

Sep 3, 2024
I have SN and I'm honestly scared to take it, idk why, maybe SI? Maybe because I'm just scared, idk. Anyways. I don't have everything need for the required protocol people mention such as the anti vomit stuff (I forget the technical name), but I do have some OTC anti nausea stuff. I know the recommended dose is 25-30 grams of SN, but the lethal dose according to Google is 3-6 grams. I know the 25 grams is to flood your system incase you puke at least something may get absorbed. However, I hear that SN taste like sea water. I have never been to the ocean so I have no ideal what sea water taste like, but again google says sea water has roughly 30 grams of salt per liter so I mixed 30 grams of salt (Himalayan pink salt idk if that matters much) in a liter of water and took a few sips and my stomach did feel a little uneasy. Which brings me to this, if you put a lot of salt on your food and try to eat it you are most likely to gag and spit it out, but if you use just enough on your food it's consumable. Could I possibly by pass the nausea if I do a lower dose of SN? Seeing as how I don't know how to get the desired medication to prevent puking it up. I don't have the benzo or beta blocker stuff either that's required, but I don't see any work around for that might just have to face it. I mean I would like to just consume the SN and go to sleep peacefully and never wake up again but that might not be possible for me with out all the prescribed protocols. If any of you have any ideals on alternative med/supplements that are easily attainable let me know. I'm in USA and it's hard to get stuff with out a prescription and I have no friends, nor do I know anyone that sells drugs plus I'm sure they would be very suspicious if I asked for drugs seeing as how I don't even drink or smoke.
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Oct 11, 2024
i've never attempted w sn , but from the research i've done on this site alone , looking thru goodbye threads , the worst reactions and worst anxiety ppl experienced was when they didn't take any benzos . benzos can help w the si . and aes don't just help for vomiting (which isn't foolproof !) , they're also to help speed up the absorption of the sn . quicker absorption = quicker unconsciousness , and the quicker you're unconscious , the quicker you can die and not have to feel any of the motions . doing sn by itself will kill you if you're lucky enough not to throw it up immediately , but since this is supposed to be one of the more peaceful methods , i , and contributors of this site , encourage that you try to secure aes and benzos so this won't be so hard . you deserve peace , and raw sn won't give you that .
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Sep 3, 2024
Dang, this makes me a little more scared and feel down since I don't know how to acquire benzo. Maybe I can lie to a doctor or something and get some benzo. I seen some store brand medicine when looking for nausea meds that mentioned something about helping you to better absorb. Maybe that might work for me?
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
AE's (antiemetic meds) are the best wax to prevent vomiting. However, it does not work all the time. It's still possible to vomit especially if you already know that you have a weak stomach. Benzos are suggested to stay calm during the procedure. It's best top follow the protocol.

Yes, a few grams can be lethal - hence the LDLO= 71mg/kg source Wikipedia) but in a serious attempt you should take min. 25g - 35g depending on your body weight, check the proven protocols.
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Oct 11, 2024
Dang, this makes me a little more scared and feel down since I don't know how to acquire benzo. Maybe I can lie to a doctor or something and get some benzo. I seen some store brand medicine when looking for nausea meds that mentioned something about helping you to better absorb. Maybe that might work for me?
the antiemetic you take needs to be a dopamine blocker , use this article to get a better understanding of what that means , and examples
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Sep 3, 2024
How do you get said drugs? I can't just go to the doctor and be like oh I have been throwing up a lot lately can I get some (insert medicine). All I can get my hands on are otc stuff.


Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
AE's (antiemetic meds) are the best wax to prevent vomiting. However, it does not work all the time. It's still possible to vomit especially if you already know that you have a weak stomach. Benzos are suggested to stay calm during the procedure. It's best top follow the protocol.

Yes, a few grams can be lethal - hence the LDLO= 71mg/kg source Wikipedia) but in a serious attempt you should take min. 25g - 35g depending on your body weight, check the proven protocols.
bumping this response. the pph states the other drugs aren't fully needed to succeed but the amount of sn matters.
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momento mori
Feb 13, 2024
How do you get said drugs? I can't just go to the doctor and be like oh I have been throwing up a lot lately can I get some (insert medicine). All I can get my hands on are otc stuff.
For the AE, at least, the most recommended one is meto. That's used to treat GERD and gastroparesis usually. You absolutely can go into the doctor and ask, it's an anti emetic, not a psych med or something extremely addictive. Generally urgent care won't bother to be suspicious if you mention the symptoms from either GERD or gastroparesis and ask for something that you could take to help with them.


Sep 24, 2024
Stick to the recommended dosage from the PPH and avoid relying on what might be considered a "lethal dose," as that involves too many variables. Focus on what we know will be! When the protocol is followed—25g for those under 100kg or 35g for those over 100kg—the chances of success are very high. Previously, there was a weight-based SN chart, but it's no longer a suggestion; just adhere to the established protocol. Focusing on a "potential" lethal would be not advised. While 25g (or 35g for over 100k) is "overkill" (no pun intended), that's actually the intention and point of it. One reason is more people are going to vomit (even with an AE) so it helps ensure enough is hopefully still in the system and aborbed (hence a 2nd cup if someone does vomit).

do you get said drugs? I can't just go to the doctor and be like oh I have been throwing up a lot lately can I get some (insert medicine). All I can get my hands on are otc stuff.
There are many offshore pharmacies that sell meto without a prescription; sometimes they may request one but will ship it regardless. A little research should help you find them quickly. Just keep in mind that delivery can take a few weeks, so be patient if you go that route.

Many people have also had success getting a doctor to prescribe it. If you explore discussions here, you'll find tips on how others managed to obtain a prescription. It's not a controlled substance, so doctors are usually open to prescribing it for legitimate purposes, and it doesn't carry a risk of habit formation. You won't know unless you try, and the only way to fail is by not putting in the effort. There's no harm in seeking a prescription first; if that doesn't work out, you can always consider an online pharmacy as a backup option.

With whatever you decide, I hope you find everything you are looking for and get peace & serenity.
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Oct 5, 2023
Can I take Trazodone or Venlafaxine instead of Benzos? I dont seem to have any other option/source
Also unable to get AE. have to take chances with OTC (Extra Strength) and pray

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