

Apr 11, 2024
I've made a friend recently and honestly I'm so sick of them.

I've mentioned on other posts of my past experiences of other friends and it went as bad as cutting them off for my mental health ( I have enough problems at home with my family). I seriously don't need more shit experiences in this little long life for more stupidity. We became friends due this person who doesn't know how to shut the fuck up but wtv we had fun times but mannnn, I am cursed with making friends who are the youngest in their family ( sorry no hate to others that are but these are my opinions). I just don't understand the microagression when talking normally and we recently have been playing this popular mobile game but they take it too seriously to the point that I will delete it.

1. We have a small friend group of 4 people (including me) who hang out regularly to chat and its fun with all of us but when its two of us I lose my shit.

2. Because I don't take the mobile game seriously (its just a hobby) they insult me very rudely on how I don't deserve characters or that I stress them out for not following their lead on how "great of a player they are". ALSO when playing with other friends they shit talk about me and how horrible I am when they beg me almost everyday to play with them, and to be respectful about it I do because I am a pushover.

3. ANGER ISSUES TO THE MAX. I seriously can't count all the times they get so mad over small insignificant things that they start to hurt everyone else around them and it irritates me

4.They are so judgmental. They are 5'0 ft tall, 250 pounds fat as hell and ugly. (IDC IF I AM RUDE I AM SICK OF THEM) They always judge me for the smallest things and I think I am attractive (due to other people telling me very often - not to sound like a douchebag) but I don't say anything about them at all. What frustrates me the most is their eating habits, I've had an ed for over 6 years and I don't flaunt about my weight but they always proudly claim that they don't eat or that orange juice is enough but honestly why are they still fat asf for over a year now and yes the do sports but they don't have any medical conditions to prevent weight loss. AND I simply don't care what they eat or what they do but stop fat shaming others when they themselves look like shit.

5. WORST OF THEM ALL. they are racists, they claim that saying the n word is normal for them and it that their friends give them the pass becasue they are cool but they are so gross about it. I seriously have openly said I don't feel comfortable with them saying that and have LOUDLY said to stop or if not I will stop being freinds with them because seriously grow tf up they are 18 come on now.

They just suck and I don't know how to just cut this off without creating a commotion within the friend group but the others have also claimed how uncomfortable they are with them but because I am too kind I felt bad for excluding them (I have been excluded all my life in other friend groups, so I know how it feels...) BUT I HAVE SO MUCH REGRET LETTING THEM COME BACK but ughh I hate this so much and I am just DONE.
  • Hugs
Reactions: AbsurdAbyss and Makoto


Sep 12, 2024
Sometimes you just have to cut people off and this sounds like it might be one of those times.

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