
Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
First thing is first, I'm sorry for all the typos. As you read through this, you might be able to tell why I'm so stressed out, and why I needed a place to ask to advice while venting. This event has messed with my parents and my brain in a negative way.

Long story short, I'm high functioning autistic. While I have several degrees, getting a job is extremely hard and holding one due to the massive need of social skills makes it about impossible. Because of this, I'm an early 30 something living with their parents. (The up side is I'm always trying to find ways out of my situation)

My sister is a few years older, and ever since she was in her early teens she has been involved with the "wrong" crowd, and she has abused something. It started with drinking, and then it moved on to pot, and then to harder stuff later in her life. I can count somewhere between 20-30 times where my parents had to pull her out of the fire, make sure she doesn't have a DUI, and so on. Once when I was in middle school she was involved with a massive drug head that was into underage girls (keep in mind she was underage at the time). Since my parents lived in 2 different states due to their jobs. My mom picked her up in handcuffs and got her out of that environment. During the time she was with me, she drugged me to knock me out and that away the guy could have sex with her pretty much next to me. (I figured this out when I learned what condoms was)

Anyways, a number of years back my sister gotten away from some human trafficking, drug smuggling, xyz guy. I'm not entirely sure about everything since my parents did their best to keep me out of it. But when she gotten her after a good 2 weeks, her true self started to show. She broke every rule my parents gave her (don't steal, show respect, no drinking, ....). However, during this time she was seeing a therapist for the first bit, until she stopped going to him. After a good 6 months to a year things gotten so bad between the death threats, yelling, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and so on. My parents ended up evicting her from the house. During all of this, my sister told lies about my parents and me to the rest of the family (grandparents, cousins, etc. All that lives several hours away, and while we didn't have the best relationship. We did hang out once in a while when we went to them.)

Some of the lies included my parents beating her, my sister seeing my dad masturbate with a sock, how we committed real crimes, and so on. Instead of coming to us, they just believed her. I mean all but my grandparents on my dad's side which she never talked to since they are religious.

For a number of years after, we didn't hear anything from her and my parents figured she might've been dead. Because my parents were so sad, I used a little of my money over the years to have someone investigate her, and they found she was alive but back in another drug den. During this time I was working on one of my degrees, and within a psychology class they talked about false memories. Basically, you can have false extreme memories put into you, or you can put them into yourself. One common method is by the person taking drugs, watching something on TV, and thinking about someone or something. Say they are watching someone get sexually abused (porn, TV, etc) and they think about their dad while they are super high. Depending on the person's brain and how often this happens, they will make a false memory of their dad sexually abusing them. I figure maybe this is why she said what she said, but still. Outside of my grandparents on my dad's side. No one would talk to us, and everyone treated us like trash. To the point where my grandparents met my parents and I at some beach place over a weekend. We went to the area my granddad grown up at, and I met family I never seen before. When we got back to my grandparent's house, my dad's sister came over drunk accusing us of kidnapping them. (the so and so accused me a number of times of hacking my grandparents since my degrees are in IT and cyber security. She lied to them saying some tech person said they traced some hack back to me. When my grandmom asked me about it, I told her that she is crazy, and she just accused me for breaking a federal law.)

A number of years later my sister made a kid with the SOB she was running with. Some of the family that was accusing my parents and I over things she lied about told her to tell us. Long story short, they forced her to visit us 1 time with the kid. Before this, when asked NONE of my family would even tell us she is alive. We knew they knew due to the investigation that was done on her. But acted dumb to figure out who we can trust.

Anyways, a good year or 2 she gotten my mom to believe she wanted out of that environment. She refused to do anything when asked to help. A few years later, and she made another kid with the SOB. During this time my grandmother on my mom's side went there and bought her stuff which allowed her to stay there even longer. They even argued against her moving out of there. About 3 to 6 months later she told everyone her son told her that his dad drunk is pee while they were shopping at a target. This gotten my parents in high gear to get her out, and a few weeks before she was meant to come here she nutted up. Basically, she blown up on the guy and told him how she was going to screw him over. It turned out he was taking hidden footage of her, and he got the cops to kick her out. Because at the time it was in the middle of the winter in a very cold place (not naming), my parents rented her a hotel space even against me arguing against it. My reason for arguing against sending her to a hotel so quickly is she hasn't hit rock bottom yet, and in her mind she will always have a safety net. My parents argued she could've died. During this time she looked for any place that isn't a homeless shelter to stay at. All the "friends" she had didn't help her at all. (Later, she said she was homeless during this period, but admits she was at the hotel.)

