CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
What thing do usual enjoy? Me hard enjoy sometimes anhe sometime hard focus many problem, even watch thing hard no input ,playlittle skill let say reduce. Think need much most little effort thing. Keep trying still hard ,need ctb not even distract easy faulty body brain
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Rounded Apathy

Rounded Apathy

Longing to return to stardust
Aug 8, 2022
When I'm in a really bad way like I was most of today, it's hard for me to just function so enjoying anything is kinda beyond my capacity. I mostly just lay in bed and weep/sleep. If the needle manages to move back towards baseline to a manageable degree, things that can make me feel immersed help, which is maybe something like an involving puzzle or video game, some non-Hollywood documentary videos involving people, and so on.

But it's getting harder. As time goes by, things I used to enjoy either don't make me feel good the way they used to, or in some cases make me feel worse. Music is one such thing. I was an avid musician for years who love to play and listen, and...it's hard to explain. I can't listen to music anymore if it's not part of some other thing, like a social situation, a video, or so on. I used to just sit and listen to entire albums and for whatever reason can't even really do so with a single song now.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
As of late, I've been unable to enjoy a lot of things. Gaming, watching things, etc. have all been very difficult for me. I'd rather just lie down all day and I would if l could get away with it. If I had to pick something, I guess I still sort of enjoy music?
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Sep 23, 2022
ファイナルキズメットー !!
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Tiny Little Tree

Jan 25, 2021
Games mostly
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Nov 26, 2020
Some old shows on youtube, like my avatar. Writing has stoped. I like videogames still. Not much else, need to get walking again.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
If I'm calm I like to see how sunlight reflects on objects around me, on my skin or on other people's hair (natural hair, the dye is opaque and doesn't light up from within) .
I also like the movement and trying to figure out where the air is moving and hearing how it rubs against things...seeing tiny little things like a little spider covering itself with a piece of leaf as it goes wherever it goes because you think it doesn't you see her, hehe
I like the touch of fresh water (the sea less so) if it's not too cold and touching a drop with the tip of my fingers to feel its tension.
I like the Moon very much and I love her equally, I always say that she is my second mother just as the Sun is my second father.

The problem is that in the city, especially in Barcelona, it is very difficult to enjoy what surrounds you: there is noise, people are shouting, the pace of life is too high to enjoy life, the neighbors do not respect you. ..

To enjoy things the mind must be calm, otherwise it is impossible, because you only see problems and suffering everywhere until you mistakenly question the reason for your existence.

I need to enjoy my mind in peace and for it to enjoy my surroundings in peace, otherwise I always wish to die before facing and following a style or mode of living that does not correspond or fit with my way of relating- me with the world

The rest doesn't matter.


Si estic tranquil m'agrada veure com es reflecteix la llum del sol en els objectes del meu entorn, a la meva pell o al cabell d'altres persones (cabell natural, el tenyit és opac i no s'il·lumina per dins).
M'agrada també el moviment i intentar esbrinar per on es mou l'aire i escoltar com frega les coses... veure petits éssers minúsculs com una petita aranyeta cubrint-se amb un tros de fulla mentres va on sigui perquè es pensa que no la veus, jeje.
M'agrada el tacte de l'aigua dolça (la del mar menys) si no es gaire freda i tocar una gota amb la punta dels dits per notar la seva tensió.
La Lluna m'agrada molt i me l'estimo igual, sempre dic que és la meva segona mare així com el Sol el meu segon pare.

El problema es que a ciutat, sobretot a Barcelona, es molt difícil gaudir del que t'envolta: hi ha soroll, la gent parla a crits, un ritme de vida massa elevat per gaudir de la vida, els veïns no et respecten,...

Per gaudir de les coses la ment ha d'estar en calma, sino és impossible, doncs només veus problemes i patiment per tot arreu fins a qüestionar-te equivocadament la raó de la teva existència.

Jo necessito gaudir de la meva ment en pau i que aquesta gaudeixi del meu entorn en calma, en cas contrari sempre desitjo morir abans que fer front i seguir un estil o mode de viure que no es correspón ni encaixa amb la meva manera de relacionar-me amb el món.

La resta no importa.
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Oct 19, 2021
Videos on youtube help to pass the time, especially random acts of kindness videos.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I simply don't enjoy having to endure this existence at all. I never wanted to be here in the first place and I'm simply not meant for living in every single way. Having to exist could never be enjoyable to me, I don't even know what it would be like to want to be here. I dislike simply being awake. I'm tired of the same thoughts and the endless days. Everything in this world is tiring to me and this feeling increases as time goes on. I just try to pass the time until I fall asleep hoping that I don't wake, but unfortunately I do.
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Reactions: Dead Ghost, CTB Dream, toasterbath and 1 other person


Dec 15, 2021
What thing do usual enjoy? Me hard enjoy sometimes anhe sometime hard focus many problem, even watch thing hard no input ,playlittle skill let say reduce. Think need much most little effort thing. Keep trying still hard ,need ctb not even distract easy faulty body brain

Many people have a lessened feeling of contentment nowadays.

You could try lowering your expectations of what life may provide you, and perhaps get rid of potential demands that you have on yourself - like achieving something specific - even though that will not really solve any actual problem at all.
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Reactions: Dead Ghost and CTB Dream

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