

Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Hello all, I'm new here but I've been a lurker for nearly the past 2 years. During that time, I tried to make both forms of hanging work, but I could never manage it. I had been starting to lose hope of ever being able to CTB, but I recently found the DMC website and I plan on purchasing SN pretty soon once I get paid.

My only issue is, I am unable to buy any AEs. I don't think I'll be able to lie to my doctor for some, but I read on a thread here that you could get Metoclopramide from online vet pharmacies (pet meds are generally the same as human meds), but all the ones I've looked at require a prescription or some sort of verification with your local vet. So I'm a bit bummed now, since it all seemed to be falling into place for me. They were so cheap too (a bit over $10 including delivery fee for 30mg or 3 pills).

My question is, are AEs truly necessary? I've heard that you can still succeed without AEs, since the vast majority of people still vomit quite a bit even with a 48hr AE regimen. And vomitting does not mean failure, as usually your body absorbs enough SN to get the job done even if you vomit (this is why the dose is so high when even 1-3g will kill you). And if need be, you can drink a second glass after vomitting just to be safe. I'd like to have AEs, just so I can have every advantage at my disposal to make this attempt work and avoid another failure. But if they aren't entirely necessary, I suppose I could do without them.

Additional question: I've seen from another forum member (I do not know the name) that there's an online pharmacy source that offers AEs without a prescription. If anyone knows the source, I'd be grateful to have it (I am aware that I need to post more to unlock the DM function, but that shouldn't take too long. I can always reply back to you when I have DMs unlocked).
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May 11, 2024
I know it's possible to do it without AE's but I wish I knew the definitive stats for how much the odds improve with them.
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Apr 15, 2022
The ae's retard the vomiting reflex, thereby allowing more time for more of the SN to get absorbed into your system.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
The ae's retard the vomiting reflex, thereby allowing more time for more of the SN to get absorbed into your system.
I know that, but couldn't you just drink a second or third glass anyways, thus giving you a sufficient amount in your system? And from what I've seen, AEs don't really retard it very much at all, since like I said even people who do 48hr AE regimens still get heavy nausea and vomit a lot. I'm pretty sure the better function of AEs are the quicker gastric emptying, since the less time the SN spends in your stomach the more time it has to actually get into your system through your small intestine.

I made another thread since this one didn't get many bites at first, and it seems that a lack of AEs isn't really a factor in failure, but rather being found early was the primary source of failure. So i'm fairly certain i can still pull it off, although of course i'd still like some Meto. But i don't think that's gonna happen since the only place i've managed to find some is a sketchy indian online pharmacy that apparently sells user data and people get credit/debit card fraud shortly after purchase. I'm also not sure it'll pass through customs, since Meto without a prescription is illegal.
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Apr 15, 2022
I know that, but couldn't you just drink a second or third glass anyways, thus giving you a sufficient amount in your system?
Idk. How long is the SN you take going to remain "down" b4 it gets expelled? Everyone's system is different. It might come immediately up on you and you could *theoretically" get none, or next to none, absorbed into your system. And it might be harder to even get another cup down after you vomit. Lot's of variables here. You're right the ae's do facilitate faster gastric emptying which will allow more of the SN to be absorbed in the small intestine. That's even more of an argument why an ae is needed.

and it seems that a lack of AEs isn't really a factor in failure, but rather being found early was the primary source of failure.
Idk. Is it? I guess if you've done the research and are comfortable taking the SN without an ae, it's really your call.

But i don't think that's gonna happen since the only place i've managed to find some is a sketchy indian online pharmacy that apparently sells user data and people get credit/debit card fraud shortly after purchase.
Could you use one of those pre-paid cards from a dollar store and only put on it the amount needed for purchase?
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Idk. How long is the SN you take going to remain "down" b4 it gets expelled? Everyone's system is different. It might come immediately up on you and you could *theoretically" get none, or next to none, absorbed into your system. And it might be harder to even get another cup down after you vomit. Lot's of variables here. You're right the ae's do facilitate faster gastric emptying which will allow more of the SN to be absorbed in the small intestine. That's even more of an argument why an ae is needed.
Indeed. That's why I'd still like to have Meto if possible, as I'd like every advantage available to me. But from the failure and success stories collected, it doesn't appear that AEs are necessarily required