During this time it was told to her to get a job. Because they guy put some restraining order on her, she used that as a way out of that. Eventually she gotten into house cleaning, but I have no doubts she was doing illegal stuff on top of that.

About this time, her problems kept increasing and it became harder for my parents to hide my sisters past from me. It turned out the guy she was with was in human trafficking, he is majorly into drugs, he pimps under age girls, he hurts people, he was/maybe is still in gay porn, and so on. Because of this, I figured out what is the rush to get her and the kids out. For about an entire year later the guy just gave up on the restraining order. He also OK the kids to come here to another state. Secretly the plan was to get the kids here so we could do a custody battle. However, the rule was she couldn't drink, smoke, do drugs, and she had to be respectful. Anyways, over a weekend my mom quickly bought the plane tickets, went there to get her and her stuff, and got her out of their. During this my mom found used drugs all over the place, a mess all over (to the point where there was dog crap all over), and so on. On top of that, the guy kept accusing my sister for having sex with other guys and saying the kids weren't his (i think this is why he OK them to come here).

SIDE NOTE: It turned out the parents were just feeding the kids yogurt, milk, and chicken nuggets from McD. They weren't allowed to see the doctor, the kids when they first came here looked like holocaust survivors. Later when we took the kids to the dentist we found cavities in both their mouths. In fact, nearly every last tooth. Keep in mind at the time one of the kids was around 1.

After she came here, she already broken 2 of the rules. No smoking and be respectful. I complained about it, but basically gotten a shut up. After the kids came here we gotten them into a psychologist. The youngest we couldn't do much with since they were too young. But the oldest was labeled with PTSD. It turns out the dad took the kid out to the woods, and other guys paid him to f his kid. After this, we gotten the kids in some pre-k program which has helped them a bit.

During the time when the kids started pre-k, my sister was forced to get a job. During that entire experience, it was a nightmare since she was constantly fighting them. I've even used my contacts in thinking maybe she was at least off drugs and drinking, and a few places said they would hire her with a starting salary of $20/h with full benefits. All she had to do is work front desk for some doctors office. She lied to me in saying she applied, I checked, and found out she didn't apply to a single place. My parents didn't really care, and used her kids as a reason why that job and the others I had lined up wouldn't work. Something about she needed to be able to take care of her kids. The problem with this is I was the one taking care of them since the mom was literally sticking her kids in a high chair, and walking away for hours (to my guess to get high).

Around this time some of my family that blamed my parents and I for a ton of stuff came here uninvited. During their stay, I kept running into them talking bad about us. So basically they came here to just stir the pot. This is even them seeing pictures and getting a detailed report on what my mom seen when she was out there.

Eventually my sister gotten a job at target, and her drinking kicked in high gear. I brought this up to my parents, and they changed the rules saying she would be kicked out if she drink on the property. Even with me showing them the bottles, they didn't care.

About this time on, nearly every day I'm awaken by my sister screaming at her kids, my parents, the dogs, or herself. Pretty much every day around 6 or 7 pm my sister starts attacking my parents. At one point it gotten so bad that I went in to defend them. She started recording me, while keeping her kid out of the frame, and acting 100% calm. This told me she was up to some stupid stuff (from what I heard the same stuff she did to the guy). So I started recording her from a different room when she started her attacks. My parents blamed the environment she came out of, but later on we found it's just like last time. After that and several cops telling us to make sure our security system is up to date. We replaced all the cameras in the house, and there is a ton of footage of her blowing up with audio. Sometimes flat out yelling at her kids for no reason. Sometimes using her kid's PTSD as a shield, while blowing up when it was brought up to her attention. A number of death threats, a number of insults, a number of times blaming everyone for something that clearly didn't happen, and so on. Literally saying "hi" to her has set her off.

Around this time my sister started to flat out tell me about some of the crap she did. Stuff like making $80k by moving drugs and people with the guy. For those of you who didn't pick up on it, this means she 100% knew this was a bad person before having her first kid. And she decided to have 2, stay with him, and even today threaten to take her kids back to him.

