

Apr 20, 2019
Just a random topic about time distortion, time perception, and etc. I'm not into drugs (besides alcohol which I consume daily). But the first time I saw these scenes in Dredd I was truly mind blown. And I can't burn myself out no matter how many times I watch them. I feel like I don't have to really write out an essay about this because the people who have done a lot of thinking in this field already understand anyone's fascination in this topic.

It's hard to imagine what a fly thinks, when it sees your hand in slow motion approaching and flies away. As cool as that sounds though their lifespan is in the number of days, so that would definitely change an organism's perspective of time. But then you hear of the sharks being found that are over 200 years. Can you imagine, if that shark could somehow comprehend all the changes in the world and witness the birth of a whole entire nation, civil, world wars, etc. It also boggles my mind when people survive past 100. How a person could have witnessed the first horseless carriages arrive in their town, and fast forward to today's smart phones, computers, and information age. It's mind boggling to imagine witnessing it all from one extreme to another.

Anyways, random rant, add whatever you'd like on the topic.

I think the reason some slow motion (and not all, some are pretty boring/bland) captivates humans so much is because it lets us see something we could otherwise not ever control in the past or present. Time itself. We can't see heaven or other stupid religious concepts. But slow motion lets us peer into another reality that's foreign to us.
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