Idk. Is it? I guess if you've done the research and are comfortable taking the SN without an ae, it's really your call.
Well, of course, in theory AEs do help for the reasons we've mentioned. But it doesn't appear necessary since from what I've seen, much of the "no AE" failures were when someone walked in on them early, and the others were successes (or at least we think so, since we can rarely ever truly know if someone CTB'd or not, unless it's on the news somewhere).
Could you use one of those pre-paid cards from a dollar store and only put on it the amount needed for purchase?
This could be a solution. I believe the site also accepts PayPal, so that'd be scam protection (easy refund) right there if I can get it to work. And as I said, the other concern is even getting it through customs. Meto is a controlled drug only available by prescription, so I'm not sure Meto from India is gonna simply pass on through without a hitch. It's not like SN where it is completely legal still and not necessarily suspicious to customs workers.
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Apr 15, 2022
Well, of course, in theory AEs do help for the reasons we've mentioned. But it doesn't appear necessary since from what I've seen, much of the "no AE" failures were when someone walked in on them early, and the others were successes (or at least we think so, since we can rarely ever truly know if someone CTB'd or not, unless it's on the news somewhere).
I think it's a much harder way to go without the ae and that shouldn't be lost sight of. I believe you've done your research and have come to your conclusions in good faith. I'm certainly not saying that without an ae you'd be unsuccessful.

This could be a solution. I believe the site also accepts PayPal, so that'd be scam protection (easy refund) right there if I can get it to work. And as I said, the other concern is even getting it through customs. Meto is a controlled drug only available by prescription, so I'm not sure Meto from India is gonna simply pass on through without a hitch. It's not like SN where it is completely legal still and not necessarily suspicious to customs workers.
I think others have been successful. Definitely a risk involved. These are hard calls to make.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
I think it's a much harder way to go without the ae and that shouldn't be lost sight of. I believe you've done your research and have come to your conclusions in good faith. I'm certainly not saying that without an ae you'd be unsuccessful.
Oh I get ya. It is a concern of mine, and I'm definitely not happy potentially going without it. I'm just trying to do my best with the information and resources I've got.
I think others have been successful. Definitely a risk involved. These are hard calls to make.
It is a very hard call to make. As you read in my main post, I've failed a lot with hanging, and I really don't want to fail with SN. I could still fail even with an AE, as that has happened before too, but not having one definitely makes things less certain even if it's still possible to succeed.

I appreciate you chatting with me here. I've got some deliberations to make as to whether I risk it or not.
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Apr 15, 2022
I wouldn't be so quick to rule out the "vet" route. What I will suggest is getting away from the Google, Bing, Duckduck, and Yahoo search engines. Maybe try the one that starts with a "Y". And make sure you change the filtering from "moderate" to "off". Also, not sure if you already tried them, but there's some links in the PPH for online pharmacies, and you can download the PPH from the stickied resources section at the beginning of this suicide discussion section.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
I wouldn't be so quick to rule out the "vet" route. What I will suggest is getting away from the Google, Bing, Duckduck, and Yahoo search engines. Maybe try the one that starts with a "Y". And make sure you change the filtering from "moderate" to "off".
I'll give that a shot.
Also, not sure if you already tried them, but there's some links in the PPH for online pharmacies, and you can download the PPH from the stickied resources section at the beginning of this suicide discussion section.
I had looked through the PPH for these links, but I couldn't find them (perhaps I'm just blind and it was right in front of me, lol). Would you be able to tell me in which section of the PPH these pharmacy links are located? And do you know if they're still active? Our PPH is from 2022, and a lot changes in 2 years.
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Apr 15, 2022
I had looked through the PPH for these links, but I couldn't find them (perhaps I'm just blind and it was right in front of me, lol). Would you be able to tell me in which section of the PPH these pharmacy links are located? And do you know if they're still active? Our PPH is from 2022, and a lot changes in 2 years.
I'll have to go back and look for them, too. Won't know if still active until try to load them up in browser.
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