During this time, I started to notice that whenever she had a TV on, it was of the ID channel (murder porn). The death threats came in more frequently, but worse is. She was having both her kids watch that. At this point I started taking the kids out of the house or room when possible when she blown up, when she was feeding them murder porn, and when it looked like something was about to happen. This is seen several times on camera.

A while later the dad started his BS by saying my sister stole the kids. His state ended up putting out a warrant, and he took it to the state I'm in. He went to the cops, and the cops said the warrant doesn't apply here since it's out of state and he needs to get one for this state. He went to the court, and was able to get a hearing without us knowing about it at all (which means the judge went against my sister's constitutional rites). The cops who picked up the kids told us what to do, and my sister and parents went to the local court house. The judge called it a learning moment, and that he would reverse it if the judge in the other state would reverse their ruling. We gotten the judge in the other state to try to call ours, but he wouldn't talk to her at all. From the looks of it, since the judge in our state did what he did. The judge in our state had to reverse it to get the warrant removed. From my understanding, this never happened. But somehow the lawyers were able to get the judge in the other state to put out a warrant for the guy a few weeks later. More than less, the judge wanted the kids in foster care for a week to figure things out and the warrant was meant to be to arrest him if he resisted this. We guess their state messed it up because they guy has warrants in other places, or he is apart of some ongoing investigation (there is a bit of evidence of this being why he never went to jail for his stunts. Where they are after someone bigger, and they need him in play for now. The DEA even told us they were ready to move in on him once he killed my sister, and they knew about much of what he did.)

Something to note, during the time when the cops were around the dad's parents house. This lasted for multiple hours. My sister was drunker than drunk, on drugs, and she was physically and verbally abusive. To the point where my dad still has a cut on his nose where my sister thrown a hose at him. On top of that, when we tried to get everything together to make this happen. She fought us and the lawyer every step of the way. It turned out the guy was at a local gas station a few days before picking up the kids. He was causing so much of a thing that the cops had to be called on him. Even down to getting written statements, paper work from the school, and so on was a nightmare due to her. Every second of it I heard how stupid we are, how she knows better than everyone, and so on. If I had to give it a number, 95% of the time she was drunk, high, or both. During this she tried to get herself fired from work as to my guess as some messed up reason to not have a job. And then to top it off, she was drunker than drunk when her kids finally came back.

During this time before he went to jail for a short period, he tried stupid stunts like tricking the phone system into thinking one parent was texting the other in asking for a copy of all the conversations with the guy. For those of you who don't know, when you send a text it basically acts more like a normal mail in the box. Change the location where it came from on the letter, and whomever is getting the mail will think someone else sent it. But the idiot obviously thought any reply will go back to him, when in reality it just goes to the person you said it came from.

Anyways, the judge ruled the kids to be under my parents care with the guy having pretty much unrestricted access to the kids. But my sister has to be monitored. He gotten off by telling the judge in his hippie state that it was believed his mom was dying, and he went to one of their houses. Even with it proven that this is a lie. The judge didn't care. The kids came back with some rash, and a bit set back.

Around this time I started figuring out my sister is a sociopath. She shows no remorse, it's all about her (to the point she leaves her kids in a high chair for hours when she gets bored of them), it seems to her going to jail is just part of the game, and she tries to manipulate those around her as seen above. I told my parents about my theory, and they agree there is a high chance this is true. I was told once everything is said and done, she will be looked at.

A little bit later the guy told the court we neglected the kids because they have ringworm. During his time with the kids, he went to the doctors and told them what to write. The morning before he tried to use this, we took the kids to a doctor to see what the rash was about. It turns out some soap wasn't acting nice with their skin. Even with this pointed out, nothing happened to him. And then it was pointed how he lied on stand multiple times, and again nothing happened. The only thing that changed is the court said he can contact the kids by x service when he doesn't have them.

The first chance he gotten, he gave the oldest a burner phone and he forced everyone to use some other service. Other than our lawyer yelling about this, nothing happened.

