AFAIK if you have time & money inert gas is the way to go. Time to understand how the setup works and money because its more expensive. Apparently (im going SN so i've not fully dived into the inert gas info) everything needed is legal to own & buy.
For the SN, even if the sourcing is "kind" of easy, and not that expensive. The meds part (benzos/meto) is kinda harder than the SN per sé. If you dont have / acquire a prescription, depending on your country it could be hard. Without prescription, you need some online pharma / darknet. With both you can have issues at customs when shipping. Im currently at the acquiring benzos / meto, and its no yielding good results yet.
Supposedly, you can still do it without benzos/meto, but with reduced peacefullness (no benzo) / reduced chance of success (no meto)