

Aug 23, 2018
And my Facebook is covered in crap about how there is always help available, to seek support and about how wonderful prevention it.

So frustrating!!!

1. What help? What like when you are taken to the hospital against your will and they traumatise you before saying oh it's your choice and send you home.
Or when you ask for help because your so distressed your terrified and don't know what to do and they say no way and get security to throw you out into the street.
Or when the private mental health people say your too much of a liability we don't want a patient who might die.

2. And then there's the issue of choice. Why is preventing people from making their own rational decisions so wonderful????

Really getting to me tonight.
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Lonely af
May 25, 2018
oh god it's all over twitter, the virtue signalling is going to drive me insane on twitter today and I'm probs gonna reply and snap at people pretending to give a shit.
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
"Always help available" my ass! Lmao. Holy shit, do they actually buy into the bs they're saying?

If "help" means empty platitudes and calling the cops on you, sure. It is so maddening hearing this same shit every year. I am sure the people who work in suicide prevention have good intentions, but it would be nice if they focused on advocating for policies that actually increased people's quality of life rather than recite empty platitudes. These people aren't stupid - they know damn well words and patchwork short term crisis lines aren't enough. They're in for a rude awakening when suicide rates continue to spike despite their "prevention" efforts. Smh
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Sep 2, 2018
Hurray................... *rolls eyes*
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No Future

No Future

No One
Aug 6, 2018
Suicide prevention day is the equivalent to two people standing in front of a particular door, and high-fiving each other every time they don't let someone through it.

They haven't stopped anyone on the way to that door, and people that really need to get through will do so the next opportunity they get. They could push right past if they wanted. It's a 24-hour window for people to virtue signal and pat themselves on the back, like a myriad of other hollow 'give a temporary fuck' days.

Nothing done to contemplate how people got to that position. People don't intend to understand, they just want to cock block and offer meme-based platitudes, because it's a stereotypically virtuous thing to do. Empty and futile.
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Jun 26, 2018
Yay...? I've made a low quality meme for that occasion.
Just a low quality as anti suicide platitudes, lol...

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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
Yeah, the hypocrisy is astounding. Even from people who should know better.

Yay...? I've made a low quality meme for that occasion.
Just a low quality as anti suicide platitudes, lol...


Well, that had more thought put into it than most anti-choice propaganda, so... congratulations, I guess? I have no idea whether that should be a positive or a negative.
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Sep 1, 2018
And my Facebook is covered in crap about how there is always help available, to seek support and about how wonderful prevention it.

So frustrating!!!

1. What help? What like when you are taken to the hospital against your will and they traumatise you before saying oh it's your choice and send you home.
Or when you ask for help because your so distressed your terrified and don't know what to do and they say no way and get security to throw you out into the street.
Or when the private mental health people say your too much of a liability we don't want a patient who might die.

2. And then there's the issue of choice. Why is preventing people from making their own rational decisions so wonderful????

Really getting to me tonight.

sorry but what a load of cr** that all is, if we want to fight suicide we need to solve problems like taking away chronic pain, not tapering people off of opioids, giving affordable housing, raising minimum wage, budgeting less money towards the army and more towards education, helping black and other minorities have rights, all of that.
That's what we need to do-a suicide prevention day is nice, but won't really solve anything.
I mean of course, that the suicide prevention day is crap but not what you are writing!
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Aug 14, 2018
Virtue signalling.
Another day it will be the day for....
the whale... the middle aged.. the stupid... the organic salad...
the flat earth believers...the emotional suffering of billionaires...

Isn't tomorrow the International day of the hippopotamus ?
IStock 000003506850XSmall
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Punished snake

Punished snake

Sep 9, 2018
Suicide is the biggest rebellion against this world and Nature.
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Jul 9, 2018
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Aug 1, 2018
I really am trying not to swear about World Suicide Prevention Day, but it's difficult to resist.

The whole concept - and in fact the whole concept of mental health 'help' and 'advice' - is utter ****. Complete and utter ****. We (and by that I mean humans in general, not us particularly) post all those loveable memes and bits of advice for one reason and one reason only: to make us feel better about ourselves and how utterly selfish and self-obsessed we are. Because that's all social media is: selfishness and self-obsession. The message of "u ok hun", seen so often on social networks, doesn't solve anything. It's empty, it's vacuous, it's useless beyond everything. Rather than helping, it's actually deeply offensive and hurtful.

I've tried therapy. I've tried talking to people who are paid to help and advise. Doesn't work for me because I feel no connection to them whatsoever. I'm talking to a complete stranger. It's like I can see them mentally ticking the time off until the appointment is finished. But if we believe the social media bull****, then our friends, relatives, partners and whoever else should learn to listen and understand and help. Right, well, that's rubbish of the highest order. Because they don't. No one wants to listen or understand or anything like that because humans in general are thinking only of themselves and - increasingly - how popular they are and how many lovely photos they have of themselves and their friends. The whole lot of them can **** off, as far as I'm concerned.

I've written a rather long note in preparation for when I CTB. Right now, I'm tempted to tear the whole thing up.
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Aug 23, 2018
I complained to one of the anti suicide pages about how offensive their posts are and they sent me a huge list of helplines.
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No Future

No Future

No One
Aug 6, 2018
I complained to one of the anti suicide pages about how offensive their posts are and they sent me a huge list of helplines.

How honorable and kind of them to copy and paste a list of phone numbers.


A more productive use of their time would be to just masturbate in front of a mirror, and not implicate poor sods in their half-baked, flatuous ideals.
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Sep 2, 2018
Suicide is the biggest rebellion against this world and Nature.
I'd say 2nd biggest. The biggest would be Antinatalism and the spreading of its ideology.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I'm sure there is some unconscious virtue signalling, but I suspect many people actually want to help. They just may not have really been there themselves and thus don't understand how the things they offer don't really help at all. And there will be those who have been to the edge and helped back from it, so there experience may be that help actually works. But yeah, its ironic. I've reached out to everyone many times and now realise its a waste of time.
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Le mort joyeux
Jul 11, 2018
Nothing to add, you guys have nailed it already, bullshit virtue signal day its more like it
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yes, most of those people are just full of shit trying to make themselves feel better. I also agree that we should put much more effort in solving the root causes of suicide rather than simply preventing suicide while doing nothing to address the real issues (low minimum wage, lack of housing, civil rights, poverty, disease, poor quality of life, and etc.)
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
Yes, most of those people are just full of shit trying to make themselves feel better. I also agree that we should put much more effort in solving the root causes of suicide rather than simply preventing suicide while doing nothing to address the real issues (low minimum wage, lack of housing, civil rights, poverty, disease, poor quality of life, and etc.)
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