For whatever reason, the lawyer told my mom that it's best if my sister shows up in court in person. The lawyer who my parents already paid somewhere under $50k during all this let it slip up that she wanted this. My sister threaten to end it by giving the kids back to the guy, leaving, and so on. She called my parents cheap, some cuss words, and how they are horrible parents (this honestly happens a lot). At this point my mom in a quick hour bought the tickets and what not. Even still my sister was still going off on my parents. This put everyone in a bind since who will take the kids to school and what not. When we were going out to pick up the kids from school, my mom asked her mom (one of the main people who came to the house to say crap about my parents). During the call I was able to overhear most everything since the volume was loud. My mom's mom said all of this is my mom's fault, how she caused problems, and xyz. Even with this, my mom asked her. About 2 or 3 min in the trip, I told my mom this will cause a war and she will snoop. She might even try to sabotage what my mom is doing. My mom gotten mad at me, slam on the breaks turned around really fast, and drove a few feet from the car in front of her. Every time I told her to slow down, she threaten to wack the person. (Something I haven't said before, but everyone's stress level is to the max due to this. I've seen my dad, mom, and myself cry for hours during separate times. But I seen how my sister doesn't care at all.)

The following days my sister brag how she was going to go shopping with the lawyer, and do each other's hair. This is in between my sister telling my parents the lawyer is laughing at them and the rest of the family is laughing at them. To top it off, she really stop trying to hide her drug use. Like she did it behind doors, but we could 100% smell it. And it is important to know she was doing drugs with the kids in the room with her. Around this time I mentioned how I could just watch the kids. My mom OK it after teaching me how to change them, and my dad worked something out with his work so he would be in the area during those days. We found with the mom out of the picture, the kids became more than less normal. During the last day the mom video called and talked to the oldest. After a few hours, he acted like how he does when his mom is around (kicking, hitting, talking down to everyone, etc. Keep in mind he isn't even in normal school yet).

Anyways, during the same day the oldest gotten sick for some reason, and we (my dad and I) had to change him. Because my sister forced my mom to do all the packing, laying out clothes, and so on on top of taking the kids to school and the doctors, feeding them, washing them, and putting them to sleep. We couldn't find any socks. I was told it was in my sister's room, and my dad went in every draw looking. My dad found vodka in the closet, I found what I believe to be a crack pipe in one of the draws, and we found some evidence of used drugs in a few draws.
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Reactions: Soul, Quarky00, Time and 1 other person


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019

BTW I would like to know what it was. It was wrapped in tin foil, burnt on 1 end, and it looks like she smoked it from how it is rolled up. I also found a vacuum bag that obviously had drugs in it at one point. The last time she was here, we found a similar bag when she was kicked out. It turns out smell of drugs doesn't really go past the bag.

While in the other state, my sister went on the stand and was able to get everything but 1 thing thrown out. The judge said they were going to figure something out by yesterday (over the weekend). As soon as my sister came back, she spent about a good hour with the kids. After she took off to buy drugs and what not. The next day my sister took off for some time, and my mom started cleaning her room. She found a ton of stuff under the bed. She told me to not say anything. I didn't.

The following day (yesterday) I've been having to help with the kids like I normally do, and help my parents to make it easy for them. I found out they haven't decided anything in the court case, and might not ever. My grandparent on my dad's side called me to see how everything went. I tend to keep them somewhat in the loop. While they can't do anything, they tend to be good moral support since they are religious. Today, this happened to be something that set me off. Normally they say leave everything in the lords hands or pray on it. Because they always been so poor that they seriously have to think when spending literally $5. I tend to look the other way and not get really into things.

I don't know why, but this just made me PO. It might've been that I needed someone to talk to. It might of been that I've been told by cops and others this guy could shoot up the house. It might of been me having to invent an entire security system, and we actively use the cameras due to my sister. It might of been all the stuff in the past. It might of been me constantly being told soon this will be over, and getting yelled at when I try to get anything more exact. And so on. But I started arguing with them saying my sister needs to clean up or get out. I even mentioned how she is currently doing drugs. When they pushed back, I said she costed us x amount and she is still going out of her way to do illegal activities like drinking and driving with her kids, getting drugs, and so on. They argued that none of the money spent was mine. I blown up and said I spent $5k. They fought me on that, and I said I spent it on a investigation. After which I blown up about most everything. How I had to spend 2 or 3 days fixing a clock she slam off the wall because she was PO and drunk, how I have to stop what I'm doing every few seconds to watch her kids, how all of us (my parents, and I) broke down crying multiple times, and how at that second my sister called my mom a C because my mom who hasn't stopped didn't make them a pizza yet. A pizza she bought on government money when my parents already buy everyone food, gas, etc.I don't think my grandmom heard a 3rd of what I said since she didn't reply when I told her I was sorry for getting mad. But she flat out hung up on me. After a few hours of bringing myself back down, I tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up. When I texted her about me being sorry for getting mad and the situation is very stressful, she told me "Life isn't always easy, We know Jesus Loves us & Will always help us...We love you too.Read Psalm 23"

