Same feeling. It's been a surreal feeling. Very conflicting too. I'm glad you posted this. I have been feeling discombobulated since suddenly realizing that I'm actually ready. I usually just throw around different scenarios in my mind, going through all of the self talk..."why can't I just die?, don't want to hurt anymore. What am I so afraid of? What's gonna happen?"
Then, I hit a point where none of the questions matter anymore. My plan became crystal clear, and I started taking the steps.
What I'm experiencing now is how it feels to have all your normal interactions with other people, knowing your going to die shortly, and they don't. You can't get caught up in thinking about the last thoughts your giving someone about yourself, what they are going to think about that last interaction with you.
What I'm saying is...once you reach the point where your comfortable with your whole plan...all the old obsessive thoughts about wanting to die, are replaced with a whole new set of obsessive thoughts and extremely weird emotions and feelings, which in turn stop the hurt and pain...wicked paradox that I'm kinda just riding the wave right now, but continuing on with my plans. Hate to admit it, but where I felt nervous and anxious about making the commitment, I feel excited and purpose driven.