I heard about N and SN on this site: definitely now added to the options. But I don't know much about either of them... does anyone know how they work, and how exactly to use them and if these methods should be used?
N, Pentobarbitol is the most desirable way to ctb. Its a barbituate that makes you fall asleep peacefully and never wake up. What the pros use for euthenasia in europe and such. Its pretty hard to get, you have to order it from a guy in mexico and its slightly sketchy. Expensive too, about 600.
SN is sodium nitrite, a meat preservative. Fairy cheap and easy to get. Its a relatively new method to off yourself. It works by starving your cells of oxygen. You turn blue and die if it works. Seems like alot of reports of failed attempts on the site. Seems like the jury is really still out on if this is a good method.
There's the basics, but there's a megathread for each. The pph handbook has a ton of info on N, and I think newer editions talk about sn.