I didn't reply, but to me this felt like a massive middle finger. Like I know I need to just let it go to keep my only family outside of my parents. And that it really doesn't matter at the end of the day. But, I want to just sit down and force them to watch all the footage and ask how is your praying going to work? How is that kid getting f in the woods and the 1 year old being f in a hotel related to what they told me. How is it that I went well out of my way to not have kids, not be involved in anything illegal, and to do my best to have a good life that helps others, but having to deal with this. How is praying fixing that? Maybe God wants us to act. In doing so, she is clean or she is out.

But of course that would completely kill any family I have after all of this.

The following day (today) she sent me the following. "Laughed at "Life isn't always easy, We know Jesus Loves us & Will always help us...We love you too.Read Psalm 23"
I honestly don't know how to take this text message. Hints on this would be welcomed.

Anyways, any tips will help. I mean outside of doing something illegal, drinking, moving out, or going to a shrink.
The reason why moving out isn't much of an option is I've explored that option a bit, and just getting a job is a nightmare during normal times. During this event, you might as well forget about it. And just moving without a job will mean to me being homeless. Which means death since I don't have the mental ability of putting up with that long. Talking to a shrink is pointless since they can't fix the actual situation. Like they can't get me a really good job in the area, they can't force my sister out without major problems, and they can't force my sister to act straight without major problems.


NOTE: It honestly feels like we are dealing with a war on multiple fronts. And when I said this is the long story short. I wasn't joking. There is things in the past where we gotten word from government people that she tried to smuggle money for the cartel. Turns out if you ship $10k or above, you need papers. But near that and you still get flagged if it happens a bit. A lot of the money was going to death squads to kill people the cartel wanted dead, to move drugs, and so on.
Then there is situations where my own graduation my sister went to it after I told her I didn't want her to go, and she said OK. And this is after I told my parents I didn't want her and her kids to go. Same with her family.Those basters caused me nothing but trouble, and I didn't want them at my event that I've worked years for. My parents reason for all of them going was it will cause my sister to start magically acting right. Obviously that didn't happen. And then there is situations like me fixing things she broke, her kids running to me when their mom acts up, and I have to watch what is said around the kids since it goes straight back to her.

Before her, my biggest worry was how to get a farm started, how to get one of my side businesses to take off, and how to get a good job. Also for a long time I completely stopped being suicidal. But the way I see it is the only way out is luck, time, or death. I imagine the entire hold up with the recent court case is the judge in my area is still not talking to the one in the other state, and that's why no ruling can be made. But the ruling would be just on where the guy said my sister kidnap the kids and not the custody. So it's impossible to tell when that will be over. And since once again my parents aren't enforcing their rules until the very very very very very very last bit or until she basically is gone already. I don't know when she will be out of my life there. And since jobs of any degree in my area is hard to come by, I don't know when I will be able to just pay my way out by moving.
Due to all of this and the realistic chance of something down the line will shoehorn her back into my life. I just want to die. I was going to use the exit bag method in a spot that was wooded. But they built houses there recently. I've been keeping my eye out for another place that won't attract attention, but it's kinda hard since most of the spots are a bit much for my car. I might take a look into the SN method, but I don't like the idea of things like this in a house with kids. Plus I don't want to die on my parent's property. I don't need to lower their property value and screw them even more. Maybe I can get a 45 and take that out into the woods. But I never shot one, so I don't know how easy it would be to start with.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: Soul, Quarky00 and notjustyetagain


M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
I really feel bad for kids, for no reason they are stuck in this situation. Why these people have kids when they are unable to deal with their own shit. Dealing with all these craziness would be so exhausting, how with all this going on anyone can focus on anything.

You have degrees in IT, may be you can try doing some freelancing and save enough to move out and find a good job. Sorry I am unable to give you a more helpful tip. I hope you find some relief soon.
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Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
You have degrees in IT, may be you can try doing some freelancing and save enough to move out and find a good job.

