duress), and many more other consequences (including but not limited to - loss of job, loss of other life opportunities, certain civil rights, loss of social group, reputation, etc.), but are instead gently reminded to reconsider, but still allowed their agency and freedom to ultimately make the final choice. When the day in which suicidal people are treated better by society and government in general, meaning destigmatized, have open discussions, no one-sided judgment or dialogue, and allowed agency like all other kinds of people, perhaps even normalized. When all the above happens, then we can truly be free.

In conclusion, because the above scenario will not happen (certainly not within my lifetime, if ever), then I've decided to allow myself to say fuck society and do as I please (within the law of course). For example, if I am forced to live a life that I never agreed to and cannot legitimately exit (having to secretly hide my method, wait for the right time, and muster the courage to go through with it), then I am assuming myself some authority to fuck societal norms. One simple example would be me just going up and violating someone's personal space. If that person didn't like it, I tell them to fuck off. Sure I'd probably invite trouble that way and I don't always do that, but I see society as a plague and this is me fighting back against a society that forces my existence. Basically, I'm just doing what I please in society because clearly society doesn't give a fuck about my interests or values, only the fact that I keep my head down, be a good little tax generator for the government, shut up about anything wrong and pretend (delude myself) in thinking that life is great. Their feelings and interests matter, but mine don't. Chances are that I've messed with a pro-lifer out there. Might be a bit immature, but that's just one of my ways of getting back at this collective called society. Obviously I would NEVER admit to or mention that I would want to suicide, but write it off to having a bad day or something. Ok, I'm not advocating for others to do asshole-like things in public or whatever. It's just some example of what I mean by getting back at society. I'm in the US and I could say that I'm discontent with the way things are, not just with healthcare and whatnot, but also the fact that there aren't assisted suicide laws across every state, and the states that do have it, only limit it to terminally ill patients (with less than 6 months to live) particularly cancer and what not. Even then, there is still a lengthy process with a fair chance of being denied.
To Me, procreation is the ultimate crime, but preventing an adult from CTB is almost, if not as evil.


Aug 19, 2019
Fuck this oppression, really. If everybody had a safe way out, that by itself would increase life quality. There would be the freedom to say no to a lot of things we bow down to because we have no other choice.

That is the essence of any abusive relationship, really. Family, partner, work, etc. When one party cannot just up and leave, the other tortures them freely. The relationship of the individual to society is fucked up because they cannot leave.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Good responses everyone and I'm glad that I'm not alone in my assessment and view on society in general.

As an addendum to my original post, especially the last paragraph (conclusion), I will elaborate and say that there are a few societies that I wouldn't enact my self-assumed/defined authority to fuck with society. These societies would be ones that have some form of law of assisted suicide, death with dignity, and what not. (Examples include: Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg to name a few) The society that I'm referring to that I'm going to get back at is the US and other societies that ban assisted suicide, voluntary euthanasia. While there are no perfect nations or societies in the world, close to my idea of the voluntary euthanasia utopia, Netherlands come the closest. So if there is any society that I wish to support and pay my taxes to, it would be The Netherlands and the Dutch. Perhaps I'm only seeing the Dutch with rose-tinted glasses, but it seems to be the country with the most liberal euthanasia laws and policies.


Jul 2, 2019
"Life would be alot more enjoyable if it wasn't mandatory"
Sarah Perry
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