I've been trying that long before she came here. So it doesn't seem like a viable option. Plus, now that she is here. I can tell you the stress has made my mind into mush since she has gotten here. I tanked a few interviews for jobs I should've gotten simply because I couldn't think quickly enough. Where as before it would've been a cake walk.
  • Aww..
Reactions: goomsoom


M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
I have poor social skills too, I understand how difficult it would be to deal with so much stress. And freelancing can be very stressfull because you have to manage all aspect of business yourself.

I hope some other member here would be able to provide you a better solution.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
I have poor social skills too, I understand how difficult it would be to deal with so much stress. And freelancing can be very stressfull because you have to manage all aspect of business yourself.

I hope some other member here would be able to provide you a better solution.

While it is stressful, the problem with freelance is just getting work and finding something that pays. Like back in the day I use to get some worth while jobs. But the problem is, people from 3rd world countries that charge literally $5 for something I would need to charge $300 to do. They get the job even if they can't do it, and can't even read the description.
I'm trying other things now like 3D printing, CNC, and laser. I haven't had a lot of success in making money with 3D printing. I've only made hobby money. I should be getting in my last CNC and laser engraving parts mid of next month.

Any case, the only way I see a way out is by me killing myself, luck, or my sister acting right permanently within the next few hours and not days. Maybe someone has the magic bullet for this one.
  • Aww..
Reactions: Final Escape


M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
While it is stressful, the problem with freelance is just getting work and finding something that pays. Like back in the day I use to get some worth while jobs. But the problem is, people from 3rd world countries that charge literally $5 for something I would need to charge $300 to do. They get the job even if they can't do it, and can't even read the description.
I'm trying other things now like 3D printing, CNC, and laser. I haven't had a lot of success in making money with 3D printing. I've only made hobby money. I should be getting in my last CNC and laser engraving parts mid of next month.

Any case, the only way I see a way out is by me killing myself, luck, or my sister acting right permanently within the next few hours and not days. Maybe someone has the magic bullet for this one.
lol I know I am from one :p

Tbh you wouldn't want those clients anyway. If someone wants to buy a cheap replica from alibaba, most likely they cannot afford to buy the original (not implying that replicas are always inferior).In the end it's upto the client to decide if they want a polished product or a working one that offers best bang for their buck. Read about clients from hell and similar stuff freelancing can be very stressful. Some clients can be very entitled, change their mind at last time, won't pay for revisions, scams etc. But you have a very big advantage many clients want to only deal with locals. Due to social skills problem it will be a bit difficult but there is no other way, you have to reach out to local businesses and make your sales pitch.

I am on mobile so i will keep it short. Just my 2 cents.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
Tbh you wouldn't want those clients anyway.

That's halfway true. The problem is, you need a job to have experience, but you need experience to get a job. That's why those jobs were kinda important.
The only way around this from what I seen is who you know. But IDK.

BTW I'm not sure if you're into freelance work. But something I did that might help you is do all 25%. Once you figure out the overall budget, figure out the cost of the things you need to buy from day 1. Have that and a little extra (for taxes and what not) at the upfront. Then the rest is 25% batches. So like if you get about a quarter way done, you show it to the client and they can ask for changes or whatever. But you get 25% of the pot. And the same happens for the other marks. You can prevent an endless loop of revisions by limiting it to something like 3 total revisions throughout the project. Obviously play with that number.
As far as them not paying at all. Have all the money in an escrow, the upfront going directly to you to start work, and they can release it at 25% marks or all at once if they want. Sites like Freelancer tend to be a good 3rd party to help out for if someone is going to mess you over.

On a side note, I'm looking at other things I can do. Since I have the machines, I'm trying to figure out how to hook up with engineering firms and be on a retainer.

Oh I forgot to mention, I can't say the exacts. But this event might be over soon. The problem is, when I try to get an exact I'm kinda shut out. But I hope soon.
All I know is if I'm right, then my sister won't be apart of my life again if I can help it.
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Reactions: pthnrdnojvsc and goomsoom


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
I'm just going to give an update because things gotten a bit worse today. My mom got my sister a job with the local school as a TA. While this is normally good news, there is a few problems with this. First off, she got off from work and started talking crap about the kids (keep in mind they are pre-k). After, she started trying to pick a fight with everyone in the house. Eventually she got what she was looking for when she accused my dad of cheating on my mom when we were kids (when I know for a fact he was working). Like she kept just throwing crap out there to see what gets someone to fight back. Her oldest was in the kitchen with me (the other end of the house), and he started getting scared. It gotten to the point where I ended up going to where she was fighting and telling her that she is scaring her kid. She wiped away a fake tear.
She is still trying to spread lies about everyone in the house to get anyone in our family that still talks to us to stop. She won't stay clean. She doesn't help at all. She flat out destroys things around the house. Then to fucking top it all off, I have to literally go out of my way multiple times through the day (I now have to pick up and drop off her kids, changer dippers, make sure their fed, and so on. All because the real parent is a piece of shit that doesn't want to do their damn job)

I'm so fucking fed up with this. I'm using this more as an outlet because I have no good solution. The following is the only options I see for myself.
1. I get lucky, and something gets me or her away. (lottery, death, etc)
2. I off myself (always an option)
3. I just deal with it and stay so stress out that I can hardly remember basic stuff
4. I have her committed by proving she is a danger to others. This option means she loses her kids, and they go to their dad which from my understanding sexually exploits them. Also I become homeless.
5. I give info to the kid's dad, the judge overseeing this, or whatever. This again means she loses her kids and they go back to him. Also I become homeless.

I don't know of any other option. When asking how much more longer. I keep getting a stupid answer like this is temporary, to get over it, or whatever. To me that is BS since life is temporary, and my life is about up since I'm not seeing any better option.
  • Aww..
Reactions: Quarky00


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
So an update to the situation.

Things honestly haven't gotten better. The situation actually gotten massively worse. I've came to the conclusion that I'm dealing with pure hate from someone, and that is what is causing them to do the things they do. Hate from my grandmom on my mom's side, and hate from my sister. Hate towards my parents and possibly myself. Long story short, my sister has for the past month started keeping her kids from us, talking bad about us to her kids, and I'm thinking doing what cults do. (You get put down if you question it, threaten to be kicked out for questioning whatever, and so on.) Multiple times I heard her threaten her son (4) that she will call the cops on him, lock him up, or kick him out when he starts to question her logic. I heard a few times where she even picked on her 2 year old for the 2 year old crying for us (her even calling the 2 year old a cry baby and mocking the kid).

During this virus she went down to my grandmothers multiple times. Even now she is down there with the kids and it is against court order. I'm purely getting blamed at points for her actions.
From my understanding, the ex is now in hiding from some gang he screwed over. From what I can make of it, he used some 18 year old girl that was still in HS to lie in court against my sister. Her parents are apart of some gang, and they gotten PO when they found out about it. IDK if he was sleeping with her or whatever.

Anyways, I just found out about a new method to off myself and maybe this won't be a problem if I can get all the parts and everything checks out. All I know is I can't keep going on like this, I at this point just want to retire so I can crawl into a hole, and I haven't been happy in a very long time.


I go on holidays by mistake
May 4, 2020
The stuff she was smoking in tin foil, Heroin, the absolute worst of all drugs. You sound like you're in a living hell mate, I really hope you can find some resolution. Families can really suck at times, and it's not like you can easily walk away from them.


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
The stuff she was smoking in tin foil, Heroin, the absolute worst of all drugs. You sound like you're in a living hell mate, I really hope you can find some resolution. Families can really suck at times, and it's not like you can easily walk away from them.

It is less of a choice. If I realistically thought I could simply I could survive without them with being at all anymore happy. I would

I tried at one point and to my guess my biggest flaw that messes it up is my autism. I've literally worked for a company for half a day and was told I am not going to be the right fit for them. And at this point I hate the idea of just going to some random job every day that I hate. And then only really working it for the retirement. It is like trading 1 hell for another.

I'm looking into things like maybe licensing ideas to companies for royalties. Maybe that will give me the ability while finding a way to be happy.


Oct 26, 2019
I honestly wouldn't be sure that I would know if a sibling had been beaten or abused, enough to confidently claim that they were lying or psychotic if they said they were. That kind of trauma is a common reason for drug addiction. Have you looked at any of GenerationFive's writing that critiques common theories of "false memory syndrome"?


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
I honestly wouldn't be sure that I would know if a sibling had been beaten or abused, enough to confidently claim that they were lying or psychotic if they said they were. That kind of trauma is a common reason for drug addiction. Have you looked at any of GenerationFive's writing that critiques common theories of "false memory syndrome"?

I've seen it. The drugs and drinking didn't start from anything like that. I can tell you exactly where it started because I was there. It was mostly started by peer pressure at first, and then fantasy over gang life. She still fantasies that lifestyle so much she brag many many many times about doing things like smuggling drugs, helping in human trafficking, and stuff like that. It's too the point where I will even say she is dangerous.

And I've seen it where she will believe something that never happened. This being something that happened yesterday or whenever. I've even went out of my way to prove her wrong. Like showing her pictures where given people weren't around, location data from my phone, or whatever. And she will say that is faked. And as far as her being a sociopath. It has been proven multiple on multiple on multiple times where she manipulates even at the cost of risking her going to jail, she has NEVER shown an ounce of remorse (to the point where I notice she tries to turn anything to her bring a victim), and all the signs are there. Short of getting a doctor to officially say it. Everything is there.

Like what you're saying is making me question if you read end to end what I wrote. Like if it was something short, that would be one thing. But I was very detailed.

BTW false memories have been proven, and it is a major reason why cops and many scientist say witness testimony of an event is about worthless. Cops have to ignore the older the testimony is (assuming that isn't all they have to go on). Like if an event just happen, then that is one thing. But if an event happen even a few hours later. Small things like the color of the shirt, height, and stuff like that becomes iffy at best. The longer the event was, it might even get down to if they will question if an event even happened. When I worked with vets I remember when I did some research in what they done, and some where shocked that they forgot they were in a ship wreck or their plane went down in war. I remember 1 that was on a wrecked battle ship in the Korean war, he said he thought that was a dream.
So we aren't even talking about small events that can change. Like some of the vets thought they were on the ground seeing a plane go out of the sky. But they were in it. And these aren't some odd news article. I'm talking about old military reports that were detailed.

Anyways, an example of how a false memory/belief happens with her. There was one point where her ex was accusing her of sleeping with a kid he had before her. She used this as a reason to get high and drunk as F. When I went to talk to my mom in private about something, she started accusing us of sleeping together. Keep in mind we were just talking (I think about something I had to fix), and she ran in. It went from that to where the following day she believed it so much she told half of my "family".
I can name a lot of moments like this. On top of this, a lot of these moments have been caught on security cameras.


Any case, lets just ignore all the things I presented across this thread. Lets say even if she was on drugs because she was hit as a kid. How is that making her current actions OK? Like read through and just look at her actions and how she treats her kids. How little regard she has for their safety. Her literally breaking her 2 year olds leg by pushing her (which was found out since a camera caught it). Her literally telling a 4 year old she will call the cops on him and have him locked up, all because he wants to spend time with her but she wants to be drunk while watching murder porn on ID (with both kids there).
So I'm working on a project right now, and I ran into a video my mom recorded over Halloween with the kids. The kids were on the back of a tractor ride dancing and having fun. Where is the mom? She was back at the house drunker than drunk, had nothing to do with the kids. When the kids got back, she stole their candy. Not to help protect their teeth. She ate it all, and then got PO. All that week she yelled at the kids for virtually nothing, treated everyone bad, and did stupid stuff like drive her kids around while drinking and she was already drunk. And more exactly driving them to someone where she was picking up drugs from.

I can keep going on, but as I asked. Ignoring all the things I listed between this and other post. Even if she is on drugs because xyz, and whatever. How does that excused what she has done to those kids?
Oh and keep in mind, she got my mom to get her from where she was because she was saying the guy was touching the kids (which we are finding might be true, but she was more OK with it than she let on and she just wanted to get away from him). Which means she pushed herself back into our lives. Lets just say what you're saying is true. Why in the hell would the first person to get her away from him would be my parents? Again, her goal was more than less to just get away from the guy because she got mad at him, and he most likely was on the verge of sending her to the nut house. There is a lot other options out there, but the first person who she contacted and said her BS story to is my mom. The one my sister treats like shit the most above EVERYONE ELSE.
In my opinion, she is a fucking evil monster. If reporting her didn't mean the kids would go to the guy (which btw made money from letting a guy fuck him a few weeks back when by court order he was allowed to have the kids). If it didn't mean they would go to him. I would've already. But I'm sick as f being stuck between this crap with my only option is to wait this out or die. And waiting it out might last much of the rest of my life anyways.
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